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Last active April 28, 2022 09:51
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# 어른 상어
N, M, k = map(int, input().split())
grid = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(N)]
direction = [None] + list(map(int, input().split()))
shark_dir = [[], ]
for _ in range(M):
tmp = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(4)]
grid2 = [[None]*N for _ in range(N)] # (shark num, remaining sec)
shark_info = [None for _ in range(M+1)] # cor x, cor y, cor dir
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
num = grid[i][j]
if num == 0:
grid2[i][j] = (-1, -1)
grid2[i][j] = (num, k)
shark_info[num] = (i, j, direction[num])
DXDY = [None, (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]
INF = 0 # emtpy grid == INF; empty grid2 == -1
def possible_move(shark_num, cur_x, cur_y, cur_dir):
find posible cor according to grid2, i.e., smell
if has no smell, then return it
if all has smell, if has mine, then return mine
if not possible, return (-1, -1, -1)
# check smell using direction priority
flag = True
my_smell = []
for nxt_dir in shark_dir[shark_num][cur_dir-1]:
dx, dy = DXDY[nxt_dir]
nxt_x, nxt_y = cur_x+dx, cur_y+dy
# in the grid?
if 0<=nxt_x<N and 0<=nxt_y<N:
tmp_num, _ = grid2[nxt_x][nxt_y]
# no smell or mine?
if tmp_num == -1:
flag = False
return (nxt_x, nxt_y, nxt_dir)
if tmp_num == shark_num:
my_smell.append((nxt_x, nxt_y, nxt_dir))
if flag:
if len(my_smell) > 0:
return my_smell[0]
return (-1, -1, -1)
def update_grid2():
update grid2 according to finalized grid
무조건 -1 sec인데, 만약 동일 shark가 또 왔다면, 4로 update
global grid, grid2
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
num, sec = grid2[i][j]
gnum = grid[i][j]
if gnum == num: # check if same shark
sec = k+1
elif gnum != INF: # have shark
num = gnum
sec = k+1
elif gnum == INF: # empty
sec -= 1
if sec <= 0: # check if empty
num, sec = -1, -1
grid2[i][j] = (num, sec)
def update_shark_info():
move to next cor according to grid2
can be overlapping with each other
update shark info
update grid
update grid2
global grid, shark_info
cnt = 0
for shark_num in range(1, M+1): # starting 1
cur_x, cur_y, cur_dir = shark_info[shark_num]
if cur_x == None:
nxt_x, nxt_y, nxt_dir = possible_move(shark_num, cur_x, cur_y, cur_dir)
# no where to go
if nxt_x == -1:
shark_info[shark_num] = (None,None,None)
tmp_num = grid[nxt_x][nxt_y]
if tmp_num >= shark_num or tmp_num == INF: # check grid: if shark_num is smaller or empty
grid[nxt_x][nxt_y] = shark_num # update grid nxt cor
grid[cur_x][cur_y] = INF # update grid cur cor
shark_info[shark_num] = [nxt_x, nxt_y, nxt_dir] # update shark_info
cnt += 1
else: # check grid: if shark_num is bigger
grid[cur_x][cur_y] = INF # dead
shark_info[shark_num] = (None,None,None) # dead
update_grid2() # update grid2
return True if cnt == 1 else False # True if only shark 1 survived
past = 0
flag = False
while not flag:
past += 1
flag = update_shark_info()
if past == 1001:
past = -1
# 청소년 상어
import copy
from collections import deque
def calc_dicrection(direction):
if direction == 1:
dx, dy = -1, 0
if direction == 2:
dx, dy = -1, -1
if direction == 3:
dx, dy = 0, -1
if direction == 4:
dx, dy = 1, -1
if direction == 5:
dx, dy = 1, 0
if direction == 6:
dx, dy = 1, 1
if direction == 7:
dx, dy = 0, 1
if direction == 8:
dx, dy = -1, 1
return dx, dy
def calc_shark_dicrection(direction):
if direction == 1:
dx, dy = [-1, -2, -3], [0, 0, 0]
if direction == 2:
dx, dy = [-1, -2, -3], [-1, -2, -3]
if direction == 3:
dx, dy = [0, 0, 0], [-1, -2, -3]
if direction == 4:
dx, dy = [1, 2, 3], [-1, -2, -3]
if direction == 5:
dx, dy = [1, 2, 3], [0, 0, 0]
if direction == 6:
dx, dy = [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]
if direction == 7:
dx, dy = [0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 3]
if direction == 8:
dx, dy = [-1, -2, -3], [1, 2, 3]
return dx, dy
def get_grid_info(status):
grid_info = {}
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
_v, _d = status[i][j]
if _v <= 0:
grid_info[_v] = [_d, i, j]
return grid_info
def update_fish(status_copy):
"""info와 grid둘다 바꿔야함"""
fish_info = get_grid_info(status_copy)
f_ks = list(fish_info.keys())
for num in sorted(f_ks):
direction, x, y = fish_info[num]
ori_dir = direction
flag = True
while flag:
dx, dy = calc_dicrection(direction)
nxt_x, nxt_y = x+dx, y+dy
if 0<=nxt_x<4 and 0<=nxt_y<4: # can move
tmp_num, tmp_dir = status_copy[nxt_x][nxt_y]
if not tmp_num == -1: # not shark
# change grid
status_copy[nxt_x][nxt_y] = [num, direction]
status_copy[x][y] = [tmp_num, tmp_dir]
# change info
fish_info[num] = [direction, nxt_x, nxt_y]
fish_info[tmp_num] = [tmp_dir, x, y]
flag = False
elif tmp_num == -1: #shark -> cannot move -> change dir
direction += 1
direction = 1 if direction > 8 else direction
else: #cannot move
direction += 1
direction = 1 if direction > 8 else direction
if direction == ori_dir:
return status_copy
# grid = []
# for _ in range(4):
# l = list(map(int, input().split()))
# tmp = []
# for i in range(0, 4*2, 2):
# tmp.append((l[i:i+2]))
# grid.append(tmp)
grid = [[[7, 6], [2, 3], [15, 6], [9, 8]],
[[3, 1], [1, 8], [14, 7], [10, 1]],
[[6, 1], [13, 6], [4, 3], [11, 4]],
[[16, 1], [8, 7], [5, 2], [12, 2]]]
max_score = 0
f_num, f_dir = grid[0][0]
grid[0][0] = [-1, f_dir]
max_score += f_num
grid = update_fish(grid)
q = deque([[max_score, grid, 0, 0, f_dir]])
while q:
score, status, x, y, direction = q.popleft()
# shark move
dxs, dys = calc_shark_dicrection(direction)
for dx, dy in zip(dxs, dys):
nxt_x, nxt_y = x+dx, y+dy
if 0<=nxt_x<4 and 0<=nxt_y<4: # can move
status_copy = copy.deepcopy(status)
f_num, f_dir = status_copy[nxt_x][nxt_y]
if f_num > 0:
status_copy[nxt_x][nxt_y] = [-1, f_dir]
status_copy[x][y] = [0, 0]
new_score = score + f_num
# fish move
status_copy = update_fish(status_copy)
q.append([new_score, status_copy, nxt_x, nxt_y, f_dir])
max_score = max(max_score, new_score)
# 치킨배달
from itertools import combinations
import math
N, M = map(int, input().split())
grid = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(N)]
home = []; kfcs = [];
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
if grid[i][j] == 1:
home.append((i, j))
elif grid[i][j] == 2:
kfcs.append((i, j))
cost_dict = {}
for h_x, h_y in home:
for k_x, k_y in kfcs:
cost = abs(h_x-k_x)+abs(h_y-k_y)
cost_dict[(h_x, h_y, k_x, k_y)] = cost
ans = math.inf
for kfc in combinations(kfcs, M):
tmp = 0
# find min dist from home x, y to kfc
for h_x, h_y in home:
min_dist = math.inf
for k_x, k_y in kfc:
min_dist = min(min_dist, cost_dict[(h_x, h_y, k_x, k_y)])
tmp += min_dist # min dist from home to kfc
if ans < tmp:
ans = min(ans, tmp)
# 아기상어
import math
import heapq
N = 6
grid = [[5, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4],
[4, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5],
[3, 2, 9, 5, 6, 6],
[2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
[3, 2, 1, 6, 5, 4],
[6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6]]
# N = 10
# grid = [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
# [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
# [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
# [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
# [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
# [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
# [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
# [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
# [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
# [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9]]
# N = int(input())
# grid = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(N)]
def search_nearest(start, cur_size):
"""가능 영역 전부 visit; 먹었을 떄 step을 tracking; 먹었을 때 dist로 min dist -> filter"""
print("########IN###########", start)
flag = True
visited = []; q = []; dist=0
heapq.heappush(q, (dist, start)) # (총step, cur위치)
tmp = []; min_dist = math.inf
while q:
cur_dist, (cur_x, cur_y) = heapq.heappop(q)
for dx, dy in [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]:
nxt_x, nxt_y = cur_x+dx, cur_y+dy
if 0<=nxt_x<N and 0<=nxt_y<N and (nxt_x, nxt_y) not in visited:
if grid[nxt_x][nxt_y] <= cur_size:
updated_dist = cur_dist+1
if updated_dist <= min_dist:
visited.append((nxt_x, nxt_y))
heapq.heappush(q, (updated_dist, (nxt_x, nxt_y)))
if 0 < grid[nxt_x][nxt_y] < cur_size:
tmp.append((updated_dist, nxt_x, nxt_y))
min_dist = updated_dist
return tmp # [(dist, x, y), ....]
