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Last active June 20, 2022 19:25
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Foxxy's Essential Cities Skylines Mods

ERR mods total. BloodyPenguin is responsible for ERR% of them.

Modless Vanilla Mods

  1. From the main menu, go to Content Manager -> Styles, and then enable all the styles you like (e.g. "European / Vanilla")

Vanilla-Compatible (DLC may be required)

These mods either do not permanately alter the save game, or alter the save game in such a way that permits loading the save game without the mod installed while perserving the inteded changes. Additionally, while these mods may change the balance of the game by making certain things easier, they do not significantly change the core game mechanics in a way that is not in the spirit of the vanilla game experience.

Name Author Steam Description
Auto-Enable Mods TPB 0903285221 Automatically enables newly installed mods. INSTALL THIS FIRST, start CSL, then quit CSL, THEN continue installing additional mods.
Harmony boformer, Adnreas Pardeike 2040656402 REQUIRED dependency for Foxxy's modpacks for many video games.
Extended Managers Library Quistar, Chameleon, Quboid, algernon, sway 2696146165 Increases maximum number of props, trees, networks, etc. that can be placed. REQUIRED dependency for this mod pack.
Patch Loader Mod Krzychu1245, egi 2041457644 Yet another (partially) REQUIRED dependency for this mod pack.
Prefab Hook boformer 0530771650 Another REQUIRED dependency for this mod pack.
Achieve It! Keallu 1567569285 Re-enables steam achievements
Adaptive Networks kian.zarrin, Chameleon, hockenheim95, LemonsterOG, xlf1024 2414618415
Adjust Pathfinding Strad 1829496988
Advanced Stop Selection BloodyPenguin 1394468624 Allows explicitly specifying a station platform while holding down Shift when moving a line stop
Any Road Outside Connections BloodyPenguin 0883332136 Allows any type of road to be connected to the outside
AutoLineColor Redux TaradinoC, enkafan, FrF 1415090282 Randomly chooses a new name and colour for all tranit lines with the default name and colour
Automatic Bulldoze live627, mexahuk, Sadlers 2057780822 Automatically bulldozes abandoned and burned down buildings
Better Road Toolbar Delta 5-1 2502526929 Re-organizes the road toolbar by road width and also by transport mode
Building Themes BloodyPenguin, SamSamTS, boformer 0466158459 Allows choosing the city's and individual district's building themes (in the policy panel)
Chirpy Exterminator simssi 0405791507 Removes Chirpy from the game
Choose Your Rocket BloodyPenguin 1328542923 Allows the player to choose which rocket is launched from the launch centre
Compatibility Report Finwickle, aubergine18 2633433869 Checks all your subscribed mods for compatibility
Cross The Line BloodyPenguin 0498386331 Allows the construction of infrastructure outside of city limits
CSL Music Mod CombatMedic02, mrnotsoevil 2474585115 Custom music playlist manager
Date Format rcav8tr 2554483179 Allows the customization of the date display format
Daylight Classic BloodyPenguin 0530871278 Restores pre-After Dark DLC colouring to the game independent of the applied LUT
District Policies Highlighting BloodyPenguin 0580852360 Highlights the area(s) a policy is currently active for when hovering over it in the polcy panel
Elevated Stops Enabler BloodyPenguin 0634913093 Allows the placement of transport stops on elevated roads
Employ Overeducated Workers Rockafellie, pcfantasy, Akira Ishizaki 1674732053 Reduces the time that workers will give up looking for a job that requires their education level and settle for a lower education job to zero
Enhanced Outside Connections View rcav8tr 2368396560 Shows the numerical quantity of each resource in the Outside Connections info view
Environment Changer BloodyPenguin 0611254368 Decouples map environment selection from custom theme selection, and allows changing both themes for existing save games.
Express Bus Services Vectorial1024 2262054175
Extended Building Info live627 1875298330 Displays detailed service satisfaction levels and level up progress in the building info panel
Extended Error Reporting Strad 2055465280 Displays an actual error message in the error dialog
Extra Landscaping Tools BloodyPenguin 0502750307 Enables usage of some Map Editor terrian tools in-game
Find It! algernon, sway 2133885971 Provides a search function that allows players to find assets in their toolbar
Fine Road Anarchy Klyte45, SamSamTS 1844440354 Adds additional options when building roads
Fine Road Tool Klyte45, SamSamTS 1844442251 Adds additional controls when bulding roads
FPS Booster Krzychu1245, egi 2105755179 Increases FPS & UPS by caching UI components
Hide Policy Icons DRen72 0451193058 Hides active policy icons floating over each district
Hide TM:PE Crosswalks kian.zarrin, Chameleon, LemonsterOG 1934023593 Hides crosswalks at intersections when pede crossing is dissallowed using TM:PE
Hide TM:PE Unconnected Tracks kian.zarrin, Chameleon, LemonsterOG 2019097300 Hides train and tram tracks at intersections when unconnected using TM:PE
Improved Content Manager BloodyPenguin, nlight 0814498849 Enhances the Mods and Assets Manager with additional information basic features such as sorting
