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Last active October 12, 2020 16:12
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Android Game Review
⭐rating is based on how fun I had playing the game, and not how good I think the game is

Azur Lane ⭐4/10

A game where you're anime girls, but they're also battleships... Sort of like a side scrolling beat-em-up, but you're constantly auto shooting as you move about. You also have to manage the order of your fleet and use different combat skills at the right time.


  • Hub based gameplay


  • Mindless combat
  • Animations and chibi character

Your typical hero collection game.


  • Smooth and fast combat
  • Nice graphics and design


  • Every YouTuber ever being sponsored by it

"Fake" base building game with sections where it plays almost like a tower defense game from the side.


  • 🤷‍♂️


  • The ads for the game showing fake gameplay
  • All progress is time gated, so you'll end up having to wait for days unless you pay

MU Origin 2 ⭐3/10

Your typical chinese MMO, with wings and crazy flashing epileptic combat. Most of the game can be played with the "Auto Walk" and "Auto Battle" feature enabled. There's also - confusingly enough - other versions of "MU Origin", and I have no idea which one is the newest one.



  • All the auto stuff

Based on some anime show I had never heard of. I was prepared for a terrible game but it's quickly become one of my favorite ones. Travel the world with your unique buddies, collect heroes and battle bad guys using a turn-based card action/skill system. You'll also upgrade your own tavern, cook food, do quests, dress up your buddies and make your own music.


  • Looks great
  • Top quality animations and cut-scenes
  • Syncs well between mobile and PC (BlueStacks)
  • Works both in portrait and landscape mode (looks great in fullscreen on PC)
  • Quick and simple yet deep battle system


  • Not available on my old phone
    (manual apk install works)
  • Loading takes quite a while on my phone
  • Music and sound is generally pretty low, while optional ads are super loud
  • Classic trick where free items are hidden among premium items to entice you to buy something
  • Literally takes up 99% of my phones storage space

Collect heroes and battle using the classic Fire Emblem / Advance Wars combat style. Sadly there's an auto combat mode. So 99% of the game can be played on its own.


  • Quick and simple gameplay with lots of strategic choices
  • No loading at all
  • Lite version is less than 300mb
  • Events add new game modes


  • Animations and chibi characters
  • There aren't that many side-activities (events can have a new game mode tho.)
  • Auto combat

It's cookie clicker but with Miku.


  • Some of the music is pretty cool 🤷‍♂️


  • Cookie clicker

I'm constantly getting error 806-6503 and having to restart the game.
(BlueStacks and phone)



  • Crashes
  • Landscape mode only works while racing, not in menus

You and your party (typical hero summon) walk around in a grid based dungeon, battle enemies and clear out mines. Gold, EXP and EXP Crystals (to upgrade heroes) uses the idle mechanic where it's gathered even when you're not playing.


  • 🤷‍♂️


  • Art style and animations
  • Sound design
  • Combat
  • That "3289423+94+214092135+5´123EE!!!"#!42123 ERROR UINT OVERFLOW" gold isn't that much

Age of Magic ⭐5/10

It's RAID but a bit simplified in some aspects. I am however a bit confused about the currency situation of the game. There's energy spheres, gold and silver. Energy spheres can be bought with gold, but I'm not sure how you get gold and I'm guessing it's a premium currency as a lot of things require gold. If gold can be earned in-game then I'm fine with it the system, otherwise it's Pay 2 Win.


  • Hub based gameplay
  • Sound design
  • Graphics
  • Doesn't start out too easy


  • The general theme of the hub menu for some reason
    (it's very cold with sad music, not inviting at all)
  • Very few game options
  • You can skip and win any battle using the "Instant Battle" feature
    It costs memory- and energy spheres to use and you get more loot based on the amount of spheres used
    (if gold is a premium currency only then this is Pay 2 Win)

Angel Legion ⭐4/10

Apparently also available on Steam - Store Link
Similar gameplay to RAID but you collect anime chicks you dress in skimpy outfits. You fly around in your spaceship on a grid based map where you attack and collect things. Also has an idle feature, where you get gold, exp and items over time you need to collect.


