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Forked from cocobelgica/Menu Creator.ahk
Created March 7, 2018 13:36
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Menu Creator (AutoHotkey_L)
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance, force
CreateMenu(LVMenu, PMenu), CreateHotkey("PGUP", "PGDN")
, qmenu := new MenuProp()
, item := new ItemProp()
, qmenu.Create(), qmenu.Show()
GuiContextHandler(A_Gui, A_GuiControl)
if (A_Gui == "Main")
if (A_Gui == "2")
#IfWinActive, Menu Creator
;~ Functions
CreateMenu(ByRef ObjA, ByRef ObjB) {
global Menu
ObjA := new Menu("LVMenu"), ObjB := new Menu("Preview")
i := ["Add Item", "Edit Item", "Add Separator", "Remove Item", "Quick Help", "", "Preview"]
for k, v in i {
if (v <> "")
v <> "Preview" ? ObjA.AppendItem(v, "MenuCommandHandler") : ObjA.AddSubMenu(ObjB, v)
CreateHotkey(params*) {
for k, v in params
Hotkey, % v, QMenuKey
MenuCommandHandler() {
global qmenu, item
if (A_ThisMenuItem == "Add Item")
item.Create(), item.Show()
if (A_ThisMenuItem == "Edit Item")
item.Create(true, qmenu.MenuItems.GetSelProp()), item.Show(A_ThisMenuItem " " LV_GetNext())
if (A_ThisMenuItem == "Add Separator")
if (A_ThisMenuItem == "Remove Item")
if (A_ThisMenuItem == "Quick Help")
GuiCommandHandler(param) {
global qmenu, item
if (param == "Main")
if (param == "2")
GuiContextHandler(param1, param2) {
global LVMenu
if (param1 == "Main") {
if (param2 == "Items")
LV_GetText(txt, LV_GetNext() ? LV_GetNext() : 1, 2)
, LVMenu.SetItem("Edit Item", (txt == "<Separator>" || txt == "<StdItems=10>" || txt == "" ? "Disable" : "Enable"))
, LVMenu.SetItem("Remove Item", (txt == "<StdItems=10>" || txt == "" ? "Disable" : "Enable"))
, LV_GetCount() >= 1 ? (LVMenu.SetItem("Preview", "Enable"), CreatePreview()) : LVMenu.SetItem("Preview", "Disable")
, LVMenu.Show()
HotkeyHandler(param) {
global qmenu
if (param == "PGUP")
if (param == "PGDN")
CreatePreview() {
global qmenu
qmenu.Submit(m, false), qmenu.MenuItems.GetAll(i)
, Preview(m, i, m["MenuName"] = "Tray" ? true : false)
Preview(m, i, tray=false) {
global PMenu
PMenu.RemoveAll(), PMenu.Standard(false), PMenu.SetColor("Default", true)
for a, b in i {
sLine := ""
if !In(b["ItemName"], "<Separator>`,<StdItems=10>") ; Normal item
SubStr(b["LabelorSubMenu"], 1, 1) == ":"
? PMenu.AddSubMenu("Tray", (InStr(b["ItemName"], "``t") ? RegExReplace(b["ItemName"], "``t", "`t") : b["ItemName"]))
: PMenu.AppendItem(InStr(b["ItemName"], "``t") ? RegExReplace(b["ItemName"], "``t", "`t") : b["ItemName"], "MenuMsgHandler")
else if (b["ItemName"] == "<Separator>") ; Separator
else if (b["ItemName"] == "<StdItems=10>") ; Standard items
if !In(b["State"], "<Separator>,<StdItems=10>,Normal") { ; Item states
states := b["State"]
Loop, Parse, states, `,
In(A_LoopField, "Check,Disable")
? PMenu.SetItem(InStr(b["ItemName"], "``t") ? RegExReplace(b["ItemName"], "``t", "`t") : b["ItemName"], A_LoopField)
: PMenu.Default(InStr(b["ItemName"], "``t") ? RegExReplace(b["ItemName"], "``t", "`t") : b["ItemName"])
if !In(b["IconFile"], "`,<Separator>,<StdItems=10>")
PMenu.SetIcon(InStr(b["ItemName"], "``t") ? RegExReplace(b["ItemName"], "``t", "`t") : b["ItemName"], b["IconFile"], (b["IconNumber"] ? b["IconNumber"] : ""), (b["IconWidth"] ? b["IconWidth"] : ""))
m["MenuColor"] <> "Default" ? PMenu.SetColor(m["MenuColor"], m["Single"]) : ""
MenuMsgHandler(param="Preview") {
if (param == "Preview")
MsgBox, 64, , This is a preview.
if (param == "Quick Help")
MsgBox, 0, Menu Creator - Quick Help,
Use "PageUp" and "PageDown" to move an item up and down the ListView.
When specifiying an item name in the Add/Edit Item window, ampersands(&) are treated as literal ampersands. Select the letter that you would like to underline from the "Underlined letter" DropDownList.
Duplicate "hotkeys" are allowed when creating menus, but for "Best Practices" purposes, a warning message is displayed every time a duplicate is found. Should you wish to create items sharing the same hotkeys, just edit those lines manually after you have copied and pasted the generated code. Same goes for underlined letters, but since it is useful for navigation, an option to allow same underlined letters is provided in the main window of the script.
;~ Miscellaneous functions
GetFileName(FilePattern) {
SplitPath, FilePattern, FileName
return FileName
IsEnabled(control) {
GuiControlGet, e, Enabled, % control
return e
IsChecked(control) {
if InStr(control, "Button")
GuiControlGet, c,, % control
return c ? c : false
CtrlEnable(enable=true, controls*) {
for k, v in controls {
if enable {
if !IsEnabled(v)
GuiControl, Enable, % v
} else {
if IsEnabled(v)
GuiControl, Disable, % v
CtrlCheck(check=true, controls*) {
for k, v in controls {
if check {
if !IsChecked(v)
GuiControl,, % v, 1
} else {
if IsChecked(v)
GuiControl,, % v, 0
LV_Get(row, col) {
LV_GetText(txt, row, col)
return txt
EnvReplace(haystack) {
while pos := RegExMatch(haystack, "\%\w+\%", env, pos ? pos+StrLen(str) : 1) {
EnvGet, str, % RegExReplace(env, "\%", "")
haystack := RegExReplace(haystack, env, str)
return haystack
KeyVal(Array, f, key=true) {
f := Func(f)
for k, v in Array
if f.(key ? k : v)
return key ? v : k
In(var, MatchList) {
if var in % MatchList
return True
Contains(var, MatchList) {
if var contains % MatchList
return true
Dlg_Color(ByRef Color, hGui=0) {
;covert from rgb
clr := ((Color & 0xFF) << 16) + (Color & 0xFF00) + ((Color >> 16) & 0xFF)
VarSetCapacity(CHOOSECOLOR, 0x24, 0), VarSetCapacity(CUSTOM, 64, 0)
, NumPut(0x24, CHOOSECOLOR, 0) ; DWORD lStructSize
, NumPut(hGui, CHOOSECOLOR, 4) ; HWND hwndOwner (makes dialog "modal").
