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The Fool and his Money - Keygen and Decompilation
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<label>Name Input</label>
<br />
<input id="keyName" />
<br /><br />
<label>Password Input</label>
<br />
<input id="keyPass" maxlength="11" placeholder="ABC-123-XYZ" />
<br /><br />
<button onClick="keyGenerate()">Generate PassKey</button>
// Check password formatting.
const keyPass = document.getElementById('keyPass');
keyPass.oninput = (e) => { = keyCheck(; };
const keyCheck = (v) => {
const m = v.replace(/\W/g, '').match(/^([a-zA-Z]{0,3})?(\d{0,3})?([a-zA-Z]{0,3})?/);
let r = ''; if (m[1]) {
r += m[1];
if (m[2] && m[1].length == 3) {
r += `-${m[2]}`;
if (m[3] && m[2].length == 3) {
r += `-${m[3]}`;
}}} return r;
const keyGenerate = () => {
// Get inputs text.
const keyName = document.getElementById('keyName').value;
// Set default password if the field is left empty.
if (keyName.length > 0 && keyPass.value.length == 0) {
keyPass.value = 'OOO-000-OOO';
} // Remove dashes from password input.
let $keyPass = keyPass.value.replace(/\W/g, '');
// Return if inputs are empty or incorrect.
if (keyName.length == 0 || $keyPass.length != 9) { return; }
// Define and encode key name and password.
const keyData = `|${$keyPass}|${keyName}|`;
const keyEncoded = encodeZip(keyData);
// Store key file locally.
const keySave = (key) => {
// Create valid format for the key file generation.
const k = ` ${key}`.padEnd(1000, ' ');
const f = new Blob([k], { type: 'text/plain' });
// Create URL object for file storage.
const l = document.createElement('a');
l.href = URL.createObjectURL(f);
// Store file with generated key locally. = 'PassKey.txt';;
// Remove URL object.
// Define 'zip-code' and 'zip-mark' cast member data.
const zipCode = [37, 28, 52, 88, 65, 20, 92, 49, 67, 11, 5, 44, 2, 29, 3, 93, 60, 22, 69, 56, 35, 81, 83, 68, 24, 13, 31, 80, 26, 8, 85, 19, 94, 77, 90, 41, 66, 79, 58, 30, 17, 73, 34, 15, 75, 27, 91, 43, 50, 48, 25, 53, 23, 72, 55, 42, 82, 51, 39, 4, 32, 46, 36, 74, 33, 70, 1, 84, 59, 14, 38, 64, 7, 71, 16, 40, 57, 61, 10, 86, 63, 45, 78, 76, 47, 87, 54, 62, 89, 21, 12, 9, 6, 18];
const ZM = '*&^%$#@!?=({[/|\\]})+<>:;,.”’';
const encodeZip = (S) => {
// Get character at random.
let ct = Math.floor(Math.random() * ZM.length);
// Store character for later decoding.
let SS = ZM[ct];
// Loop through all input characters.
for (let x = 0; x < S.length; x++) {
// Get current character keycode.
let N = S[x].charCodeAt();
// Check if the current is a valid ASCII printable character.
if (N >= 32 && N <= 126) {
if (ct >= 94) { ct = 0; }
N = S[x].charCodeAt() + zipCode[ct];
if (N > 126) { N -= 94; }
SS += String.fromCharCode(N);
} // Invalid character, leave it as is.
else { SS += S[x]; }
} // Return final encoded string.
return SS;
const decodeZip = (S) => {
let ct = 0;
// Find random character used for encoding.
for (let x = 0; x < ZM.length; x++) {
if (S[0] == ZM[x]) { ct = x; }
} // Initialize empty decoded string.
let SS = '';
// Loop through all input characters.
for (let x = 1; x < S.length; x++) {
// Get current character keycode.
let N = S[x].charCodeAt();
// Check if the current is a valid ASCII printable character.
