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Last active December 21, 2023 20:13
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Flaky test tooling

Debugging an intermittent test failure

I just spent 10+ days on a single bug. Posting these notes in case they're helpful to someone else (or to future me!) in a similar situation.

The bug manifested as an intermittent test failure. This was an end-to-end test using Playwright, and it involved multiple automated browsers connecting to a server and doing things concurrently.

Each browser produced hundreds of lines of debug logging, and so did the server; and for most of the time I was trying to solve this problem, I was:

  • Running the test multiple times until I got both a failure and a success
  • Copying the logs from the browser and from the server into text files
  • Running a VS Code macro that did a bunch of search-and-replace work to reduce the visual noise in the logs
  • Diffing the good and bad logs in VS Code to see what was happening differently
  • Tweaking something in the code (adding logging somewhere, adding pauses, changing the order in which things were done, etc.)
  • Repeating all of the above

This was extremely laborious and error-prone: I had lots of opportunities to miss a step, or get distracted, or lose my train of thought altogether.

The only way I managed to get out of this soul-destroying quagmire was to take a bit of time to create some tooling to automate this process so that I could get a fast feedback loop going.

First I needed to get the logging from both the browser and the server into a single stream.

I did this in a Playwright using a base page class that looks like this:

export class BasePage {
  userName?: string
  teamName?: string

  constructor(readonly page: Page) { = page


  log(msg: ConsoleMessage) {
    const text: string = msg.text().replace(/(color: #([0-9A-F]{6}))|(color: inherit)|%c/g, '')

  async start() {

    // feed browser logs to test output'console', msg => {

    // enable debug logging
    await`window.localStorage.setItem('debug', '*')`)
    // reload so these take effect
    await pause(500)
    return this

  // ...

I'm using the debug-js library for debug logging, and it took me a while to figure out how to get the debug variable set correctly: You have to add it to local storage, give that a moment to settle, and then reload the page.

Once that's done, you can just listen for console events from the browser and re-log them in the test code that's running in the terminal.

Then I wrote the script shown in flaky.js, which automates the steps listed above. It runs the test until it gets one success and one failure, each time piping the output to a text file.

It then runs each set of logs through a process that is intended to make it possible to diff the logs with a minimum of visual noise.

In my case there were lots of hashes and guids that were different on each run; these needed to be replaced with tokens that would be the same across runs.

I also replaced certain key bits of text with emoji, which made the logs easier to scan.

Once I had this set up, I was able to pin down the problem within a few hours.

Here's a screenshot of that diff; in the terminal you can see the test run where it finally stopped failing. πŸ₯³


