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Created April 13, 2016 14:08
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Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2015 v4.2.89
Created on: 7/30/2015 12:48 PM
Created by: Colin Squier <
Filename: Install-WMF4.ps1
Automates installation of PowerShell 4.
Returns the path of the executing script's directory.
Sapien's implementation of the variable $HostInvocation
causes a conflict the with the system's variable.
PS C:\> Get-ScriptDirectory
Work around for handling Sapien's custom host environment.
function Get-ScriptDirectory
if ($HostInvocation -ne $null)
Split-Path $HostInvocation.MyCommand.path
#$Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value
#Split-Path $Invocation.MyInvocation.path
Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole(`
[Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"))
Write-Warning "You do not have Administrator rights to run this script!`nPlease re-run this script as an Administrator!"
$RequiredOSVersion = "6.1.7601"
$OS = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem)
$scriptDirectory = Get-ScriptDirectory
$Source = (Split-Path -Path $scriptDirectory -Parent)
$PackagePath = (Join-Path -Path $Source -ChildPath "ComputerSetup\WMF4")
$File32 = "Windows6.1-KB2819745-x86-MultiPkg.msu"
$File64 = "Windows6.1-KB2819745-x64-MultiPkg.msu"
$Product = "Windows Management Framework 4"
$FullPath32 = Join-Path -Path $PackagePath -ChildPath $File32
$FullPath64 = Join-Path -Path $PackagePath -ChildPath $File64
$Version = [Environment]::Version
$Version = $Version.Major
If ($Version -ge 4)
Write-Host "$Product or later already installed." -ForegroundColor Green
If ([version]$OS.Version -eq $RequiredOSVersion)
#$HotFix = (Get-HotFix | Where-Object { $_.HotfixID -eq 'KB2506143' -or $_.HotfixID -eq 'KB2819745' })
$HotFix = (Get-HotFix | Where-Object { $_.HotfixID -eq 'KB2819745' })
if (!($HotFix -eq $null))
Write-Host "$Product or later already installed." -ForegroundColor Green
If ($($OS.OSArchitecture) -eq '32-bit')
If ($HotFix -eq $null)
Write-Host "Installing $Product"
$UpdateFile = Start-Process -FilePath "wusa.exe" -ArgumentList "`"$FullPath32`" /quiet /norestart" -Wait -Passthru
$ExitCode = $UpdateFile.ExitCode
Write-Host "$Product installer exit code: $ExitCode"
If ($ExitCode -eq 0)
Write-Host "Installation completed successfully." -ForegroundColor Green
ElseIf ($ExitCode -eq 1602)
Write-Host "The user canceled installation." -ForegroundColor White
ElseIf ($ExitCode -eq 1603)
Write-Host "A fatal error occurred during installation." -ForegroundColor Red
ElseIf ($ExitCode -eq 1641)
Write-Host "A restart is required to complete the installation. This message indicates success." -ForegroundColor Yellow
ElseIf ($ExitCode -eq 3010)
Write-Host "A restart is required to complete the installation. This message indicates success." -ForegroundColor Yellow
ElseIf ($ExitCode -eq 5100)
Write-Host "The user's computer does not meet system requirements." -ForegroundColor Red
If ($HotFix -eq $null)
Write-Host "Installing $Product"
$UpdateFile = Start-Process -FilePath "wusa.exe" -ArgumentList "`"$FullPath64`" /quiet /norestart" -Wait -Passthru
$ExitCode = $UpdateFile.ExitCode
Write-Host "$Product installer exit code: $ExitCode"
If ($ExitCode -eq 0)
Write-Host "Installation completed successfully." -ForegroundColor Green
ElseIf ($ExitCode -eq 1602)
Write-Host "The user canceled installation." -ForegroundColor White
ElseIf ($ExitCode -eq 1603)
Write-Host "A fatal error occurred during installation." -ForegroundColor Red
ElseIf ($ExitCode -eq 1641)
Write-Host "A restart is required to complete the installation. This message indicates success." -ForegroundColor Yellow
ElseIf ($ExitCode -eq 3010)
Write-Host "A restart is required to complete the installation. This message indicates success." -ForegroundColor Yellow
ElseIf ($ExitCode -eq 5100)
Write-Host "The user's computer does not meet system requirements." -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "The user's computer does not meet system requirements." -ForegroundColor Red
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