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Created November 19, 2022 13:06
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VivaldiのカスタムCSS svgアイコンのデータ (GPLv3 Licence)
.vivaldi[title="メニュー"] svg path {
d: path(' ');
#tabs-container .newtab svg path {
d: path('M 10 4 L 10 11 L 3 11 L 3 12 L 10 12 L 10 19 L 11 19 L 11 12 L 18 12 L 18 11 L 11 11 L 11 4 L 10 4 z ');
/* .ToolbarButton-Button[title="現在のページを再読み込み"] svg path {
d: path('〇〇〇');
} */
.UrlBar-AddressField.button-textonly.below > button > div > span > svg path {
d: path('M 6.5 2 C 4.007 2 2 4.01 2 6.5 C 2 8.993 4.01 11 6.5 11 C 7.5636432 11 8.5263409 10.618801 9.2949219 10.005859 L 13.292969 14.003906 L 14 13.296875 L 10.001953 9.2988281 C 10.617604 8.529048 11 7.565338 11 6.5 C 11 4.007 8.99 2 6.5 2 z M 6.5 3 C 8.439 3 10 4.561 10 6.5 C 10 8.439 8.439 10 6.5 10 C 4.561 10 3 8.439 3 6.5 C 3 4.561 4.561 3 6.5 3 z ');
/* 閉じるボタン */
.close {
border-radius: 100%;
background-color: transparent;
.close:hover {
background-color: var(--colorFgAlpha);
.close svg path {
d: path('M 4.3496094,4 4,4.3496094 7.6503905,8 4,11.650391 c 0,0 0.3556073,0.346276 0.3496094,0.349609 L 8,8.3496095 11.650391,12 C 11.644391,11.99665 12,11.650391 12,11.650391 L 8.3496095,8.0009765 12,4.3496094 11.650391,4 8,7.6503905 Z')
/* .BookmarkButton > div > button > span > svg path {
d: path('M8 .188l-2.473 5.01L0 6l4 3.898-.943 5.506L8 12.804l4.943 2.598L12 9.898 16 6l-5.527-.803zm0 2.261l1.809 3.662 4.043.588-2.926 2.852.69 4.025L8 11.676l-3.615 1.9.69-4.025-2.927-2.852 4.043-.588z');
.BookmarkButton.button-on > div > button > span > svg path {
d: path('M8 .188l2.472 5.009L16 6l-4 3.899.944 5.506L8 12.805l-4.944 2.6L4 9.899 0 6l5.528-.803z');
} */
/* .ContentBlocker-Control button svg path {
d: path('〇〇〇');
} */
/* .toggle-trash button svg path {
d: path('〇〇〇');
} */
/* .ToolbarButton-Button[title="ダウンロード"] svg path {
d: path('〇〇〇');
} */
.window-buttongroup .window-minimize svg path {
/* d: path('M 3.707031,7 3,7.707031 l 6.125,6.125 1.875,1.875 1.875,-1.875 L 19,7.707031 18.292969,7 12.167969,13.125 11,14.292969 9.832031,13.125 3.707031,7'); */
fill: var(--colorAccentBg);
.window-buttongroup .window-maximize svg path {
/* d: path('M 11,7.1465 7.1465,11 11,14.8535 14.8535,11 Z M 11,7.8535 14.1465,11 11,14.1465 7.8535,11 Z'); */
fill: var(--colorAccentBg);
/*ウィンドウ 閉じるボタン*/
.window-buttongroup .window-close svg path {
d: path('M 5,0 A 5,5 0 0 0 0,5 5,5 0 0 0 5,10 5,5 0 0 0 10,5 5,5 0 0 0 5,0 M 2.7945833,2.499999 5,4.705416 7.205417,2.499999 c 0,0 0.302916,0.298335 0.294582,0.294584 L 5.2945833,5 7.499999,7.205417 c 0,0 -0.292082,0.294166 -0.294582,0.294582 L 5,5.294584 2.7945833,7.499999 C 2.795,7.497916 2.5,7.205417 2.5,7.205417 L 4.7054166,5 2.5,2.794583 C 2.50834,2.795 2.7945833,2.499999 2.7945833,2.499999');
fill: #da4453;
#browser.linux .window-buttongroup button:hover {
background-color: #31363b40;
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