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Created September 25, 2017 23:21
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  • Save Hexcles/ec48b4f674ad66c6d34cf279c262a4de to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Requirements: numpy & dateutil ( sudo apt install python-{numpy,dateutil} )
from __future__ import print_function
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
import dateutil.parser
import json
import re
import numpy
import os
import subprocess
# Only commits after this time (UTC) will be processed.
CUTOFF = '2017-06-01T00:00:00Z'
# Please change this to your chromium checkout.
CHROMIUM_DIR = os.path.expanduser('~/chromium/src')
# Please change this to your upstream WPT checkout.
WPT_DIR = os.path.expanduser('~/github/web-platform-tests')
CHROMIUM_WPT_PATH = 'third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt'
# Target SLA (in minutes).
SLA = 12*60
Import = namedtuple('Import', 'cr_sha, wpt_sha, date')
def git(args, cwd):
command = ['git'] + args
# print('EXEC: {} (CWD: {})'.format(' '.join(command), cwd))
output = subprocess.check_output(command, cwd=cwd)
return output.rstrip()
def chromium_git(args):
return git(args, cwd=CHROMIUM_DIR)
def wpt_git(args):
return git(args, cwd=WPT_DIR)
def list_imports():
output = chromium_git(
['log', '--format=%H|%s|%cI',
'--after', CUTOFF,
'--author', '']
imports = []
subject_re = re.compile(r'^import wpt@(.+)$', re.IGNORECASE)
for line in output.split('\n'):
cr_sha, subject, date = line.split('|')
match = subject_re.match(subject)
if not match:
wpt_sha = match.groups()[0]
imports.append(Import(cr_sha, wpt_sha, date))
return imports
def list_wpt_commits(sha1, sha2):
output = wpt_git(
['log', '--format=%H|%cI',
'{}..{}'.format(sha1, sha2)]
wpt_commits = []
if not output:
return wpt_commits
for line in output.split('\n'):
return wpt_commits
def get_affected_dirs(cr_sha):
output = chromium_git(['show', '-s', '--format=%b', cr_sha])
tail = output[output.find('Directory owners for changes in this CL:'):]
dirs = []
dir_re = re.compile(r'^ external/wpt/(.+)$')
for line in tail.split('\n'):
match = dir_re.match(line)
if not match:
return dirs
def contains_imported_changes(wpt_sha):
output = wpt_git(['diff', '--name-only', '--no-renames', wpt_sha])
for line in output.split('\n'):
# FIXME: Instead of checking whether the file exists in current
# Chromium revision, we should check if it is in the import CL.
filename = os.path.join(CHROMIUM_DIR, CHROMIUM_WPT_PATH, line.strip())
if os.path.exists(filename):
return True
return False
def get_latencies(imports):
latency_by_month = defaultdict(list)
previous = None
current = None
for step, i in enumerate(imports):
# Note the commits are ordered reverse chronologically,
# i.e. the iteration goes back in time.
current = previous
previous = i
if not current:
print("{}/{} import {}".format(step, len(imports)-1, current.cr_sha))
import_time = dateutil.parser.parse(
import_month = import_time.strftime('%Y-%m')
# affected_dirs = get_affected_dirs(current.cr_sha)
wpt_commits = list_wpt_commits(previous.wpt_sha, current.wpt_sha)
for wpt_sha, wpt_date in wpt_commits:
if not contains_imported_changes(wpt_sha):
print("SKIPPING WPT commit", wpt_sha)
wpt_commit_time = dateutil.parser.parse(wpt_date)
delay = (import_time - wpt_commit_time).total_seconds() / 60
print("WPT {} latency={}".format(wpt_sha, delay))
return latency_by_month
def analyze_latency(latency_by_month):
print("Month, Average, 50th percentile, 90th percentile, % meeting SLA")
for month in sorted(latency_by_month.keys()):
narr = numpy.asarray(latency_by_month[month])
print("{}, {}, {}, {}, {}".format(
month, numpy.average(narr), numpy.percentile(narr, 50),
numpy.percentile(narr, 90), (narr < SLA).sum() / float(len(narr))
def main():
print("Chromium", chromium_git(['rev-parse', 'HEAD']))
print("WPT", wpt_git(['rev-parse', 'HEAD']))
imports = list_imports()
latency_by_month = get_latencies(imports)
with open('latency.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(latency_by_month, f)
# with open('latency.json') as f:
# latency_by_month = json.load(f)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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