, NumPut(clr, CHOOSECOLOR, 12) ; clr.rgbResult
, NumPut(&CUSTOM, CHOOSECOLOR, 16) ; COLORREF *lpCustColors
, NumPut(0x00000103,CHOOSECOLOR, 20) ; Flag: CC_ANYCOLOR || CC_RGBINIT
nRC := DllCall("comdlg32\ChooseColorA", str, CHOOSECOLOR) ; Display the dialog.
if (errorlevel <> 0) || (nRC = 0)
return false
clr := NumGet(CHOOSECOLOR, 12)
oldFormat := A_FormatInteger
SetFormat, integer, hex ; Show RGB color extracted below in hex format.
;convert to rgb
Color := (clr & 0xff00) + ((clr & 0xff0000) >> 16) + ((clr & 0xff) << 16)
StringTrimLeft, Color, Color, 2
Loop, % 6-strlen(Color)
SetFormat, integer, %oldFormat%
return true
Dlg_Icon(ByRef Icon, ByRef Index, hGui=0) {
PtrType := A_PtrSize ? "Ptr" : "UInt"
VarSetCapacity(wIcon, 1025, 0)
if (Icon && !StrPut(Icon, &wIcon, StrLen(Icon) + 1, "UTF-16"))
return false
r := DllCall(DllCall("GetProcAddress", PtrType, DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "shell32.dll"), "Uint", 62, PtrType), PtrType, hGui, PtrType, &wIcon, "uint", 1025, "intp", --Index)
IfEqual, r, 0, return false
len := DllCall("lstrlenW", "UInt", &wIcon)
if (A_IsUnicode)
return true, VarSetCapacity(wIcon, -1), Icon := wIcon
if (!Icon := StrGet(&wIcon, len + 1, "UTF-16"))
return false
return True
;~ Classes
class MenuProp
static Handle := "", ImageList :=
__New() {
MenuProp.ImageList := IL_Create()
Create() {
static MName, Color, More, Icon, Items, Standard, Space, Show, Mouse, Coord, MBar, Insert, Copy, Cancel
; Menu Properties
Gui , Main: +HwndhMenuProp +LabelQMenu
Gui , Main:Add , Groupbox , x8 y7 w260 h120 , Menu Properties
Gui , Main:Add , Text , x42 y34 w60 h15 Right , Menu Name
Gui , Main:Add , Edit , x108 y34 w150 h20 vMName gQMenuCommand,
Gui , Main:Add , Text , x17 y62 w85 h15 Right , Background Color
Gui , Main:Add , ComboBox , x108 y62 w95 vColor gQMenuCommand, Default||Black|Silver|Gray|White|Maroon|Red|Purple|Fuchsia|Green|Lime|Olive|Yellow|Navy|Blue|Teal|Aqua
Gui , Main:Add , Button , x209 y62 w50 h22 vMore gQMenuCommand, More
Gui , Main:Add , Checkbox , x16 y90 w245 h26 0x400 , Single (If checked, any attached submenus will not be affected by the color setting)
; Tray Properties
Gui , Main:Add , Groupbox , x275 y7 w268 h120 , Tray Properties (Menu name must be "Tray")
Gui , Main:Add , Text , x278 y34 w50 h15 Right , Icon File
Gui , Main:Add , Edit , x335 y34 w163 h20 ,
Gui , Main:Add , Button , x504 y34 w30 h22 vIcon gQMenuCommand, ...
Gui , Main:Add , Text , x280 y62 w50 h15 Right , Icon No
Gui , Main:Add , Edit , x335 y62 w42 h21 ,
Gui , Main:Add , UpDown , x375 y62 w18 h21 , UpDown
Gui , Main:Font , Italic
Gui , Main:Add , Checkbox , x384 y62 w150 h13 , Exclude file path from output
Gui , Main:Font , Normal
Gui , Main:Add , Text , x298 y91 w30 h15 Right , Tip
Gui , Main:Add , Edit , x335 y90 w200 h21 ,
; Menu items
Gui , Main:Add , Text , x10 y138 w230 h15 , Menu Items (Right-click for the command menu)
Gui , Main:Add , Checkbox , x420 y138 w125 h13 vStandard gQMenuCommand, Include standard items
Gui , Main:Add , ListView , x8 y155 w535 h190 NoSortHdr LV0x400 vItems , Pos|Item Name|Label or Submenu|Item State|Icon File|Icon No.|Icon Width
;Additional options
Gui , Main:Add , Groupbox , x8 y350 w535 h143 , Additional Options ; h58
Gui , Main:Add , Checkbox , x16 y370 w435 h13 , Allow same underlined letter (This option will only affect succeeding added/edited items)
Gui , Main:Add , Checkbox , x16 y387 w230 h13 vSpace gQMenuCommand, Add spaces to output [S=space `; C=comma]
Gui , Main:Add , Radio , x253 y387 w40 h15 , SCS
Gui , Main:Add , Radio , x300 y387 w40 h15 , CS
Gui , Main:Add , Radio , x342 y387 w40 h15 , SC
Gui , Main:Add , Checkbox , x16 y404 w220 h13 vShow gQMenuCommand , Add "Menu, [MenuName], Show" to output
Gui , Main:Add , Radio , x32 y422 w175 h15 vMouse gQMenuCommand, Show at mouse position (Default)
Gui , Main:Add , Radio , x32 y445 w150 h15 vCoord gQMenuCommand, Show at [X , Y] coordinates
Gui , Main:Add , Radio , x32 y468 w120 h15 vMBar gQMenuCommand, Show as Menu bar
Gui , Main:Add , Edit , x185 y444 w60 h18 Number, ; 153
Gui , Main:Add , UpDown , % "0x80 Range0-" A_ScreenWidth
Gui , Main:Add , Edit , x253 y444 w60 h18 Number, ; 196
Gui , Main:Add , UpDown , % "0x80 Range0-" A_ScreenHeight
Gui , Main:Add , Radio , x321 y446 w60 h13 , Window
Gui , Main:Add , Radio , x386 y446 w60 h13 , Screen
Gui , Main:Add , Radio , x446 y446 w60 h13 , Client
Gui, Main:Add , Text, x156 y469 w25 h15 , GUI ; x255
Gui , Main:Add , Edit , x185 y467 w129 h18
;~ Buttons
Gui , Main:Add , Button , x169 y500 w120 h22 vInsert gQMenuCommand, Insert in SciTE
Gui , Main:Add , Button , x296 y500 w160 h22 vCopy gQMenuCommand, Copy code to clipboard ; y417
Gui , Main:Add , Button , x463 y500 w80 h22 vCancel gQMenuCommand, Cancel
Gui, Main:Default
MenuProp.Handle := hMenuProp, LV_SetImageList(MenuProp.ImageList)
CtrlEnable(false, "Edit3", "Button5", "Edit4", "msctls_updown321", "Button6", "Edit5")
CtrlCheck(true, "Button10", "Button11", "Button14", "Button15", "Button18")
CtrlEnable(false, "Edit6", "Edit7", "Button18", "Button19", "Button20", "Static7", "Edit8")
Show(param="Menu Creator") {
Gui , Main:Show , w551 h527 , % param ; h445
Submit(ByRef Fields, warn=true) {
Gui, Main:Default
Fields := []
for k, v in {MenuName: "Edit1", MenuColor: "ComboBox1", Single: "Button3", tIcon: "Edit3", tIconNo: "msctls_updown321", tExcPath: "Button6", tTip: "Edit5", xPos: "msctls_updown322", yPos: "msctls_updown323", GUI: "Edit8"} {
GuiControlGet, contents, , % v
if warn
if (k == "MenuName" && contents == "") {
MsgBox, 48, Quick Menu, Menu name cannot be blank, please provide a menu name.
