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Created March 11, 2023 17:07
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Full Merkle Tree Example
* Description: an example using merkle.js
import Merkle from 'merkle';
const allowList = [
// etc
const merkle = new Merkle();
// TODO: override `normalize()` for complex leaves
// set this on your smart contract
const root = merkle.getHexRoot(); //hex string
// when the user tries to mint, get their proof
const proof = merkle.getProof( account ); //hex string[]
await contract.method(param1, param2, proof);
* Description: a simple wrapper for `keccack256` and `merkletreejs` making it easy to:
* - load accounts
* - generate proofs
* - associate extra data
* - upgrade to complex leaves (override `normalize()` as needed)
* Prereqs:
* yarn add keccack256 merkletreejs
* pick one:
* - ethers (comes with WAGMI)
* - web3
import ethers from 'ethers';
//import Web3 from 'web3';
import keccak256 from 'keccak256';
import { MerkleTree } from 'merkletreejs';
class Merkle{
accounts = {};
tree = null;
return this.tree.getHexRoot();
account = account.toLowerCase();
if(account in this.accounts){
return this.tree.getHexProof(this.accounts[account].leaf);
return [];
const leafNodes = => {
const normalized = this.normalize(account);
const leaf = keccak256(normalized);
this.accounts[account.toLowerCase()] = {
return leaf;
this.tree = new MerkleTree(leafNodes, keccak256, { sortPairs: true });
normalize( account ){
return ethers.utils.getAddress( account );
//return Web3.utils.toChecksumAddress( account );
catch( err ){
return account;
export default Merkle;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/cryptography/MerkleProof.sol";
contract Merkle{
bytes32 public merkleRoot = "";
// TODO: implement a setter
// function setMerkleRoot(bytes32 merkleRoot_) external onlyOwner {
// merkleRoot = merkleRoot_;
// }
function _isValidProof(bytes32 leaf, bytes32[] memory proof) internal view returns(bool) {
return MerkleProof.processProof(proof, leaf) == merkleRoot;
* Example:
contract X is Merkle{
error NotAuthorized();
function mint(uint256 quantity, bytes32[] calldata proof) external payable {
bytes32 leaf = keccack256(msg.sender);
if(!_isValidProof(lead, proof))
revert NotAuthorized();
// TODO: implement a merkle root setter
// function setMerkleRoot(bytes32 merkleRoot_) external onlyOwner {
// merkleRoot = merkleRoot_;
// }
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