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Created January 6, 2022 13:56
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// Router.swift
// Routing
import SwiftUI
enum Views: CaseIterable {
case main
case moviePageView
case serialPageView
case search
case favorite
case movieDetail
case serialDetail
enum Params {
case noData
case detailData(id: Int)
final class ViewRouter: ObservableObject {
@Published var currentView: Views = .main
@Published var views: [Views: AnyView] = [:]
@Published var id: Int = 0
private var history = LimitedArray<(Views, Params)>(maxSize: 10)
let animation: Animation = .spring()
init() {
views[.main] = AnyView(MainView())
views[.movieDetail] = AnyView(DetailFilmView())
views[.search] = AnyView(SearchTextView())
views[.serialPageView] = AnyView(SerialsPage())
views[.serialDetail] = AnyView(DetailTVView())
func setView(_ view: Views, params: Params = .noData) {
currentView = view
history.insert((view, params), at: 0)
switch params {
case .detailData(let id):
print(id) = id
func returnToLatest() {
guard history.count > 1 else {
let lastItem = history[1]
switch lastItem.1 {
case .detailData(let id):
if id == { return } = id
withAnimation {
currentView = lastItem.0
history.remove(at: 0)
/// an array-like struct that has a fixed maximum capacity
/// any element over the maximum allowed size gets discarded
struct LimitedArray<T> {
private(set) var storage: [T] = []
public let maxSize: Int
/// creates an empty array
public init(maxSize: Int) {
self.maxSize = maxSize
/// takes the max N elements from the given collection
public init<S: Sequence>(from other: S, maxSize: Int) where S.Element == T {
self.maxSize = maxSize
storage = Array(other.prefix(maxSize))
/// adds a new item to the array, does nothing if the array has reached its maximum capacity
/// returns a bool indicated the operation success
@discardableResult public mutating func append(_ item: T) -> Bool {
if storage.count < maxSize {
return true
} else {
return false
/// inserts an item at the specified position. if this would result in
/// the array exceeding its maxSize, the extra element are dropped
public mutating func insert(_ item: T, at index: Int) {
storage.insert(item, at: index)
if storage.count > maxSize {
storage.remove(at: maxSize)
public mutating func remove(at index: Int) {
storage.remove(at: index)
// add here other methods you might need
// let's benefit all the awesome operations like map, flatMap, reduce, filter, etc
extension LimitedArray: MutableCollection {
public var startIndex: Int { return storage.startIndex }
public var endIndex: Int { return storage.endIndex }
public subscript(_ index: Int) -> T {
get { return storage[index] }
set { storage[index] = newValue }
public func index(after i: Int) -> Int {
return storage.index(after: i)
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