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Created December 30, 2018 02:50
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Helper scripts to run standalone E1 Page
var AIS_BASE_URL = "http://ais:port";
var AIS_USER = 'demo';
var AIS_PASS = 'demo';
// Helper methods for application and UBE launch from custom E1 Pages hosted on the JAS server
// ==
// function to expose running an e1 application from an E1 Page for customers
// appId and formId are required
// search up through window tree (exclude the current window) to find the closet window object who has global function with given name defined
function getAPIhanddler(apiName)
var currentWindow = window.parent;
while(!currentWindow[apiName] && currentWindow!=top)
currentWindow = currentWindow.parent;
return currentWindow[apiName];
return null;
function runE1App(appId, formId, version, menuSysCode, taskName, formDSTmpl, formDSData)
var APIhanddler = getAPIhanddler("runE1App");
if (APIhanddler)
APIhanddler(appId, formId, version, menuSysCode, taskName, formDSTmpl, formDSData);
//Helper function to set the launchAction to promptForVersion explicitly
//Use this when you don't want to send that parm into the runE1UBE function
function runE1UBEVersion(ubeId, version, promptPO)
var APIhanddler = getAPIhanddler("runE1UBE");
if (APIhanddler)
APIhanddler(ubeId, "promptForVersion", version, promptPO);
//Helper function to set the launchAction to promptForBlindExecution explicitly
//Use this when you don't want to send that parm into the runE1UBE function
function runE1UBEBlind(ubeId, version, promptPO)
var APIhanddler = getAPIhanddler("runE1UBE");
if (APIhanddler)
APIhanddler(ubeId, "promptForBlindExecution", version, promptPO);
//function to expose running an e1 ube from an E1 Page for customers
//Customer must send in at least appId (which is actually the UBE name)
//Possible launch action values (promptForBlindExecution, promptForVersion, promptForValue, promptForDS)
function runE1UBE(ubeId, launchAction, version, promptPO)
var APIhanddler = getAPIhanddler("runE1UBE");
if (APIhanddler)
APIhanddler(ubeId, launchAction, version, promptPO);
// Wrappers to support existing portal RunOWApp functions
function RunOWApp(callingFormId)
var APIhanddler = getAPIhanddler("RunOWApp");
if (APIhanddler)
// Wrapper for backward compatibility of portal RunOWApp
function addRunOWAppFI(templ, values)
var APIhanddler = getAPIhanddler("addRunOWAppFI");
if (APIhanddler)
APIhanddler(templ, values);
// Function to allow switching to another E1 Page
function goToTabByLabel(event, label)
if (!label)
// The one-argument version of the function has been used.
label = event;
event = new Object();
var tabBar = parent.document.getElementById('tabBar');
if (tabBar)
for (var i = 0; i < tabBar.children.length; i++)
var tab = tabBar.children[i];
var tabName;
tabName = (tab.textContent === undefined)?tab.innerText:tab.textContent;
if ((tabName == label) || (tab.innerHTML == label))
parent.CHP.mouseDownTab(event, tab);
parent.CHP.mouseUpTab(event, tab);
/* Function to return icon information for a particular app/report.
* Arguments - Input:
* appIdArr - array of app/report ids to lookup. (It is ok to mix
* and match between apps and reports.)
* formIdArr - array of formIds corresponding to the id's in appIdArr.
* This is a parallel array - entry appIdArr[i] should
* correspond to formIdArr[i]. If there is no formId
* for a particular appId (e.g., when the "app" is really
* a report), add '' (the empty string) for that slot
* pCodeArr - array of product codes for the apps/reports on which
* the query is being done.
* If some fields are left blank, the service will make a best effort
* to infer the missing fields. E.g., if you leave product code blank
* but supply appId and formId, the system will attempt to look up the
* correct product code.
* Output Argument
* callback - function pointer to the user-supplied handler function.
* The getIcons function will terminate immediately. Once
* the data has been computed, it will be passed as an
* argument to the supplied callback function.