Improved Public Transport BloodyPenguin, DontCryJustDie 0928128676 Improves player's control over public transport with additional tools and stats
Industries Vehicle Converter BloodyPenguin 1546357276 Converts industrial vehicles created before the Industries DLC to their Industries DLC equivilent. (Requires Industries DLC)
Instant Return To Desktop Cgameworld 2037888659 Returns the player to desktop instantly when they ask the game to return to their desktop
Intercity Bus Control BloodyPenguin 2499771767 Allows players to toggle intercity busses for any bus station
Intersection Marking Tool macsergey 2140418403 Allows the drawing of lines and shapes on intersections to make them pretty
Less Steam thale5 0812107110 Disables most of Colossal's spyware and reduces network traffic (configurable)
Loading Screen Mod thale5 0667342976 Adds a loading bar and asset information to the loading screen
Load Order Mod kian.zarrin, Chameleon, LemonsterOG, LeonardNT 2448824112 Optimizes mod load order, speeding up load times and fixing load order errors
Map Editor Tunnels Enabler BloodyPenguin 0645390478 Allows the placement of tunnels in the map editor
Metro Station Converter BloodyPenguin 2039036102 Automatically converts some elevated & ground train stations created before the Sunset Harbor DLC into their Sunset Harbor DLC equivalent train station (Sunset Harbor DLC required)
More Aspect Ratios BloodyPenguin 0561218257 Adds more aspect ratios to the game's resolution options
More Diverse Crowd BloodyPenguin 0578320825 Adds the serviceperson cim models to the pool of radomly chosen cims on the street
More Network Stuff BloodyPenguin 0512314255 Allows placement of even MORE of the network items usually only available to asset editors (other similar mods listed here still required)
Move It! (Viacom-free edition) Quboid, SamSamTS 1619685021 Allows moving objects
Network Multitool macsergey 2560782729 Adds a collection of even MORE network placement tools
Network Skins boformer, TPB, kian.zarrin, Chameleon 1758376843 Allows configuring the visual appearance of individual roads, train tracks, and pede paths
Network Tiling Ronyx69 1274199764 Allows the use of custom tiling values in network segments and node textures (mod dependency)
Node Controller macsergey, kian.zarrin 2472062376
Node Spacer Quboid 2085018096 Allows configuring ma segment length when building a road
Optimised Outside Connections Quboid, boformer 1721492498 Makes fewer outside vehicles spawn but with more cargo/passengers
Picker Quboid, Elektrix, sway, Chameleon, macsergey, Gabrielium 2172488844 Adds a pipette tool to the game
Pipe Changer headkillah, DontCryJustDie, Wiliz, SamSamTS, Krzychu1245 2562361805 Allows using the vanilla network upgrade tool to upgrade to and from normal pipes and heated pipes
Precision Engineering Simie 0445589127 Adds additional tools and information when placing down networks (roads, etc)
Prop Anarchy Quistar, Chameleon 2696146766
Quay Anarchy BloodyPenguin 0650436109 Allows quays (& flood walls) to be placed anywhere
Reblanaced Industries Quboid 1562650024 Adjusts Industries DLC buildings to spawn fewer vehicles, but with more cargo (requires Industries DLC)
Renewable Electricity Budget Slider Totalnugget 2353215408 Adds a separate budget slider in the budget panel just for renewable energy
Roundabout Builder Strad, boformer, Elektrix, SamsamTS, Spectra, T__S 1625704117 Adds a tool that easily coverts an intersection into a roundabout
Shared Stop Enabler CodeBard 2096382380 Allows bus stops and tram stops to be placed on the same segment
Skip Intro egi 1665106193 This mod is in Foxxy's modpack for every video game
Smarter Firefighters: Improved AI themonthlydaily 2346565561 Improves firefighter's AI to allow fires to be put out quicker
Smart Intersection Builder Strad 1677913611 Automatically connects up the ends of prebuilt intersections (& tollbooths) when placed ontop of existing roads - with undo
Softer Shadows boformer 0643364914 Softens shadows, independent of the applied LUT
Sort Mod Settings egi 0973512634 Sorts the mods by name in the options dialog
Sub-Buildings Tabs BloodyPenguin, AJ3D 0608517757 Allows the inspection of sub-buildings in the building info panel
Surface Painter BloodyPenguin 0689937287 Adds a tool that allows changing terrain surface
Traffic Manager : Presidential Edition Krzychu1245, kian.zarrin, aubergine18, egi, Chameleon, LinuxFan, FireController 1637663252 Adds various options to improve lane and parking usage, and adds tools that allow customization of junctions, roads, and rails
Train Converter BloodyPenguin 0795514116 Automatically converts existing metro and tram trains created before the Snowfall DLC into their Snowfall DLC equivalent (requires Snowfall DLC)
UI Resolution macsergey 2487213155 Uncaps the maximum UI resolution from 1920x1080
Unified UI kian.zarrin, Chameleon, LemonsterOG 2255219025 Gathers the activation buttons for other mods in a unified place.
Unlimited Outside Connections BloodyPenguin, algernon 0497033453 Increases the maximum number of outside connections from 4 to the road segment limit
Zoom It! Keallu 1756089251 Allows configuring the minimum and maximum in-game zoom levels


