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Last active October 23, 2020 15:56
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usage_msg="Usage: $0 ssh_address local_image_tag"
echo "Sending gzipped image '$image_name' to '$ssh_address' via ssh..."
docker image save $image_name | gzip | ssh $ssh_address 'zcat | docker image load'
echo "Connecting to '$ssh_address' via ssh to seamlessly deploy '$image_name'..."
( sed "\$a deploy $image_name" | ssh -T $ssh_address ) << 'END_OF_SCRIPT'
if [ "$SHELL" != "/bin/bash" ]
echo "The '$SHELL' shell is not supported by ''. Set a '/bin/bash' shell for '$USER@$HOSTNAME'."
exit 1
deploy() {
local image_name=${1?"Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} image_name"}
ensure-reverse-proxy || return 2
if get-active-slot $image_name
local OLD=${image_name}_BLUE
local new_slot=GREEN
local OLD=${image_name}_GREEN
local new_slot=BLUE
local NEW=${image_name}_${new_slot}
echo "Ensuring the '$NEW' container from previous deploy is removed..."
docker rm -f $NEW || :
echo "Deploying '$NEW' in place of '$OLD'..."
docker run \
--detach \
--restart always \
--log-driver journald \
--name $NEW \
--network web-gateway \
$image_name || return 3
echo "Container started. Checking health..."
for i in {1..20}
sleep 1
if get-service-status $image_name $new_slot
echo "New '$NEW' service seems OK. Switching heads..."
sleep 2 # Ensure service is ready
set-active-slot $image_name $new_slot || return 4
echo "The '$NEW' service is live!"
sleep 2 # Ensure all requests were processed
echo "Stopping '$OLD'..."
docker stop $OLD
docker image prune -f
echo "Deployment successful!"
return 0
echo "New '$NEW' service is not ready yet. Waiting ($i)..."
echo "New '$NEW' service did not raise, killing it. Failed to deploy T_T"
docker rm -f $NEW
return 5
ensure-reverse-proxy() {
is-container-up reverse-proxy && return 0
echo "Deploying reverse-proxy..."
docker network create web-gateway
docker run \
--detach \
--restart always \
--log-driver journald \
--name reverse-proxy \
--network web-gateway \
--publish 80:80 \
nginx:alpine || return 1
docker exec reverse-proxy sh -c "> /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf"
docker exec reverse-proxy nginx -s reload
is-container-up() {
local container=${1?"Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} container_name"}
[ -n "$(docker ps -f name=${container} -q)" ]
return $?
get-active-slot() {
local image=${1?"Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} image_name"}
if is-container-up ${image}_BLUE && is-container-up ${image}_GREEN; then
echo "Collision detected! Stopping ${image}_GREEN..."
docker rm -f ${image}_GREEN
return 0 # BLUE
if is-container-up ${image}_BLUE && ! is-container-up ${image}_GREEN; then
return 0 # BLUE
if ! is-container-up ${image}_BLUE; then
return 1 # GREEN
get-service-status() {
local usage_msg="Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} image_name deployment_slot"
local image=${1?usage_msg}
local slot=${2?$usage_msg}
case $image in
# Add specific healthcheck paths for your services here
*) local health_check_port_path=":8080/" ;;
local health_check_address="http://${image}_${slot}${health_check_port_path}"
echo "Requesting '$health_check_address' within the 'web-gateway' docker network:"
docker run --rm --network web-gateway alpine \
wget --timeout=1 --quiet --output-document=/dev/null --server-response $health_check_address
return $?
set-active-slot() {
local usage_msg="Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} service_name deployment_slot"
local service=${1?$usage_msg}
local slot=${2?$usage_msg}
[ "$slot" == BLUE ] || [ "$slot" == GREEN ] || return 1
get-nginx-config $service $slot | docker exec --interactive reverse-proxy sh -c "cat > /etc/nginx/conf.d/$service.conf"
docker exec reverse-proxy nginx -t || return 2
docker exec reverse-proxy nginx -s reload
get-nginx-config() {
local usage_msg="Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} image_name deployment_slot"
local image=${1?$usage_msg}
local slot=${2?$usage_msg}
[ "$slot" == BLUE ] || [ "$slot" == GREEN ] || return 1
local container_name=${image}_${slot}
case $image in
# Add specific nginx configs for your services here
*) nginx-config-simple-service $container_name:8080 ;;
nginx-config-simple-service() {
local usage_msg="Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} proxy_pass"
local proxy_pass=${1?$usage_msg}
# WARNING: Mixed tabs and spaces below
cat <<- EOF
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://$proxy_pass;
rollback() {
local image_name=${1?"Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} image_name"}
if get-active-slot $image_name
local previous_slot=GREEN
local current_slot=BLUE
local previous_slot=BLUE
local current_slot=GREEN
docker start ${image_name}_${previous_slot}
set-active-slot $image_name $previous_slot
docker stop ${image_name}_${current_slot}
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