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Last active September 29, 2015 07:47
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  • Save HenryVonfire/91de7d35a402e1072bc5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HenryVonfire/91de7d35a402e1072bc5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import Ember from 'ember';
import { vocabulary } from '../vocabulary';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
model: vocabulary
{{german-card model=model}}
import Ember from 'ember';
import { vocabulary } from '../vocabulary';
const { computed } = Ember;
export default Ember.Component.extend({
item:computed('index', function() {
const model = this.get('model');
const i = this.get('index');
return model[i];
if(e.which === 37){ this.send('move','previous'); }
if(e.which === 39){ this.send('move','next'); }
let i = this.get('index');
const model = this.get('model');
case 'next':
if(i < model.length-1){ i++; }
case 'previous':
if(i>0){ i--; }
this.set('index', i);
const value = parseInt((Math.random()*100)%this.get('model').length);
<p align="center"><span class="phrase">{{item.type}}</span><br>
{{#if item.article}}{{item.article}}&nbsp;{{/if}}<span class="title">{{item.word}}</span><br>
{{#if item.plural}}
<span class="phrase"><i>pl.</i>&nbsp;{{item.plural}}</span>
<span class="phrase">{{item.phrase}}</span></p>
<div class="container">
<div class="item">
<button {{action 'move' 'previous'}}> &lt; </button>
<div class="item">
<button {{action 'randomCard'}}> Random </button>
<div class="item">
<button {{action 'move' 'next'}}> &gt; </button>
body {
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font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 12pt;
position: fixed; /* or absolute */
left: 25%;
border:1px solid black;
.container {
display: flex; /* or inline-flex */
justify-content: center;
.item {
align-self: center;
p {
text-align: center;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 22pt;
font-size: 10pt;
"version": "0.4.10",
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "",
"ember": "",
"ember-data": "",
"ember-template-compiler": ""
export const vocabulary = [
type: '{n}',
article: 'die',
word: 'Stellenanzeige',
plural: 'Stellenanzeigen',
meaning: 'Oferta de empleo',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'das',
word: 'Studium',
meaning: 'Estudios (universitarios)',
phrase: ''
type: '{adj}',
word: 'zielorientiert',
meaning: 'orientado a objetivo',
phrase: ''
type: '{adj}',
word: 'fleißig',
meaning: 'trabajador/a (informal)',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'die',
word: 'Fähigkeit',
meaning: 'capacidad',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'die',
word: 'Zuverlässigkeit',
meaning: 'fiablidad',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'die',
word: 'Auffassung',
plural: 'Auffassungen',
meaning: 'criterio',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'die',
word: 'Attitüde',
plural: 'Attitüden',
meaning: 'Actitud',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'die',
word: 'Belastbarkeit',
plural: 'kein',
meaning: 'Capacidad de carga',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'der',
word: 'Bewerber',
plural: 'Bewerber',
meaning: 'Candidato',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'die',
word: 'Anforderung',
plural: 'Anforderungen',
meaning: 'Requisito (flexible)',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'die',
word: 'Bereitschaft',
meaning: 'disposición',
phrase: 'Reise-bereitschaft'
type: '{n}',
article: 'die',
word: 'Voraussetzung',
plural: 'Voraussetzungen',
meaning: 'Requisito (imprescindible)',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'die',
word: 'Tätigkeit',
plural: 'Tätigkeiten',
meaning: 'Ocupación',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'die',
word: 'Kenntnis',
plural: 'Kenntnisse',
meaning: 'Conocimiento',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'das',
word: 'Gehalt',
plural: 'Gehälter',
meaning: 'Sueldo',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'die',
word: 'Stelle',
plural: 'Stellen',
meaning: 'Lugar',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'das',
word: 'Vorstellungsgespräch',
plural: 'kein',
meaning: 'Entrevista de trabajo',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'der',
word: 'Betrieb',
plural: 'kein',
meaning: 'Empresa',
phrase: ''
type: '{verb}',
word: 'jobben',
meaning: 'Currar',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'der',
word: 'Teilzeitjob',
plural: 'Teilzeitjobs',
meaning: 'Trabajo a tiempo parcial',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'das',
word: 'Büro',
plural: 'Büros',
meaning: 'Oficina',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'das',
word: 'Inserat',
plural: 'Inserate',
meaning: 'Anuncio (periódico)',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'der',
word: 'Mitarbeiter',
plural: 'Mitarbeiter',
meaning: 'Trabajador',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'das',
word: 'Trinkgeld',
plural: 'Trinkgelder',
meaning: 'Propina',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'der',
word: 'Abschluss',
plural: 'Abschlüsse',
meaning: 'Cierre (i.e. de estudios)',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'die',
word: 'Bewerbung',
plural: 'Bewerbungen',
meaning: 'Solicitud de trabajo',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'die',
word: 'Ausbildung',
plural: 'kein',
meaning: 'Formación',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'der',
word: 'Eindruck',
plural: 'Eindrücke',
meaning: 'Impresión',
phrase: ''
type: '{n}',
article: 'der',
word: 'Zweck',
plural: 'Zwecke',
meaning: 'Objetivo',
phrase: ''
type: '{adj}',
word: 'kontaktfreudig',
meaning: 'abierto (actitud)',
phrase: ''
type: '{adj}',
word: 'erfahren',
meaning: 'experto',
phrase: ''
type: '{adj}',
word: 'engagiert',
meaning: 'comprometido',
phrase: ''
type: '{adj}',
word: 'gründlich',
meaning: 'metódico',
phrase: ''
type: '{adj}',
word: 'hilfsbereit',
meaning: 'servicial',
phrase: ''
type: '{adj}',
word: 'qualifiziert',
meaning: 'cualificado',
phrase: ''
type: '{adj}',
word: 'motiviert',
meaning: 'motivado',
phrase: ''
type: '{adj}',
word: 'organiziert',
meaning: 'organizado',
phrase: ''
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