  • Combat seemed shallow at first, but gets progressively more complex as you play but still remains fairly simple once you're fighting
    With different skills based on equipped weapon, party formation, skills acting differently on front/back row enemies


  • Cannot login using any existing account
  • Menus are a mess and the game sometimes soft locks with "LOADING" when skipping dialog
  • Generic art and design
  • Some music is only about 10 seconds long and repeat over and over again

Your typical "Auto Chess" kind of game. You can spend gold to level up in the match and raise the unit limit. Not sure if that's Pay 2 Win or not as you gain gold in-game as well as buy it for real money.
Both Teamfight Tactics and Dota Underlords are available on mobile, so they're probably the better choice when it comes to auto chess games.


  • 🤷‍♂️


  • Weird mix of robots with assault rifles, medieval warriors and monsters
  • That the damn rabbit on the playing field runs through a stone!

A decent rhythm game that's impossible to play on PC. You have your normal 4 button taps, but also a row of notes above that where you sometimes have to slide one or two fingers for long notes. You can unlock new partner character for different skills (helps with harder songs). There's a story mode where you unlock songs, you can play online and against other people, and connect to the "World" for even more songs and events.


  • Some of the music
  • Online connectivity
  • Events


  • Cannot login with any existing account
  • Super compressed music
  • In-game skin and the fact there are no skins to unlock
    (looks very bland and boring)

Arknights ⭐5/10

A sort of tower defense game but with anime chicks. Enemies spawn in while you place ground units to attack and block them, while ranged units are placed higher up. Units also have special skills. "Sanity" is used as your typical energy, which is drained when you enter combat.


  • That they wrote "FaceBook" instead of "Facebook"
  • Menus are pretty cool and reminds me of Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker


  • Story is just a bunch of still images of characters and slow text boxes
  • Clicking to progress the super slow text usually skips the entire dialog, but not always!
  • Animations and chibi styled characters
    (it really looks like a Flash game)
  • Units don't face the correct way when placing them down, so you have to click and drag them to place them, then click and drag again to aim them
    Obviously I want them to face the way the enemy is coming!
  • There's no quick "Retry"

Armored God ⭐0/10

I'm amazed at how much of an "Auto" game this is. I've been watching the game play itself for like half an hour now...


  • I.. might have liked something, but it just plays itself


  • Bad music
  • Bad voice acting
  • Super compressed audio
  • Very messy interface
  • Eventually froze on a loading screen

The very first intro part, where you're guided to move to a highlighted area, seems bugged. I'm in the area, I'm clicking the area, I'm clicking the NPCs, but nothing happens. I tried closing down the game and even reinstalling it, and now it just freezes when I move forward.



  • Chibi art style and animations

A pretty generic MMO-ish game with lots of auto combat and auto questing.



  • Too much auto gameplay

Blustone ⭐1/10

A weird clicker game combined with some actual strategy. Game crashes when I get out of the tutorial.


  • That you can die/fail in the tutorial


  • Chibi style
  • Crashes

A card like chess game. I have the same issue with this game as with every other card game; when I'm the player making the first move, I win. When the other player's making the first move, I lose.


  • Cool interface
  • Very unfitting but cool music


  • Text on a new row does not respect spaces, and instead cuts off in the middle of the word

Game instantly crashes on startup.


  • 🤷‍♂️


  • Crashes

Crestoria ⭐1/10

Battle system is very similar to RAID. Turn based combat with elements and skills, but with blurry generic anime characters.


  • 🤷‍♂️


  • Does not seem to sync data seamlessly between devices, so you'll have to use "Transfer Data" each time you're switching device
  • Art style and cut-scenes
  • Downloading those 1.7GB took FOREVER
  • Camera angle in battles

God Of War kind of gameplay but simplified when it comes to combos and such. Very "actiony" and over the top, never a still moment. Has that typical mobile "start screen" where you set out on missions. Works with "energy" that drains per mission and fills up when you're not playing. Collect weapons and enhance them by combining other weapons. The second you're out of the tutorial you'll get the "Auto" feature, which makes your character clear an entire stage on his own.


