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Created February 22, 2018 07:37
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Function lib for the Falcon Heavy autopilot
//getLandingSite(String siteName)
// Return the GeoPosition of the site matching siteName, or the current vessel's position if not found
function getLandingSite
parameter name is "auto".
if name = "auto"
return ship:geoposition.
else if name = "LZ-2"
return LATLNG(-0.15345044141426, -74.4820354877508).
return VESSEL(name):geoposition.
//launch(Scalar targetOrbit [, Scalar targetHeading])
// Launch to an orbit which apoapsis is targetOrbit and prograde direction is targetHeading
function fh_launch
parameter targetOrbit is 80.
parameter targetHeading is 90000.
sas off.
//quick and dirty gravity turn
print "Performing gravity turn...".
lock steering to heading(targetHeading, 90 - ( (ship:orbit:apoapsis / targetOrbit)*90) ).
//when to stop for the boostback (making sure there is enough fuel to perform the boosback)
WAIT UNTIL ship:orbit:apoapsis >= targetOrbit or stage:resources[lqfResIndex]:amount < stage:resources[lqfResIndex]:capacity/3.
print "Staging side cores.".
set ship:control:pilotmainthrottle to 0.
set ship:control:pilotmainthrottle to 1.
skid:play( note(880, 0.04) ).
WAIT 0.02.
skid:play( note(880, 0.04) ).
//boostback(GeoPosition landingTarget)
// Do a boostback burn, attempting to bring the impact point as closest as possible from landingTarget
function fh_boostback
parameter landingTarget.
print "Boostback phase started".
set ship:control:pilotmainthrottle to 0.
sas off.
rcs on.
lock throttle to 0.
lock burnVect to landingTarget:position - addons:tr:impactpos:position.
lock impactDistToTarget to burnVect:mag.
lock steering to burnVect.
print "Pointing the right direction".
from {local i is 3.} until (i = 0) step {set i to i-1.} do
WAIT UNTIL VANG(ship:facing:vector, burnVect) < 5.
WAIT 0.5.
print "Performing boostback burn.".
lock throttle to min(impactDistToTarget/4000, 1).
UNTIL impactDistToTarget < 10
print "IMPCT-TRGT DIST. : "+round(impactDistToTarget, 3)+" " at (0,terminal:height-2).
WAIT 0.01.
unlock steering.
unlock throttle.
set throttle to 0.
set ship:control:pilotmainthrottle to 0.
rcs off.
sas on.
print "Boostback burn completed.".
//getResourceIndex(Strin resourceName)
// Get the index of the resource named resourceName in the resources list
function getResourceIndex
local parameter resourceName.
set itResources to stage:resources:iterator.
UNTIL NOT itResources:next()
if itResources:value:name = resourceName
return itResources:index.
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