GuiControl, Focus, Edit1
Fields[k] := contents
Destroy() {
Gui, Main:Destroy
Copy() {
this.Submit(m), this.MenuItems.GetAll(i)
Clipboard := "", Clipboard := this.GenCode(m, i, m["MenuName"] = "Tray" ? true : false)
MsgBox, 64, , Code copied to clipboard., 1
SciTeInsert(oSciTe) {
this.Submit(m), this.MenuItems.GetAll(i)
oSciTe.InsertText(this.GenCode(m, i, m["MenuName"] = "Tray" ? true : false))
CopyAlt() {
this.Submit(m), this.MenuItems.GetAll(i)
MsgBox, % this.GenCode(m, i, m["MenuName"] = "Tray" ? true : false)
GenCode(m, i, tray=false) {
spc := IsChecked("Button10") ? KeyVal({Button11: " `, ", Button12: "`, ", Button13: " `,"}, "IsChecked") : ","
if tray { ; Tray properties
std := IsChecked("Button7") ? (LV_Get(1, 2) == "<StdItems=10>" ? 2 : 1) : 0
tLine1 := m["tIcon"] ? "Menu" spc m["MenuName"] spc "Icon" spc (m["tExcPath"] ? GetFileName(m["tIcon"]) : m["tIcon"]) (m["tIconNo"] ? spc m["tIconNo"] "`r`n": "`r`n") : ""
tLine2 := m["tTip"] ? "Menu" spc m["MenuName"] spc "Tip" spc m["tTip"] "`r`n" : ""
stdLine := ((std < 2) ? "Menu" spc m["MenuName"] spc "NoStandard" "`r`n" : "")
for a, b in i { ; Generate items
sLine := "", iLine := ""
if !In(b["ItemName"], "<Separator>`,<StdItems=10>") ; Normal item
mLine := "Menu" spc m["MenuName"] spc "Add" spc b["ItemName"] (b["LabelorSubmenu"] <> "" ? spc b["LabelorSubmenu"] : "")
else if (b["ItemName"] == "<Separator>") ; Separator
mLine := "Menu" spc m["MenuName"] spc "Add"
else if (b["ItemName"] == "<StdItems=10>") ; Standard items
mLine := tray ? (a <= 1 ? "" : "Menu" spc m["MenuName"] spc "Standard") : "Menu" spc m["MenuName"] spc "Standard"
if b["IncLabel"]
lLine .= (b["LabelorSubmenu"] ? b["LabelorSubmenu"] : b["ItemName"]) ":`r`n"
if !In(b["State"], "<Separator>,<StdItems=10>,Normal") { ; Item states
states := b["State"], sLine := ""
Loop, Parse, states, `,
sLine .= "Menu" spc m["MenuName"] spc A_LoopField spc b["ItemName"] "`r`n"
sLine := SubStr(sLine, 1, StrLen(sLine)-2)
if !In(b["IconFile"], ",<Separator>,<StdItems=10>") ; Item icon
iLine := "Menu" spc m["MenuName"] spc "Icon" spc b["ItemName"] spc b["IconFile"] (b["IconNumber"] <> "" ? (b["IconWidth"] <> "" ? spc b["IconNumber"] spc b["IconWidth"] : spc b["IconNumber"]) : "")
lines .= (b["ItemName"] <> "<Separator>" && b["ItemName"] <> "<StdItems=10>") ? (mLine (sLine ? (iLine ? "`r`n" sLine "`r`n" iLine "`r`n" : "`r`n" sLine "`r`n") : (iLine ? "`r`n" iLine "`r`n" : "`r`n"))) : (mLine ? mLine "`r`n" : mline)
if lLine {
Sort, lLine, U D
lLine := RegExReplace(lLine, "\:", ":`r`nreturn")
cLine := m["MenuColor"] <> "Default" && m["MenuColor"] <> "" ? "Menu" spc m["MenuName"] spc "Color" spc m["MenuColor"] (m["Single"] ? spc "Single`r`n" : "`r`n") : "" ; Menu color
if IsChecked("Button14") {
if IsChecked("Button15")
show := "Menu" spc m["MenuName"] spc "Show`r`n"
if IsChecked("Button16")
show := "Menu" spc m["MenuName"] spc "Show" spc m["xPos"] spc m["yPos"] "`r`n"
, coord := "CoordMode" spc "Menu" spc KeyVal({Button18: "Window", Button19: "Screen", Button20: "Client"}, "IsChecked") "`r`n"
if IsChecked("Button17")
show := "Gui" spc (m["GUI"] ? m["GUI"] ":Menu" : "Menu") spc m["MenuName"] "`r`n"
return (tray ? tLine1 tLine2 stdLine : "") (lLine ? lines (cLine ? cLine : "") (show ? (coord ? coord : "") show : "") "return`r`n" SubStr(lLine, 1, StrLen(lLine)-2) : lines (cLine ? cLine : "") (show ? (coord ? coord : "") show : "") "return")
CheckName() {
Gui, Main:Default
GuiControlGet, txt,, Edit1
if (txt = "Tray") {
CtrlEnable(true, "Edit3", "Button5", "Edit4", "msctls_updown321", "Button6", "Edit5")
GuiControlGet, std,, Button7
if !std {
GuiControl,, Button7, 1
} else
CtrlEnable(false, "Edit3", "Button5", "Edit4", "msctls_updown321", "Button6", "Edit5")
ChooseColor() {
Dlg_Color(color, MenuProp.Handle)
if (color <> "")
GuiControl,, ComboBox1, % color "||"
ChooseIcon() {
Dlg_Icon(icon, index, MenuProp.Handle)
GuiControlGet, e,, Edit3
GuiControlGet, i,, msctls_updown321
;~ GuiControl,, Edit3, % InStr(icon, "`%SystemRoot`%") ? RegExReplace(icon, "\%SystemRoot\%", A_WinDir ) : icon
GuiControl,, Edit3, % icon ? EnvReplace(icon) : e
GuiControl,, msctls_updown321, % index ? index : i
CommandHandler(param="") {
if (param == "MName")
if (param == "Color") {
GuiControlGet, clr,, ComboBox1
if (clr == "Default")
CtrlCheck(false, "Button3")
if (param == "More")
if (param == "Icon")
if (param == "Standard")
if (param == "Space")
CtrlEnable(IsChecked("Button10"), "Button11", "Button12", "Button13")
if (param == "Show")
CtrlEnable(IsChecked("Button14"), "Button15", "Button16", "Button17")
if (param == "Mouse")
CtrlEnable(IsChecked("Button16"), "Edit6", "Edit7", "Button18", "Button19", "Button20")
, CtrlEnable(IsChecked("Button17"), "Static7", "Edit8")
if (param == "Coord")
CtrlEnable(IsChecked("Button16"), "Edit6", "Edit7", "Button18", "Button19", "Button20")
, CtrlEnable(IsChecked("Button17"), "Static7", "Edit8")
if (param == "MBar")
CtrlEnable(IsChecked("Button17"), "Static7", "Edit8")
, CtrlEnable(IsChecked("Button16"), "Edit6", "Edit7", "Button18", "Button19", "Button20")
if (param == "Insert") {
if oScite := ComObjActive("SciTE4AHK.Application")
MsgBox, 16, Menu Creator, SciTe4AutoHotkey is not running.