  • Combat can feel pretty good, especially when using a gamepad or keyboard
  • Hub based gameplay


  • Art style
  • Super wonky input which sometimes just stops responding or makes me run the wrong way
  • Completely invincible in tutorial
  • In-game loading screen tells me how awesome the game and story is
  • Auto combat
  • Waaay too easy
  • Watching an ad for free stuff closes the game
  • Every "adventure" is basically the same map over and over again

Set an "embark" destination and travel on the world map or in dungeons, encounter enemies and battle. Items are claimed when you reach your destination. Your characters are constantly auto attacking and you just trigger skills when they're available. Skills are in a very annoying vertical list.



  • Combat system, I really don't like scrolling that vertical list
  • I swear some buttons just has coders art on them
  • The "Bushy Bazaar" looks like an extremely cheap kids game, and not at all like Dragon Quest
  • Having to take a random character from another player - which has totally unknown skills - with you on basically every travel

Legend of Sam's Cock is just another hero summoner game. Heroes do all the combat automatically, no manual skill input. Looks super chinese.


  • I guess some of the battle skills were pretty hilarious to watch


  • Most compressed audio I've ever head
  • Animations and chibi art style
  • My Lord... my lord... my lord... my lord... my lord... my lord... my lord...

Epic Seven ⭐2/10

Side-scrolling turn-based beat-em-up. Press on the right or left side of the screen to move your custom party until you encounter enemies. Select a skill then click on the enemy to attack. There's a story as well that takes it way too seriously, complete with deaths and heartwarming music for characters I've only seen for about 0.5 seconds.


  • I normally don't like this kind of art style, but this one looks pretty good
  • The particle effects on the menus are nice
  • You can use enemies as party members


  • Like 10 seconds of just a black screen at startup, made me think game had crashed
  • Cut-scene audio volume is super low
  • This game REALLY needs an epilepsy warning
  • This is a very serious story!! 🤦‍♂️
  • Combat system
  • You MUST disable voices, or you'll hear the same lines a million times per level

Exos Heroes ⭐4/10

Summon heroes. Combat works like most other turn-based RPGs, select a skill, click on whom to attack and watch a fancy animation. I guess the difference here when it comes to combat is that you get some mana each turn, so it takes a couple of turns before you can use your skills. There are also elements and break effects when using the right element hero, so I guess choosing the right heroes will matter later on. Right now it just seems like you're going to use all heroes anyways, so you'll trigger the break effect no matter what. You get an airship and get to name it, of course every single name is taken so it's hard to even get past this screen. Move around an super low res world map and start battles, catch bad guys, dig/scavenge for treasure as an idle activity, but you don't navigate the airship, no no. The airship just beams you up when you want to enter the main menu. Combat eventually gets the "Auto" feature. Seems like there aren't really a whole lot of activities, other than just follow the story and fight. There's a hub city, but there's essentially nothing to do there.


  • Even though it's pretty much the same old battle system; it still feels pretty good and responsive


  • Mini game while downloading works like crap (can be played in the hub city)
  • Anti-aliasing does not work, and the game badly needs it
  • Almost no side-activities

So on my phone this says Fate Fantasy 3D, but the store says Fate Fantasy: Idle Anime Game. Also the icon is totally different from what's on the store. It's your average MMO-ish auto combat and auto quest game, just looks super generic and boring. Seems like the company EYOUGAME(USS) just releases a bunch of versions of the same game, but changes the graphics and menus a tiny bit and calls it a new game.


  • Bad guy called "Middle-Age Bad Guy"


  • Voice acting
  • Audio compression
  • Art style
  • Don't just re-skin your game and say it's a new game

It's Fate Fantasy: Idle Anime Game re-skinned.



Tap/Clicker game. Repeatedly tap on the screen to attack, use skills.