if (N >= 32 && N <= 126) {
if (ct >= 94) { ct = 0; }
N = S[x].charCodeAt() - zipCode[ct];
if (N < 32) { N += 94; }
SS += String.fromCharCode(N);
} // Invalid character, leave it as is.
else { SS += S[x]; }
} // Return final decoded string.
return SS;
const special_ReadDataChunk = (miscellaneous) => {
const len = miscellaneous.length;
let N = decodeZip(miscellaneous.slice(0, 13));
const totalLong = parseInt(N);
N = decodeZip(miscellaneous.slice(13, 26));
const totalName = parseInt(N);
const theDataChunk = miscellaneous.slice(26, miscellaneous.length);
let chunkLong = decodeZip(theDataChunk.slice(0, totalLong));
let chunkName = theDataChunk.slice(totalLong, theDataChunk.length);
let pos = chunkLong.indexOf('|') + 1;
N = chunkLong.slice(0, pos - 1);
const theDataTotal = parseInt(N);
chunkLong = chunkLong.slice(pos, chunkLong.length);
let arrayLong = [];
for (let x = 0; x < theDataTotal; x++) {
pos = chunkLong.indexOf('|') + 1;
N = chunkLong.slice(0, pos - 1);
arrayLong[x] = parseInt(N);
chunkLong = chunkLong.slice(pos, chunkLong.length);
} let theDataName = [], theDataTrue = [];
for (let x = 0; x < theDataTotal; x++) {
theDataName[x] = decodeZip(chunkName.slice(0, arrayLong[x]));
chunkName = chunkName.slice(arrayLong[x], chunkName.length);
theDataTrue[x] = decodeZip(chunkName.slice(0, 10));
chunkName = chunkName.slice(10, chunkName.length);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<label>Encoded Input</label>
<br />
<input id="decodeInput" />
<br /><br />
<button onClick="decodeText()">Decode</button>
<p id="decodeOutput"></p>
const decodeText = () => {
// Get name input text.
const input = document.getElementById('decodeInput').value;
// Return if input is empty.
if (input.length == 0) { return; }
// Decode string.
const decoded = decodeZip(input);
document.getElementById("decodeOutput").innerHTML = decoded;
// Define 'zip-code' and 'zip-mark' cast member data.
const zipCode = [37, 28, 52, 88, 65, 20, 92, 49, 67, 11, 5, 44, 2, 29, 3, 93, 60, 22, 69, 56, 35, 81, 83, 68, 24, 13, 31, 80, 26, 8, 85, 19, 94, 77, 90, 41, 66, 79, 58, 30, 17, 73, 34, 15, 75, 27, 91, 43, 50, 48, 25, 53, 23, 72, 55, 42, 82, 51, 39, 4, 32, 46, 36, 74, 33, 70, 1, 84, 59, 14, 38, 64, 7, 71, 16, 40, 57, 61, 10, 86, 63, 45, 78, 76, 47, 87, 54, 62, 89, 21, 12, 9, 6, 18];
const ZM = '*&^%$#@!?=({[/|\\]})+<>:;,.”’';
const decodeZip = (S) => {
let ct = 0;
// Find random character used for encoding.
for (let x = 0; x < ZM.length; x++) {
if (S[0] == ZM[x]) { ct = x; }
} // Initialize empty decoded string.
let SS = '';
// Loop through all input characters.
for (let x = 1; x < S.length; x++) {
// Get current character keycode.
let N = S[x].charCodeAt();
// Check if the current is a valid ASCII printable character.
if (N >= 32 && N <= 126) {
if (ct >= 94) { ct = 0; }
N = S[x].charCodeAt() - zipCode[ct];
if (N < 32) { N += 94; }
SS += String.fromCharCode(N);
} // Invalid character, leave it as is.
else { SS += S[x]; }
} // Return final decoded string.