if (param == "Copy")
if (param == "Cancel")
class MenuItems
Items := [], RecentIcon := [], ImgLst := []
AddItem(f, add=true, pos="") {
static j
Gui, Main:Default
for k, v in this.Items
if (v["ItemName"] = f["ItemName"] && v["UnderChar"] = f["UnderChar"] && v["Hotkey"] = f["Hotkey"] && k <> (add ? LV_GetCount()+1 : pos)) {
MsgBox, 48, Quick Menu, % "Menu item name: """ f["ItemName"] """ is already in use.`nItem No. " k " , Item Name: """ v["ItemName"] """ , is currently using it. `nPlease come up with a diiferent item name."
return [add ? true : false, add ? "" : pos]
for k, v in {Disable: f["Disabled"], Check: f["Checked"], Default: f["Default"]}
if v {
if (k == "Default") { ; Check duplicate default items
for a, b in this.Items {
if (b["Default"] && a <> (add ? LV_GetCount()+1 : pos))
if this.AlertMsg(1, a, b["ItemName"])
b["Default"] := 0, LV_GetText(txt, a, 4), LV_Modify(a, "Col4", RegExReplace(txt, (StrLen(txt) <= StrLen(k) ? k : (InStr(txt, "Checked") ? "\," k : k "\,")), ""))
else {
f["Default"] := 0
continue, 2
State .= k ","
if (f["UnderChar"]<> "None") {
GuiControlGet, allow,, Button9
if !allow {
for k, v in this.Items ; Check duplicate underlined characters
if (SubStr(v["UnderChar"], 0, 1) = SubStr(f["UnderChar"], 0, 1) && k <> (add ? LV_GetCount()+1 : pos))
this.AlertMsg(2, k, v["ItemName"], f) ? (LV_GetText(txt, k, 2), LV_Modify(k, "Col2", RegExReplace(txt, "\&" SubStr(v["UnderChar"], 0, 1), SubStr(v["UnderChar"], 0, 1), "", 1, SubStr(v["UnderChar"], 1, 1))), v["UnderChar"] := "None") : f["UnderChar"] := "None"
if (f["UnderChar"] <> "None") { ; Check again in case duplicate is found and no replacement occured
iName := f["ItemName"], iName := (InStr(iName, "&") ? RegExReplace(iName, "\&", "&&") : iName)
Loop, Parse, iName
Name .= (A_Index == SubStr(f["UnderChar"], 1, 1) && A_LoopField == SubStr(f["UnderChar"], 0, 1)) ? "&" A_LoopField : A_LoopField
if (f["Hotkey"] <> "") ; Check duplicate hotkeys
for k, v in this.Items
if (v["Hotkey"] = f["Hotkey"] && k <> (add ? LV_GetCount()+1 : pos))
this.AlertMsg(3, k, v["ItemName"], f) ? (LV_GetText(txt, k, 2), LV_Modify(k, "Col2", RegExReplace(txt, "``t" RegExReplace(this.ConvertHotkey(v["Hotkey"]), "\+", "\+"), "")), v["Hotkey"] := "") : f["Hotkey"] := ""
i := (f["IconFile"]<> "") ; process icon, image list
? (add ; Has icon
? (this.CheckImgLst(f["IconFile"], f["IconNumber"], n)
? n
: (IL_Add(MenuProp.ImageList, f["IconFile"], f["IconNumber"]), img := true))
: ((f["IconFile"] == this.Items[pos]["IconFile"] && f["IconNumber"] == this.Items[pos]["IconNumber"]) ; Edit Item
? this.RecentIcon[pos] ; No icon change
: (this.CheckImgLst(f["IconFile"], f["IconNumber"], n)
? n
: (IL_Add(MenuProp.ImageList, f["IconFile"], f["IconNumber"]), img :=true)))) ; Icon change
: ""
? LV_Add("Icon" i
, LV_GetCount()+1
, (Name <> "")
? (f["Hotkey"] <> ""
? Name "``t" this.ConvertHotkey(f["Hotkey"])
: Name)
: (InStr(f["ItemName"], "&")
? (f["Hotkey"] <> ""
? RegExReplace(f["ItemName"], "\&", "&&") "``t" this.ConvertHotkey(f["Hotkey"])
: RegExReplace(f["ItemName"], "\&", "&&"))
: (f["Hotkey"] <> ""
? f["ItemName"] "``t" this.ConvertHotkey(f["Hotkey"])
: f["ItemName"]))
, f["Label"] == 1 ? f["LabelorSubmenu"] : ":" f["LabelorSubmenu"]
, State <> "" ? SubStr(State, 1, StrLen(State)-1) : "Normal"
, f["IconFile"] ? (f["ExcFilePath"] ? GetFileName(f["IconFile"]) : f["IconFile"]) : ""
, f["IconNumber"] && f["IconFile"] ? f["IconNumber"] : ""
, f["IconWidth"] ? f["IconWidth"] : "")
: LV_Modify(pos
, "Icon" i
, pos
, (Name <> "")
? (f["Hotkey"] <> ""
? Name "``t" this.ConvertHotkey(f["Hotkey"])
: Name)
: (InStr(f["ItemName"], "&")
? (f["Hotkey"] <> ""
? RegExReplace(f["ItemName"], "\&", "&&") "``t" this.ConvertHotkey(f["Hotkey"])
: RegExReplace(f["ItemName"], "\&", "&&"))
: (f["Hotkey"] <> ""
? f["ItemName"] "``t" this.ConvertHotkey(f["Hotkey"])
: f["ItemName"]))
, f["Label"] == 1 ? f["LabelorSubmenu"] : ":" f["LabelorSubmenu"]
, State <> "" ? SubStr(State, 1, StrLen(State)-1) : "Normal"
, f["IconFile"] ? (f["ExcFilePath"] ? GetFileName(f["IconFile"]) : f["IconFile"]) : ""
, f["IconNumber"] && f["IconFile"] ? f["IconNumber"] : ""
, f["IconWidth"] ? f["IconWidth"] : "")
LV_ModifyCol(2, "AutoHdr") , LV_ModifyCol(5, 130)
this.Items[add ? LV_GetCount() : pos] := f, this.RecentIcon[add ? LV_GetCount() : pos] := i
if img ; Check if a new icon was added to the image list
this.ImgLst[this.ImgLst.MaxIndex()>=1 ? this.ImgLst.MaxIndex()+1 : 1] := {File: f["IconFile"], Idx: f["IconNumber"]}
;~ j := (j == "") ? 1 : j+1, this.ImgLst[j] := {File: f["IconFile"], Idx: f["IconNumber"]} ; Keep track of icons in the image list
return false ; No errors
AddSep() {
Gui, Main:Default
LV_Add("Icon", LV_GetCount()+1, "<Separator>", "<Separator>","<Separator>", "<Separator>","<Separator>", "<Separator>")
, this.Items[LV_GetCount()] := {ItemName: "<Separator>", UnderChar: "None", Hotkey: "", LabelorSubmenu: "<Separator>", Label: 1, Disabled: 0, Checked: 0, Default: 0, IconFile: "", IconNumber: "", IconWidth: "", ExcFilePath: 0}
, this.RecentIcon[LV_GetCount()] := ""
AddStdItems() {
Gui, Main:Default
GuiControlGet, std,, Button7
if std {
i := this.CheckImgLst(A_AhkPath , 1, n) ? n : (IL_Add(MenuProp.ImageList, A_AhkPath, 1), img := true)
