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Created February 2, 2022 21:05
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#pragma once
#include "Allocator.inl"
namespace SE {
template<bool SingleFrame>
void *TDynamicAllocator<SingleFrame>::AlignPointer(void *Pointer, uint32 Extra, uint32 Alignment) {
byte *Address = (byte *)Pointer + Extra; // Space for header.
uintptr_t Aligned = Math::AlignUp((uintptr_t)Address, (uintptr_t)Alignment);
return (void *)Aligned;
template<bool SingleFrame>
void *TDynamicAllocator<SingleFrame>::Alloc(uint32 InSize, uint32 InAlignment) {
if constexpr (SingleFrame) {
const uint32 Alignment = Math::Max(InAlignment, Meta::DefaultAlignment);
const uint32 Size = InSize + Alignment;
byte *Pointer = (byte *)Impl::FrameAlloc(Size);
byte *Aligned = (byte *)AlignPointer(Pointer, 0, Alignment);
return Aligned;
} else {
if (InAlignment <= Meta::DefaultAlignment) {
return malloc(InSize);
} else {
const uint32 Alignment = Math::Max(InAlignment, (uint32)sizeof(uint32));
const uint32 Size = InSize + Alignment;
byte *Pointer = (byte *)malloc(Size);
byte *Aligned = (byte *)AlignPointer(Pointer, sizeof(uint32), Alignment);
uint32 *Header = ((uint32 *)Aligned) - 1;
*Header = Aligned - Pointer;
return Aligned;
template<bool SingleFrame>
void *TDynamicAllocator<SingleFrame>::Realloc(void *InPointer, uint32 InSize, uint32 InOldSize, uint32 InAlignment) {
if constexpr (SingleFrame) {
uint32 Alignment = Math::Max(InAlignment, Meta::DefaultAlignment);
uint32 Size = InSize + Alignment;
byte *NewPointer = (byte *)Impl::FrameAlloc(Size);
byte *NewAligned = (byte *)AlignPointer(NewPointer, 0, Alignment);
memcpy(NewAligned, InPointer, Math::Min(InOldSize, InSize));
return NewAligned;
} else {
if (InAlignment <= Meta::DefaultAlignment) {
return realloc(InPointer, InSize);
} else {
byte *Aligned = (byte *)InPointer;
uint32 *Header = ((uint32 *)Aligned) - 1;
uint32 Offset = *Header;
byte *Pointer = Aligned - Offset;
uint32 Alignment = Math::Max(InAlignment, (uint32)sizeof(uint32));
uint32 Size = InSize + Alignment;
Pointer = (byte *)realloc(Pointer, Size);
byte *NewAligned = (byte *)AlignPointer(Pointer, (uint32)sizeof(uint32), Alignment);
if (NewAligned == Aligned) {
return Aligned;
Aligned = Pointer + Offset;
memmove(NewAligned, Aligned, InSize);
uint32 *NewHeader = ((uint32 *)NewAligned) - 1;
*NewHeader = NewAligned - Pointer;
return NewAligned;
template<bool SingleFrame>
void TDynamicAllocator<SingleFrame>::Free(void *InPointer, uint32 Alignment) {
if (InPointer) {
if constexpr (!SingleFrame) {
if (Alignment <= Meta::DefaultAlignment) {
} else if (InPointer) {
byte *Aligned = (byte *)InPointer;
uint32 *Header = ((uint32 *)Aligned) - 1;
byte *Pointer = Aligned - *Header;
template<uint32 InElementSize, uint32 InElementAlignment>
TBlockAllocator<InElementSize, InElementAlignment>::~TBlockAllocator() {
for (Impl::FBlockAllocatorBlock *Block = BlockHead; Block;) {
FHeapAllocator::Free(Block->Memory, InElementAlignment);
Impl::FBlockAllocatorBlock *Next = Block->Next;
FHeapAllocator::Free(Block, alignof(decltype(Block)));
Block = Next;
template<uint32 InElementSize, uint32 InElementAlignment>
void *TBlockAllocator<InElementSize, InElementAlignment>::Alloc() {
if (!Head) {
Head = AllocBlock();
void *Result = Head;
Head = Head->Next;
return Result;
template<uint32 InElementSize, uint32 InElementAlignment>
void TBlockAllocator<InElementSize, InElementAlignment>::Free(void *Pointer) {
Impl::FBlockAllocatorChunkHeader *Chunk = (Impl::FBlockAllocatorChunkHeader *)Pointer;