start = None
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
v = grid[i][j]
if v > 0:
if v == 9:
start = (i, j)
grid[i][j] = 0
sec = 0; n_eat=0; cur_size=2
while True:
# target search
for _g in grid:
res = search_nearest(start, cur_size)
if len(res) < 1:
res = sorted(res, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1], x[2]))
res = res[0]
next_location = res
sec += res[0]
start = (res[1], res[2])
n_eat += 1
if n_eat == cur_size:
cur_size += 1
n_eat = 0
grid[start[0]][start[1]] = 0
# 아기상어
from collections import defaultdict
from bisect import bisect_right, bisect_left
def solution(words, queries):
w_q = defaultdict(list)
w_q_r = defaultdict(list)
for w in words:
_len = len(w)
for k in w_q:
answer = []
for q in queries:
# xxxx?
if q[0] != '?':
aa = q.replace('?', 'a')
zz = q.replace('?', 'z')
left = bisect_left(w_q[len(q)], aa)
right = bisect_right(w_q[len(q)], zz)
# ?xxx
q = q[::-1]
aa = q.replace('?', 'a')
zz = q.replace('?', 'z')
left = bisect_left(w_q_r[len(q)], aa)
right = bisect_right(w_q_r[len(q)], zz)
return answer
# 여행경로
N = int(input())
K = int(input())
cor = []
for _ in range(K):
a, b = map(int, input().split())
cor.append((a, b))
rotation = {}
L = int(input())
for _ in range(L):
x, c = input().split()
rotation[int(x)] = c
N,K,cor,rotation,L = 6, 3, [(3, 4), (2, 5), (5, 3)], {3: 'D', 15: 'L', 17: 'D'}, 3
N,K,cor,rotation,L = 10, 4, [(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5)], {8: 'D', 10: 'D', 11: 'D', 13: 'L'}, 4
def do_move(path, do_rotation=None, direction=None):
direction: 상하좌우 U,D,LL,RR
# head go
# if
is_dead = False
x, y = path[-1] # head
# do rotation
if do_rotation == 'L': # 왼쪽
if direction == 'U':
direction = 'LL'
elif direction == 'DD':
direction = 'RR'
elif direction == 'LL':
direction = 'DD'
elif direction == 'RR':
direction = 'U'
elif do_rotation == 'D': # 오른쪽
if direction == 'U':
direction = 'RR'
elif direction == 'DD':
direction = 'LL'
elif direction == 'LL':
direction = 'U'
elif direction == 'RR':
direction = 'DD'
if direction == 'U':
xx, yy = x-1, y
elif direction == 'DD':
xx, yy = x+1, y
elif direction == 'LL':
xx, yy = x, y-1
elif direction == 'RR':
xx, yy = x, y+1
if 0 < xx <= N and 0 < yy <= N:
# face body
if (xx, yy) in path:
is_dead = True
# have apple
elif (xx, yy) in cor:
cor.pop(cor.index((xx, yy)))
path.append((xx, yy))
# no apple
elif (xx, yy) not in cor:
path.append((xx, yy))
is_dead = True
#print(xx, ',' ,yy, do_rotation, direction, is_dead)
return path, is_dead, direction
cnt = 0
do_rotation = None; is_dead = False
path = [(1, 1)]; direction = 'RR'
while not is_dead:
cnt += 1
path, is_dead, direction = do_move(path, do_rotation=do_rotation, direction=direction)
do_rotation = None
#print(cnt, do_rotation, path, is_dead, direction)
if cnt in rotation:
do_rotation = rotation[cnt]
# 여행경로
from collections import defaultdict
tickets = [["A", "B"], ["B", "D"], ["B", "C"], ["D", "B"]]
tickets = [["ICN", "SFO"], ["ICN", "ATL"], ["SFO", "ATL"], ["ATL", "ICN"], ["ATL","SFO"]]
def solution(tickets):
graph = defaultdict(list)
for a, b in tickets:
for a in graph:
stack = ['ICN']; path = []
while stack:
cur = stack[-1]
if len(graph[cur]) == 0 or cur not in graph:
cur = stack.pop()
nxt = graph[cur].pop(0)
return path[::-1]
def solution(tickets):
# ticket 나열
tickets.sort(key = lambda x:x[1])
table = [i for i in range(len(tickets)) if tickets[i][0] == 'A']
table = [i for i in range(len(tickets)) if tickets[i][0] == 'ICN']
print([x for x in range(len(tickets))])
answer = 0
for s in table:# s: start ticket
if answer !=0:
q = deque([[s]])
while q:
path = q.popleft()
if len(path) == len(tickets):
answer = [tickets[i][0] for i in path] + [tickets[path[-1]][1]]
cur_arrival = path[-1]
# print(lst)
for ticket_idx in range(len(tickets)):
if ticket_idx not in path: # 지금 완성된 path에 없는 ticket
if tickets[cur_arrival][1] == tickets[ticket_idx][0]: #지금 도착지 == 해당 티켓 다음 출발지
return answer
# 경쟁적 전염
target = 1000 - int(input())
ans = [0]*1001
coins = [500, 100, 50, 10, 5, 1]
ans = 0
rem = target
for c in coins:
ans += rem//c
rem = rem%c
for c in coins:
ans[c] = 1
for i in range(1, 1000+1):
if ans[i] != 0:
tmp = ans[i-1] + 1
if i % 500 == 0:
tmp = min(tmp, ans[i-500]+1)
if i % 100 == 0:
tmp = min(tmp, ans[i-100]+1)
if i % 50 == 0:
tmp = min(tmp, ans[i-50]+1)
if i % 10 == 0:
tmp = min(tmp, ans[i-10]+1)
if i % 5 == 0:
tmp = min(tmp, ans[i-5]+1)
ans[i] = tmp
# 경쟁적 전염
import heapq
N, K = map(int, input().split())
grid = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(N)]
S, X, Y = map(int, input().split())
q = []
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
v = grid[i][j]
if v > 0:
heapq.heappush(q, (v, i, j))
def virus(grid, q):
q2 = []
while q:
v, x, y = heapq.heappop(q)
for dx, dy in zip([0,0,-1,1], [-1,1,0,0]):
xx, yy = x+dx, y+dy
if 0 <= xx < N and 0 <= yy < N:
if grid[xx][yy] == 0:
grid[xx][yy] = v
heapq.heappush(q2, (v, xx, yy))
return q2
for _ in range(S):
q = virus(grid, q)
if len(q) < 1:
# 연구소
from itertools import combinations
from collections import deque
def init(grid):
tmp = [[0]*M for _ in range(N)]
for i in range(N):
for j in range(M):
tmp[i][j] = grid[i][j]
return tmp
def dfs(virus, grid, cnt):
stack = [(_x, _y) for _x, _y in virus]
while stack:
x, y = stack.pop()
for (dx, dy) in zip([0,0,-1,1], [1,-1,0,0]):
xx, yy = x+dx, y+dy
if 0 <= xx < N and 0 <= yy < M:
if grid[xx][yy] == 0:
grid[xx][yy] = 2
stack.append((xx, yy))
cnt -= 1
return cnt
N, M = map(int, input().split())
grid = []
for _ in range(N):
l = list(map(int, input().split()))
cand = []; virus = []; n_zero = 0
for i in range(N):
for j in range(M):
if grid[i][j] == 0:
cand.append((i, j))
n_zero += 1
if grid[i][j] == 2:
virus.append((i, j))
ans = 0
for l in combinations(cand, 3):
grid_copy = init(grid)
# set wall
for (x, y) in l:
grid_copy[x][y] = 1
# unleash virus
ori_val = sum(map(sum, grid_copy))
tmp = dfs(virus, grid_copy, n_zero-3)
ans = max(ans, tmp)
# 백준 원판돌리기
# mine wrong
from copy import deepcopy
def rotate(ori_mat, args):
mat = deepcopy(ori_mat)
x, d, k = args
print(x, d, k)
is_clock = True if d == 0 else False
# x배수 원판돌림
for c_i in range(x, N+1, x):
tmp = mat[c_i]; res = [INF]+[0]*M
# do rotation
if not is_clock:
tmp = [INF] + list(reversed(tmp[1:]))
move_step = k%M
updated_idx = [M if (i+move_step)%M == 0 else (i+move_step)%M for i in range(1, M+1)]
for i, j in enumerate(updated_idx, 1):
res[j] = tmp[i]
# update matrix
if not is_clock:
res = [INF] + list(reversed(res[1:]))
mat[c_i] = res
return mat
def _traverse(mat, start, visited):
cnt = 0; flag2 = True
q2 = [start]
q = deque([start])
while q:
(x, y) = q.popleft()
for dx, dy in zip([0,0,-1,1], [-1,1,0,0]):
xx = x+dx
yy = 1 if y+dy==M else y+dy
if not (xx, yy) in visited:
if 0<xx<M+1 and 0<yy<M+1:
if not visited[(xx, yy)]:
visited[(xx, yy)] = True
cnt += 1
if cnt > 0:
flag2 = False
for (x, y) in q2:
mat[x][y] = INF
return mat, flag2
def _make_num_dict(mat):
num_dict = {}
for i in range(1, N+1):
for j in range(1, M+1):
num = mat[i][j]
if num == INF:
if not num in num_dict:
num_dict[num] = []
return num_dict
def update_mat(mat):
"""update matrix per rotation"""
num_dict = _make_num_dict(mat)
flag = False
for v, ls in num_dict.items(): # ls = [(), (), ...]