return SS;
global CR, QU, theDirectorVersion, theGameStartTime, theInitPhase, cFileIO, cTestIO, cGameDirectory, cWork, cLink, cXtraDirectory, cSavedGamesDirectory, cSaveDirectoryCliff, cOpenGameNum, prefTotal, prefChunk, prefNumber, zipCode, gatherKey, hyphenKey, uniqueKey, uniquePass, uniqueName, fName, theDataChunk, theDataName, theDataTrue, theDataTotal, theDataStatus, _StartUp_Switched, _Window_Switched, _Start_Comments, _PassKey_Pass, _PassKey_Name, _PassKey_Corrupted, _Password_Zipped
on special_Frame_1
_Start_Comments = 0
theInitPhase = 1
_movie.idleHandlerPeriod = 15
the cpuHogTicks = 20
_movie.exitLock = 1
theGameStartTime = 0
_StartUp_Switched = 0
_Window_Switched = 0
CR = numToChar(13)
QU = numToChar(34)
cFileIO = new(xtra("fileio"))
cTestIO = new(xtra("fileio"))
if string(_player.productVersion).char[1..2] <> "11" then
theDirectorVersion = 10
cTestIO.openfile("D:\TFaHM_work\data.txt", 1)
chunk = cTestIO.readFile()
member("miscellaneous").text = chunk
theDirectorVersion = 11
_movie.scriptExecutionStyle = 10
end if
theDataStatus = 0
cGameDirectory = _movie.path
cWork = "D:\TFaHM_work\"
cLink = cWork & "zzz-COPY-Game-HERE\"
cSaveDirectoryCliff = cWork & "ZZZAVED-GAMEZZZ\"
if the platform contains "Windows" then
cXtraDirectory = cGameDirectory & "Xtras\"
cSavedGamesDirectory = cGameDirectory & "Saved Games\"
cXtraDirectory = cGameDirectory & "Xtras:"
cSavedGamesDirectory = cGameDirectory & "Saved Games:"
end if
repeat with x = 3 to 8
misc_VisStaticSprite(x, 1)
end repeat
theInitPhase = 2
on special_Frame_2
_PassKey_Pass = EMPTY
_PassKey_Name = EMPTY
_PassKey_Corrupted = 0
_Password_Zipped = 0
if theInitPhase < 3 then
if prefChunk[prefTotal] <> "---" then
theInitPhase = 3
end if
if theInitPhase < 3 then
cTestIO.openfile(cGameDirectory & "PassKey.txt", 1)
chunk = cTestIO.readFile()
if chunk.length = 0 then
cTestIO.openfile(cGameDirectory & "", 1)
chunk = cTestIO.readFile()
if chunk.length > 0 then
_Password_Zipped = 1
end if
if chunk.length = 1000 then
chunk = chunk.char[4..chunk.length]
chunk = decodeZip(chunk)
pos = offset("|", chunk)
chunk = chunk.char[pos + 1..chunk.length]
pos = offset("|", chunk)
_PassKey_Pass = chunk.char[1..pos - 1]
if _PassKey_Pass.length <> 9 then
_PassKey_Pass = EMPTY
chunk = chunk.char[pos + 1..chunk.length]
pos = offset("|", chunk)
_PassKey_Name = chunk.char[1..pos - 1]
theInitPhase = 3
_PUT(_PassKey_Pass.char[1..3] & "-" & _PassKey_Pass.char[4..6] & "-" & _PassKey_Pass.char[7..9])
end if
_PassKey_Corrupted = 1
theInitPhase = 3
end if
end if
if theInitPhase < 3 then
theDataChunk = member("miscellaneous").text
theInitPhase = 3
end if
end if
end if
on special_Frame_3
if _Password_Zipped = 1 then
theInitPhase = 98
end if
if _PassKey_Corrupted = 1 then
theInitPhase = 99
end if
case theInitPhase of
uniqueKey = 0
uniquePass = EMPTY
uniqueName = EMPTY
if prefChunk[prefTotal] = "---" then
_Password_Message("Type your Password Letters.")