* The format of the argument is an array of objects in the
* same order as the input arrays. Each object has two
* members: basename and ext. The full filename is assembled
* by combining:
* * ROOT PATH FOR JDE_ICONS (e.g., /jde/share/images/jdeicons)
* * basename
* * SIZE SUFFIX (e.g., _large)
* * . (the dot character)
* * ext
function getIcons(appIdArr, formIdArr, pCodeArr, callback, extraInfArr)
var iconService = top.ICONSERVICE
if (iconService)
iconService.getIcons(appIdArr, formIdArr, pCodeArr, callback, extraInfArr);
function iconServiceExists()
return true;
return false;
function getIconVersion()
return top.ICONSERVICE.iconVersion;
/* This method can be used to execute an E1Task
* E.g., runE1Task('3/G01')
* This API will still execute tasks, even if the fastpath has been disabled.
* Commands such as runE1Task('G01') will not work if the fastpath is disabled.
function runE1Task(str)
var APIhanddler = getAPIhanddler("doFastPath");
if (APIhanddler)
APIhanddler(str, "E1C2");
/* This method retrives the currently logged in User Id
* - the current session must be valid
* - display system information option must be enabled
function getUserId()
return AIS_USER;
/* This method retrives the currently logged in User Name
* - if the current user does not have a full name then the user id is displayed
* - show name in menu option must be enabled
function getUserName()
return top.getUserName();
/* This method retrives the currently logged in Environment
* - the current session must be valid
* - display system information option must be enabled
function getEnvironment()
return top.getEnvironment();
/* This method retrives the currently logged in Role for the user
* - the current session must be valid
* - display system information option must be enabled
function getLoginRole()
return top.getLoginRole();
/* This method retrives the currently logged in Role for the user
* - the current session must be valid
* - display system information option must be enabled
function getUserInfo()
return top.getUserInfo();
// The following code is executed in the init method of Carousel, however for simplified UI mode,
// the carousel will not be init but we have to execute the following line in order to get JDE_ICON_PREFIX
// initialized because it will be used in E1 Page to determine the scr URL of tile image
if (!top.JDE_ICON_PREFIX && parent.CARO)
/* The constant should hold the WSRP-safe path to icon files, but if it is not
supplied, fallback to the default. */
top.JDE_ICON_PREFIX = parent.CARO.createUrlString('/share/images/jdeicons/');
/* AIS Service Name constants*/
FORM_SERVICE = "/formservice.ais";
DATA_SERVICE = "/dataservice.ais";
BATCH_FORM_SERVICE = "/batchformservice.ais";
APP_STACK_SERVICE ="/appstack.ais";
PO_SERVICE ="/poservice.ais";
LOG_SERVICE ="/log.ais";
// Set the default AIS Service Version to V2
function setAISServiceVersionV2()
* Call an AIS Service
var sessionToken;
function callAISService(input, service, callback){
//parent.parent.AISProxy.callService(input, service, callback);
var inputPadded = input;
if(typeof sessionToken === 'undefined')
/***** DEBUG LINE ****/
/***** DEBUG LINE ****/
/* Dont bother about preferences - Assume debug query+count is hardcoded */
if (service == "/preference.ais")
var result = "";
if (typeof input === 'object') {
//convert the input object to a string
inputPadded.token = window.currentToken.userInfo.token;
inputPadded.deviceName = "SoapUI";
requestDocString = JSON.stringify(inputPadded);
//input is a string
requestDocString = input;
/** var ServerURL = AIS_BASE_URL + "/jderest/batchformservice";
$.ajax({contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", async:false, type: "POST", url: ServerURL,
data: requestDocString,
success: function(result)
//window.lastResponseTimeAvailable = result;
// display_TimeAvailableByProductFamily();
// do_GetPendingFarmingOperations();
}); **/
AISProxy.callService(inputPadded, service, callback);
function get_token()
console.log("Requesting AIS Token");
var ServerURL = AIS_BASE_URL + "/jderest/v2/tokenrequest";
$.ajax({contentType: "application/json", type: "POST", async:false,
url: ServerURL, data: '{"username":"' + AIS_USER + '","password":"' + AIS_PASS + '","deviceName":"SoapUI"}',
success: function(result, status, xhr)