if len(ls) < 2:
visited = {i:False for i in ls}
print(v, ls)
for start in ls:
mat, flag2 = _traverse(mat, start, visited)
flag = flag or flag2
if flag:
total_sum = 0; denominator = 0
for v, ls in num_dict.items():
total_sum += v*len(ls)
denominator += len(ls)
avg = total_sum/denominator
for v, ls in num_dict.items():
for (x, y) in ls:
if v > avg:
mat[x][y] = max(mat[x][y]-1, 1)
mat[x][y] += 1
return mat
def solution(mat, rot_args):
for i in range(1, T+1):
mat = rotate(mat, rot_args[i])
mat = update_mat(mat)
return mat
INF = 0
mat = [[], [INF, 1, 1, 2, 3], [INF, 5, 2, 4, 2], [INF, 3, 1, 3, 5], [INF, 2, 1, 3, 2]]
rot_args = [[], [2, 0, 1]]
ans = solution(mat, rot_args)
t_sum = 0
for l in ans:
t_sum += sum(l)
# 모범답안
MIS = lambda: map(int,input().split())
def to_erase():
P = []
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
if board[i][j] == board[i][j-1] != 0: P.append((i,j,i,j-1))
for i in range(n-1):
for j in range(m):
if board[i][j] == board[i+1][j] != 0: P.append((i,j,i+1,j))
return P
def control_average():
tot = n*m - sum(R.count(0) for R in board)
if tot == 0: return
avg = sum(map(sum, board)) / tot
for R in board:
for i in range(m):
if 0 < R[i] < avg: R[i]+= 1
elif R[i] > avg: R[i]-= 1
n, m, T = MIS()
board = [list(MIS()) for i in range(n)]
for ROT in range(T):
x, d, k = MIS()
if d == 1: k = m-k
for i in range(x-1, n, x):
board[i] = board[i][-k:] + board[i][:-k]
P = to_erase()
if P:
for i1,j1,i2,j2 in P: board[i1][j1] = board[i2][j2] = 0
else: control_average()
print(sum(map(sum, board)))
# rotate matix
mat = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12], [13, 14, 15, 16]]
for l in mat:
def rotate_mat(mat):
row = len(mat)
col = len(mat[0])
res = [[0]*row for _ in range(col)]
for r in range(row):
for c in range(col):
res[c][row-r-1] = mat[r][c] # clockwise
# res[col-c-1][r] = a[i][j] # anti-clockwise
return res
for l in rotate_mat(mat):
# 카카오2020
# 4 가사검색색
from bisect import bisect_right, bisect_left
def init(words):
words_ls = [[] for _ in range(10001)]
words_rev = [[] for _ in range(10001)]
for w in words:
l = len(w)
for i in range(10001):
words_ls[i] = sorted(words_ls[i])
words_rev[i] = sorted(words_rev[i])
return words_ls, words_rev
def bisectfunc(q, words_ls):
ii, jj = bisect_left(words_ls, q.replace('?', 'a')), bisect_right(words_ls, q.replace('?', 'z'))
return jj - ii
def is_pre(q):
"""prefix: 000??"""
return q[0] != '?'
def solution(words, queries):
words_ls, words_rev = init(words)
answer = []
for q in queries:
if len(words_ls[len(q)]) == 0:
if is_pre(q):
res = bisectfunc(q, words_ls[len(q)])
res = bisectfunc(q[::-1], words_rev[len(q)])
return answer
words = ["fro", "frodo", "front", "frost", "frozen", "frame", "kakao"]
queries = ["fro??", "????o", "fr???", "fro???", "pro?"]
solution(queries, words)
# p399
# 45
# mine
import heapq
import sys
input = sys.stdin.readline
def find_root(root, a):
if a != root[a]:
root[a] = find_root(root, root[a])
return root[a]
def union(root, a, b):
a = find_root(root, a)
b = find_root(root, b)
if a > b:
root[b] = a
root[a] = b
N = int(input())
M = N - 1
nodes = []
for i in range(N):
x, y, z = map(int, input().split())
nodes.append((x, y, z, i))
# cost pair (cost, a, b)
q = []
for axis in range(3):
nodes = sorted(nodes, key=lambda x: x[axis])
prev = nodes[0]
for i in range(1, N):
cur = nodes[i]
cost = abs(prev[axis]-cur[axis])
# heapq.heappush(q, (cost, prev[-1], cur[-1])) # (cost, a, b)
q.append((cost, prev[-1], cur[-1])) # (cost, a, b)
prev = cur
q = sorted(q)
# union find
root = [i for i in range(N)]
n_edge = 0
ans = 0
# while q and n_edge < M:
# # cost, a, b = heapq.heappop(q)
# cost, a, b = q.pop()
# a = find_root(root, a)
# b = find_root(root, b)
# if a != b:
# union(root, a, b)
# n_edge += 1
# ans += cost
# print(ans)
for cost, a, b in q:
a = find_root(root, a)
b = find_root(root, b)
if a != b:
union(root, a, b)
n_edge += 1
ans += cost
if n_edge == M:
# 모범답안
import collections
import sys
def find(parent,node):
if parent[node] == node:
return node;
return find(parent,parent[node])
def union(parent, x, y):
x = find(parent,x)
y = find(parent,y)
#작은 수를 부모로 삼음
if x <y:
parent[y] = x
return x
parent[x] = y
return y
def findParent(parent, x,y):
x = find(parent,x)
y = find(parent,y)
if x == y:
return True
return False
def kruskal(edges):
result = 0
for w, s, e in edges:
if findParent(parent, s, e):
result+= w
union(parent, s, e)
return result
N = int(input())
planets = []
edges = []
parent = [k for k in range(N)]
for i in range(N):
x, y, z = map(int, input().split())
for i in range(3):
planets.sort(key = lambda x:x[i])
pre = planets[0]
for j in range(1,N):
cur = planets[j]
pre =cur
edges.sort(key=lambda x:x[0])
ans =kruskal(edges)
# KAKAO 2021
# 합승택시
import math
import heapq
def dijk(start_node, start_cost, opt_distance, graph):
q = []
heapq.heappush(q, (start_node, start_cost))
opt_distance[start_node] = start_cost
while q:
cur, cost_from_s_to_m = heapq.heappop(q)
if opt_distance[cur] < cost_from_s_to_m:
for (node_n, cost_from_m_to_n) in graph[cur]:
updated_cost = cost_from_s_to_m + cost_from_m_to_n
if updated_cost < opt_distance[node_n]:
opt_distance[node_n] = updated_cost
heapq.heappush(q, (node_n, updated_cost))
return opt_distance
def solution(n, s, a, b, fares):
table = [[] for i in range(n+1)]
for l in fares:
_a,_b,_c = l
table[_a].append((_b, _c))
table[_b].append((_a, _c))
distance = [math.inf for _ in range(n+1)]
distance1 = [math.inf for _ in range(n+1)]
distance2 = [math.inf for _ in range(n+1)]
distance = dijk(s, 0, distance, table)
distance1 = dijk(a, 0, distance1, table)
distance2 = dijk(b, 0, distance2, table)
# min(s to a + a to b, s to k + k to a + k to b)
answer = math.inf
for k in range(1, n+1):
answer = min(answer, distance[a]+distance[b], distance[k] + distance1[k] + distance2[k])
return answer
# floyd warshall
# from n to m
# iter k node (n to k, k to m)
n, m = 4, 7
# graph = [] # a to b; value == cost
# for _ in range(n+1):
# graph.append([math.inf]*(n+1))
graph = [[0, inf, inf, inf, inf],
[inf, 0, 4, inf, 6],
[inf, 3, 0, 7, inf],
[inf, 5, inf, 0, 4],
[inf, inf, inf, 2, 0]]
for _ in range(m):
a, b, c = map(int, input().split())
graph[a][b] = c
############### key algorithm
for k in range(n+1):
for a in range(n+1):
for b in range(n+1):
graph[a][b] = min(graph[a][b], graph[a][k] + graph[k][b])
############### key algorithm
for a in range(1, n+1):
for b in range(1, n+1):
if graph[a][b] == math.inf:
print("inf", end = ' ')
print(graph[a][b], end=' ')
# dijk
# from start to n
distance = [math.inf] * (n + 1)
graph = [[],
[(2, 2), (3, 5), (4, 1)],
[(3, 3), (4, 2)],
[(2, 3), (6, 5)],
[(3, 3), (5, 1)],
[(3, 1), (6, 2)],
distance = [math.inf] * (n + 1)
def dijk(start, optimal_cost=distance):
q = []
heapq.heappush(q, start)
distance[start[0]] = start[1]
while q:
cur, from_s_to_cur_cost = heapq.heappop(q)
if optimal_cost[cur] < from_s_to_cur_cost: # already visited, i.e., cost has already been applied to it
for (node_m, from_cur_to_m_cost) in graph[cur]:
updated_cost_from_s_to_m = from_s_to_cur_cost + from_cur_to_m_cost
if updated_cost_from_s_to_m < optimal_cost[node_m]:
optimal_cost[node_m] = updated_cost_from_s_to_m
heapq.heappush(q, (node_m, updated_cost_from_s_to_m))
dijk((1, 0))
# KAKAO 2021
# 신규 아이디 추천
from itertools import combinations
from collections import defaultdict
def solution(orders, course):
cnt = defaultdict(int)
for n_elem in course:
for ord_elem in orders:
for l in combinations(sorted(list(ord_elem)), n_elem):
cnt[l] += 1
ans = {k: 2 for k in course}
for k, v in cnt.items():
if v > ans[len(k)]:
ans[len(k)] = v
res = []
for k, v in cnt.items():
if ans[len(k)] == v:
return sorted(res)
from itertools import combinations
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
def solution(orders, course):
ans = []
for n_elem in course:
temp = []
for ord_elem in orders:
temp.extend([l for l in combinations(sorted(list(ord_elem)), n_elem)])
if len(temp) < 1:
res = Counter(temp)
max_v = max([v for k, v in res.items()]+[2])
ans += [''.join(k) for k, v in res.items() if v == max_v]
return sorted(ans)
# KAKAO 2021
# 신규 아이디 추천
import re
def solution(new_id):
st = new_id
st = st.lower()
st = re.sub('[^a-z0-9\-_.]', '', st)
st = re.sub('\.+', '.', st)
st = re.sub('^[.]|[.]$', '', st)
