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Created April 19, 2017 02:56
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Rotate NSImageView (UIImageView) around its center
extension NSView { // UIView
// Set source/destination angle.
// Angle is set in radians (0..2π), hence 360* rotation = 2π/-2π
func spinClockwise(timeToRotate: Double) {
startRotation(angle: -1 * CGFloat.pi * 2.0, timeToRotate: timeToRotate)
func spinAntiClockwise(timeToRotate: Double) {
startRotation(angle: CGFloat.pi * 2.0, timeToRotate: timeToRotate)
func startRotation(angle: CGFloat, timeToRotate: Double) {
let rotateAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "transform.rotation")
rotateAnimation.fromValue = 0.0
rotateAnimation.toValue = angle
rotateAnimation.duration = timeToRotate
rotateAnimation.speed = 4
rotateAnimation.repeatCount = .infinity
self.layer?.add(rotateAnimation, forKey: nil)
Swift.print("Start rotating")
func stopAnimations() {
Swift.print("Stop rotating")
// Usage:
imageView.wantsLayer = true
imageView.layer!.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5) // 0.5x0.5 means center
// Start spinning
imageView.spinClockwise(timeToRotate: 60)
// Stop spinning
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