console.log("Received AIS Token");
sessionToken = result;
window.currentToken= sessionToken;
// if (makeInitialAISCalls)
// makeInitialAISCalls();
error: function(xhr){
alert("Ooopss!! Failed to retrieve a token: " + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText)}});
* Call an AIS Orchestration
function callAISOrchestration(orchestration,input,callback){
parent.parent.AISProxy.callOrchestration(orchestration,input, callback);
var AISProxy = new function() {
if (!window.location.origin) {
window.location.origin = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + (window.location.port ? ':' + window.location.port : '');
//get context root
var context = window.location.pathname.substring(0, window.location.pathname.indexOf("/", 2));
this.FORM_SERVICE = "/formservice.ais";
this.DATA_SERVICE = "/dataservice.ais";
this.BATCH_FORM_SERVICE = "/batchformservice.ais";
this.APP_STACK_SERVICE ="/appstack.ais";
this.PO_SERVICE ="/poservice.ais";
this.LOG_SERVICE ="/log.ais";
this.ORCHESTRATOR = ".orchestration";
this.callOrchestration = function(orchestration,input,callback){
//form url of an orchestration
service = "/"+ orchestration + AISProxy.ORCHESTRATOR ;
this.callService(input, service, callback);
this.callService = function(input, service, callback) {
var inputPadded = input;
if (typeof input === 'object') {
//convert the input object to a string
inputPadded.token = window.currentToken.userInfo.token;
inputPadded.deviceName = "SoapUI";
requestDocString = JSON.stringify(inputPadded);
//input is a string
requestDocString = input;
//form url of form service
// url = AIS_BASE_URL + "/jderest/batchformservice";
url = AIS_BASE_URL + "/jderest/v2" + service.split('.')[0];
//post to the service with the input string as a parameter
E1AJAX.sendXMLReq("POST", "E1Container", url,
function(containerId, responseText) {
if (typeof input === 'object') {
//return the response as an object
var arr_from_json = JSON.parse(responseText);
} else
//return the response as a string
//}, "json=" + requestDocString);
}, requestDocString);
var E1AJAX =
isWebkit: function()
return (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webkit") > -1);
sendXMLReq: function(method, containerId, action, handler, doc)
// code for IE 7, FireFox, Safari, etc.
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
var xmlReqObject = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if (window.ActiveXObject)
var xmlReqObject = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP");
if (xmlReqObject != null)
{, action, true);
var handlerFunction = E1AJAX.getReadyStateHandler(xmlReqObject, handler, containerId);
xmlReqObject.onreadystatechange = handlerFunction;
xmlReqObject.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
//Webkit browsers through Javascript error while setting connection header
xmlReqObject.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
catch(e){} // SSO logout from web center may cause interaction of E1 failure
getReadyStateHandler: function (req, responseHandler, containerId)
// Return an anonymous function that listens to the
// XMLHttpRequest instance
return function ()
// If the request's status is "complete"
if (req.readyState == 4)
// Check that a successful server response was received
switch (req.status)
case 200:
// Pass the XML payload of the response to the
// handler function
if (responseHandler)
responseHandler(containerId, req.responseText);
case 122: // SSO logout already from web center but E1 is still opened
case 404:// possible XSS attack
// Safari intermittently encounters status 0 states.
// Bypass the alert error in the default below with a case for this
// state with no specific logic for it.
case 0:
// An HTTP problem has occurred
alert("HTTP error: " + req.status);
timeout: function (message)
sendSyncXMLReq: function(method, action)
// code for IE 7, FireFox, Safari, etc.
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
var xmlReqObject = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if (window.ActiveXObject)
var xmlReqObject = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP");
if (xmlReqObject != null)
{, action, false);
if (xmlReqObject.status === 200)
return xmlReqObject.responseText;
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