st = 'a' if len(st) == 0 else st[:15]
st = re.sub('^[.]|[.]$', '', st)
st = st if len(st) > 2 else st + "".join([st[-1] for i in range(3-len(st))])
return st
def solution(new_id):
new_id = new_id.lower()
res = re.findall('[0-9a-zA-Z\-\_.]', new_id)
new_id = ''.join(res)
new_id = re.sub('[.]{2,}', '.', new_id)
new_id = re.sub('^[.]|[.]$', '', new_id)
if len(new_id) == 0:
new_id = 'a'
if len(new_id) >= 16:
new_id = new_id[:15]
new_id = re.sub('[.]$', '', new_id)
if len(new_id) <= 2:
while True:
new_id += new_id[-1]
if len(new_id) == 3:
return new_id
# p298
# find union
N, M = 7, 8
data = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(M)]
data = [[0, 1, 3],
[1, 1, 7],
[0, 7, 6],
[1, 7, 1],
[0, 3, 7],
[0, 4, 2],
[0, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1]]
root = [i for i in range(N+1)]
def find_root(root, node):
if node != root[node]:
root[node] = find_root(root, root[node])
return root[node]
def union_root(a, b):
global root
a = find_root(root, a)
b = find_root(root, b)
if a > b:
root[b] = a
root[a] = b
for l in data:
if l[0] == 0:
union_root(l[1], l[2])
if find_root(root, l[1]) == find_root(root, l[2]):
# 45
from collections import deque
def solution(n_team, rank, m_rev_order, rev):
graph = [[] for _ in range(n_team+1)]
for j, elem in enumerate(rank):
if j == 0:
for jj in range(0, j):
# reverse
for pair in rev:
flag = False
second, first = pair
if first not in graph[second]:
flag = True
if not flag:
idx = graph[second].index(first)
idx = graph[first].index(second)
# indegree
indeg = [0]*(n_team+1)
for node, neighbor in enumerate(graph):
for neig in neighbor:
indeg[neig] += 1
# while
res = []
starter = [j for j, val in enumerate(indeg) if j != 0 and val == 0]
q = deque(starter)
n_iter = 0
not_certain = False
not_possible = False
while q:
n_iter += 1
cur = q.popleft()
for next_node in graph[cur]:
indeg[next_node] -= 1
if indeg[next_node] == 0:
if len(q) > 1:
not_certain = True
if n_iter < n_team:
not_possible = True
if not_certain == True:
elif not_possible == True:
for i in res[::-1]:
print(i, end=' ')
for tc in range(int(input())):
n_team = int(input())
rank = list(map(int, input().split()))
m_rev_order = int(input())
rev = [tuple(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(m_rev_order)]
solution(n_team, rank, m_rev_order, rev)
# p303
import math
typed = ['5',
'10 -1',
'10 1 -1',
'4 1 -1',
'4 3 1 -1',
'3 3 -1',]
N = int(typed[0])
graph = [[] for _ in range(N+1)]
indegree = [0] * (N+1)
time = [0] * (N+1)
for node, l in enumerate(typed[1:], 1):
data = list(map(int, l.split()))
time[node] = data[0]
if len(data) > 1:
for elem in data[1:-1]:
indegree[node] += 1
q = deque([j for j, i in enumerate(indegree) if (i == 0) and (j != 0)])
# mine
time_temp = [-1] * (N+1)
while q:
cur = q.popleft()
for next_node in graph[cur]:
# temporalily save time for next_node
indegree[next_node] -= 1
time_temp[next_node] = max(time_temp[next_node], time[cur])
# update actual time for next_node
if indegree[next_node] == 0:
time[next_node] += time_temp[next_node]
# anser
ans = [i for i in time]
while q:
cur = q.popleft()
for next_node in graph[cur]:
ans[next_node] = max(ans[next_node], ans[next_node] + time[cur])
indegree[next_node] -= 1
if indegree[next_node] == 0:
# 92341
from math import ceil
def diff(a, b):
[a1, a2], [b1, b2] = a.split(':'), b.split(':')
h = int(b1) - int(a1)
m = 60*h + int(b2) - int(a2)
return m
def calc_cum(ls):
"""calculate cum mins for each car"""
res = 0
if len(ls) % 2 != 0:
for i in range(2, len(ls)+1, 2):
a, b = ls[i-2:i]
m = diff(a, b)
res += m
return res
def solution(fees, records):
base_hour, base_fee, unit_hour, unit_fee = fees
plate_dict = {} # store records for each car
for elem in records:
times, car_plate, car_record = elem.split()
if car_plate not in plate_dict:
plate_dict[car_plate] = []
m_dict = {j: i for i, j in enumerate(sorted(plate_dict, key=lambda i: int(i)))} # mapping dict: car2id
ans = [0]*len(m_dict)
for key in plate_dict:
cum_m = calc_cum(plate_dict[key])
if cum_m < base_hour:
ans[m_dict[key]] += base_fee
add_fee = ceil((cum_m - base_hour) / unit_hour) * unit_fee
ans[m_dict[key]] += base_fee + add_fee
return ans
# 92335
def is_prime(n):
if n < 2:
return False
for i in range(2, int(n**0.5)+1):
if n % i == 0:
return False
return True
def convert(n, k):
tmp = ''
while n > 0:
tmp += str(n % k)
n //= k
return tmp[::-1]
def solution(n, k):
n = convert(n, k)
ans = 0
for sub in n.split('0'):
if sub == '':
if is_prime(int(sub)):
ans += 1
return ans
# 92334
def solution(id_list, report, k):
id_dict = {i: j for j, i in enumerate(id_list)}
graph = [[] for _ in range(len(id_list))]
penalty = [0] * len(id_list)
ans = [0] * len(id_list)
for l in set(report):
a, b = l.split()
for _id, i in enumerate(penalty):
if i >= k:
for _id2 in graph[_id]:
ans[_id2] += 1
return ans
# 48; keyerror
import copy
n, m, k = map(int, input().split())
#n, m, k = 4, 2, 6
arr = []
for _ in range(n):
arr.append([int(i) for i in input().split()])
#arr = [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 2]]
direction = {key: None for key in range(1, m+1)}
init_dir = list(map(int, input().split()))
for key, v in enumerate(init_dir):
direction[key+1] = v
#direction = {1: 4, 2: 3}
prior_dir = {}
for key in range(1, m+1):
for j in range(1, 4+1):
if key not in prior_dir:
prior_dir[key] = {i: None for i in range(1,4+1)}
inputs = list(map(int, input().split()))
prior_dir[key][j] = inputs
#prior_dir = {1: {1: [1, 2, 3, 4], 2: [2, 3, 4, 1], 3: [3, 4, 1, 2], 4: [4, 1, 2, 3]},
# 2: {1: [1, 2, 3, 4], 2: [2, 3, 4, 1], 3: [3, 4, 1, 2], 4: [4, 1, 2, 3]}}
location = {}
location_prev = {}
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
if arr[i][j] > 0:
location[arr[i][j]] = [i, j]
location_prev[arr[i][j]] = [i, j]
#location = {1: [0, 0], 2: [3, 3]}
#location_prev = {1: [0, 0], 2: [3, 3]}
perfume = [[[0, 0]]*n for _ in range(n)]
for shark_n in location:
x, y = location[shark_n]
perfume[x][y] = [shark_n, k]
#perfume = [[[1, 6], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]],
# [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]],
# [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]],
# [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [2, 6]]]
dxdy_dict = {1: [-1, 0], 2: [1, 0], 3:[0, -1], 4: [0, 1]}
def search_my_perfume(shark_n, x, y):
perfume_ls = []
for key in dxdy_dict:
dx, dy = dxdy_dict[key]
nx, ny = x+dx, y+dy
if 0 <= nx < n and 0 <= ny < n:
if perfume[nx][ny][0] == shark_n:
return perfume_ls
def move_shark():
# previous_arr = copy.deepcopy(arr)
for shark_n in sorted(direction):
moved = False
d = direction[shark_n]
for dd in prior_dir[shark_n][d]:
x, y = location[shark_n]
# search
dx, dy = dxdy_dict[dd]
nx, ny = x+dx, y+dy
if 0 <= nx < n and 0 <= ny < n:
# empty; no perfume
# update: location
# 마지막에 check하고 arr에 반영
if arr[nx][ny] == 0 and perfume[nx][ny][0] == 0:
location_prev[shark_n] = [x, y]
location[shark_n] = [nx, ny]
direction[shark_n] = dd
moved = True
if not moved:
# 빈칸없음
possible_dir = search_my_perfume(shark_n, x, y)
for dd in prior_dir[shark_n][d]:
if dd in possible_dir:
location_prev[shark_n] = [x, y]
dx, dy = dxdy_dict[dd]
nx, ny = x+dx, y+dy
location[shark_n] = [nx, ny]
direction[shark_n] = dd
def update_vars():
update arr, perfume
killed = []
for shark_n in sorted(location):
x, y = location[shark_n]
if arr[x][y] == 0:
arr[x][y] = shark_n
perfume[x][y] = [shark_n, k+1]
x, y = location_prev[shark_n]
arr[x][y] = 0
else: # kill
del location[shark_n] # del killed shark info from location
x, y = location_prev[shark_n]
arr[x][y] = 0
del location_prev[shark_n]
# update perfume
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
if perfume[i][j][1] == k+1:
perfume[i][j][1] = k
if 0 < perfume[i][j][1] < k+1:
perfume[i][j][1] -= 1
if perfume[i][j][1] == 0:
perfume[i][j][0] = 0
n_iter = 1000
cnt = 0
for _ in range(n_iter):
cnt += 1
if len(location) == 1:
n_iter = 0
if n_iter == 999:
# 32; DP 런타임에러
n = int(input())
dp = [[int(j) for j in input().split(' ')] for _ in range(1, n+1)]
for i in range(1, n): # 1, 2, 3, ... row
for j in range(0, i+1): # if i==3, 1, 2, 3
if j == 0:
dp[i][j] = dp[i][j] + dp[i-1][j]
elif j == i:
dp[i][j] = dp[i][j] + dp[i-1][j-1]
dp[i][j] = dp[i][j] + max(dp[i-1][j-1], dp[i-1][j])