  • Very unfitting music, sounds like Beatmania


  • Art style
  • Story
  • Loading takes a long time for some very basic art

Constantly move forward in a generic dungeon with your summoned heroes, they auto attack and you use manual skills. Press the Boss button when you think you're ready to move to the next stage. Skills and pressing the Boss button can be automated at level 10. Heroes fight even when the game is closed.



  • The 200mb patch took a surprisingly long time to download

It's.. erm.. a dungeon raiding management game? But you also attack enemies with a team of heroes and build cities I guess.


  • Game doesn't take itself too seriously, no some soppy anime buhu story
    It gets right down to business
  • Interesting game idea


  • 90mb patch took forever to download!
  • Loading between the gosh darn menus
  • Very wonky interface, especially when dragging out heroes to explore
  • Combat

Game of Dice ⭐2/10

Intro movie sure made a game about walking around on mahjong pieces look cool. It's a board game with crazy anime skills and property owning, where the goal is to get your opponents to lose all their money. The skills seem super crazy powerful and can make you win or lose in like a turn.



  • Not a fan of having to search for other players when I only have like 5 minutes to play

Mahjong Soul ⭐2/10

A proper Mahjong game, with all the correct rules. You play against other players.


  • Mahjong


  • Having to search for other players
  • Takes quite some time to play a match, which I don't think works for a mobile game

Very similar to Darkness Risen in just about every way, except for the big breasted anime chicks. It's got an Auto combat option (called "Easy Play"), but it doesn't use any of your assigned skills or dodge, so you'll die pretty easily if you don't help it out.


  • Combat feels more important than in Darkness Risen, and you have to actually fight yourself and use some tactics on the bosses


  • Dodging doesn't seem to matter, there's basically no invincibility frames
  • I'm sorry, but Chinese is such an annoying language to listen to
    "sibba sichibh ichcsich isssvhich cichchci hcihcii iciiii shiiit man!"

These are 3 games that are EXACTLY the same. Different publishers, but it's the exact same game copy pasted with a different name, but same menus, same graphics, same typos, same servers. There's a very similar thing on Steam, where a bunch of Chinese games are all the same but they're called different things. Gameplay is your typical Chinese idle game where you enhance your character, eventually get more characters and just click to upgrade them, click to select which boss to attack and so on. I don't hate the idea of this kind of game, but I can't support this shady business of just re-branding the same game over and over again.


  • The game concept
  • Graphics (Lineage 1-ish)


  • Shady business practice

GrandChase ⭐3/10

Summon and manage heroes. Move them by clicking, let them auto attack and manually trigger skills. You actually also have to move them out of combat to avoid enemy attacks, so a bit more interactive than most similar games.
Wait no... There's now "Auto Skill" and "Auto Move", nevermind then.


  • Almost no loading screens


  • Clicking does not forward text, it just skips the entire dialog
  • Tutorial keeps repeating itself
    Yes I know how to use a skill and move, you've told me 5 times now
  • Some characters a super low res, while other (newer?) ones looks perfect fine

From the very edgy intro quotes I can tell this is going to be a big boy game! Interface taken straight from Persona, except they don't seem how to use it and it's just mostly static.



  • Cut-scenes
  • Audio design
  • Combat pretty much plays itself

Collect over sexualized anime girls and watch the chibi version of them fight automatically. Has an idle element to it.


  • Pretty calm and nice interface


  • Combat
  • And the girls honestly

KING`s RAID ⭐2/10

Such emotional intro music. Collect heroes and let them auto battle. Trigger skills manually (probably automatically later on - Yep! There it is).



  • Graphics
  • Combat

Kind of your typical idle game. Click something in your quest box and have your character run and complete it. He fights, runs and everything on his own. All you have to do is click buttons to improve him.



  • Too much idle/auto gameplay

Idle Angels ⭐1/10

Summon oversexualized anime chicks and have them auto fight for you. Has an idle element to it.



Another game that copies the Persona interface style, but it's very static. Beat-em-up with school kids you summon. Of course has auto combat.



