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Created February 14, 2022 16:22
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// ModelCredentialsAuthenticatable.swift
// Created by Dmytro on 12.02.2022.
import Vapor
import Bridges
public protocol ModelCredentialsAuthenticatable: Table, Authenticatable {
static var usernameKey: KeyPath<Self, Column<String>> { get }
static var passwordHashKey: KeyPath<Self, Column<String>> { get }
func verify(password: String) throws -> Bool
extension ModelCredentialsAuthenticatable {
public static func credentialsAuthenticator(
database: DatabaseIdentifier
) -> Authenticator {
ModelCredentialsAuthenticator<Self>(database: database)
var _$username: Column<String> {
self[keyPath: Self.usernameKey]
var _$passwordHash: Column<String> {
self[keyPath: Self.passwordHashKey]
public struct ModelCredentials: Content {
public let username: String
public let password: String
public init(username: String, password: String) {
self.username = username
self.password = password
private struct ModelCredentialsAuthenticator<User>: CredentialsAuthenticator
where User: ModelCredentialsAuthenticatable
typealias Credentials = ModelCredentials
public let database: DatabaseIdentifier
func authenticate(credentials: ModelCredentials, for request: Request) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
User.query(on: database, on: request)
.where(\User._$username == credentials.username)
guard let user = $0 else {
guard try user.verify(password: credentials.password) else {
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