# 31; DP 왜안됨?
n, m = 4, 4
val = [int(i) for i in input().split(' ')]
mat = [[0]*(m+1) for _ in range(n+1)]
cnt = 0
for i in range(1, n+1):
for j in range(1, m+1):
mat[i][j] = val[cnt]
cnt += 1
dp = [[0]*(m+1) for _ in range(n+1)]
dx = [0, 1, -1]
dy = [-1, -1, -1]
for i in range(1, n+1):
for j in range(1, m+1):
intercept = 0
for xx, yy in zip(dx, dy):
if (0 < (i+xx) < n) and (0 < (j+yy) < m):
intercept = max(intercept, dp[i+xx][j+yy])
dp[i][j] = mat[i][j] + intercept
# 30;
from bisect import bisect_left, bisect_right
def count_by_range(arr, left_val, right_val):
left_idx = bisect_left(arr, left_val)
right_idx = bisect_left(arr, right_val)
return right_idx - left_idx
def solution(words, queries):
bins = [[] for i in range(100001)]
bins_reversed = [[] for i in range(100001)]
for w in words:
for i in range(100001):
answer = []
for q in queries:
if q[0] =='?':
ans = count_by_range(bins_reversed[len(q)], q[::-1].replace('?', 'a'), q[::-1].replace('?', 'z'))
ans = count_by_range(bins[len(q)], q.replace('?', 'a'), q.replace('?', 'z'))
return answer
# 16: bfs; 좌표; 런타임에러
from collections import deque
from itertools import combinations
import copy
N, M = 7, 7
original_arr =[[2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1],
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
N, M = [int(i) for i in input().split(' ')]
arr = []
for _ in range(n):
arr.append([int(i) for i in input().split(' ')])
v_cor = []
n_cor = []
num_wall = 0
for i in range(N):
for j in range(M):
if original_arr[i][j] == 2:
v_cor.append((i, j))
elif original_arr[i][j] == 1:
num_wall += 1
n_cor.append((i, j))
dx, dy = [-1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 1]
def bfs(start):
start should be virus-cor
num_v = 0
q = deque([])
for s in start:
while q:
x, y = q.popleft()
for xx, yy in zip(dx, dy):
nx, ny = x+xx, y+yy
# 벽은 뚫을 수 없음
if 0 <= nx < N and 0 <= ny < M and arr[nx][ny] == 0:
arr[nx][ny] = 2
q.append((nx, ny))
num_v += 1
return num_v
def udpate_arr(wall_cor):
wall_cor = ((),(),())
arr = copy.deepcopy(original_arr)
for i, j in wall_cor:
arr[i][j] = 1
return arr
wall_cand = list(combinations(n_cor, 3))
min_v = 1e9
for wall_cor in wall_cand:
arr = udpate_arr(wall_cor)
num_v = bfs(v_cor)
if num_v < min_v:
min_v = num_v
ans = N*M - min_v -2 - num_wall - 3
# 46: bfs; 좌표; 최단거리
from collections import deque
INF = 1e9
n = 4
arr = [[4, 3, 2, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 9, 0], [1, 2, 3, 4]]
def find_target(dist):
가장 가까운 target 찾기
return coordinate, distance_value
target_x, target_y = 0, 0
min_dist = INF
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
if (dist[i][j] != -1) and (min_dist > dist[i][j]) and (0 < arr[i][j] < cur_size):
target_x, target_y = i, j
min_dist = dist[target_x][target_y]
if min_dist == INF:
return None
return target_x, target_y, min_dist
dx, dy = [1, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 1]
def bfs():
global cur_x, cur_y, cur_size
print(cur_x, cur_y, cur_size)
distance = [[-1]*n for i in range(n)]
q = deque()
q.append((cur_x, cur_y))
distance[cur_x][cur_y] = 0
while q:
x, y = q.popleft()
for xx, yy in zip(dx, dy):
if 0 <= x + xx < len(arr) and 0 <= y + yy < len(arr[0]) and cur_size >= arr[x+xx][y+yy]:
if distance[x+xx][y+yy] == -1:
distance[x+xx][y+yy] = distance[x][y] + 1
q.append((x+xx, y+yy))
return distance
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
if arr[i][j] == 9:
cur_x, cur_y = i, j
arr[cur_x][cur_y] = 0
ate = 0; res = 0; cur_size = 2
while True:
distance = bfs()
value = find_target(distance)
if value == None:
cur_x, cur_y = value[0], value[1]
res += value[2]
arr[cur_x][cur_y] = 0
ate += 1
if ate >= cur_size:
cur_size += 1
ate = 0
# p152; 미로탈출
# 최단거리
arr = [[1,0,1,0,1,0],
dx = [0, 0, -1, 1]
dy = [1, -1, 0, 0]
target = (4, 5)
def bfs(x, y, graph=arr):
q = deque()
q.append((x, y))
while q:
x, y = q.popleft()
for xx, yy in zip(dx, dy):
if (0 <= x+xx < len(arr)) and (0 <= y+yy < len(arr[0])):
nx, ny = x+xx, y + yy
if graph[nx][ny] == 0:
if graph[nx][ny] == 1:
graph[nx][ny] = graph[x][y] + 1
q.append((nx, ny))
# p203; 3 ####################################
N, M = 4, 6
arr = [19, 15, 10, 17]
start, end = arr[0], arr[-1]
mid = (start+end)//2
# mid 값을 이진탐색
# target M 만족하면 그만
while start <= end:
# mid에 맞게 잘라
mid = (start+end)//2
res = 0
for v in arr:
res += max((v-mid), 0)
if res == M:
# res > M: mid 더 크게
elif res > M:
start = mid + 1
# res > M: mid 더 크게
elif res < M:
end = mid - 1
# 15 #########################################
graph = [[] for _ in range(V+1)]
for t in [(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (2, 4)]:
a, b = t
# bfs 그대로 진행하되
# distance를 tracking
distance = [-1]*(n+1)
q = deque([start])
distance[start] = 0
while q:
now = q.popleft()
for next_node in graph[now]:
if distance[next_node] == -1:
distance[next_node] = distance[now] + 1
for i, v in enumerate(distance):
if v == k:
# 28 #########################################
def anchor_search(arr, start, end):
if start > end:
return None
mid = (end+start)//2
if arr[mid] == mid:
return mid
elif mid < arr[mid]:
return anchor_search(arr, start, mid-1)
elif mid > arr[mid]:
return anchor_search(arr, mid+1, end)
anchor_search([-15,-6,1,3,7], 0, 5)
# 44 #########################################
# 최소신장알고리즘
def find_parent(parent, x):
if parent[x] != x:
parent[x] = find_parent(parent, parent[x])
return parent[x]
def union_parent(parent, a, b):
a = find_parent(parent, a)
b = find_parent(parent, b)
if a[0] >= b[0]:
parent[b] = a
parent[a] = b
node = [(11, -15, -15), (14, -5, -15), (-1, -1, -5), (10, -4, -1), (19, -4, 19)]
edge = []
for i, n in enumerate(node):
if i == len(node):
for _, n2 in enumerate(node[i+1:]):
c = min([abs(i-j) for i, j in zip(n, n2)])
edge.append((c, n, n2))
parent = {n: n for n in node}
res = 0
for edg in edge:
c, n1, n2 = edg
if not find_parent(parent, n1) == find_parent(parent, n2):
union_parent(parent, n1, n2)
res += c
# 46 #########################################
# - 크루스칼: 최소신장트리알고리즘
# - 모든 노드를, 최소 비용으로 연결
# - 간선 sort
# - cycle 안되도록 확인
# - find-union
def find_root(parent, x):
if parent[x] != x:
parent[x] = find_root(parent, parent[x])
return parent[x]
def union_g(parent, a, b):
a = find_root(parent, a)
b = find_root(parent, b)
if a < b:
parent[b] = a
parent[a] = b
def solution():
N, M = map(int, input().split())
mat = [tuple(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(M)]
parent = [0] * (N+1)
for i in range(1, N+1):
parent[i] = i
total = 0; result = 0
for e in mat:
a, b, cost = e
total += cost
if find_root(parent, a) != find_root(parent, b):
union_g(parent, a, b)
result += cost
return total, result
# 27 #########################################
def bi_search(arr, target, start, end):
target이 중간아래 -> 왼쪽확인 start ~ mid-1
target이 중간위 -> 오른쪽확인 mid+1 ~ start
if start > end:
return -1
mid = (end+start)//2
# 찾았다
if arr[mid] == target:
return mid
# 크다
if arr[mid] > target:
return bi_search(arr, target, start, mid-1)
# 작다
if arr[mid] < target:
return bi_search(arr, target, mid+1, end)
def solution():
N, x = map(int, input().split())