I'd say a pretty capable beat-em-up with anime chicks. Unlock more characters and switch between them in-game depending on their strengths.


  • Combat can feel pretty good, if you're not constantly interrupted by dialog


  • Cringe story and stereotypical anime characters

Summon heroes, place them in a formation, attack bad guys. Has auto battle features.



  • Intro movie lags super bad and is in Chinese
  • Voice acting

It's a MOBA. That's about it.


  • Controls felt responsive


  • MOBAs

It's one of those "build your city" games, where everything is time gated. Train troops, send them out, etc. etc. Probably the best "city building" game I've tried so far (not saying much though tbh.)


  • Clean interface


  • Interface looks ugly/cheap
  • Not too many popups with "BUY THIS!"
  • Music seems bugged and randomly cuts out

Build your castle game again.



  • Generic looking
  • Units move around super fast and with weird animations

I SWEAR this is just Rise of the Kings. Same castle and music. Only difference I guess is the 3D combat.



It's freaking Rise of the Kings again! They must be using the same graphical assets and engine, cause it's basically exactly the same with some gameplay changes.



Another one of these confusing situations where the icon and name of the actual app is different from what the store shows. Also, it's just a city building game, it just happens so be in space and has an interface that slightly reminds you of Stellaris.



Summon anime girls, watch them auto fight and sometimes trigger manual skills.



  • Chibi characters and animations
  • Combat
  • Constantly repeated voice lines

Ceres M ⭐2/10

Summon heroes and watch them auto battle, sometimes manual input is needed in form of "advanced tactics" (direct orders). I feel like this could have been good, but it's just a mess and combat is made super boring (just watch). So you watch the heroes fight, win, click next... repeat until your stamina runs out and you have to pay to play more, or wait a day or so.


  • Graphics
  • Actual monsters as "heroes"
  • "Tower" where each floor of the tower is another boss, and it's fun to see how far you can go (same it's all auto play)
  • That they named it "Twin Towers" (won't Americans get mad?)
  • The idea that story bits require certain characters you need to collect


  • That require characters aren't explained how to get
  • That combat is boring and that's the only thing you do in the game
  • Messy menus
  • Hero clearly has a crossbow icon next to him, yet he's a melee character with a sword
  • "Next Stage" doesn't tell you how much stamina you have, only what it costs to play the next stage

As the horrible title suggest, it's a hack and slash. Hold down attack and watch as he jumps about and kills enemies. Also the app says "Bladebound" but Store says "Blade Bound".



  • Controls really badly
  • Sound design
  • Graphics

Collect heroes and turn-based fighting. This time on a very small battlefield made out of hexagons. Move freely and attack when you're ready. Kind of an interesting concept and I don't mind the combat actually. I wish the combat would let all heroes move at the same time, there could have been some real interesting strategies then what with the pushback skills and all. WELP! NEVERMIND, they added auto combat, it's all ruined. What a fucking shame, seriously.


  • The idea of the combat
  • Not that much hand-holding (even if the first levels are super duper easy)


  • Graphics and interface
  • Elemental disadvantage doesn't seem to matter, that character still did the most damage
  • Auto combat
  • Don't mix skill colours! Green should always be heal, and red always attack

Shadowblood ⭐4/10

I don't hate this game, but it's very... weird and easy. Start at the hub screen, follow the campaign if you want, or do some challenges to get rewards. It's a hack-and-slash, very quick and short levels and early levels are super easy. There's auto battle, but it doesn't use dodge or skills, so you'll die all the time if you use it (at least later on).


  • Simple gameplay
  • The PS1-ish graphics have a bit of charm to them


  • Controls are a bit, and a lot of stuff locks you in place (unless you attack WHILE moving)
  • Every combat scenario is exactly the same
  • No side-activities (but some varied game modes)
  • Equipped items are never seen, game only has costume
  • Campaign is super duper easy, turns into a chore and is just a "stamina sink"
  • Voice clips repeat too often, and there's no way of turning them off

It's a card game. Seems to play just like every other player vs. player card games.