LV_Add("Icon" i, LV_GetCount()+1, "<StdItems=10>", "<StdItems=10>","<StdItems=10>", "<StdItems=10>","<StdItems=10>", "<StdItems=10>")
, this.Items[LV_GetCount()] := {ItemName: "<StdItems=10>", UnderChar: "None", Hotkey: "", LabelorSubmenu: "<StdItems=10>", Label: 1, Disabled: 0, Checked: 0, Default: 0, IconFile: A_AhkPath, IconNumber: 1, IconWidth: "", ExcFilePath: 0}
, this.RecentIcon[LV_GetCount()] := i
} else {
Loop, % LV_GetCount() {
LV_GetText(txt, A_Index, 2)
if (txt == "<StdItems=10>")
if img
this.ImgLst[this.ImgLst.MaxIndex()>=1 ? this.ImgLst.MaxIndex()+1 : 1] := {File: A_AhkPath, Idx: "1"}
Remove(pos="") {
Gui, Main:Default
this.Items.Remove(pos ? pos : LV_GetNext()), this.RecentIcon.Remove(pos ? pos : LV_GetNext()), LV_Delete(pos ? pos : LV_GetNext()), this.UpdatePos()
GetAll(ByRef AllFields) {
AllFields := []
ControlGet, All, List,, SysListView321, % "ahk_id " MenuProp.Handle
Loop, Parse, All, `n
StringSplit, field, A_LoopField, `t
AllFields[A_Index] := {Pos: field1, ItemName: field2, LabelorSubMenu: field3, State: field4, IconFile: field5, IconNumber: field6, IconWidth: field7, IncLabel: this.Items[A_Index, "IncLabel"]}
GetSelectedAll(ByRef Fields) {
Gui, Main:Default
Fields := [], RowNumber := 0
for k, v in ["Pos", "ItemName", "LabelorSubMenu", "State", "IconFile"] {
LV_GetText(Text, LV_GetNext("", "Focused"), A_Index)
Fields[v] := Text
GetSelected(col) {
Gui, Main:Default
LV_GetText(txt, LV_GetNext(), col)
return txt
GetSelProp() {
Gui, Main:Default
return this.Items[LV_GetNext()]
MoveItem(up=true) {
Gui, Main:Default
if (up && LV_GetNext()==1) || (!up && LV_GetNext() == LV_GetCount()) || LV_GetNext() == 0
pos := LV_GetNext(), xpos := up ? pos-1 : pos+1
this.Items.Insert(xpos, this.Items.Remove(pos)) , this.RecentIcon.Insert(xpos, this.RecentIcon.Remove(pos))
Loop,% LV_GetCount("Col")
LV_GetText(a, A_Index > 1 ? pos : xpos, A_Index), LV_GetText(b, A_Index > 1 ? xpos : pos, A_Index)
, LV_Modify(pos, "Col" A_Index " Icon" this.RecentIcon[pos], b)
, LV_Modify(xpos, "Col" A_Index " Icon" this.RecentIcon[xpos], a)
LV_Modify(pos, "-Select -Focus"), LV_Modify(xpos, "Select Focus")
CheckImgLst(file, idx, ByRef n) {
for k, v in this.ImgLst {
if (v["File"] == file && v["Idx"] == idx) {
n := k
return true
ConvertHotkey(Hotkey) {
Loop, Parse, Hotkey
key .= A_Index <> StrLen(Hotkey) ? A_LoopField "|" : A_LoopField
for k, v in {Alt: "!", Ctrl: "^", Shift: "+"}
key := InStr(key, v) ? RegExReplace(key, "\" v, k) : key
return RegExReplace(key, "\|", "+")
AlertMsg(MsgNo, ItemNo, ItemName, o="") {
m1 := "Item No. " ItemNo " , Item Name: """ ItemName """ , is currently the default item.`nWould you like to replace it?"
m2 := "Conflict with underlined character: """ SubStr(o["UnderChar"], 0, 1) """`nItem No. " ItemNo " , Item Name: """ ItemName """ , is currently using it.`nWould you like to replace it?"
m3 := "Conflict with item hotkey: """ this.ConvertHotkey(o["Hotkey"]) """`nItem No. " ItemNo " , Item Name: """ ItemName """ , is currently using it.`nWould you like to replace it?"
MsgBox, 52, Quick Menu, % m%MsgNo%
IfMsgBox, Yes
return true
return false
UpdatePos() {
Gui, Main:Default
Loop, % LV_GetCount() {
if (A_Index <> LV_Get(A_Index, 1))
LV_Modify(A_Index, "Icon" this.RecentIcon[A_Index] " Col1", A_Index )
class ItemProp extends MenuProp
__New() {
this.ExcFilePath := false
__Delete() {
Gui, 2:Destroy
Create(param=false, f="") {
static Item, Icon, Exclude, OK, Cancel
Gui , 2:+HwndhItemProp +LabelQMenu +OwnerMain
; Item properties
Gui, 2: Add , Groupbox , x7 y8 w380 h130 , Item Properties
Gui, 2: Add , Text , x50 y33 w60 h15 Right , Item Name
Gui, 2: Add , Edit , x116 y33 w260 h20 vItem gQMenuCommand, % param ? f["ItemName"] : ""
Gui, 2: Add , Text , x20 y61 w90 h15 Right , Underlined char
Gui, 2: Add , DropDownList , x117 y60 w60 , % param ? this.SetComboField(f["ItemName"], (f["UnderChar"] <> "None" ? f["UnderChar"] : "")) : "None||"
Gui, 2: Add , Text , x185 y61 w50 h15 Right , Hotkey
Gui, 2: Add , Hotkey , x241 y60 w135 h21 , % param ? f["Hotkey"] : "Hotkey"
Gui, 2: Add , Text , x16 y88 w95 h15 Right , Label or Submenu
Gui, 2: Add , Edit , x116 y88 w260 h20 , % param ? f["LabelorSubmenu"] : ""
Gui, 2: Add , Radio , % "x116 y113 w50 h13 gQMenuCommand " (param ? "Checked" (f["Label"] == 1 ? "1" : "0") : "Checked1") , Label
Gui, 2: Add , Radio , % "x168 y113 w65 h13 gQMenuCommand " (param ? "Checked" (f["Label"] == 1 ? "0" : "1") : "Checked0") , Submenu
Gui, 2:Font , Italic
Gui, 2: Add , Checkbox , % "x240 y113 w140 h13 " (param ? "Checked" f["IncLabel"] : "Checked0") " " (param ? (f["Label"] ? "Disabled0" : "Disabled1") : "") , Include "Label" in output
Gui, 2:Font , Normal
; Initial Item state
Gui, 2: Add , Groupbox , x7 y144 w380 h45 , Item State
Gui, 2: Add , Checkbox , % "x35 y164 w70 h15 " (param ? "Checked" f["Disabled"] : "Checked0") , Disabled
Gui, 2: Add , Checkbox , % "x171 y164 w70 h15 " (param ? "Checked" f["Checked"] : "Checked0") , Checked
Gui, 2: Add , Checkbox , % "x310 y164 w60 h15 " (param ? "Checked" f["Default"] : "Checked0") , Default
; Item icon properties
Gui, 2: Add , Groupbox , x7 y195 w380 h101 , Item Icon Properties
Gui, 2: Add , Text , x35 y222 w50 h15 Right , Icon File
Gui, 2: Add , Edit , x90 y222 w250 h20 , % param ? f["IconFile"] : ""
Gui, 2: Add , Button , x345 y222 w30 h22 vIcon gQMenuCommand, ...