These mods will alter the save game data and will thus make them some degree of incompatible with vanilla Cities Skylines (for example, when you remove the mod from your game).

Name Author Steam Description
81 Tiles BloodyPenguin 0576327847 Allows the purchase of all 81 tiles. The purchase and use of the middle 25 tiles only will keep your save game vanilla compatible.
Building Spawn Points macsergey 2511258910 Allows adjusting building (de)spawn points.
Extra Train Station Tracks BloodyPenguin 0515489008 Allows construction of the train tracks normally only found in train stations
Lifecycle Reblance Whitefang Greytail, algernon, Chameleon 2027161563 Rebalances the game by adjusting birth rate, death rate, and illness rate of citizens, and education rate and age of immigrants according to Australia's census (Whitefang is an Aussie)
More Vehicles dymanoid 1764208250 Increases maximum moving vehicles from 16,383 to 65,535 and parked vehicles from 32,767 to 65,535 (a total of 60% increase). Permanently and irrevocably modifies savegame structure.
Network Extensions BadPeanut, PVPositivity, sniggledigit, GCVos, Katalyst, samchar00 0812125426 Adds a collection of new roads considered by some to fill essential missing gaps in the vanilla road selection
Realistic Population Whitefang Greytail, algernon, Chameleon, Kundun 2025147082 Rebalances the game by adjusting the number of households and workers in each building based on the model's volume, the ratio of education levels for workers, production and consumption of goods, water and electricity consumption, garbage production, and makes tax revenue a function of land value. Also based on Australia's statistics.
More Citizen Units algernon 2654364627 Permanently and irrevocably modifies savegame structure.


Do not use these mods!!!

Name Author Steam Description
Mod Compatibility Checker aubergine18 2034713132 Detects and logs mod compatibility errors
Net Missing Recoverer Klyte45 2424759647 Allows loading save games with missing networks (roads, etc.) safely
Prop Line Tool BloodyPenguin, Alterran, SamSamTS, bofomer 0694512541 Allows the player to place props (& trees) just like roads
Prop Precision BloodyPenguin, SamSamTS 0791221322 Allows props to be placed more precisely
Prop Snapping BloodyPenguin 0787611845 Allows props to snap to other props (required for above 2 mods to work)
Prop & Tree Anarchy BloodyPenguin 0593588108 Allows placing props (& trees) anywhere (under water, on roads, inside a building, etc)
Random Tree Rotation boformer 0556784825 Randomly rotates all trees
Unlimited Trees BloodyPenguin, DRen72, KnighthawkGP, kjmci, GMH 2378914031 Optimizes the tree code and increases the maximum number of trees on a map from 262,144 to 1,048,576
Airport Roads SamSamTS 0465127441 Allows players to place airport runway roads
Tree Anarchy Quistar, Chameleon 2527486462 Raises maximum number of trees and randomizes tree rotation.


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