  • I must have clicked "OK" like 60 times before I got past the "TAP TO START" screen
  • Huge download for a simple card game

"For a comfortable experience, hold your phone like this"
*shows a picture of a super uncomfortable position with weirdly bent fingers*
This a very rough and basic MMO.



  • Basic gameplay
  • Bad performance
  • Graphics
  • Controls

Sdorica ⭐?/10

I can tell they've spent some time on the art style, I'm not sure if I like it though... Combat is different as well. It's turn-based from the side, but you drag and select orbs. More orbs create bigger attacks. Other than that it seems to be your typical hero collect game. I accidentally scrolled in the "journey book", and the tutorial - which was slow to initiate - locked my controls so I couldn't start the next chapter.


  • Targeting the right enemy is actually important and can cause chain-reactions


  • This type of animation
  • You can easily break the tutorial by being too fast

Kiss of War ⭐1/10

Sells itself on the women in the game that you get to "command" and "build a relationship with". Basically, select a scantily clad girl and watch her mouth flap, then pick an answer to increase the affection meter. Other than that it's a basic "city building" game with some super light strategy segments.



  • Crashes

A side scrolling beat-em-up. The estimated download time was 5 minutes, it took about 5 seconds to download. But the "Now loading..." part after the tutorial took about 5 minutes. It also crashed a while after that. Pretty average game in general, except for the 3 characters you can use.



  • Controls, using a skill sometimes triggers in the wrong direction
  • Loads a lot
  • Slowmotion just looks like low framerate
  • Crashes a lot

RebirthM ⭐1/10

Seems like your typical Korean MMO with auto questing. Why is my character all wet and glossy...? Soft-locked when picking herbs.


  • Download continues even if the game isn't in focus


  • Poor English translation
  • Combat
  • Fetch questing

Available on Steam with negative reviews - Steam Link
It's... exactly the same as RebirthM?



A 100% "idle" game (but you can manually move, oddly enough). Just decide what to upgrade, equip and enhance gear etc. while your character grinds. Challenge the boss when you think you're ready to progress. Or trigger challenges to get material.


  • Graphics are decent for this kind of game


  • Text usually don't fit inside the interface elements
  • The game looks nothing like the Google Play Store pictures
    (there isn't even a landscape mode!)

Bistro Heroes ⭐2.5/10

Collect heroes and and auto battle monsters. Manual skills to trigger. You'll also sort of create a "food area" (I refuse to call this a bistro).



  • I really really don't like the animations and chibi characters in this one
  • Combat

A pretty basic hero collection game. Auto battle from a side view, a bit reminiscent of Final Fantasy.



  • A lot of loading and "connecting" for every single thing

Brave Nine ⭐3/10

Why are all the women in this one in pain? Collect cards and deploy them as real units, watch them auto battle.


  • You're not going to get 3 stars on every level at the start


  • Combat

City building game, but heavy focus on combat and attacking.



  • Graphics
  • Interface art style

Clash Royale ⭐2/10

It's Clash of Clans, or at least the characters from it, but in a sort of dynamic tower defense game. Lost connection and never bothered starting the game again.



It's cookie clicker but with a samurai.



  • Cookie clicker

Deity Fallen ⭐2/10

It's another MMO-ish auto questing game.



Another MMO-ish auto questing game, but with weird "relationship building" with other players. Add a random person as you friend, send them flowers and gifts.



Yeeet another MMO-ish auto questing game. Except this one is super Chinese. It also runs extremely bad, lowest FPS I've ever had in a mobile game. It seems to run on another game engine I've reviewed, as the interface is super similar and has that "cross toggle button" on the side.



  • Super compressed Chinese people screaming

Very much what the title suggests. Summon heroes, have them fight in idle mode and do automatic battles when you feel like it.



  • Art style... my god...

Standard hero summoner game, place in formations, auto battle etc.



  • Art style

Keeps failing at login screen.



