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Created September 12, 2017 22:00
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const JSONPostParser = (parser = null) => ({ result }) =>
parser && typeof parser === 'function' ? parser(result) : result;
const JSONErrorHandler = (handler = null) => e => {
if (handler && typeof handler === 'function') {
return handler(e);
} else {
throw Error(e.message);
const sendRawTx = (signedTx: string): SendRawTxRequest => ({
methodAndParams: {
method: 'eth_sendRawTransaction',
params: [signedTx]
const estimateGas = <T: *>(transaction: T): EstimateGasRequest => ({
methodAndParams: {
method: 'eth_estimateGas',
params: [transaction]
parser: r => new Big(r)
const getBalance = (address: string): GetBalanceRequest => ({
methodAndParams: {
method: 'eth_getBalance',
params: [hexEncodeData(address), 'pending']
parser: r => new Wei(r)
const ethCall = (transaction: TxCallObject): CallRequest => ({
methodAndParams: {
method: 'eth_call',
params: [transaction, 'pending']
const getTransactionCount = (address: string): GetTransactionCountRequest => ({
methodAndParams: {
method: 'eth_getTransactionCount',
params: [address, 'pending']
const getTokenBalance = (
address: string,
token: Token
): GetTokenBalanceRequest => ({
methodAndParams: {
method: 'eth_call',
params: [
to: token.address,
data: ERC20.balanceOf(address)
parser: r => new Big(r).div(new Big(10).pow(token.decimal)),
errorHandler: () => new Big(0) // TODO - Error handling
// FIXME is it safe to generate that much entropy?
const _generateId = (): string => randomBytes(16).toString('hex');
const _generateTxObj = ({ methodAndParams }) => ({
id: _generateId(),
jsonrpc: '2.0',
const rpcMethods = {
//TODO: get rid of these in favor of using contract-refactor because these arent actual ethereum JSON-RPC calls
export function rerouteRPCMethodsHandler(obj) {
const rerouteRPCMethodsHandler = {
get(node, propKey) {
const rpcMethod = rpcMethods[propKey];
const nodeMethod = node[propKey];
if (!rpcMethod && !nodeMethod) {
throw Error(
`${propKey} does not exist on "Node" nor is it a RPC method`
if (nodeMethod) {
const result = (...args) => nodeMethod.apply(node, args);
return result;
} else {
return (...args) => {
const call = rpcMethod(...args);
const rpcObj = {
txObj: _generateTxObj(call),
parser: JSONPostParser(call.parser),
errorHandler: JSONErrorHandler(call.errorHandler)
return, rpcObj);
return new Proxy(obj, rerouteRPCMethodsHandler);
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