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Last active April 27, 2019 19:59
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import RxSwift
import Action
enum SceneStateOutput {
case idle
case sendingNoRecipient
case sendingSomeRecipients(sendingList: [String: String])
case sending
protocol SceneViewModelInputsType {
var updateUploadList: PublishSubject<(id: String, parameter: String)> { get }
var fromAnotherScene: PublishSubject<AnotherSceneViewModelType> { get }
protocol SceneViewModelOutputsType {
var state: Observable<SceneStateOutput> { get }
var dataSource: Observable<[Item]> { get }
protocol SceneViewModelActionsType {
var pushAnotherScene: CocoaAction { get }
var uploadStuff: Action<Void, DatabaseWriteResult> { get }
protocol SceneViewModelType {
var inputs: SceneViewModelInputsType { get }
var outputs: SceneViewModelOutputsType { get }
var actions: SceneViewModelActionsType { get }
final class SceneViewModel: SceneViewModelType {
var inputs: SceneViewModelInputsType { return self }
var outputs: SceneViewModelOutputsType { return self }
var actions: SceneViewModelActionsType { return self }
// Setup
private let sceneService: SceneServiceType
private let coordinator: SceneCoordinatorType
private let disposeBag: DisposeBag
// Inputs
var updateUploadList: PublishSubject<(id: String, parameter: String)>
var fromAnotherScene: PublishSubject<AnotherSceneViewModelType>
// Outputs
var state: Observable<SceneStateOutput>
var dataSource: Observable<[Item]>
// ViewModel Life Cycle
private let itemsForDataSource: Variable<[Item]>
private let stuffToSend: Variable<Stuff?>
private let sendingList: Variable<[String: String]>
private let isSendingStuff: Variable<Bool>
init(service: SceneServiceType, coordinator: SceneCoordinatorType) {
// Setup
self.sceneService = service
self.coordinator = coordinator
self.disposeBag = DisposeBag()
self.itemsForDataSource = Variable([])
self.stuffToSend = Variable(nil)
self.sendingList = Variable([:])
self.isSendingStuff = Variable(false)
// Inputs
updateUploadList = PublishSubject()
fromAnotherScene = PublishSubject()
// Outputs
state = Observable
resultSelector: {( (stuffToSend: $0.0,
sendingList: $0.1,
isSendingStuff: $0.2)
.map { stuffToSend, sendingList, isSendingStuff -> SceneStateOutput in
guard stuffToSend != nil else { return .idle }
guard !sendingList.isEmpty else { return .sendingNoRecipient }
guard isSendingStuff else { return .sendingSomeRecipients }
return .sending
dataSource = itemsForDataSource.asObservable()
// ViewModel Life Cycle
let fetchItems = sceneService
Observable.combineLatest(fetchItems, state)
.map { items, state in
let updatedItems = items.flatMap { item -> Item in
switch state {
case .sendingModeNoRecipient:
item.bool = true
item.parameter = nil
case .sendingModeSomeRecipients(let sendingList):
item.bool2 = true
item.parameter = sendingList[]
case .sending:
item.bool2 = false
item.bool = true
item.bool2 = false
item.parameter = nil
return item
return updatedItems
.bind(to: itemsForDataSource)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.flatMapLatest { $0.actions.getStuff..execute() }
.bind(to: stuffToSend)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.subscribe(onNext: { [unowned self] with in
self.sendingList.value[] = with.parameter
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.bind(to: isSendingStuff)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.filter { $0 == .success }
.subscribe(onNext: { [unowned self] _ in
self.stuffToSend.value = nil
self.sendingList.value = [:]
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
// Actions
lazy var pushAnotherScene: CocoaAction = {
return Action { [weak self] in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return .empty() }
let anotherSceneViewModel = AnotherSceneViewModel(
service: AnotherSceneService(),
coordinator: strongSelf.coordinator)
let anotherScene = Scene.anotherScene(anotherSceneViewModel)
return strongSelf.coordinator.transition(to: anotherScene, type: .push(animated: true))
lazy var uploadStuff: Action<Void, DatabaseWriteResult> = {
return Action { [weak self] in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return .empty() }
let stuffStream = strongSelf.stuffToSend.asObservable().unwrap().take(1)
let sendingListStream = strongSelf.sendingList.asObservable().filter { !$0.isEmpty }.take(1)
return, sendingListStream)
.flatMap { [weak self] stuff, sendingList -> Observable<DatabaseWriteResult> in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return .empty() }
return strongSelf.sceneService.sendStuff(stuff, to: sendingList)
extension SceneViewModel: SceneViewModelInputsType, SceneViewModelOutputsType, SceneViewModelActionsType { }
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@Herakleis First off, thanks so much for your great resources! In addition to this example above, I've found your blog articles super helpful, so thanks for the time that you've put into those.

Quick question on your example here; can you elaborate a bit more as to why you define the actions (pushAnotherScene and uploadStuff, in this case) as lazy vars?

The problem I’m trying to solve is extending your example here to include a login (through Realm Cloud), and in order to do that I need to pass login credentials from the LoginViewController to the LoginViewModel, and just want to make sure I set this up in an Rx-y, Action-y way.

Many thanks in advance,


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