import { exec as _exec } from 'child_process'
import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
import { promisify } from 'util'
const exec = promisify(_exec)
// ensure outputDir exists
const __dirname = fileURLToPath(new URL('.', import.meta.url))
const outputDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', '.flaky')
if (!fs.existsSync(outputDir)) fs.mkdirSync(outputDir)
// option to reuse the last test run (useful for tweaking the cleanup function without having to wait for tests to rerun)
const flag = process.argv[2]
const reuse = flag === '-r' || flag === '--reuse'
const output = {
good: undefined,
bad: undefined,
const maxRuns = 25 // don't keep trying forever
// collect good & bad test logs
if (reuse) {
console.log('Reusing the last test run')
output.good = readFile('good.raw.txt')
output.bad = readFile('bad.raw.txt')
} else {
console.log('Running test until we have one success and one failure')
for (let i = 0; i < maxRuns; i++) {
const passed = await runTest()
const report = readFile('log.txt')
if (passed) {
writeFile('good.raw.txt', report)
output.good = report
} else {
writeFile('bad.raw.txt', report)
output.bad = report
// once we have one of each we can continue
if (output.bad && output.good) break
// clean up both sets of logs and output good.txt and bad.txt
for (const key in output) {
console.log(`Writing ${key}.txt `)
const outputLines = output[key].split('\n')
const filtered = outputLines.filter(filterLogs)
const combined = filtered.join('\n')
const cleaned = cleanLogs(combined)
writeFile(`${key}.txt`, cleaned)
// commit everything so we can diff runs with each other
await exec(`git commit -a -m "update flaky test output"`)
async function runTest() {
try {
// pipe stdout and stderr to log.txt
await exec(`pnpm test:pw &> ${outputDir}/log.txt`)
// test passed
return true
} catch (error) {
// test failed (we still got the output)
return false
function filterLogs(line) {
return (
line.length > 0 &&
!line.startsWith('[vite]') &&
!line.startsWith('Download the React DevTools') &&
!line.includes('websocket:') &&
!line.includes('Adapters ready')
// Reduce visual noise to a minimum in the logs, making it easier to visually spot patterns in the diff
function cleanLogs(output) {
const A = 65
const Z = 90
let i = A
let tokens = {
// A1FR9f: A,
// Q4SKk9: B,
// etc.
// replace all instances of any given hash with a single letter
// this makes it possible to diff different runs of the test
function tokenize(match, p1) {
if (i > Z) i = A
const token = tokens[p1] ?? String.fromCharCode(i++)
tokens[p1] = token
return match.replace(p1, token)
const deviceIds = [...output.matchAll(/{user: (\w+), deviceId: (\w+)}/g)].map(match => {
return {
userName: match[1],
deviceId: match[2],
const teamIds = [...output.matchAll(/shareId: (\w+)/gi)].map((match, i) => ({
teamName: `TEAM-${i + 1}`,
teamId: match[1],
const documentIds = [...output.matchAll(/created root document (\w+)/gi)].map((match, i) => ({
documentName: `DOC-${i + 1}`,
documentId: match[1],
const transforms = [
// strip ANSI color codes
[/\u001B\[\d+m/g, ''],
[/\[[0-9;]+m/g, ''],
// Remove pnpm commands
[/^>.*$/gm, ''],
// Remove quotes
[/"|'|`/g, ''],
// Remove prefixes
[/\[WebServer\]|localfirst\:|auth\:|automerge-repo\:|/g, ''],
// Remove timestamps
[/\+\d+(ms|s)/g, ''],
[/timestamp: \d+/g, ''],
// Remove snapshot hashes
[/snapshot,(\w+)/g, ''],
// Remove %o %s
[/ %o/g, ''],
[/ %s/g, ''],
// replace deviceIds with userNames{ userName, deviceId }) => [new RegExp(deviceId, 'g'), userName]),
// tokenize teamIds as TEAM-1 etc{ teamId, teamName }) => [new RegExp(teamId, 'g'), teamName]),
// tokenize documentIds as DOC-1 etc{ documentId, documentName }) => [new RegExp(documentId, 'g'), documentName]),
// truncated documentIds{ documentId, documentName }) => [new RegExp(documentId.slice(0, 5), 'g'), documentName]),
// Tokenize remaining hashes
[/\b(?=\w*\d)(\w{10,})\b/g, tokenize],
// Remove buffers
[/(<Buffer(\w|\s|\.)+(>|$))|({\s*0:[0-9:,]+})|\[(\s|\d|,)+.*?(]|$)/g, '...'],
// emoji
[/noise/gi, 'πŸ’'],
[/alice/gi, 'πŸ‘©πŸΎ'],
[/bob/gi, 'πŸ‘¨β€πŸ¦²'],
[/charlie/gi, 'πŸ‘³πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ'],
[/dwight/gi, 'πŸ‘΄'],
[/herb/gi, 'πŸ€“'],
[/laptop/gi, 'πŸ’»'],
[/localhost/gi, 'πŸ€–'],
[/phone/gi, 'πŸ“±'],
// Collapse whitespace
[/( |\t)+/g, ' '],
[/^\s+/gm, ''],
[/\s+$/gm, ''],
return transforms.reduce((acc, [rx, replacement]) => acc.replaceAll(rx, replacement), output)
function readFile(filename) {
return fs.readFileSync(path.join(outputDir, filename), 'utf8')
function writeFile(filename, content) {
const stringified = typeof content === 'string' ? content : JSON.stringify(content)
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(outputDir, filename), stringified)
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