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Last active August 13, 2024 11:51
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# Thank you for purchasing StoreStats and I hope you enjoy the plugin!
# If you have any issues please refer to the "HELP/HOW TO" on the plugin page below!
# Plugin page:
# Check for plugin updates on startup and every 24 hours?
Update Notify: true
# Enable debug mode for the plugin to see special
# things including raw data of connections.
# WARNING: This can print out alot of debugging
# info especially when updating payments!
Debug Mode: false
# Alias commands for the main /StoreStats command
# as a list such as [example, command, cmd]
Command Aliases: [ss, store, sstats]
# Enter your store type and secret here.
# Supported Stores:
# Tebex (
# CraftingStore (
# MineStore ( v2.5+
Store Type: Tebex
# Enter store URL if you use a self hosted store, only MineStore for now.
Store URL: ""
# Enter your store secret key here to acess your stores API.
# The only thing we use your key for is to connect to stores API
# for purchase history, goals and nothing else. (All read information)
Secret Key: ""
# Your currencies symbol.
Currency Symbol: "$"
# What is the max amount of payments should be kept in the cache?
# This number is X amount of recent payments for StoreStats to be aware of.
# Tebex max is infinite but will do a API request per 25 payments.
# CraftingStore max is infinite but will do a API request per 15 payments.
# MineStore max is infinite but will do a API request per 20 payments.
Cache Amount: 500
# A list of players to blacklist from being added to the
# cache when updating payments. Players from this list will
# not show up in any timeframe. Players must be listed in UUID format.
Cache Blacklist:
- "0c88a1d2-eb94-4175-a90f-f57db901937d"
# The minimum payment to add into the cache.
# Setting to 0.01 will exclude all 0.00 payments.
# Set to 0.00 to allow all.
Minimum Payment: 0.00
# Should StoreStats ignore any non "COMPLETE" payments from Tebex stores
# and any non "PAID" payments from CraftingStore?
Ignore Invalid Payments: true
# Time in whole seconds for how often to check all store displays in the database
# and update them. Will also remove invalid store displays that somehow didn't get removed.
# This will also update the payments and goal caches.
# This is forced to be no lower than 180 seconds to prevent getting rate-limited.
Update Task Timer: 1800
# Use a task distribution system for the updating task.
# Instead of updating all the displays in a single tick this will make a task for
# each display that needs updating with a delay of 16 ticks (by default) per task.
# This spreads the load of updating displays over time instead of doing it at once,
# potentially loading a lot of chunks at once.
# Set to 0 to disable and not use this system if you're somehow having issues.
Update Task Distribution Delay: 16
# Connection timeout in seconds.
# If connecting to your store API is
# taking longer than X seconds it'll cancel.
# Increase this if you have bad internet.
Connection Timeout: 15.0
# Should StoreStats remove invalid displays when updating such as it
# attempting to update a head display and there is no head block
# at the location, it'll unset/remove it from the database.
# Useful if NPC displays are getting removed randomly.
Remove Invalid Displays: true
# Formats for the different signs.
# Placeholders: %player_uuid%, %player_name%, %payment_amount%, %payment_position%, %payment_timeframe%, %payment_date% & %payment_packages%.
Sign Format:
- "&8&l&m &r &a&l%payment_timeframe%: %payment_position% &8&l&m "
- "&a&l%player_name%"
- "&2&l%payment_amount%"
- "&8&l&m "
# The format for the package name when display in the GUI and packages placeholder.
# Only works for Tebex stores, CraftingStore pre formats the packages.
# Placeholders: %package_quantity% & %package_name%.
Package Format: "%package_quantity%x %package_name%"
# The format for the holograms.
# Placeholders: %player_uuid%, %player_name%, %payment_amount%, %payment_position%, %payment_timeframe%, %payment_date%, %payment_packages% & %payment_package_line% (Creates a line for each package).
