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Henry Slawniak HenrySlawniak

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for f in in/*;
echo $INFILE "->" $OUTFILE
./bin/ffmpeg.exe -i "$INFILE" -n -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -b:a 160k -crf 30 -threads 8 -map_metadata -1 -vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" "$OUTFILE"
<00:45:03> "☜【 ↓ MaZiKa ↓ 】☞" pokes you: can you give me server admin
<00:45:36> "☜【 ↓ MaZiKa ↓ 】☞" switched from channel "Lobby" to "Un"
<00:45:36> Channel group "Normal" was assigned to "☜【 ↓ MaZiKa ↓ 】☞" by "Fort Kickass".
<00:46:22> You poked "☜【 ↓ MaZiKa ↓ 】☞" with message: heh, no
<00:46:56> "☜【 ↓ MaZiKa ↓ 】☞" pokes you: Why I am a programmer surfer Bassaadk in the development server
<00:47:41> You poked "☜【 ↓ MaZiKa ↓ 】☞" with message: For one, I don't know you, for two, you are some random dude from Western Europe
<00:49:08> "☜【 ↓ MaZiKa ↓ 】☞" pokes you: plss give me server admin
<00:49:21> You poked "☜【 ↓ MaZiKa ↓ 】☞" with message: why?
<00:50:06> "☜【 ↓ MaZiKa ↓ 】☞" pokes you: I want to be here always
<00:51:02> You poked "☜【 ↓ MaZiKa ↓ 】☞" with message: ehh, don't really need admins anyway
HenrySlawniak / provision.bash
Last active August 22, 2016 21:16
This script will provision what I consider a basic CentOS install.
# Copyright (c) 2016 Henry Slawniak <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# This script will provision what I consider a basic CentOS install.
# It will install nginx, git, mercurial, screen, and golang.
# It will also download cerrtbot and request an SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt.
# It will also create a new user and add them to sudoers, importing their ssh key(s) from a given Github username.
# It will also setup a barebones nginx ssl site, that simply responds with a few characters.
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am HenrySlawniak on github.
* I am meggawatts ( on keybase.
* I have a public key whose fingerprint is 7BD5 F7E9 B753 04BD A19A DF0B 621F 8BA5 C286 E818
To claim this, I am signing this object:
require 'json'
require 'json/ext'
require 'fileutils'
require 'cgi'
require 'net/http'
require 'open-uri'
def getDataFromUrl url
url = URI(url)
,;,,,;,;,;,;,;,;,;;;;L ...:,;;L;L;FyjjEhK5hKOO8S8SESpObb8OBOpb88bbpO8bb8BbQBQBQQgQQBQBQBQBQbbGpOGnzLrL;, ,,:.... ..:L;;,;;;;,;;;;;,;;;,;,;,;,;,;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;L; . :;;;rzyyZFFZGOpG8OQ8Bbb8QBB8bBQBgg8OBbBOBBQBQQgggggg@g@g@g@@@@@@@@@@@g@ggQb5yL;;;:. . ,zc;;;L;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
,;,;,;,;,;,;,;;;,;,;;, . . . ,;;;cLFzjFzyh3hKShS5OGES88bpGEOhGGGnGhEEOE8bQQQBQBQQgQgQgQQQgQQBQQgQgQQQQBQbOyL:: .,:. ,;;;; ;:;;;;;;;,;,;;;;;;;,;,;,;,;
;;;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;;L, . ..,:::,,;;L;rLLF7cyZE5SSGoE5GE8pbbBSGEOpGhOp85O8BBgQgQgggQgQgggQgQgQQQgQQQgQQQQQQQQQBKr;: .;cz5ShSL ...;L,;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;,;,;;
:;,;,;,;,;;;,;,;,;,;;; ....,;;,;;;;LLrrzrzLyyZK55OE5hp8bBQpG5hOOhGE8bBbQQQBQQgQgQgggggggQgQgQQQgQgQQQgQQQQBgQQpn;;. .,.:rF7y, .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;,;,;
;;;,;,;,;,;,;,;;;;;;;;. . . ..,;;,;,;;LLz;7zcznZhoOGOE8bBbQQBEEKOGOE88QQBBBbQBgQgggQgggQgQgQgQgQgQgggBQQQBQBQBQQgB5LL;;.. . :;;;c;L;;:;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;,;,;,;;
,;,;,;,;,;,;,;;;;;,;;L. . ..,,;,;,;;;;;;L;cLjnhK558OG
require 'json'
require 'json/ext'
require 'fileutils'
require 'net/http'
require 'csv'
# Get your key here:
@peeps = [
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
require 'mandrill'
@m ='SEKRET')
def dispatchMail()
message = {
:subject => "TS3 NPL Requests are open!",
:from_name => 'Notifier',
require 'rubygems'
require 'open-uri'
require 'json'
require 'json/ext'
require_relative 'reddit'
require 'fileutils'
# User config
@pagelimit = 5 # The number of pages per subreddit (Default: 5)
@postlimit = 50 # The number of posts per page (Default: 50)
class Post
def initialize(id, url, title, subreddit, domain, author, created)