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Last active December 28, 2015 18:59
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  • Save HeroicEric/7547151 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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require 'pry'
def good_input?(input)
if !(input =~ /^(\d*)\.\d{2}$/)
return false
puts "Welcome to James' coffee emporium!"
puts "Please choose your selection:"
puts "1) Add item - $5.00 - Light Bag"
puts "2) Add item - $7.50 - Medium Bag"
puts "3) Add item - $9.75 - Bold Bag"
puts "4) Complete Sale"
# price = {
# 1 => 5.00,
# 2 => 7.50,
# 3 => 9.75,
# 4 => 4
# }
# Instead, create a hash where each product is represented by another hash.
# This will let us access the type and price again later when we need to.
items = {
1 => { style: 'light', price: 5.00 },
2 => { style: 'medium', price: 7.50 },
3 => { style: 'dark', price: 9.75 }
selection = 0
subtotal = 0
# We'll use this below in order to store all of the individual transactions
transactions = []
while selection != 4
puts "\n" + "Makes a selection:"
print "> "
# Use the new items hash to find selected item
selection = gets.chomp.to_i
# Break out of the loop if somebody chooses 4
break if selection == 4
item = items[selection]
puts "How many bags?"
print "> "
# I think renaming this to quantity better describes the value
quantity = gets.chomp
# This will give us the total for the current transaction
transaction_total = quantity.to_f * item[:price].to_f
# We can store the recorded transaction by making another hash that has
# values that will let us which item was purchased and how much of it.
transaction = { item: item, quantity: quantity, total: transaction_total }
# Here we add the transaction that we just created to our array that contains
# all of the transactions that we've created.
# We can now reference all of the transactions whenever we want to calculate
# the current subtotal or list all of the transactions.
transactions << transaction
# We can use the transaction_total here to add to our overall subtotal
subtotal += transaction_total
puts "\n" + "Subtotal: $#{sprintf( "%0.02f", subtotal)}"
puts "\n" + "===Sale Complete==="
# Here we can loop through all of the transactions and print out the
# information that we're looking for because it's stored in each transaction.
transactions.each do |transaction|
puts "#{transaction[:total]} - #{transaction[:quantity]} #{transaction[:item][:style]}"
puts "Total: $#{sprintf( "%0.02f", subtotal)}"
puts "What is the amount tendered?"
print "> $"
paid = gets.chomp.to_f
change_due = paid - subtotal
if paid.to_f < subtotal.to_f
due = (subtotal.to_f - paid.to_f)
puts "Excuse me, you still owe $#{sprintf( "%0.02f", due)}"
change = paid.to_f - subtotal.to_f
puts "===Thank You!==="
puts "Change due is $#{sprintf( "%0.02f", change_due)}"
puts "\n" + "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M%p" )
puts "===================="
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