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Last active October 7, 2019 22:35
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  • Save Herschel/a7088696f8c89d831f07ce820c715e28 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Herschel/a7088696f8c89d831f07ce820c715e28 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
extern crate glium;
extern crate lyon;
use glium::glutin::dpi::LogicalSize;
use glium::Surface;
use lyon::math::*;
use lyon::path::PathEvent;
use lyon::tessellation;
use lyon::tessellation::geometry_builder::{BuffersBuilder, VertexBuffers, VertexConstructor};
use lyon::tessellation::{FillOptions, FillTessellator};
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Vertex {
position: [f32; 2],
implement_vertex!(Vertex, position);
// A very simple vertex constructor that only outputs the vertex position
struct VertexCtor;
impl VertexConstructor<tessellation::FillVertex, Vertex> for VertexCtor {
fn new_vertex(&mut self, vertex: tessellation::FillVertex) -> Vertex {
Vertex {
// (ugly hack) tweak the vertext position so that the logo fits roughly
// within the (-1.0, 1.0) range.
position: (vertex.position * 0.0145 - vector(1.0, 1.0)).to_array(),
fn main() {
use lyon::geom::LineSegment;
use lyon::math::Point;
use lyon::path::PathEvent::*;
let path = vec![
MoveTo(Point::new(54.55, 14.1)),
Line(LineSegment {
from: Point::new(54.55, 14.1),
to: Point::new(55.35, 9.0),
Line(LineSegment {
from: Point::new(55.35, 9.0),
to: Point::new(51.55, 9.0),
Line(LineSegment {
from: Point::new(51.55, 9.0),
to: Point::new(54.55, 14.1),
MoveTo(Point::new(0.0, 0.0)),
Line(LineSegment {
from: Point::new(0.0, 0.0),
to: Point::new(71.0, 0.0),
Line(LineSegment {
from: Point::new(71.0, 0.0),
to: Point::new(71.0, 143.45),
Line(LineSegment {
from: Point::new(71.0, 143.45),
to: Point::new(0.0, 143.45),
Line(LineSegment {
from: Point::new(0.0, 143.45),
to: Point::new(0.0, 0.0),
MoveTo(Point::new(38.25, 138.2)),
Line(LineSegment {
from: Point::new(38.25, 138.2),
to: Point::new(33.75, 131.0),
Line(LineSegment {
from: Point::new(33.75, 131.0),
to: Point::new(27.8, 138.2),
Line(LineSegment {
from: Point::new(27.8, 138.2),
to: Point::new(38.25, 138.2),
MoveTo(Point::new(28.2, 129.2)),
Line(LineSegment {
from: Point::new(28.2, 129.2),
to: Point::new(37.2, 131.0),
Line(LineSegment {
from: Point::new(37.2, 131.0),
to: Point::new(41.25, 126.95),
Line(LineSegment {
from: Point::new(41.25, 126.95),
to: Point::new(28.2, 129.2),
MoveTo(Point::new(58.05, 115.95)),
Line(LineSegment {
from: Point::new(58.05, 115.95),
to: Point::new(58.05, 9.0),
Line(LineSegment {
from: Point::new(58.05, 9.0),
to: Point::new(2.9, 115.95),
Line(LineSegment {
from: Point::new(2.9, 115.95),
to: Point::new(58.05, 115.95),
let mut tessellator = FillTessellator::new();
let mut mesh: VertexBuffers<Vertex, u16> = VertexBuffers::new();
&mut BuffersBuilder::new(&mut mesh, VertexCtor),
" -- fill: {} vertices {} indices",
let mut events_loop = glium::glutin::EventsLoop::new();
let context = glium::glutin::ContextBuilder::new().with_vsync(true);
let window = glium::glutin::WindowBuilder::new()
.with_dimensions(LogicalSize {
width: 400.0,
height: 400.0,
.with_title("lyon + glium basic example");
let display = glium::Display::new(window, context, &events_loop).unwrap();
let vertex_buffer = glium::VertexBuffer::new(&display, &mesh.vertices).unwrap();
let indices = glium::IndexBuffer::new(
let program =
glium::Program::from_source(&display, VERTEX_SHADER, FRAGMENT_SHADER, None).unwrap();
let mut status = true;
loop {
if !status {
let mut target = display.draw();
target.clear_color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0);
events_loop.poll_events(|event| {
use glium::glutin::{Event, WindowEvent};
match event {
Event::WindowEvent { event, .. } => match event {
WindowEvent::Destroyed => status = false,
WindowEvent::KeyboardInput {
glium::glutin::KeyboardInput {
virtual_keycode: Some(glium::glutin::VirtualKeyCode::Escape),
} => status = false,
_ => (),
_ => (),
pub static VERTEX_SHADER: &'static str = r#"
#version 140
in vec2 position;
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(0.75 * position, 0.0, 1.0);
gl_Position.y *= -1.0;
pub static FRAGMENT_SHADER: &'static str = r#"
#version 140
out vec4 color;
void main() {
color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
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