  • "Fake" pixel art (no respect for pixel sizes)

Game is just stuck on a black screen forever. After playing a couple of other games; the game decided to just work. The game seems to play just as Brave Frontier, no wonder that game reminded me of Final Fantasy! They must be using the same engine or something. But yeah, just press "Auto" and watch the entire thing play itself, use skills now and then, click past the mediocre story dialog. This seems a tiny bit more refined than Brave Frontier, but there's a ton of dialog to click through in this one. Game eventually errored out.



  • Lots and lots of "connecting" and "loading" screens to wait for
  • Having to press "Yes" 4 or 5 times just to download data
  • Download error

A tower defense game with anime characters. Seems bit more generic than Arknights.



  • Art style
  • Skills/Spells are just drag and drop and not tied to unique characters?

Another "city building" game, just happens to be western themed.



  • Has those fake "pull the right pin" ads

"city building" but with zombies. You also need to recruit survivors to do tasks.



  • A "minor bug fix" was labeled as a "MAJOR UPDATE!" in-game

I swear this is just a re-skin of another game I've reviewed. I've seen the tutorial area and "Moon Goddess" model somewhere else. Anyways, super generic MMO-ish auto questing game.



GOSH DARNIT! It's Rise of the Kings yet again! Same castle and everything! The ads showed a third-person MMO.



  • Fake screenshots

Summon heroes, place them in a formation, watch them auto battle. Trigger skills manually. Seems to have some more open/linear quest areas. Build some parts of the city.



  • Art style
  • Combat

Side scrolling beat-em-up.



  • Very low resolution
  • Combat

Merge Magic! ⭐1/10

Puzzle game where you drag objects to merge them and create other objects.



  • Art style

Puzzle game where you drag to create 3 in a row, which in turn creates units that attacks enemies. Collect heroes and use their skills manually. There's also elements in the game, but it's not like you've got any control over that part. OMG IT'S THE RISE OF THE KINGS CASTLE AGAIN! (almost). So yeah, there's a city building part thrown into the mix I guess... for some reason. I guess the city building part is just there to eat up some time and get you to spend money on the game.
I don't mind this kind of game, but I'm having a hard time seeing how this can be anything but luck based. There's very often only one single way to create 3 in a row (or more), and you can't predict what comes from the bottom of the screen when clearing blocks. So what you do in the game probably doesn't matter, and it's all decided by randomness. The game will also show you what move to make if you wait too long, so it's not like it's hard or anything either.


  • The idea I guess?


  • User input seems almost pointless

I have 100% heard the music at the start of game before! YES I HAVE, it's "Far Horizons" from Skyrim by Jeremy Soule. Other than stolen music, it's just your avarage Korean auto questing MMO.



80% of the game is outside of the screen.



  • Does not fit on any phone I have, nor BlueStacks

A bit like that Brave Frontier game, but with Romancing Saga characters. Seems like combat can get pretty deep, but there's an auto combat feature so who cares? There are lots of events and parts to explore, but I feel like why bother when the only part that's actual gameplay is automatically played.



  • Sooo many popups with "rewards" for starting the game
  • Auto combat

Sword Art Online has the worst naming scheme ever, where they just stick a title at the end of it and it's a totally different kind of game, and most of them aren't online. Seems like an actual MMO (SUPER basic), and doesn't have any auto questing stuff.



  • Fake loading screens that doesn't actually load the game
  • Tons of slow loading
  • Fast-Forward cut-scenes doesn't actually fast forward, it just skips it completely, but slow
  • Controls
  • Graphics

Hero summoner with auto battles. Looks very Chinese. Lots of dialogs have two "Confirm" buttons.



  • Animations and art style

Another Final Fantasy game that just has a black screen. Eventually managed to start it, and seems like an okay game. Sort of a Tactics Ogre styled game. It's all about turn based isometric combat, and it's pretty fun! Oh wait... Auto battle, you don't have to do anything anymore, just upgrade the units when the story gives you stuff.


  • The battle system before auto battle was introduced


  • Auto battle

Very basic hack-n-slash MMO-ish game. Seems to be mainly voiced by 8 years old kids. Gets auto questing later.