Hologram Format:
- "&8&l&m &r &a&l%payment_timeframe%: %payment_position% &8&l&m "
- "#ICON: PLAYER_HEAD (%player_name%)"
- "&a&l%player_name%"
- "&2&l%payment_amount%"
- "&a%payment_package_line%"
- "&8&l&m "
# Change the Y-Offset for holograms.
Hologram Y-Offset: 0.5
# Settings for the GUIs.
# If the GUI system should be enabled and cache heads for each payment.
Enabled: true
# Settings for the main menu.
Main Menu:
# Title for the GUI.
Title: "&a&lTimeframes &7- &aMain Menu"
# Settings for the heads in the GUI.
# Name.
# Placeholders: %timeframe%.
Name: "&a&l%timeframe%"
# Lore.
- ""
- "&a&lClick to view."
# Settings for each timeframe GUI.
# Title for the GUI.
Title: "&a&l%timeframe% Payments &7- &a%current_page%/%max_page%"
# Names for the previous and next page buttons.
Previous Page: "&a« Previous Page"
Next Page: "&aNext Page »"
# Settings for the heads in the GUI.
# Name.
# Placeholders: %player_uuid%, %player_name%, %payment_amount%, %payment_position%, %payment_timeframe% & %payment_date%.
Name: "&a&lPosition: %payment_position%"
# Lore.
# Placeholders: %player_uuid%, %player_name%, %payment_amount%, %payment_position%, %payment_timeframe% & %payment_date%.
- ""
- "&a&lInformation:"
- "&a» &aName: %player_name% &7(%player_uuid%)"
- "&a» &aAmount: %payment_amount%"
- "&a» &aPackages: %payment_packages%"
- "&a» &aDate: %payment_date%"
# Placeholders when we do not know the information, such as using an
# invalid payment position or when there isn't any positons within a timeframe.
Unknown Information:
# Payment.
# Name.
Name: "Unknown"
# Amount.
Amount: "Unknown"
# Skin, use a service such as to get these.
# The skin's value.
# The skin's signature.
Signature: "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"
# Here you can change the display text for each
# timeframe to be more user friendly.
# Placeholders: %month_name%.
Recent: "Recent"
Week: "Weekly"
Month: "Monthly"
Current Month: "%month_name%"
All Time: "All Time"
# Should we also change the name of the NPC to the payment name?
Change NPC Names: true
# Colors for the NPC names by their payment placement.
# You can add as many as you want.
# Defaults to &f if not defined.
NPC Colors:
1: "&b&l"
2: "&6&l"
3: "&f&l"
4: "&f"
5: "&f"
# Should we also change the name of the armor stand to the payment name?
Change Armor Stand Names: true
# Colors for the Armor Stand names by their payment placement.
# You can add as many as you want.
# Defaults to &f if not defined.
Armor Stand Colors:
1: "&b&l"
2: "&6&l"
3: "&f&l"
4: "&f"
5: "&f"
# Settings for the broadcast command.
Broadcast Effects:
# Settings for the chat message.
Chat Message:
# Should this be enabled?
Enabled: true
# Should the broadcast be sent to the console as well?
Console: true
# What service to use for getting the player's skin information.
# Available services: MCHeads (SkinsRestorer Support), Minotar & Crafthead
Skin Service: MCHeads
# The format for the message.
# Placeholders: %head_line_(1-8)%, %player_name%, %package_name% & %package_price%.
- "&m+ +"
- "%head_line_1%"
- "%head_line_2% &6᠅ Thanks &6&l%player_name%&6 for the support ᠅"
- "%head_line_3%"
- "%head_line_4% &2%player_name% purchased:"
- "%head_line_5% &a%package_name% (%package_price%)"
- "%head_line_6%"
- "%head_line_7% &eSupport us at"
- "%head_line_8%"
- "&m+ +"
# "PACKAGE_LINE|" is added for each package the player purchased
Format Group:
- "&m+ +"
- "%head_line_1%"
- "%head_line_2%"
- "%head_line_3% &6᠅ Thanks &6&l%player_name%&6 for the support ᠅"
- "%head_line_4%"
- "%head_line_5%"
- "%head_line_6% &eSupport us at"
- "%head_line_7%"
- "%head_line_8%"
- ""
- "&2%player_name% purchased:"
- "PACKAGE_LINE|&a%package_name% (%package_price%)"
- "&m+ +"
