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Created September 5, 2017 23:12
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ABI Function parser that maps an ABI function to an object that contains call and decode methods, and allows for run-time checking/parsing of given arguments
import abi from 'ethereumjs-abi';
class AbiFunction {
constructor(abiFunc) {
Object.assign(this, abiFunc);
_init() {
const { inputs } = this;
this.funcParams = this._makeFuncParams();
//TODO: do this in O(n)
this.methodInputTypes ={ type }) => type);
this.inputNames ={ name }) => name);
this.methodSelector = abi
.methodID(, this.methodInputTypes)
call = (suppliedInputs = {}) => {
const { _processSuppliedArgs, _makeEncodedFuncCall } = this;
const args = _processSuppliedArgs(suppliedInputs);
const encodedCall = _makeEncodedFuncCall(args);
return encodedCall;
decode = argString => {
const { methodSelector, methodInputTypes, inputNames } = this;
// Remove method selector from data, if present
argString = argString.replace(`0x${methodSelector}`, '');
// Convert argdata to a hex buffer for ethereumjs-abi
const argBuffer = new Buffer(argString, 'hex');
// Decode!
const argArr = abi.rawDecode(methodInputTypes, argBuffer);
//TODO: parse checksummed addresses
return argArr.reduce(
(argObj, currArg, index) => ({
[inputNames[index]]: currArg
_makeFuncParams = () =>
this.inputs.reduce((inputs, currInput) => {
const { name, type } = currInput;
const inputHandler = inputToParse => {
//TODO: introduce typechecking and typecasting mapping for inputs
const value = inputToParse;
return { name, type, value };
return { ...inputs, [name]: { processInput: inputHandler, type } };
}, {});
_makeEncodedFuncCall = args => {
const { methodSelector, methodInputTypes } = this;
const encodedArgs = abi.rawEncode(methodInputTypes, args).toString('hex');
return `0x${methodSelector}${encodedArgs}`;
_processSuppliedArgs = suppliedArgs => {
const { inputNames, funcParams } = this;
return => {
const type = funcParams[name].type;
//TODO: parse args based on type
if (!suppliedArgs[name])
throw Error(`Expected argument "${name}" of type "${type}" missing`);
const value = suppliedArgs[name];
const processedArg = funcParams[name].processInput(value);
return processedArg.value;
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HenryNguyen5 commented Sep 5, 2017

What this does:

Takes in a function of a contract interfaces and returns an object with .call and .decode methods.

.call: Accepts key-value parameters and checks them at run-time against the given ABI function to see that sufficient parameters have been given, also allows for run-time parsing of supplied parameters for things such as BN, checking for sufficient address length, making sure numbers are converted into BN, etc...

.decode: accepts an encoded argument string and decodes it, returning an object with key-value pairs with a 1-1 mapping to the specific function in the ABI


  • Allow for much stricter checking of parameters before costly JSON-RPC calls
  • Reduces error potential by accepting everything as an object with 1-1 ABI mapping instead of guessing at parameters
  • Much better error messages when missing parameters or using the wrong type of parameter.
  • Stream line our contract usage to one standard

Composition potential

A Contract class could use this class to make its functions, then wrap them in calls to easily generate JSON-RPC objects with the right values since each function object knows all of its own metadata such as constant payable etc...


  • Implement aforementioned parsing and validation of parameters
  • Add flow typing
  • Either make a base-class that handles constructor fallback ABI functions or handle them all in one class
  • Handle return values that would come from the node JSON-RPC call (do we need this?)
  • Make an event ABI handler class similar to this one

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