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Created August 30, 2020 10:13
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  • Save Hexer10/f4197871909964eec1820c4ee6795be6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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message("Found Arduino SDK: ${ARDUINO_SDK_PATH}")
## Uncomment if Arduino SDK Path is wrong
# set(ARDUINO_SDK_PATH <custom path>)
### Edit here
set(CLI_PATH <path to arduino-cli.exe)
set(FQBN <your fully qualified board name>)
set(PORT <your port>
### Add subdirectories for IntelliSense & Autocomplete
# PUT HERE your custom libraries, you need to put the path to the folder which contains the .h and .cpp files
# Also make sure to add the library through Arduino IDE
### Create custom target
COMMAND ${CLI_PATH} compile --fqbn ${FQBN}
COMMAND ECHO Compiling done! Uploading...
COMMAND ${CLI_PATH} upload --port ${PORT} --fqbn ${FQBN}
COMMAND ECHO Uploading done!
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