arr = list(map(int, input().split()))
res = 0
while True:
idx = bi_search(arr, x, 0, len(arr)-1)
if idx == -1:
res += 1
return res if res>0 else -1
# 26 #########################################
N = int(input())
ls = [int(input()) for _ in range(N)]
>> 3
>> 10
>> 20
>> 40
if N < 3:
ans = 0
prev_ = sum(ls[:2])
ans += prev_
for next_ in ls[2:]:
sum_ = prev_ + next_
ans += sum_
prev_ = sum_
# 11 #########################################
def update_dir(tunr_dir, current_direction):
update direction according to the turn list
up + left: left 3
down + left: right 4
left + left: down 2
right + left: up 1
up + right: right 4
down + right: left 3
left + right: up 1
right + right: down 2
if current_direction == 1: # up
if tunr_dir == 'L':
return 3
if tunr_dir == 'D':
return 4
if current_direction == 2: # down
if tunr_dir == 'L':
return 4
if tunr_dir == 'D':
return 3
if current_direction == 3: # left
if tunr_dir == 'L':
return 2
if tunr_dir == 'D':
return 1
if current_direction == 4: # right
if tunr_dir == 'L':
return 1
if tunr_dir == 'D':
return 2
def update_occupy(occupy, current, current_direction, cnt, K, turn_time, turn_dir, apple):
return next coordinate
- next corresponds to the current direction (1, 2, 3, 4) (상하좌우)
- if next == apple: then append next to occupy
if cnt in turn_time: #방향전환이라면,
current_direction = update_dir(turn_dir[turn_time.index(cnt)], current_direction)
# next coordinate
if current_direction == 1: # up
next_ = (current[0] -1, current[1] + 0)
if current_direction == 2: # down
next_ = (current[0] + 1, current[1] + 0)
if current_direction == 3: # down
next_ = (current[0] + 0, current[1] - 1)
if current_direction == 4: # down
next_ = (current[0] + 0, current[1] + 1)
# check if next is done
flag = check_done(next_, occupy, K)
if flag:
return occupy, next_ , flag, apple
# update occupy according to apple
occupy, apple = check_apple(next_, occupy, apple)
return occupy, next_, flag, apple
def check_done(next_, occupy, N):
check if bump into snake itself or wall
if next_[0] < 0 or next_[1] < 0: # wall
return True
if next_[0] > N or next_[1] > N: # wall
return True
if next_ in occupy:# itself
return True
return False
def check_apple(next_, occupy, apple):
return updated occupy
if next_ not in apple:
occupy.pop(0) # 꼬리 자르기
apple.pop(apple.index(next_)) # 사과 먹기
return occupy, apple
# initialization
N = 6; K = 3
apple = [(3,4), (2,5), (5,3)]
L = 3
snake = [(3, 'D'), (15, 'L'), (17, 'D')]
next_ = (1, 2)
occupy = [(1, 1)]
current_direction = 4
turn_info = [(3, 'D'), (15, 'L'), (17, 'D')]
turn_time = [i[0] for i in turn_info]
turn_dir = [i[1] for i in turn_info]
# turn_info2 = [(3, 'D'), (15, 'L'), (17, 'D')]
cnt = 0
flag = False
while not flag:
# next update
current = next_
occupy, next_, flag, apple = update_occupy(occupy, current, current_direction, cnt, N, turn_time=turn_time, turn_dir=turn_dir, apple=apple)
cnt += 1
# 12 #########################################
def solution(N, build_frame):
def check_column(N, cor, beam_cor, col_cor):
벗어나면 안됨
바닥 위; beam의 끝; 다른 column위
nx, ny = cor
if (not 0<= ny <=N) or (not 0<= nx <=N) or (not 0<= ny+1 <=N):
return False
if (ny == 0) or (cor in beam_cor['start']) or (cor in beam_cor['end']) or (cor in col_cor['end']):
return True
#print('fail', cor, col_cor, beam_cor)
return False
def check_beam(N, cor, beam_cor, col_cor):
바닥은 안됨
한쪽 끝이 column위; 양쪽 끝이 beam와 연결
nx, ny = cor
if (ny == 0) or (not 0<= ny <=N) or (not 0<= nx <=N) or (not 0<= nx+1 <=N):
return False
if ((nx, ny) in col_cor['end']) or ((nx+1, ny) in col_cor['end']) or ( ((nx, ny) in beam_cor['end']) and ((nx+1, ny) in beam_cor['start']) ):
return True
#print('fail', cor, col_cor, beam_cor)
return False
def processing(N, l, beam_cor, col_cor):
x, y, a, b = l
if b == 1:
if a == 0: # column
if check_column(N, (x, y), beam_cor, col_cor):
col_cor['start'].append((x, y))
col_cor['end'].append((x, y+1))
if a == 1: # beam
if check_beam(N, (x, y), beam_cor, col_cor):
beam_cor['start'].append((x, y))
beam_cor['end'].append((x+1, y))
if b == 0: # delete
if a == 0: # column a: 가능조건: 1) col: a end가 b start이면 안됨;
if (x, y) in col_cor['start']:
i_ = col_cor['start'].index((x, y))
i_ = col_cor['end'].index((x, y+1))
del_ok = validation(beam_cor, col_cor)
if not del_ok:
col_cor['start'].append((x, y))
col_cor['end'].append((x, y+1))
if a == 1:
if (x, y) in beam_cor['start']:
i_ = beam_cor['start'].index((x, y))
i_ = beam_cor['end'].index((x+1, y))
del_ok = validation(beam_cor, col_cor)
if not del_ok:
beam_cor['start'].append((x, y))
beam_cor['end'].append((x+1, y))
return beam_cor, col_cor
def gen_frame(beam_cor, col_cor):
ls = []
bc = [[i[0], i[1], 1] for i in beam_cor['start']]
cc = [[i[0], i[1], 0] for i in col_cor['start']]
return ls
def validation(beam_cor, col_cor):
삭제 후 검증
ls = gen_frame(beam_cor, col_cor)
for l in ls:
x, y, a = l
if a == 0: # column
is_ok = check_column(N, (x, y), beam_cor, col_cor)
if a == 1: # beam
is_ok = check_beam(N, (x, y), beam_cor, col_cor)
if not is_ok:
return False # stop delete
return True # ok del
beam_cor = {'start':[], 'end':[]}
col_cor = {'start':[], 'end':[]}
for l in build_frame:
beam_cor, col_cor = processing(N, l, beam_cor, col_cor)
ans = gen_frame(beam_cor, col_cor)
ans = sorted(ans, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1]))
return ans
# 41 #########################################
# 연결되어있는가? == root가 동일한가?
def find_parent(parent, x):
if parent[x] != x:
parent[x] = find_parent(parent, parent[x])
return parent[x]
def union(parent, a, b):
select edge and update root
a = find_parent(parent, a)
b = find_parent(parent, b)
if a < b:
parent[b] = a
parent[a] = b
N, M = 5, 4
mat = [
[0, 1, 0, 1, 1],
[1, 0, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
edge = []
for i in range(N):
for j in range(i, N):
if mat[i][j] == 1:
edge.append((i, j))
parent = [0]*(N+1)
for i in range(N+1):
parent[i] = i
for (a, b) in edge:
union(parent, a, b)
target = [2,3,4,3]
root_v = parent[target[0]]
for e in target:
if parent[e] != root_v:
# 25 #########################################
from collections import Counter
def solution(N, stages):
stages = sorted(stages, reverse=True)
answer = {k:0 for k in range(1, N+1)}
# define 1st elems
denominator = 0
numerator = 0
prev = stages[0]
# iter elems
for i in range(len(stages)):
# if num changed
if stages[i] != prev:
# update answer with previous numerator and denominator
answer[prev] = numerator/denominator
# update key
prev = stages[i]
# update numerator as 0
numerator = 0
# +1 denominator and numerator
denominator += 1
numerator += 1
# update last value
answer[prev] = numerator/denominator
return [i[0] for i in sorted(answer.items(), key=lambda x: (x[1],-x[0]), reverse=True) if i[0] <= N]
# 10 #########################################
def solution(key, lock):
def padding_lock(key, lock):
m = len(key)
n = len(lock)
padded = []
for i in range(m-1):
for l in lock:
padded.append([0]*(m-1) + l + [0]*(m-1))
for i in range(m-1):
return padded
def spatial_sum(key, lock_row, lock_col, target, lock_target):
cnt_lock = 0
