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Last active November 10, 2019 13:15
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KTLint integration
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'
apply plugin: 'io.fabric'
apply from: '../gradle/afsTasks.gradle' <========
android {
compileSdkVersion 28
buildToolsVersion '28.0.3'
defaultConfig {
applicationId ''
minSdkVersion 24
targetSdkVersion 28
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
// Github repo:
repositories {
configurations {
dependencies {
ktlint "com.pinterest:ktlint:0.35.0"
// additional 3rd party ruleset(s) can be specified here
// just add them to the classpath (e.g. ktlint 'groupId:artifactId:version') and
// ktlint will pick them up
task ktlint(type: JavaExec, group: "verification") {
description = "Check Kotlin code style."
classpath = configurations.ktlint
main = "com.pinterest.ktlint.Main"
args "src/**/*.kt"
// to generate report in checkstyle format prepend following args:
// "--reporter=plain", "--reporter=checkstyle,output=${buildDir}/ktlint.xml"
// see for more
task ktlintFormat(type: JavaExec, group: "formatting") {
description = "Fix Kotlin code style deviations."
classpath = configurations.ktlint
main = "com.pinterest.ktlint.Main"
args "-F", "src/**/*.kt"
set -e
# Read more info at:
echo "***************************"
echo "Running git pre-commit hook"
echo "***************************"
# Run afs_ktlint to make sure there is no lint issue
./gradlew afs_ktlint
# return 1 exit code if running checks fails
[[ ${RESULT} -ne 0 ]] && exit 1
exit 0
exit 0
apply from: '../gradle/ktlint.gradle'
task installGitHook(type: Copy) {
from file("$rootProject.rootDir/scripts/pre-commit")
into file("$rootProject.rootDir/.git/hooks")
fileMode 0777
if (!System.getenv('CI')) {
println("This is not CI.....")
apply from: "$rootProject.rootDir/gradle/ktlint.gradle"
tasks.getByPath(':app:preBuild').dependsOn installGitHook
tasks.getByPath(':app:preBuild').dependsOn ktlintFormat
check.dependsOn ktlint
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