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Created September 10, 2022 06:59
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Command iterator for SD
=for doc
Script to generate expand a list of commands with placeholders.
Output is written to "gentmp.cmd". Directly calling the commands from this script doesn't work with SD.
use strict;
use warnings;
# put your independent commands into this list:
our @inputs = ();
=for doc
I usually only have one command to iterate over, but below there's an example of me re-running a whole list of seeds for different prompts.
The prompts can take placeholders that are then expanded:
* [1,2,3] - a simple comma-separated list. This gets simple expanded into the contained elements.
** [1,2,3,%] - the special element "%" gets expanded into the empty string.
** [1,2,3,<c:/images/nu*s/good/4*.png>,</home/user/my pictures/*.png>] - an element in <> is taken as a path specifier. The script will find all matching files and iterate over them.
** [1,2,3,42..87] - You can give ranges of integers with the ".." operator (or even letters, see the perldoc for "..")
** [1,2,3,0.45..0.61:0.025] - You can also give the step size for numbers. This would yield your 0.45, 0.475, 0.5, 0.525, 0.55. 0.575, 0.6. See how I phad to set the end value slightly above what I wanted because of computer math's precision.
# push @inputs, q{python optimizedSD/ --ddim_steps 15 --n_iter 10 --H 768 --W 512 --n_samples 10 --seed 0 --prompt "photograph of a goddess standing in an X position with widely spread legs in front of a neutral background. Her eyes are closed and her face shows a benevolent smile. ..."};
# push @inputs, q{python optimizedSD/ --ddim_steps 50 --n_iter 3 --H 768 --W 512 --n_samples 3 --prompt "by [Fabian Perez,Daniel Ridgway Knight,Arthur Hughes,Edward Robert Hughes,Jules Bastien-Lepage,Thomas Benjamin Kennington, Arthur Wardle,Josephine Wall,Dorina Costras,Henri-Edmond Cross,Richard S. Johnson,Andrew Atroshenko,Anne Stokes,Patrice Murciano,Eric Wallis,Donato Giancola,Marco Mazzoni,Craig Davison,Joseph Lorusso,Karol Bak], a goddess with golden skin in front of a neutral background. ..." --init-img "outputs\nice_goddess\seed_83_00004_ddim_50_str_0.6 copy 2.png" --strength [0.525..0.61:0.025]};
# push @inputs, q{python optimizedSD/ --ddim_steps 15 --n_iter 10 --H 768 --W 512 --n_samples 10 --seed 0 --prompt "by [Fabian Perez,Daniel Ridgway Knight,Arthur Hughes,Edward Robert Hughes,Jules Bastien-Lepage,Thomas Benjamin Kennington, Arthur Wardle,Josephine Wall,Dorina Costras,Henri-Edmond Cross,Richard S. Johnson,Andrew Atroshenko,Anne Stokes,Patrice Murciano,Eric Wallis,Donato Giancola,Marco Mazzoni,Craig Davison,Joseph Lorusso,Karol Bak], droneshot of a mediterrean house with an inner courtyard, middle-eastern, clay-brick, wood door, siesta, no people, noon, hot day, heat ripples, cloths line with women's underwear, empty, ancient, [with a dragon overhead,%]"};
our $prompt = q{, a posing Mexican attractive woman with dragon wings, breasts covered in dragon scales, crotch covered in dragon scales, human body, posing in front of a white wall. highly ...};
#our $command = q{python optimizedSD/ --ddim_steps 500 --n_iter 1 --H 768 --W 512 --n_samples 1 --prompt};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Andrew Atroshenko}.$prompt.q{" --seed [117920,114922,117923,117926,117936,117947,117976,117977,117978,117981,118000,118001]};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Anne Stokes}.$prompt.q{" --seed [269168,269186,269204,269206,269207,269229,269234,269235,269250,269251,269252,269255]};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Arthur Hughes}.$prompt.q{" --seed [482201,482208,482209,482260,482261,482271,482276,482282,482290,482297]};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Arthur Wardle}.$prompt.q{" --seed [510962,511009,511017]};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Craig Davison}.