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Mode Theme
<title>Mode Theme</title>
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<a href="#"> <img src="imgs/Logo.png" alt="Mode"></a>
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<!-- Content introduction area start -->
<div class="content_intro">
<div class="content_intro_heading">
<p class="content_intro_p1">easy to use, customizable, affordable & exclusively designed</p>
<p class="content_intro_p2"> premium WordPress themes</p>
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<p>request our services</p>
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<img src="imgs/content-intro.jpg" alt="Mode work sample">
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<!-- top content row start -->
<div class="content_row_1">
<div class="content_row_box" >
<img class="content_row_img" src="imgs/Social-medie-icon.png" alt="Social Media Integration">
<div class="content_row_text">
<h4>Social Media Integration</h4>
<p>Our themes are easily customizable, widget ready, WC3 compliant, cross browser compatible.</p>
<div class="content_row_box">
<img class="content_row_img" src="imgs/Custom-development-Icon.png" alt="custom development">
<div class="content_row_text">
<h4>custom development</h4>
<p>We also provide custom design and development to create a website that fits your exact needs. Get in touch for a quote!</p>
<div class="content_row_box">
<img class="content_row_img" src="imgs/What-you-get-icon.png" alt="what you get">
<div class="content_row_text">
<h4>what you get</h4>
<p>New themes on a monthly basis, great support, unique functionality and Photoshop files.</p>
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<div class="content_row_2">
<div class="content_row_box">
<img class="content_row_img" src="imgs/Social-Media-Icon-2.png" alt="Social Media Integration">
<div class="content_row_text">
<h4>Social Media Integration</h4>
<p>Our themes are easily customizable, widget ready, WC3 compliant, cross browser compatible.</p>
<div class="content_row_box">
<img class="content_row_img" src="imgs/Custom-development-Icon.png" alt="custom development">
<div class="content_row_text">
<h4>custom development</h4>
<p>We also provide custom design and development to create a website that fits your exact needs. Get in touch for a quote!</p>
<div class="content_row_box">
<img class="content_row_img" src="imgs/What-you-get-icon.png" alt="what you get">
<div class="content_row_text">
<h4>what you get</h4>
<p>New themes on a monthly basis, great support, unique functionality and Photoshop files.</p>
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<h3>recent blog entries</h3>
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<a href="#"> <h5>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit</h5></a>
<div class="recent_latest_date">
<img src="imgs/clock.png" alt="entry date">
<p>December 25, 2012</p>
<div class="recent_paragraph">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In at lectus ac purus accumsan sagittis ut vel sem. Duis eu lorem massa, ut eleifend felis. Duis sit amet lacus velit.</p>
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<a href="#"> <h5>Aenean molestie ultricies lorem, eget blandit</h5></a>
<div class="recent_latest_date">
<img src="imgs/clock.png" alt="entry date">
<p>June 12, 2012</p>
<div class="recent_paragraph">
<p>Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur accumsan, dui in dapibus condimentum, diam quam sagittis nisi, eget lacinia quam lacus ut odio.</p>
<!-- 2nd blog entry end -->
<!-- 3rd blog entry start -->
<div class="recent_blog_entry">
<a href="#"> <h5>Aliquam et nibh lorem, a dignissim velit</h5></a>
<div class="recent_latest_date">
<img src="imgs/clock.png" alt="entry date">
<p>May 11, 2012</p>
<div class="recent_paragraph">
<p>Curabitur non turpis dolor. Suspendisse vel lacus in metus molestie venenatis at eget orci. Maecenas nunc ipsum, faucibus eu facilisis nec, ullamcorper at augue.</p>
<!-- 3rd blog entry end -->
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<!-- latest tweets & social networks links wraper -->
<div class="latest_social">
<!-- latest tweets haeding start -->
<div class="latest_heading">
<img src="imgs/icon-twitter.png" alt="latest tweets">
<h3>latest tweets</h3>
<!-- latest tweets haeding end -->
<!-- Latest tweets start -->
<!-- 1st tweet start -->
<div class="latest_tweets">
<div class="tweet_paragraph">
<p>Kuwait moves to ban digital camera use in public<a href="#"></a></p>
<div class="recent_latest_date">
<img src="imgs/clock.png" alt="tweet time">
<p>3 Minutes Ago</p>
<!-- 1st tweet end -->
<!-- 2nd tweet start -->
<div class="latest_tweets">
<div class="tweet_paragraph">
<p>RT <a href="#">@MigrantRights</a>: Migrant Workers under the “Kafala” System in the GCC
<a href="#"></a> <a href="#">#MigrantRights</a></p>
<div class="recent_latest_date">
<img src="imgs/clock.png" alt="tweet time">
<p>About 1 Hour Ago</p>
<!-- 2nd tweet end -->
<!-- 3rd tweet start -->
<div class="latest_tweets">
<div class="tweet_paragraph">
<p>Iran: crackdown on labor activists intensifies ahead of subsidy cuts <a href="#"></a>
<a href="#">#IranElection</a></p> </div>
<div class="recent_latest_date">
<img src="imgs/clock.png" alt="tweet time">
<p>About 22 Hours Ago</p>
<!-- 3rd tweet end -->
<!-- 4th tweet start -->
<div class="latest_tweets">
<div class="tweet_paragraph">
<p>RT @MigrantRights: Migrant Workers under the “Kafala” System in the GCC <a href="#"></a>
<a href="#">#MigrantRights</a></p>
<div class="recent_latest_date">
<img src="imgs/clock.png" alt="tweet time">
<p>November 22, 2012 @ 9:12 AM </p>
<!-- 4th tweet end -->
<!-- 5th tweet start -->
<div class="latest_tweets">
<div class="tweet_paragraph">
<p>Iran: crackdown on labor activists intensifies ahead of subsidy cuts <a href="#"></a>
<a href="#">#IranElection</a></p>
<div class="recent_latest_date">
<img src="imgs/clock.png" alt="tweet time">
<p>November 22, 2010 @ 5:45 AM</p>
<!-- 5th tweet end -->
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