Gui, 2:Font , Italic
Gui, 2:Add, CheckBox, % "x90 y245 w150 h13 0x400 vExclude gQMenuCommand Checked" (param ? f["ExcFilePath"] : this.ExcFilePath) , Exclude file path from output
Gui, 2:Font , Normal
Gui, 2: Add , Text , x14 y265 w70 h15 Right , Icon Number
Gui, 2: Add , Edit , x90 y265 w40 h20 ,
Gui, 2: Add , UpDown , x112 y265 w18 h20 Range-1000-1000, % param ? f["IconNumber"] : "1"
Gui, 2: Add , Text , x140 y265 w100 h15 Right , Icon Width (Optional)
Gui, 2: Add , ComboBox , x247 y264 w44 , % param ? f["IconWidth"] : "16|24|32" ; x194
;~ Buttons
Gui, 2: Add , Button , x219 y305 w80 h22 vOK gQMenuCommand, OK
Gui, 2: Add , Button , x307 y305 w80 h22 vCancel gQMenuCommand, Cancel
this.Handle := hItemProp
Show(param="Add Item") {
this.Title := "Menu Creator - " Param
Gui , 2:Show , w395 h333 , % this.Title
Gui, Main:+Disabled
Submit(ByRef Fields) {
Fields := []
for k, v in {ItemName: "Edit1", UnderChar: "ComboBox1", Hotkey: "msctls_hotkey321", LabelorSubmenu: "Edit2", Label: "Button2", IncLabel: "Button4", Disabled: "Button6", Checked: "Button7", Default: "Button8", IconFile: "Edit3", IconNumber: "msctls_updown321", IconWidth: "ComboBox2", ExcFilePath: "Button11"} {
GuiControlGet, contents, 2:, % v
Fields[k] := contents
OK(param=true) {
if (f["ItemName"] == "" && f["Hotkey"] == "") {
MsgBox, 48, Quick Menu, Menu item name cannot be blank, please provide an item name.`nIf you are trying to add a separator, right-click on the ListView(Main window) and select "Add Separator" from the menu.
if (!f["LabelorSubmenu"] && f["Label"]) && (f["Hotkey"] || RegExMatch(f["ItemName"], "[\s\,``]")) {
if (f["Hotkey"] && !RegExMatch(f["ItemName"], "\s"))
MsgBox, 48, Quick Menu, Menu item name cannot be used as the target label in this case as you have specifically assigned a "Hotkey" (Item name output contains the "``t"[Tab] character). Please provide a target label.
else if (RegExMatch(f["ItemName"], "[\s\,``]")) && (!f["Hotkey"] || f["Hotkey"])
MsgBox, 48, Quick Menu, Menu item name cannot be used as the target label in this case as it contains charatcer(s) not allowed in labels. Labels cannot contain the following: space, tab, comma and the escape character (``).
if (!f["LabelorSubmenu"] && !f["Label"]) {
MsgBox, 48, Quick Menu, Submenu cannot be blank. Please provide a submenu.
if (f["Label"] && RegExMatch(f["LabelorSubmenu"], "[\s\,``]")) {
MsgBox, 48, Quick Menu, The specified "label" contains character(s) not allowed in labels. Labels cannot contain the following: space, tab, comma and the escape character (``).
error := param ? base.MenuItems.AddItem(f) : base.MenuItems.AddItem(f, false, SubStr(this.Title, 0, 1))
if error
this.Create(true, f), this.Show(error[1] ? "Add New" : "Edit Item " error[2])
Destroy() {
Gui, Main:-Disabled
Gui, 2:Destroy
SetUnderChar(param="") {
GuiControl,, ComboBox1, |
GuiControlGet, Name,, Edit1
GuiControl,, ComboBox1, % Name <> "" ? this.SetComboField(Name) : "None||"
SetComboField(items, choice="") {
Loop, Parse, items
if (A_LoopField <> A_Space)
UChar .= A_Index >= StrLen(items) ? A_Index " - " A_LoopField : A_Index " - " A_LoopField "|"
return choice <> "" ? "None|" RegExReplace(UChar, choice, choice "|") : "None||" UChar
SetIncLabel() {
GuiControlGet, l,, Button2
GuiControlGet, i,, Button4
l ? CtrlEnable(true, "Button4") : (i ? (CtrlEnable(false, "Button4"), CtrlCheck(false, "Button4")) : CtrlEnable(false, "Button4"))
ChooseIcon() {
GuiControlGet, e,, Edit3
GuiControlGet, i,, msctls_updown321
Dlg_Icon(icon, index, this.Handle)
;~ GuiControl,, Edit3, % InStr(icon, "`%SystemRoot`%") ? RegExReplace(icon, "\%SystemRoot\%", A_WinDir ) : icon
GuiControl,, Edit3, % icon ? EnvReplace(icon) : e
GuiControl,, msctls_updown321, % index ? index : i
ExcludeFilePath() {
Gui, 2:Default
GuiControlGet, efp,, Button10
this.ExcFilePath := efp
CommandHandler(param="") {
if (param == "Item")
if (param == "Label" || param == "Submenu")
if (param == "Icon")
if (param == "Exclude")
if (param == "OK")
this.OK(InStr(this.Title, "Add Item") ? true : false)
if (param == "Cancel")
class Menu
static MenuList := [], MenuCount := 0, RetVal := ""
__New(MenuName) { ; Creates a new menu
this.Instance := true, this.Name := MenuName, this.ItemCount := 0, this.MenuItems := []
if (this.Name <> "Tray")
this.AddSeparator(), this.RemoveAll()
this.IsStandard := this.Name == "Tray" ? true : false
__Delete() {
AppendItem(MenuItemName, LabelorFunction="", mode=true) {
if !this.IsInstance()
if (this.ItemCount >= 1)
for k, v in this.MenuItems
if (v["MenuItem"] == MenuItemName) {
MsgBox, Menu item "%MenuItemName%" already exists!