# Should the message be sent to everyone or only the player?
Everyone: true
# Settings for the sound effect.
# Should this be enabled?
Enabled: true
# The sound.
# The volume.
Volume: 100.0
# The pitch.
Pitch: 1.0
# Should the sound play for everyone or only the player?
Everyone: true
# Settings for the fireworks.
# Should this be enabled?
Enabled: true
# The amount of fireworks to spawn per interval.
Amount: 1
# The random spread to spawn the fireworks.
X Spread: 1.25
Y Spread: 1.75
Z Spread: 1.25
# The amount of intervals to do.
Intervals: 5
# The tick rate between each interval.
Interval Rate: 10
# Should fireworks spawn at everyone or only the player?
Everyone: true
# Settings for the particles effect.
# Should this be enabled?
Enabled: true
# The particle type.
Particle: HEART
# The amount of particles to spawn per interval.
Amount: 3
# The random spread to spawn the particles.
X Spread: 1.25
Y Spread: 1.75
Z Spread: 1.25
# The speed of the particle.
Speed: 0.25;
# The amount of intervals to do.
Intervals: 60
# The tick rate between each interval.
Interval Rate: 1
# Should particles spawn at everyone or only the player?
Everyone: false
# Settings for the commands effect.
# Should this be enabled?
Enabled: false
# Delay in seconds, 0 to disable
Delay: 0.25
# The commands to be executed by the console.
# Placeholders: %player_name%, %package_name% & %package_price%.
- "minecraft:say %player_name% bought %package_name% for %package_price%!"
# Settings for the goal placeholders.
Community Goal Placeholders:
# Total "bars" to use in the progress bar.
Total Bars: 16
# Symbol to use in the bar.
Symbol: "█"
# Completed part of the bar.
Completed Color: "&b&l"
# Non completed part of the bar.
Empty Color: "&7"
# Language used for the plugin.
# Prefix for player chat messages. Set to "" to disable.
Prefix: "&b[StoreStats] "
# Player messages.
Invalid Target: "&cYou're not looking at a valid target for the provided display type!"
Invalid Number: "&cYou didn't enter a valid number!"
Invalid Timeframe: "&cYou didn't enter a valid timeframe!"
Invalid DisplayType: "&cYou didn't enter a valid display type!"
Invalid Location Set: "&cThis location is already in the database!"
Invalid Location Unset: "&cThis location is not in the database!"
Successfully Added Display: "&aAdded this display to the database."
Successfully Removed Display: "&aRemoved this display from the database."
Hologram Provider Not Installed: "&cHologram provider (%hologram_provider%) is not installed!" # Placeholders: %hologram_provider%
NPC Provider Not Installed: "&cNPC provider (%npc_provider%) is not installed!" # Placeholders: %npc_provider%
# Player & console messages.
Already Updating: "&cUpdate is already in progress!"
Force Update: "&aForce updating all store displays & placeholders."
Command Usage:
- "&a/StoreStats &7- &fShow plugin version and licensed user."
- "&a/StoreStats Set (Display Type) (Number) (Timeframe) &7- &fAdd a new store display."
- "&a/StoreStats Force &7- &fForce update all store displays and placeholders."
- "&a/StoreStats Payment (Number) (Timeframe) &7- &fCheck a payments information."
- "&a/StoreStats GUI [Timeframe] &7- &fOpen the GUI browser."
- "&a/StoreStats Goal (Number) &7- &fCheck a goals information."
- "&a/StoreStats Reload &7- &fReload the plugin."
- "&a/StoreStats Help &7- &fShow this help menu."
# Console messages.
Invaild Display: "&cRemoved invaild store display at %location%!" # Placeholders: %location%.
Player Only Command: "&cThis command is for players only!"
# The sounds used in the plugin.
# All sounds can be disabled by setting to "NONE"
# Sound when a GUI opens
GUI Open: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN:0.75:1.25
# Sound when a players clicks a page button
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