Chunk->Next = Head;
Head = Chunk;
template<uint32 InElementSize, uint32 InElementAlignment>
Impl::FBlockAllocatorChunkHeader *TBlockAllocator<InElementSize, InElementAlignment>::AllocBlock() {
Impl::FBlockAllocatorChunkHeader *FirstChunk = (Impl::FBlockAllocatorChunkHeader *)FHeapAllocator::Alloc(BlockSize, InElementAlignment);
Impl::FBlockAllocatorBlock *Block =
(Impl::FBlockAllocatorBlock *)FHeapAllocator::Alloc(sizeof(Impl::FBlockAllocatorBlock), alignof(Impl::FBlockAllocatorBlock *));
Block->Memory = FirstChunk;
if (!BlockTail) {
Block->Next = nullptr;
BlockHead = Block;
BlockTail = Block;
} else {
Block->Next = nullptr;
BlockTail->Next = Block;
BlockTail = Block;
Impl::FBlockAllocatorChunkHeader *Chunk = FirstChunk;
for (uint32 Index = 0; Index < ElementsPerBlock - 1; ++Index) {
Chunk->Next = (Impl::FBlockAllocatorChunkHeader *)((byte *)Chunk + ChunkSize);
Chunk = Chunk->Next;
Chunk->Next = nullptr;
return FirstChunk;
} // namespace SE
#pragma once
#include "DebugUtility/DebugUtility.h"
#include "Math/Math.h"
#include "Meta/Meta.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
namespace SE {
namespace Impl {
void TickFrameMemory();
void *FrameAlloc(uint32 Size);
void IncreaseAllocCount();
void IncreaseFreeCount();
void *PageAlloc(uint64 Size);
inline constexpr uint32 MaxThreads = 16;
} // namespace Impl
template<bool SingleFrame>
struct TDynamicAllocator {
static void *AlignPointer(void *Pointer, uint32 Extra, uint32 Alignment);
static void *Alloc(uint32 InSize, uint32 InAlignment);
static void *Realloc(void *InPointer, uint32 InSize, uint32 InOldSize, uint32 InAlignment);
static void Free(void *InPointer, uint32 Alignment);
// Do not store FFrameAllocator-based collections, their MaxSize corrupts the state.
using FFrameAllocator = TDynamicAllocator<true>;
using FHeapAllocator = TDynamicAllocator<false>;
template<uint32 InMaxSize>
struct TStackAllocator {
static constexpr uint32 MaxSize = InMaxSize;
namespace Impl {
struct FBlockAllocatorBlock {
void *Memory;
FBlockAllocatorBlock *Next;
struct FBlockAllocatorChunkHeader {
FBlockAllocatorChunkHeader *Next;
struct FBlockAllocatorChunkPayload {
FBlockAllocatorBlock *Block;
} // namespace Impl
// NOTE: Do not attempt supporting shrinking through block active chunk counter as chunk linked list has random order.
template<uint32 InElementSize, uint32 InElementAlignment>
class TBlockAllocator {
TBlockAllocator() = default;
TBlockAllocator(const TBlockAllocator &) = delete;
TBlockAllocator operator=(const TBlockAllocator &) = delete;
TBlockAllocator(TBlockAllocator &&Other) {
Swap(Head, Other.Head);
Swap(BlockHead, Other.BlockHead);
Swap(BlockTail, Other.BlockTail);
TBlockAllocator &operator=(TBlockAllocator &&Other) {
Swap(Head, Other.Head);
Swap(BlockHead, Other.BlockHead);
Swap(BlockTail, Other.BlockTail);
return *this;
void *Alloc();
void Free(void *Pointer);
static constexpr uint32 MinElementSize = Math::Max(InElementSize, uint32(sizeof(Impl::FBlockAllocatorChunkHeader)));
static constexpr uint32 ChunkSize = Math::AlignUp(MinElementSize, InElementAlignment);
static constexpr uint32 DesiredBlockSize = 4096;
static constexpr uint32 ElementsPerBlock = Math::Max(DesiredBlockSize / ChunkSize, (uint32)1);
static constexpr uint32 BlockSize = ElementsPerBlock * ChunkSize;
Impl::FBlockAllocatorChunkHeader *Head = nullptr;
Impl::FBlockAllocatorBlock *BlockHead = nullptr;
Impl::FBlockAllocatorBlock *BlockTail = nullptr;
Impl::FBlockAllocatorChunkHeader *AllocBlock();
} // namespace SE
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