this.SetItemAction(MenuItemName, LabelorFunction, mode)
this.ItemCount := DllCall("GetMenuItemCount", "Int", this.GetMenuHandle(this.Name))
this.AppendToList(MenuItemName, LabelorFunction <> "" ? LabelorFunction : MenuItemName, mode)
AddSubMenu(MenuName, MenuItemName) {
if !this.IsInstance()
Menu, % this.Name, Add, % MenuItemName, % IsObject(MenuName) ? ":" MenuName.Name : ":" MenuName
this.ItemCount := DllCall("GetMenuItemCount", "Int", this.GetMenuHandle(this.Name))
this.AppendToList(MenuItemName, IsObject(MenuName) ? this.GetMenuHandle(MenuName.Name) : this.GetMenuHandle(MenuName))
AddSeparator() {
if !this.IsInstance()
Menu, % this.Name, Add
this.ItemCount := DllCall("GetMenuItemCount", "Int", this.GetMenuHandle(this.Name))
this.AppendToList("", "")
ModifyItem(MenuItemName, Param="", mode=true) {
if !this.IsInstance()
if (IsObject(Param) || InStr(Param, ":") == 1) { ; Converted to submenu
Menu, % this.Name, Add, % MenuItemName, % IsObject(Param) ? ":" Param.Name : Param
this.MenuItems[this.GetItemPos(MenuItemName), "LabelorFunction"] := IsObject(Param) ?this.GetMenuHandle(Param.Name) : this.GetMenuHandle(SubStr(Param, 2))
this.MenuItems[this.GetItemPos(MenuItemName), "Mode"] := true ; reset mode to "true" if item is converted to submenu
} else { ; New label or function
this.SetItemAction(MenuItemName, Param, mode)
this.MenuItems[this.GetItemPos(MenuItemName), "LabelorFunction"] := Param <> "" ? Param : MenuItemName
this.MenuItems[this.GetItemPos(MenuItemName), "Mode"] := mode
RenameItem(MenuItemName, NewName="") { ; if blank, MenuItemName will be converted to a separator. This action cannot be undone.
if !this.IsInstance()
Menu, % this.Name, Rename, % MenuItemName, % NewName
NewName <> "" ? this.MenuItems[this.GetItemPos(MenuItemName), "MenuItem"] := NewName : this.MenuItems[this.GetItemPos(MenuItemName), "MenuItem"] := "", this.MenuItems[this.GetItemPos(MenuItemName), "LabelorFunction"] := "", this.MenuItems[this.GetItemPos(MenuItemName), "Mode"] := true ; reset mode to "true" if item is converted to a separator
RemoveItem(MenuItemNameorPos, ByName=true, Occurrence=1) { ; If item name is blank(""), this method will remove a separator. By default it will remove the first. Specify "2" for the "Occurrence" parameter to remove the second, "3" for third, and so on... Set "ByName" parameter to "false" if you want to specify the menu item's position instead for the "MenuItemNameorPos" parameter.
if !this.IsInstance()
ByName := ByName == "" ? true : ByName ; set to "true"(default) if parameter is blank("")
if (ByName && MenuItemNameorPos <> "") ; Normal item
Menu, % this.Name, Delete, % MenuItemName
else if (ByName && MenuItemNameorPos == "") ; Separator
DllCall("RemoveMenu", Int, this.GetMenuHandle(this.Name), UInt, this.GetItemPos(MenuItemNameorPos, Occurrence)-1, UInt, "0x00000400L")
else { ; By position
if (this.MenuItems[MenuItemNameorPos, "MenuItem"] <> "") ; Normal Item
Menu, % this.Name, Delete, % this.MenuItems[MenuItemNameorPos, "MenuItem"]
else ; Separator
DllCall("RemoveMenu", Int, this.GetMenuHandle(this.Name), UInt, MenuItemNameorPos-1, UInt, "0x00000400L")
this.MenuItems.Remove(ByName ? this.GetItemPos(MenuItemNameorPos, MenuItemNameorPos == "" ? Occurrence : 1) : MenuItemNameorPos)
this.ItemCount := DllCall("GetMenuItemCount", "Int", this.GetMenuHandle(this.Name))
RemoveAll() {
if !this.IsInstance()
Menu, % this.Name, DeleteAll
this.IsStandard ? (this.Standard(false), this.MenuItems.Remove(1, this.MenuItems.MaxIndex()), this.Standard()) : this.MenuItems.Remove(1, this.MenuItems.MaxIndex()) ; if Menu contains the standard items, remove them temporarily, clear the list, and add them back again
this.ItemCount := DllCall("GetMenuItemCount", "Int", this.GetMenuHandle(this.Name))
SetItem(MenuItemName, Options="") { ; "Options" can be any of the following(space-delimited): Check, Uncheck, ToggleCheck, Enable, Disable, ToggleEnable
if !this.IsInstance()
if (Options <> "") { ; nothing is altered if omitted
Options := RegExReplace(Options, "S) +", A_Space) ; replace multiple spaces with a single space
Loop, Parse, Options, % A_Space
if A_LoopField in Check,Uncheck,ToggleCheck,Enable,Disable,ToggleEnable ; check if option is valid, if not, nothing is altered
Menu, % this.Name, % A_LoopField, % MenuItemName
Default(MenuItemName="") {
if !this.IsInstance()
Menu, % this.Name, Default, % MenuItemName
Standard(param=true) {
if !this.IsInstance()
this.ItemCount := DllCall("GetMenuItemCount", "Int", this.GetMenuHandle(this.Name)) ; get menu item count prior to adding the standard items
Menu, % this.Name, % param ? "Standard" : "NoStandard"
if param {
for k, v in ["Open", "Help", "", "Window Spy", "Reload This Script", "Edit This Script", "", "Suspend Hotkeys", "Pause Script", "Exit"]
this.ItemCount++, this.AppendToList(v, "`nStdItem")
} else {
a := "", b := 0 ; counters: a=index of the first standard item | b=index of the last standard item
for k, v in this.MenuItems
if (v["LabelorFunction"] == "`nStdItem")
a := b <= 0 ? k : a, b := b <= 0 ? k : b+1
this.MenuItems.Remove(a, b) ; remove the standard items from array
this.ItemCount := DllCall("GetMenuItemCount", "Int", this.GetMenuHandle(this.Name)) ; Get the new item count
this.IsStandard := param
SetIcon(MenuItemName, FileName, IconNumber="", IconWidth="") {
if !this.IsInstance()
Menu, % this.Name, Icon, % MenuItemName, % FileName, % IconNumber, % IconWidth
RemoveIcon(MenuItemName) {
if !this.IsInstance()
Menu, % this.Name, NoIcon, % MenuItemName
Destroy() {
if !this.IsInstance()
for k, v in Menu.MenuList
for a, b in v
if (b["LabelorFunction"] == this.GetMenuHandle(this.Name)) ; Remove item entries in list for other items that is using the currently destoyed menu as a submenu.