for i, j in target:
if lock[lock_row+i][lock_col+j] + key[i][j] > 1:
return False
if (lock_row+i, lock_col+j) in lock_target:
cnt_lock += 1
return True if cnt_lock == len(lock_target) else False
def find_target(arg, is_key = True):
if is_key:
val = 1
val = 0
target = []
for i in range(len(arg)):
for j in range(len(arg)):
if arg[i][j] == val:
return target
def rotation(key):
temp = []
for i in range(len(key)):
temp.append([l[i] for l in key[::-1]])
return temp
lock_target = find_target(lock, is_key=False)
lock_target = [(i+len(key)-1, j+len(key)-1) for i, j in lock_target]
lock = padding_lock(key, lock)
cnt = 0
bool_ = False
while cnt < 4:
for i in lock:
for i in key:
cnt += 1
target = find_target(key)
for lock_pos_row in range(len(lock)-len(key)+1):
for lock_pos_col in range(len(lock)-len(key)+1):
bool_ = spatial_sum(key, lock_pos_row, lock_pos_col, target, lock_target)
if bool_:
return True
key = rotation(key)
return False
# 9 #########################################
def solution(sent):
def find_token(sent, n=1):
if len(sent) == 1:
return sent
k = 1
new_str = ''
for i in range(0, len(sent), n):
span = sent[i:i+n]
# 처음 단어는 패스
if i == 0:
prev = span
# 동일 ngram
if prev == span:
k += 1
# ngram변함: 새로운거 시작;
if prev != span:
# 이전꺼 k +=1 하고 반영;
if k > 1:
new_str += str(k)
new_str += prev
# 새로운 거 시작
prev = span
k = 1
# 마지막 문자라면: 반영하고 끝냄
if i+n >=len(sent):
if k > 1:
new_str += str(k)
new_str += prev
# print(span, prev, new_str)
return new_str
min_ = len(sent)
for n in range(1, min_):
val = find_token(sent, n)
if len(val) < min_:
min_ = len(val)
return min_
# 22 #########################################
q = []
status = 0 # 1: l; 0: -;
start = (0, (0, 1, status)) # cost, coordinate
heapq.heappush(q, start)
distance[(x, y, s)] = 0
while q:
c, (x, y, s) = heapq.heappop(q)
c_prime = c + 1
if distance[(x, y, s)] < c:
############ status == 1
# 1 + up + right (rotation)
x_next, y_next = x - 1, y + 1
flag = False if (0 <= x_next < len(mat) and 0 <= y_next < len(mat[0])) else True
if (s == 1) and (not flag) and (mat[x_next][y_next-1] == 0 and mat[x_next][y_next] == 0 and mat[x_next+1][y_next] == 0):
dist = distance[(x_next, y_next, 0)]
if dist > c_prime:
distance[(x_next, y_next, 0)] = c_prime
heapq.heappush(q, (c_prime, (x_next, y_next, 0)))
# 1 + right (rotation)
x_next, y_next = x, y + 1
flag = False if (0 <= x_next < len(mat) and 0 <= y_next < len(mat[0])) else True
if (s == 1) and (not flag) and (mat[x-1][y] == 0 and mat[x_next-1][y_next] == 0 and mat[x_next][y_next] == 0):
dist = distance[(x_next, y_next, 0)]
if dist > c_prime:
distance[(x_next, y_next, 0)] = c_prime
heapq.heappush(q, (c_prime, (x_next, y_next, 0)))
# 1 + down
x_next, y_next = x + 1, y
flag = False if (0 <= x_next < len(mat) and 0 <= y_next < len(mat[0])) else True
if (s == 1) and (not flag) and (mat[x-1][y] == 0 and mat[x_next][y_next] == 0):
dist = distance[(x_next, y_next, 1)]
if dist > c_prime:
distance[(x_next, y_next, 1)] = c_prime
heapq.heappush(q, (c_prime, (x_next, y_next, 1)))
############ status == 0
# 0 + down (rotation)
x_next, y_next = x + 1, y
flag = False if (0 <= x_next < len(mat) and 0 <= y_next < len(mat[0])) else True
if (s == 0) and (not flag) and (mat[x][y-1] == 0 and mat[x_next-1][y_next-1] == 0 and mat[x_next][y_next] == 0):
dist = distance[(x_next, y_next, 1)]
if dist > c_prime:
distance[(x_next, y_next, 1)] = c_prime
heapq.heappush(q, (c_prime, (x_next, y_next, 1)))
# 0 + down + left (rotation)
x_next, y_next = x + 1, y - 1
flag = False if (0 <= x_next < len(mat) and 0 <= y_next < len(mat[0])) else True
if (s == 0) and (not flag) and (mat[x][y-1] == 0 and mat[x_next][y_next+1] == 0 and mat[x_next][y_next] == 0):
dist = distance[(x_next, y_next, 1)]
if dist > c_prime:
distance[(x_next, y_next, 1)] = c_prime
heapq.heappush(q, (c_prime, (x_next, y_next, 1)))
# 0 + right
x_next, y_next = x, y + 1
flag = False if (0 <= x_next < len(mat) and 0 <= y_next < len(mat[0])) else True
if (s == 0) and (not flag) and (mat[x][y-1] == 0 and mat[x_next][y_next] == 0):
dist = distance[(x_next, y_next, 0)]
if dist > c_prime:
distance[(x_next, y_next, 0)] = c_prime
heapq.heappush(q, (c_prime, (x_next, y_next, 0)))
# 39 #########################################
import heapq
# cost matrix
cost = [[5, 5, 4],
[3, 9, 1],
[3, 2, 7]]
# make distance mat
INF = int(1e9)
distance = {}
for i in range(len(cost)):
for j in range(len(cost[0])):
distance[(i, j)] = INF
# dijkstrat
q = []
i, j = (0, 0)
start = (cost[i][j], (0, 0))
heapq.heappush(q, start)
dx = [0, 0, -1, 1]
dy = [-1, 1, 0, 0]
while q:
c, (x, y) = heapq.heappop(q)
if distance[(x, y)] < c:
# traverse u, d, l, r
for vx, vy in zip(dx, dy):
next_x, next_y = x + vx, y + vy
if 0 <= next_x < len(cost) and 0 <= next_y < len(cost[0]):
# previous cost
dist = distance[(next_x, next_y)]
# updated cost
if dist > c + cost[next_x][next_y]:
distance[(next_x, next_y)] = c + cost[next_x][next_y]
heapq.heappush(q, (c + cost[next_x][next_y], (next_x, next_y)))
# p147 BFS #########################################
mat = [[0,0,1,1,0],
def traverse(k, is_visit):
q = deque()
x, y = k
q.append((x, y))
while q:
(x_, y_) = q.popleft()
for vx, vy in zip(dx, dy):
if (0 <= x_ + vx < len(mat)) and (0 <= y_ + vy < len(mat[0])):
if not is_visit[(x_ + vx, y_ + vy)]:
is_visit[(x_ + vx, y_ + vy)] = 1
q.append((x_ + vx, y_ + vy))
return is_visit
is_visit = {}
for i in range(len(mat)):
for j in range(len(mat[0])):
if mat[i][j] == 1:
is_visit[(i, j)] = 1
is_visit[(i, j)] = 0
cnt = 0
keys = list(is_visit.keys())
for k in keys:
if not is_visit[k]:
cnt += 1
is_visit = traverse(k, is_visit)
# 6 #########################################
def solution(food_times, k):
t = {i: food_times[i] for i in range(len(food_times))}
ls = []; cnt = 0; denominator = len(food_times)
while len(ls) < sum(food_times):
idx = cnt%denominator
if t[idx] > 0: # 아직 남음
t[idx] -= 1
cnt +=1
if len(ls) == k+1:
return ls[-1]+1
return -1
# 7 #########################################
a = [int(i) for i in str(123402)]
pnt = int(len(a)/2 * 1)
if sum(a[:pnt]) == sum(a[pnt:]):
# 23 #########################################
ls = [['j', '50', '80', '100'], ['S', '80', '60', '50'], ['s', '80', '70', '100']]
ls.sort(key=lambda x: ( -int(x[1]), int(x[2]), -int(x[3]), x[0]))
# 5 #########################################
N = 5; M = 3
w = [1,3,2,3,2]
N = 8; M = 5
w = [1,5,4,3,2,4,5,2]
cnt = 0
for i in range(N):
if i == N:
for j in range(i+1, N):
if w[i] != w[j]:
cnt += 1
# 21 #########################################
import math
N, L, R = 2, 20, 50
A = [[50, 30], [20, 40]]
dp_down = [[0]*(N-1) for _ in range(N-1)]
dp_right = [[0]*(N-1) for _ in range(N-1)]
# down, right
def update_dp(i_, j_):
dx = [0, 1]; dy = [1, 0]
v = A[i_][j_]
# down
x = i_ + dx[0]; y = j_ + dy[0]
if x <= N or y <= N:
v1 = A[x][y]
if L <= math.abs(v-v1) <= R:
dp_down[i][j] = 1
x = i_ + dx[1]; y = j_ + dy[1]
if x <= N or y <= N:
v1 = A[x][y]
if L <= math.abs(v-v1) <= R:
dp_right[i][j] = 1
def update_A():
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
update_dp(i, j)