$prompt.q{" --seed [619035,619040,619050,619055,619070,619073,619078,619080,619089,6190963,619100,619112,619113,619163]};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Daniel Ridgway Knight}.$prompt.q{" --seed [171281,171287,171306,171314,171323,171326,171327,171331,171333,171348]};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Donato Giancola}.$prompt.q{" --seed [327653,327657,327665,327668,327671,327674,327690,327692,327693,327699,327701,327708,327727]};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Dorina Costras}.$prompt.q{" --seed [486059,486061,486115]};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Edward Robert Hughes}.$prompt.q{" --seed [483827,483847,483859]};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Eric Wallis}.$prompt.q{" --seed [645466,645478,645479,645485,645497,645498,645506,645511,645513,645531,645538,645545]};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Fabian Perez}.$prompt.q{" --seed [9017,9030,9083,9106]};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Joseph Lorusso}.$prompt.q{" --seed [534078,534079,534080,534106,534116,534141,534142,534149,534155,534163,534169]};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Josephine Wall}.$prompt.q{" --seed [167387,167394,167398,167399,167401,167411,167412]};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Jules Bastien-Lepage}.$prompt.q{" --seed [375396,375402,375454]};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Karol Bak}.$prompt.q{" --seed [307523,307525,307527,307553,307562,307566,307571,307589,307604,307607,307608]};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Marco Mazzoni}.$prompt.q{" --seed [554626,554630,554632,554634,554647,554662,554674,554714,554724]};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Patrice Murciano}.$prompt.q{" --seed [287350,287353,287355,287362,287392,287394,287396,287398,287421,287425]};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Richard S. Johnson}.$prompt.q{" --seed [59495,59516,59517,59527,59559,59566]};
#push @inputs, $command.q{ "Thomas Benjamin Kennington}.$prompt.q{" --seed [404898]};
push @inputs, q{python optimizedSD/ --ddim_steps [15,50] --n_iter 5 --H 768 --W 512 --n_samples 2 --strength [0.45,0.5,0.55] --init-img [<outputs/txt2img-samples/dragonlady3/*.png>] --prompt "[Fabian Perez,Daniel Ridgway Knight,Arthur Hughes,Edward Robert Hughes,Jules Bastien-Lepage,Thomas Benjamin Kennington, Arthur Wardle,Josephine Wall,Dorina Costras,Henri-Edmond Cross,Richard S. Johnson,Andrew Atroshenko,Anne Stokes,Patrice Murciano,Eric Wallis,Donato Giancola,Marco Mazzoni,Craig Davison,Joseph Lorusso,Karol Bak]}.$prompt.q{"};
our $count = 0;
sub process {
my $x = shift;
my @result = ();
if ($x =~ m/^(.*?)\[(.*?)\](.*)$/) {
my ($pre, $e, $post) = ($1, $2, $3);
for my $value (expand($e)) {
push @result, process($pre . $value . $post);
} else {
push @result, 'title Task '.(++$count).'/###'; # change "title" to "echo" on Linux/MacOS
push @result, $x;
return @result;
sub expand {
my $x = shift;
my @result = ();
while (length($x)) {
if ($x =~ s/^\s*([0-9.]+)\s*\.\.\s*([0-9.]+)\s*:\s*([0-9.]+)\s*(,|$)//) {
my ($from, $to, $step) = ($1, $2, $3);
while ($from <= $to) {
push @result, $from;
$from += $step;
} elsif ($x =~ s/^\s*(\d+)\s*\.\.\s*(\d+)\s*(,|$)//) {
my ($from, $to) = ($1, $2);
push @result, $_ for $from .. $to;
} elsif ($x =~ s/^\s*\%\s*(,|$)//) {
push @result, '';
} elsif ($x =~ s/^\s*<([^<>]+)>\s*(,|$)//) {
push @result, glob($1);
} elsif ($x =~ s/^\s*([^,]+?)\s*(,|$)//) {
push @result, $1;
} else {
die $x;
return @result;
sub repl {
my $x = shift;
$x =~ s/###/$count/;
return $x;
our @all = ();
push @all, process($_) for @inputs;
print "Running ".$count." tasks...\n";
sleep 5 if $count > 5;
open F, '>', 'gentmp.cmd'; # change ".cmd" to ".sh" on Linux/MacOS
print F join("\n", map(repl($_), @all));
print F "\ntitle Done.\n";
close F;
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