Menu, % this.Name, Delete
this.Instance := false, this.Name := "", this.ItemCount := "", this.MenuItems := ""
Show(X="", Y="") {
if !this.IsInstance()
Menu, % this.Name, Show, % X, % Y
InsertItem(MenuItemName, Pos, Param="", mode=true) {
if !this.IsInstance()
this.AppendItem(MenuItemName, Param, mode)
count := this.IsStandard ? this.ItemCount - 9 : this.ItemCount
Loop, % count - Pos
InsertSubMenu(MenuName, MenuItemName, Pos) {
if !this.IsInstance()
this.AddSubMenu(MenuName, MenuItemName)
count := this.IsStandard ? this.ItemCount - 9 : this.ItemCount
Loop, % count - Pos
InsertSeparator(Pos) {
if !this.IsInstance()
xpos := this.ItemCount ; get the newly appended separator's position
count := this.IsStandard ? this.ItemCount - 9 : this.ItemCount
Loop, % count - Pos
xpos := this.MoveItem(xpos, true, false)
MoveItem(MenuItemNameorPos, up=true, ByName=true) {
if !this.IsInstance()
up := up == "" ? true : up ; set to "true"(default) if parameter is blank("")
items := [], oldh := [] ; Objects to temporarily hold menus/menu items properties after removal
pos := ByName ? this.GetItemPos(MenuItemNameorPos) : MenuItemNameorPos
xpos := up ? pos-1 : pos+1
if (up && pos <= 1 || !up && pos >= this.ItemCount) ; Unable to move item due to its postition and the associated direction
if (this.MenuItems[xpos, "LabelorFunction"] == "`nStdItem")
xpos := up ? xpos-9 : xpos+9
for k, v in this.MenuItems
items[k] := {name: v["MenuItem"], action: v["LabelorFunction"], mode: v["Mode"]}
items.Insert(xpos, items.Remove(pos))
for m in Menu.MenuList ; Retrieve handle of menus, menu(s) which are being used as submenu(s) gets a new handle if the item that opens it is removed
oldh[m] := this.GetMenuHandle(m) ; store handle(s) in object for later comparison
this.IsStandard ? (this.Standard(false), RemoveStd := true, this.RemoveAll()) : this.RemoveAll()
for a, b in items {
item := b["name"], action := b["action"], mode := b["mode"]
if (action <> "`nStdItem") {
if (item <> "") { ; Item is not a separator
if (!IsLabel(action) && !IsFunc(action)) { ; Item opens a submenu
for m in Menu.MenuList ; Retrieve new menu handle(s)
if (oldh[m] <> this.GetMenuHandle(m) && oldh[m] == action) ; compare handle changes and filter out the new handle
this.AddSubMenu(m, item)
} else if (IsLabel(action) || IsFunc(action)) ; Normal item
this.AppendItem(item, action, mode)
} else ; Item is a separator
} else if (action == "`nStdItem" && RemoveStd == true)
this.Standard(), RemoveStd := false
return xpos ; return the new position of the item
GetItemPos(MenuItemName, Occurrence=1) {
if !this.IsInstance()
i := 0
for k, v in this.MenuItems
if (MenuItemName == v["MenuItem"] && MenuItemName <> "")
return k
else if (MenuItemName == v["MenuItem"] && MenuItemName == "" && v["LabelorFunction"] <> "`nStdItem") {
if (i == Occurrence)
return k
;~ Miscellaneous Commands
SetColor(ColorValue="Default", Single=false) {
if !this.IsInstance()
Menu, % this.Name, Color, % ColorValue, % Single ? "Single" : ""
UseErrorLevel(param=false) {
if !this.IsInstance()
Menu, % this.Name, UseErrorLevel, % param ? "" : "Off"
;~ Tray-specific methods/functions - MenuName must be "Tray"
TrayIcon(FileName="", IconNumber="", state=0) { ; Omit all parameters to create the tray icon if it isn't already present
if !this.IsInstance()
if (this.Name == "Tray") ; verify if the "Tray" is the Menu name
Menu, % this.Name, Icon, % FileName, % IconNumber, % (FileName == "" && IconNumber == "") ? "" : state
TrayNoIcon() {
if !this.IsInstance()
if (this.Name == "Tray")
Menu, % this.Name, NoIcon
TrayTip(Text="") {
if !this.IsInstance()
if (this.Name == "Tray")
Menu, % this.Name, Tip, % Text
TrayClick(ClickCount=2) {
if !this.IsInstance()
if (this.Name == "Tray")
Menu, % this.Name, Click, % ClickCount
TrayMainWindow(default=true) {
if !this.IsInstance()
if (this.Name == "Tray")
Menu, % this.Name, % default ? "NoMainWindow" : "MainWindow"
; The following methods are for internal use only, Do not use.
SetItemAction(MenuItemName, LabelorFunction="", mode=true) { ; Internal use only
if (LabelorFunction <> "") {
x := [LabelorFunction, "MenuItemFunctionHandlerLabel", mode ? LabelorFunction : "MenuItemFunctionHandlerLabel"]
Menu, % this.Name, Add, % MenuItemName, % x[this.GetActionType(LabelorFunction)]
} else {
x := ["", "MenuItemFunctionHandlerLabel", mode ? "" : "MenuItemFunctionHandlerLabel"]
Menu, % this.Name, Add, % MenuItemName, % x[this.GetActionType(MenuItemName)]
GetActionType(Action) { ; 1=Label, 2=Function, 3=Both | Internal use only
if (IsLabel(Action) && !IsFunc(Action))
return 1
else if (IsFunc(Action) && !IsLabel(Action))
return 2
else if (IsLabel(Action) && IsFunc(Action))
return 3
MenuItemFunctionHandler() { ; This method is for internal use only
return ; return when this method is called
MenuItemFunctionHandlerLabel: ; This label is for internal use only
if (Menu.MenuList[A_ThisMenu][A_ThisMenuItemPos, "MenuItem"] == A_ThisMenuItem)
ItemFunc := Func(Menu.MenuList[A_ThisMenu][A_ThisMenuItemPos, "LabelorFunction"]), Menu.RetVal := ItemFunc.()
AppendToList(MenuItemName, LabelorFunction, mode=true) { ; Internal use only
this.MenuItems[this.ItemCount] := {MenuItem: MenuItemName, LabelorFunction: LabelorFunction, Mode: mode}
Menu.MenuList[this.Name] := this.MenuItems
GetMenuHandle(MenuName) {
static h_menuDummy
If !h_menuDummy { ; v2.2: Check for !h_menuDummy instead of h_menuDummy="" in case init failed last time.
Menu, menuDummy, Add
Menu, menuDummy, DeleteAll
Gui, 99:Menu, menuDummy
Gui, 99:+LastFound ; v2.2: Use LastFound method instead of window title. [Thanks animeaime.]
h_menuDummy := DllCall("GetMenu", "uint", WinExist())
Gui, 99:Menu
Gui, 99:Destroy
if !h_menuDummy ; v2.2: Return only after cleaning up. [Thanks animeaime.]
return 0
Menu, menuDummy, Add, :%MenuName%
h_menu := DllCall( "GetSubMenu", "uint", h_menuDummy, "int", 0 )
DllCall( "RemoveMenu", "uint", h_menuDummy, "uint", 0, "uint", 0x400 )
Menu, menuDummy, Delete, :%MenuName%
return h_menu
GetMenuName(MenuHandle) {
for m in Menu.MenuList
if (this.GetMenuHandle(m) == MenuHandle)
return m
IsInstance() {
if (!this.Instance)
MsgBox, 16, % A_ScriptName, Menu or menu object does not exist! Please create a new instance using "__New".
return this.Instance
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