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Last active May 28, 2024 10:26
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  • Save Hermann-SW/a20af17ee6666467fe0b5c573dae701d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Hermann-SW/a20af17ee6666467fe0b5c573dae701d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Pollard Rho with tortoise and hare algorithm for non-prime numbers (128bit input, 256bit arithmetic)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#define UINT128_C(u) ((__uint128_t)u)
const __uint128_t UINT128_MAX = UINT128_C(UINT64_MAX)<<64 | UINT64_MAX;
void pu64(__uint64_t u) { printf("%" PRIu64, u); }
void pu640(__uint64_t u) { printf("%019" PRIu64, u); }
#define D19_ UINT64_C(10000000000000000000)
const __uint128_t d19_ = D19_;
const __uint128_t d38_ = UINT128_C(D19_)*D19_;
void pu128(__uint128_t u)
if (u < d19_) pu64(u);
else if (u < d38_) { pu64(u/d19_); pu640(u%d19_); }
else { pu64(u/d38_); u%=d38_; pu640(u/d19_); pu640(u%d19_); }
// from
#include <errno.h>
typedef __uint128_t u128;
static int strdigit__(char c) {
/* This is ASCII / UTF-8 specific, would not work for EBCDIC */
return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ? c - '0'
: (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ? c - 'a' + 10
: (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ? c - 'A' + 10
: 255;
static u128 strtou128__(const char *p, char **endp, int base) {
u128 v = 0;
int digit;
if (base == 0) { /* handle octal and hexadecimal syntax */
base = 10;
if (*p == '0') {
base = 8;
if ((p[1] == 'x' || p[1] == 'X') && strdigit__(p[2]) < 16) {
p += 2;
base = 16;
if (base < 2 || base > 36) {
errno = EINVAL;
} else
if ((digit = strdigit__(*p)) < base) {
v = digit;
/* convert to unsigned 128 bit with overflow control */
while ((digit = strdigit__(*++p)) < base) {
u128 v0 = v;
v = v * base + digit;
if (v < v0) {
v = ~(u128)0;
errno = ERANGE;
if (endp) {
*endp = (char *)p;
return v;
// from
__uint128_t set_128(unsigned long h, unsigned long l)
__uint128_t r=h; return (r<<64)+l;
typedef __uint128_t uint256_t[2];
void set_256(uint256_t d, __uint128_t l, __uint128_t h) { d[0]=l; d[1]=h; }
void add_128(uint256_t d, uint256_t x, __uint128_t a)
d[0] = x[0] + a;
d[1] = (d[0] < a) ? x[1]+1 : x[1];
void add_256(uint256_t d, uint256_t x, uint256_t a)
add_128(d, x, a[0]);
d[1] += a[1];
void shl_256(uint256_t d, long s)
d[1] <<= s;
d[1] += (d[0] >> (128-s));
d[0] <<= s;
void sqr_128(uint256_t d, __uint128_t x)
if (x <= UINT64_MAX)
d[0] = x*x;
d[1] = 0;
__uint128_t l = x & UINT64_MAX;
__uint128_t h = x >> 64;
uint256_t yz, w;
set_256(d, l * l, 0);
set_256(yz, l * h, 0);
shl_256(yz, 64+1);
set_256(w, 0, h * h);
add_256(d, d, yz);
add_256(d, d, w);
void q(long l) { printf("%016lx ", l); }
void p(long l) { printf("%lx", l); }
void P(__uint128_t i) { if (i>UINT64_MAX) p(i>>64); q(i & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); }
void _P_256(uint256_t x) { if (x[1]>0) P(x[1]); P(x[0]); }
#define P_256(l) { printf("%s: ", #l); _P_256(l); }
#define min(x, y) ((x<y) ? (x) : (y))
int clz(__uint128_t u)
unsigned long long h = u>>64;
return (h!=0) ? __builtin_clzll(h) : 64 + __builtin_clzll(u);
__uint128_t mod_256(uint256_t x, __uint128_t n)
if (x[1] == 0) return x[0] % n;
__uint128_t r = x[1] % n;
int F = clz(n);
int R = clz(r);
for(int i=0; i<128; ++i)
if (R>F+1)
int h = min(R-(F+1), 128-i);
r <<= h; R-=h; i+=(h-1); continue;
r <<= 1; if (r >= n) { r -= n; R=clz(r); }
r += (x[0] % n); if (r >= n) r -= n;
return r;
__uint128_t a, n;
__uint128_t f(__uint128_t x)
uint256_t p, s;
sqr_128(p, x);
add_128(s, p, a);
return mod_256(s, n);
inline int ctz(__uint128_t u)
unsigned long long h = u;
return (h!=0) ? __builtin_ctzll( h )
: 64 + __builtin_ctzll( u>>64 );
unsigned long long _gcd(unsigned long long u, unsigned long long v)
for(;;) {
if (u > v) { unsigned long long a=u; u=v; v=a; }
v -= u;
if (v == 0) return u;
v >>= __builtin_ctzll(v);
__uint128_t gcd(__uint128_t u, __uint128_t v)
if (u == 0) { return v; }
else if (v == 0) { return u; }
int i = ctz(u); u >>= i;
int j = ctz(v); v >>= j;
int k = (i < j) ? i : j;
for(;;) {
if (u > v) { __uint128_t a=u; u=v; v=a; }
if (v <= UINT64_MAX) return _gcd(u, v) << k;
v -= u;
if (v == 0) return u << k;
v >>= ctz(v);
#define dif(x, y) ((x)<(y) ? (y)-(x) : (x)-(y))
long c;
__uint128_t pollard_rho_1st(__uint128_t n)
__uint128_t g,x,y;
// printf("rho("); P(n); printf(","); P(a); printf(")\n");
// P(x); printf(" "); P(y); printf(" "); P(g); printf("\n");
// printf("found: "); P(g); printf("\n");
if (g<n)
return g;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
struct timespec t0, t1;
__uint128_t g,p,q;
p = strtou128__(argv[1],NULL,0);
q = strtou128__(argv[2],NULL,0);
n = p*q;
a = set_128(0, 1);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t0);
g = pollard_rho_1st(n);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t1);
pu128(n); printf(": "); pu128(g); printf(" ");
pu128(n/g); printf("\n [%ld] %ldns\n", c,
(t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec) * 1000000000 + t1.tv_nsec - t0.tv_nsec);
return 0;
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Hermann-SW commented Jun 4, 2021

New version with

  • fast "mod_256()"
  • fast "gcd()"
  • 128bit number input
  • 64/128 bit decimal print

details here:

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g2px1 commented Feb 2, 2023

binary support (for example, 0b1010 = 10)

New version with

  • fast "mod_256()"
  • fast "gcd()"
  • 128bit number input
  • 64/128 bit decimal print

details here:

/// @brief used for translating strings into uint128_t
uint128_t strtou128_t(const char *str, unsigned char base = 10) {
    if (*str == '0') {
        if (str[1] == 'X' || str[1] == 'x') goto nonbinary;
        if (str[1] == 'B' || str[1] == 'b') goto binary;
        goto nonbinary;
    goto nonbinary;
    binary: {
        uint128_t value;
        size_t strLength = strlen(str);
        for(size_t i = 2; i < strLength; ++i) {
           value = (value << 1 | strtou_t(str[i]));
        return value;

    nonbinary: {
        uint128_t value;
        size_t strLength = strlen(str);
        for(size_t i = (base == 10) ? 0 : 2; i < strLength; ++i) {
            uint128_t v0 = value;
            value = value * base + strtou_t(str[i]);
                if (value < v0) {
                    value = ~(uint128_t) 0;
        return value;

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