  • Voice acting
  • Art style

Turn-based hero summoner, but has the interface of a hack-n-slash. Combat does seem interesting, with some good options of different tactics. Oh no wait, auto battle just got unlocked. Guess I don't have to play the game anymore. Yay 3 stars on every battle so far, and I don't even have to press a single button!


  • Some very high-quality character models


  • Super compressed intro movie
  • Cut-scenes (some levels are nothing but cut-scenes)
  • Characters flapping their lips in cut-scenes, but there's no voice acting
  • Story
  • Almost everything has JPG compression artifacts
  • Everything but the characters looks bland and boring
  • Interface
  • Combat
  • x2 speed button doesn't seem to do anything

A city building game, with a Final Fantasy theme.



Very casual game. Just fish, collect gold to upgrade, fish more.



  • Watching ads basically awards you everything, making the game part almost unnecessary

City building with battles taking place on a grid based hexagon field. I guess you progress through time or something?



Elvenar ⭐1/10

Surprise surprise, it's another city building game. Extremely similar to Forge of Empires.



Hero Ball Z ⭐1/10

I'm... not even sure how to describe this game. You basically spawn in heroes and merge similar ones together to upgrade them. But at the same time it's like a side scrolling shoot-em-up?



  • Chibi characters

A lot like Fire Emblem/Advanced Wars. Drag characters around on a grid based battlefield.



  • Art style

A very Chinese looking idle hero (cards) summoner. Place them in a battle formation and watch them auto battle. Yay I won by picking my nose. And yay, I'm getting loot by being idle.



  • Art style

A sort of "make your own adventure" kind of game. Pick an action and see what happens.



  • Art style
  • Combat

It's seriously been "Connecting..." and "Loading..." for like 10 minutes now. Feels very much like an early mobile game. Combat based game, turn-based kind of like Final Fantasy. The new thing here are the "Brave" points, which you can steal from enemies and which normal attacks use. You can also see your enemies target, so you can protect you party early. Might be interesting to play around with, unless this gets auto combat and this is all useless info. So far no auto combat... I'll have to try this out some more. Turns out it's harder then I thought to "try this out some more", as it doesn't just automatically sync between devices. You can move the save between devices, making the other previous device not able to continue on the game, but not seamlessly switch device.


  • Combat system


  • Sooo much "Connecting..." and "Loading..."
    (between menus, cut-scenes, combat, everything!)
  • Interface and graphics
  • Lots of overlapping interface elements
  • Clicking works weird, sometimes not registering the click

Some weird top-down survival hack-n-slash game with anime chicks. Game just throws you into the game straight away.



Game is over 4.5GB big! This will never fit on my phone, even if I clear out every single application and game I've installed.



  • Huge file size



  • Graphics
  • Limited gameplay

Crash Fever ⭐?/10



A big clunky MMO, not fit for a mobile playtime.



A simple little game where you summon heroes and bounce a bunch of balls to smash enemies.


  • Simple game play
  • No auto battle


  • Very little "friend integration"
  • Translation is terrible
    (I don't think the game's trying to sell me "Boobie Keys")

Dice Hunter ⭐5/10

Throw dice to attack and defend, lock your dice to strategies. Gameplay does seem a bit shallow though, but maybe it gets more complex further in.


  • Auto battle is super stupid and just throws the dice randomly


  • Menus are very basic, feels like there's not much to do

A quick and simple hack and slash with decent controls.


  • Simple controls


  • Loot are all "cards" which makes them feel less valuable

And auto battle game basically.



Walk around on a small map and claim stuff. Watch your heroes auto battle.



  • Interface
  • Combat

Iron Blade ⭐?/10

Just a black screen after the intro movie.



It wants to be World of Warcraft sooo much. Is very much your average mobile MMO with WoW graphox.



  • "EPIC MUSIC!!" Yeah, it's so loud and epic it drowns out everything else

LYN ⭐2/10



  • Super long loading screen
  • Character design
  • Auto battle and movement
  • "Verifying login" takes longer than most games load

Title ⭐?/10



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