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Created April 12, 2020 11:36
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Calculating trembling frequency
%% (0) Set option
vid_save_option = false; % <- change this to true (to gen video output)
%% (1) Read frames from input video
vid_in = VideoReader( 'video_input.mp4' );
frames = [];
nFrames = vid_in.Duration * vid_in.FrameRate;
for frameIdx = 1:nFrames
frames(:,:,:,frameIdx) = vid_in.readFrame();
%% (2) Prepare output video object
if vid_save_option
try, vid_out.close(); end
vid_out = VideoWriter('video_output', 'MPEG-4');
vid_out.FrameRate = round(vid_in.FrameRate);;
%% (3) Set sample coordinate (target to detect)
coordinate = [];
win_x = [210:340];
win_y = [200:350];
shoe = (frames(win_x,win_y,:,1));
target_to_detect = rgb2gray(uint8(shoe));
%% (4) Open figure handle
figure_to_draw = figure(2); clf;
set(gcf, 'Color', 'w', 'Position', [0 200 900 500]);
fontsize = 10;
%% (5) Main loop
for frameIdx = 1:nFrames
% Draw raw frame
img = frames(:,:,:,frameIdx);
imagesc( uint8( img ))
tt = round(1000*frameIdx/30)/1000;
title(['Raw data, t = ' sprintf( '%.3f' , tt) 's']);
set(gca, 'FontSize', fontsize, 'LineWidth', 2, 'Box', 'off' );
grid on
xlabel('X (unit: pixel)'); ylabel('Y (unit: pixel)');
% Draw template to detect
if frameIdx==1
imshow( uint8( shoe ));
title([ 'Template: ' sprintf( 'x=[%d~%d]', win_x([1,end])) ', ' sprintf( 'y=[%d~%d]', win_y([1,end])) ]);
set(gca, 'FontSize', fontsize, 'LineWidth', 2, 'Box', 'off' );
% Detect target
grayframe = rgb2gray(uint8(img));%rgb2gray(imread('peppers.png'));
c = normxcorr2(target_to_detect,grayframe);
[ypeak, xpeak] = find(c==max(c(:)));
yoffSet = ypeak-size(target_to_detect,1);
xoffSet = xpeak-size(target_to_detect,2);
% Save time series data
coordinate(1,frameIdx) = xoffSet;
coordinate(2,frameIdx) = yoffSet;
% Show location of detected target (demonstration)
subplot(2,2,3); hold off;
rect = imrect(gca, ...
[xoffSet+1, yoffSet+1, ...
size(target_to_detect,2), size(target_to_detect,1)] );
rect.setColor([0 1 0]);
xlabel('X (unit: pixel)'); ylabel('Y (unit: pixel)');
title('Detected Shoe');
set(gca, 'FontSize', fontsize, 'LineWidth', 2, 'Box', 'off' );
hold on
plot( [0 1]*xoffSet, [1 1]*yoffSet, 'g-' )
text( .5*xoffSet, yoffSet-30, sprintf('Y = %3d', yoffSet), 'Color', 'g')
%% Plot time domain data
subplot(2,4,7); hold off;
time_vector = 1000*[1:frameIdx]/30;
plot( time_vector, coordinate(2,:), 'k' );
text( time_vector(end)+10, coordinate(2,end), ...
sprintf('Y = %3d', yoffSet), 'Color', 'g' );
title('Time domain')
xlabel('Time (msec)')
ylabel('Y position (pixel)');
set(gca, 'YDir', 'reverse')
xlim([0 4000]);
% ylim([180 250]);
ylim([1 404]);
set(gca, 'FontSize', fontsize, 'LineWidth', 2, 'Box', 'off' );
% Plot freq-domain data
if frameIdx > 10
subplot(2,4,8); hold off;
[X,freq]=positiveFFT( coordinate(2,:), 30 );
power = abs(X).^2;
plot( freq, power, 'ko-' );
xlim([1 10]);
ylim([0 100])
xlabel('Freq (Hz)')
ylabel('Power (pixel^2/Hz)');
title(['Frequency domain'])
set(gca, 'FontSize', fontsize, 'LineWidth', 2, 'Box', 'off' );
set(gca, 'XTick', 0:1:100, 'YTick', 0:20:100)
hold on;
% Peak detection
freq_inspection_range = [2, 10]; % Hz
freq_idx = hb_findIdx( freq_inspection_range, freq );
[peak_value,max_idx] = max( power(freq_idx) );
peak_hz = freq( freq_idx(max_idx) );
plot( peak_hz, peak_value, 'r*' )
text( peak_hz+1, peak_value, sprintf( 'Peak: %.1f Hz', peak_hz) );
% % Add title
% if frameIdx==1
% try
% spl=suptitle(['Theta Rhythmicity of Human Shoe']);
% spl.Position = [0.5000 -0.022 0];
% spl.FontSize = 14;
% end
% end
% Draw
if vid_save_option
try, vid_out.close(); end
%% Subfunctions
function [idx,short]=hb_findIdx(range,fullData)
function [X,freq]=positiveFFT(x,Fs)
N=(length(x)); %get the number of points
k=0:N-1; %create a vector from 0 to N-1
T=N/Fs; %get the frequency interval
freq=k/T; %create the frequency range
cutOff = ceil(N/2);
freq = freq(1:cutOff);
X=fft(x)/N*2; % normalize the data
X = X(1:cutOff); % Single trial FFT
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