# 37 #########################################
# 왜틀림?
# iter 한번만 해도 안바뀐다는 보장?
table = [[1e9]*nc for _ in range(nc)]
for t in cost:
x, y = t
table[x-1][y-1] = cost[t]
for i in range(nc):
for j in range(nc):
if i == j:
# i -> k -> j
# k를 거쳐가는 것들을 업데이트
for k in range(nc):
for i in range(nc):
for j in range(nc):
table[i][j] = min(table[i][j], table[i][k]+table[k][j])
for i in range(nc):
ls = []
for j in range(nc):
[0, 2, 3, 2, 5]
[12, 0, 15, 2, 5]
[8, 9, 0, 2, 5]
[10, 7, 13, 0, 3]
[7, 4, 10, 6, 0]
# 4 ##########################################
import copy
l = [1,1,2,3,9]
a = [1,2,3,9]
b = [2,1,1,1]
memo = {}
temp = {}
possible_val = []
for i, v in enumerate(l):
temp = copy.deepcopy(b)
idx = a.index(v)
temp[idx] -= 1
memo[tuple(temp)] = v
def update_dp(memo):
global possible_val
memo_temp = {}
for tup, v in memo.items():
for j, t in enumerate(tup):
if t == 0:
temp = list(copy.deepcopy(tup))
temp[j] -= t
memo_temp[tuple(temp)] = v + t
return memo_temp
for _ in range(n):
memo = update_dp(memo)
{(0, 1, 1, 1): 2,
(1, 0, 1, 1): 2,
(1, 1, 0, 1): 2,
(1, 1, 1, 0): 2,
(0, 0, 1, 1): 4,
(2, 0, 0, 1): 4,
(2, 0, 1, 0): 10,
(0, 1, 0, 1): 5,
(2, 1, 0, 0): 10,
(0, 1, 1, 0): 11}
{(0, 0, 1, 1): 3,
(0, 1, 0, 1): 3,
(0, 1, 1, 0): 3,
(1, 0, 0, 1): 3,
(1, 0, 1, 0): 3,
(1, 1, 0, 0): 3,
(0, 0, 0, 1): 6,
(0, 0, 1, 0): 12,
(2, 0, 0, 0): 11,
(0, 1, 0, 0): 12}
{(0, 0, 0, 1): 4,
(0, 0, 1, 0): 4,
(0, 1, 0, 0): 4,
(1, 0, 0, 0): 4,
(0, 0, 0, 0): 13}
{(0, 0, 0, 0): 5}
for trg in range(1, l[-1]*n):
if trg not in possible_val:
### 20 #######################################
import itertools
n = 5
in_ = [[0,1,0,0,2],[2,0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0],[0,2,0,0,0],[0,0,2,0,0]]
n = 4
in_ = [[1,1,1,2],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[2,2,2,0]]
# find student, teacher, possible rock coordinate
s_ls = []; t_ls = []; r_ls = []
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
if in_[i][j] == 1:
s_ls.append((i, j))
elif in_[i][j] == 2:
t_ls.append((i, j))
r_ls.append((i, j))
def check_block(s, t):
- check (s_i, t_j) pair if student is killed
- return False if student is killed
- eg. (s_1, t_2) == False
student vs teacher
x, y = t
s_x, s_y = s
if x == s_x: # kill
return False
if y == s_y: # kill
return False
return True
# key: killed (s, t) pair; <- need to protect
# value: block rock coordinate;
# check which pair is killed
killed = [] # (s, t)
for s in s_ls:
for t in t_ls:
res = check_block(s, t)
if not res:
killed.append((s, t))
is_visit = {i:0 for i in killed}
# check if rock_candidate can block teacher
def check_block(s,t,r):
- check if rock_candidate can save student in killed pair
- return True if rock works
s_x, s_y = s
t_x, t_y = t
r_x, r_y = r
if s_x == t_x:
if (t_y < r_y < s_y) or (t_y > r_y > s_y):
return True
if s_y == t_y:
if (t_x < r_x < s_x) or (t_x > r_x > s_x):
return True
return False
# make dict: key rock; value saved pair in killed
# eg. {(1, 4): [((1,2), (1,3)), ((1,4), (1,3)), ((1,6), (1,3))], ...}
block_dict = {}
for r in r_ls:
for s, t in killed:
if check_block(s, t, r):
if r not in block_dict:
block_dict[r] = []
block_dict[r].append((s, t))
# combine 3 iter working rock coordinate
# len(killed) == len(saved by 3 rock)
combination_rock = list(itertools.combinations(block_dict, 3))
for rocks in combination_rock:
for r_ in rocks:
for b_ in block_dict[r_]:
is_visit[b_] = 1
if sum([i[1] for i in is_visit.items()]) == len(is_visit):
### 36 edit distance #########################
a = 'sunday'
b = 'saturday'
dp = [[i] + [0]*(len(a)) for i in range(len(b)+1)]
dp[0] = list(range(len(a)+1))
dy = [0,-1,-1]
dx = [-1,-1,0]
for y in range(len(dp)):
if y == 0:
for x in range(len(dp[0])):
if x == 0:
# find min
min_val = None
for i in range(3):
ny = y + dy[i]
nx = x + dx[i]
if min_val is None:
min_val = dp[ny][nx]
min_val = min(min_val, dp[ny][nx])
# check if prefix is equal to each other
if a[x-1] == b[y-1]:
dp[y][x] = min_val
dp[y][x] = min_val+1
### 3 #######################################
ls = list(map(int, list(input())))
prev = ls[0]
ans = 0
for i in ls[1:]:
if i != prev:
ans += 1
prev = i
# 19
# # bfs: visit adjacent
# graph = {
# 'A' : ['B','C'],
# 'B' : ['D', 'E'],
# 'C' : ['F'],
# 'D' : [],
# 'E' : ['F'],
# 'F' : []
# }
# visited = []
# q = []
# node = 'A'
# visited.append(node)
# q.append(node)
# while q:
# s = q.pop(0)
# print(s)
# for neigh in graph[s]:
# if neigh not in visited:
# visited.append(neigh)
# q.append(neigh)
# # permutation by dp
from itertools import permutations
op2 = [1,1,2,3,4]
perm = permutations(op2)
def calc(num_ls, op_ls):
val = num_ls[0]
for i, o in enumerate(op_ls, 1):
if o == 1:
val += num_ls[i]
if o == 2:
val -= num_ls[i]
if o == 3:
val //= num_ls[i]
if o == 4:
val *= num_ls[i]
return val
num_ls = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
cand = []
per_ls = [i for i in perm]
for o_ls in per_ls:
res = calc(num_ls, o_ls)
print(max(cand), min(cand))
#35 답
n = 100
dp = [0]*n
dp[0] = 1
i2 = i3 = i5 = 0
v2, v3, v5 = 2, 3, 5
for i in range(1, n):
print(v2, v3 ,v5)
print(i2, i3 ,i5)
dp[i] = min(v2, v3, v5)
if dp[i] == v2:
i2 += 1
v2 = dp[i2] * 2
if dp[i] == v3:
i3 += 1
v3 = dp[i3] * 3
if dp[i] == v5:
i5 += 1
v5 = dp[i5] * 5
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
2 3 5
0 0 0
[1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
4 3 5
1 0 0
[1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
4 6 5
1 1 0
[1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
6 6 5
2 1 0
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
6 6 10
2 1 1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0]
8 9 10
3 2 1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 0, 0, 0]
10 9 10
4 2 1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 0, 0]
10 12 10
4 3 1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 0]
12 12 15
5 3 2
### 35 #######################################
n = 10000
dp = [0]*(n+1)
dp[0] = 1
cand = []
for i in range(n):
cand.extend([dp[i]*2, dp[i]*3, dp[i]*5])
cand = sorted(list(set(cand)))
dp[i+1] = cand.pop(0)
# 35-1
dp2 = []
i = 0
while True:
i += 1
val = 2 ** i
if val > n:
dp3 = []
i = 0
while True:
i += 1
val = 3 ** i
if val > n:
dp5 = []
i = 0
while True:
i += 1
val = 5 ** i
if val > n:
dp23 = []
for val2 in dp2:
for val3 in dp3:
res = val2*val3
if res >= n:
dp25 = []
for val2 in dp2:
for val5 in dp5:
res = val2*val5
if res >= n:
dp35 = []
for val3 in dp3:
for val5 in dp5:
res = val3*val5
if res >= n:
dp235 = []
for val35 in dp35:
for val2 in dp2:
res = val2*val35
if res >= n:
print(sorted(dp2 + dp3 + dp5 + dp23 + dp25 + dp35 + dp235))
### 2 #######################################
in_ = '02984'
in_ = '567'
# 0인지 확인
# 0 아니면 곱해
previous = 1
for i in in_:
i = int(i)
if i !=0:
previous *= i
previous += i
### 34 오답####################################
# n = int(input())
# data = list(map(int, input().split()))
n = 7
data = [12,11,12,15,5,2,4]
dp = []
for i, j in enumerate(data):
count = 0
for k in range(i, n):
if j > data[k]:
count += 1
# >> [6, 5, 1, 3, 2, 0, 0]
remain = []
for j, i in enumerate(dp[:-1]):
if i > dp[j+1]:
if min(remain) > data[-1]:
# >> [15, 11, 8, 5, 4]
### 18 #######################################
def balanced_index(p):
count = 0
for i in range(len(p)):
if p[i] == '(':
count += 1
count -= 1
if count == 0:
return i
# 올바른 쌍?
def check_proper(p):
count = 0
for i in p:
if i == '()':
count += 1
if count == 0: # 쌍 안맞음 ()|))
return False
count -= 1
return True
def solution(p):
print('p', p)
answer = ''
if p == '':
return answer
index = balanced_index(p)
u = p[:index+1]
v = p[index+1:]
print('u, v', u, v)
# 올바른 -> v에 대해 붙여서 반환
if check_proper(u):
answer = u + solution(v)
# 올바른X ->
answer = '('
answer += solution(v)
answer += ')'
u = list(u[1:-1])
for i in range(len(u)):
if u[i] == '(':
u[i] = ')'
u[i] = '('
answer += ''.join(u)
return answer
in_ = '())))(((()'
p ())))(((()
u, v () )))(((()
p )))(((()
u, v )))((( ()
p ()
u, v ()
### 8 #######################################
in_ = '02984'
in_ = '567'
previous = 1
for i in in_:
i = int(i)
if i !=0:
previous *= i
previous += i
# 34
n = int(input())
data = list(map(int, input().split()))
counter = []
for i, j in enumerate(data):
count = 0
for k in range(i, n):
if j > data[k]:
count += 1
remain = []
for j, i in enumerate(counter[:-1]):
if i > counter[j+1]:
if min(remain) > data[-1]:
### 1 #######################################
def solution(test: list):
test = sorted(test, reverse=True)
j = 1; num_elem = test[0]
while test[num_elem:]:
next_group_start = test[num_elem:][0]
num_elem += next_group_start
# A17
def init_data(inputs):
# visited = [(i ,j) for j in range(k) for i in range(n)]
mat = inputs[1:-1]
n, k = inputs[0]
s, x, y = inputs[-1]
visited = []
for i in range(1, n+1):
for j in range(1, k+1):
visited.append((i ,j))
visited_dict = {i: False for i in visited}
# node
node_dict = {}
iter_ = 1
for i, ls in enumerate(mat, 1):
for j, elem in enumerate(ls, 1):
if elem != 0:
if elem not in node_dict :
node_dict[elem] = {iter_: []}
visited_dict[(i, j)] = True
node_dict[elem][iter_].append((i, j))
return visited_dict, node_dict, (s, x, y)
def check_if_answer(cor: tuple, answer: tuple):
if cor == answer:
return True
def check_if_visited(iter_:int, cor: tuple, node: int, visited_dict, node_dict):
if not visited_dict[cor]:
visited_dict[cor] = True
return visited_dict, node_dict
# update edge
def update(node_dict, visited_dict, answer, iter_):
fin = False
for node in sorted(node_dict):
node_dict[node][iter_] = []
for cor in node_dict[node][iter_-1]:
u = max(cor[0]-1, 1); d = min(cor[0]+1, k); r = min(cor[1]+1, n); l = max(cor[1]-1, 1)
for temp in [(u, cor[1]), (d, cor[1]), (cor[0], l), (cor[0], r)]:
if check_if_answer(temp, answer):
fin = True
return node, None, fin
visited_dict, node_dict = check_if_visited(iter_=iter_, cor=temp, node=node, visited_dict=visited_dict, node_dict=node_dict)
return node_dict, visited_dict, fin
for iter_ in range(2, s+1):
node_dict, visited_dict, fin = update(node_dict, visited_dict, question[1:], iter_)
if fin:
if not fin:
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