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Created February 22, 2018 07:38
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parameter defaultRadarOffset is 7, gearDeployTime is 6.
print "*****************************".
print "* FAITO Aerospace *".
print "* XASR-3.1 Autolander Pilot *".
print "* © Empire of Fegeland, 2055*".
print "*****************************".
if defaultRadarOffset <> 7
set radarOffset to defaultRadarOffset.
if ship:status = "PRELAUNCH"
set radarOffset to alt:radar. // The value of alt:radar when landed (on gear)
} else if radarOffset = 0 {
set radarOffset to defaultRadarOffset.
print "Warning : pilot engaged while in flight, radar offset is set to "+radarOffset.
WAIT UNTIL ship:status <> "PRELAUNCH".
//Distance from impact point, else vessel's altitude
if addons:tr:available and addons:tr:hasimpact and 0
lock impactDist to addons:tr:impactpos:distance.
} else {
lock impactDist to alt:radar - radarOffset.
print "Warning : impact position not available. You should (re)install Trajectories, or maybe takeoff.".
lock g to constant:g * body:mass / body:radius^2. // Gravity (m/s^2)
lock shipVel to ship:velocity:surface:mag. // Vessel's total velocity
lock maxDecel to (ship:availablethrust / ship:mass) - g. // Maximum deceleration possible (m/s^2)
lock stopDist to ship:velocity:surface:sqrmagnitude / (2 * maxDecel). // The distance the burn will require
lock idealThrottle to stopDist / impactDist. // Throttle required for perfect hoverslam
lock impactTime to impactDist / abs(shipVel). // Time until impact, used for landing gear
print "Radar offset : " + radarOffset.
when ship:verticalspeed < -1 then
WAIT UNTIL hasnode = 0.
print "Preparing for autolanding...".
rcs on.
sas off.
brakes on.
lock steering to srfretrograde.
when impactTime < gearDeployTime then
gear on.
when impactDist < stopDist then
print "Performing autolanding".
lock throttle to idealThrottle.
when ship:groundspeed < 1 or ship:verticalspeed < 5 then
//lock steering to Up.
print "Vessel verticalized.".
when ship:verticalspeed < 0.1 and alt:radar < radarOffset*2 then
lock throttle to idealThrottle * 0.6.
when impactTime < 2 then
lock impactDist to alt:radar - radarOffset.
print "Precision approach phase. Impact in 2s.".
when ship:status = "LANDED" then
print "Autolanding completed".
set ship:control:pilotmainthrottle to 0.
unlock steering.
rcs on.
sas on.
on stage:number
if stage:number = 0 //If the current processor is on a stage that have been staged (and need to land)
set throttle to 0.
set ship:control:pilotmainthrottle to 0.
set ship:name to ship:controlpart:tag.
list ENGINES in engs.
for engine in engs
set boostbackEngines to ship:partstagged("boostbackEng").
for engine in boostbackEngines
on ship:status
print ship:status.
UNTIL ship:status = "LANDED"
print "ALT : " + round(ship:altitude, 4) + " m" at (0, terminal:height - 13).
print "SRF VEL : " + round(shipVel, 4) + " m/s " at (0, terminal:height - 11).
print "HOR VEL : " + round(ship:groundspeed, 4) + " m/s " at (0, terminal:height - 10).
print "VERT VEL : " + round(ship:verticalspeed, 4) + " m/s " at (0, terminal:height - 9).
print "DESC RATE: " + round( abs(ship:verticalspeed/ship:groundspeed), 2) + " " at (0, terminal:height - 8).
print "IMPACT : T+" + round(impactTime, 3) + " s " at (0, terminal:height - 6).
print "IMPACT DIST : " + round(impactDist, 2) + " m " at (0, terminal:height - 5).
print "MAX DECEL : " + round(maxDecel, 5) + " m/s² " at (0, terminal:height - 4).
print "S. BURN DIST : " + round(stopDist, 2) + " m " at (0, terminal:height - 3).
print "THROTTLE : " + round(idealThrottle*100,2) + " % " at (0, terminal:height - 1).
WAIT 0.01.
print "Ended.".
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