set the keyDownScript to "keyDown_Password"
set the keyUpScript to EMPTY
uniqueKey = 0
gatherKey = EMPTY
hyphenKey = EMPTY
theInitPhase = 4
uniqueName = prefChunk[prefTotal]
theInitPhase = 10
end if
uniquePass = gatherKey
if uniquePass.length = 9 then
theInitPhase = 5
end if
if _PassKey_Pass = EMPTY then
uniqueName = special_FindPassWordName(uniquePass)
if uniquePass = _PassKey_Pass then
uniqueName = _PassKey_Name
cTestIO.openfile(cGameDirectory & "PassKey.txt", 0)
delete cTestIO
cTestIO.openfile(cGameDirectory & "", 0)
delete cTestIO
end if
end if
if uniqueName = EMPTY then
_Password_Message("Password incorrect. Use Backspace. Or ESC to Quit")
theInitPhase = 4
_Password_Message("Password Verified.")
theInitPhase = 10
end if
if prefChunk[prefTotal] = "---" then
prefChunk[prefTotal] = uniqueName
end if
theInitPhase = 12
set the keyDownScript to EMPTY
if uniqueName = decodeZip("^DR$_GMlsLT~ydL") then
theDataStatus = 1
end if
theInitPhase = 13
if specialFinishTime() = 1 then
if theDataStatus = 1 then
theInitPhase = 14
end if
_Launch_Tokens(0, 1)
theInitPhase = 14
end if
_PassKey_Corrupted = 0
_Password_Message("Unzip Passkey.txt from")
theInitPhase = 100
_PassKey_Corrupted = 0
_Password_Message("PassKey.txt corrupted. Press ESC to exit.")
theInitPhase = 100
end case
on special_Frame_4
on specialStartTime
theGameStartTime = _system.ticks()
on specialFinishTime
T = _system.ticks() - theGameStartTime
if T > 200 then
return 1
end if
return 0
on special_Prefs
prefChunk = list()
prefNumber = list()
prefTotal = 14
repeat with x = 1 to 12
prefNumber[x] = misc_PadNumber(x, 0, 0) & ".txt"
prefChunk[x] = prefNumber[x]
end repeat
prefChunk[prefTotal - 1] = "00"
prefChunk[prefTotal] = "---"
S = member("zip-code").text
zipCode = list()
repeat with x = 1 to 94
zipCode[x] = charToNum(S.char[x]) - 32
end repeat
if _key.shiftDown = 1 then
prefChunk[prefTotal] = "---"
end if
if prefChunk[prefTotal] = "---" then
sprite(8).setVariable("fromDirectorPuzzlePhase", string(40))
sprite(8).setVariable("fromDirectorName", prefChunk[prefTotal])
end if
on special_ReadDataChunk
len = theDataChunk.length
N = theDataChunk.char[1..13]
N = decodeZip(N)
totalLong = integer(N)
N = theDataChunk.char[14..26]
N = decodeZip(N)
totalName = integer(N)
theDataChunk = theDataChunk.char[27..theDataChunk.length]
chunkLong = theDataChunk.char[1..totalLong]
chunkName = theDataChunk.char[totalLong + 1..theDataChunk.length]
chunkLong = decodeZip(chunkLong)
pos = offset("|", chunkLong)
N = chunkLong.char[1..pos - 1]
theDataTotal = integer(N)
chunkLong = chunkLong.char[pos + 1..chunkLong.length]
arrayLong = list()
repeat with x = 1 to theDataTotal
pos = offset("|", chunkLong)
N = chunkLong.char[1..pos - 1]
arrayLong[x] = integer(N)
chunkLong = chunkLong.char[pos + 1..chunkLong.length]
end repeat
theDataName = list()
theDataTrue = list()
repeat with x = 1 to theDataTotal
theDataName[x] = chunkName.char[1..arrayLong[x]]
chunkName = chunkName.char[arrayLong[x] + 1..chunkName.length]
theDataTrue[x] = chunkName.char[1..10]
chunkName = chunkName.char[11..chunkName.length]
end repeat
if theDirectorVersion = 10 then
S = theDataTrue[random(theDataTotal)]
S = decodeZip(S)
Q = special_FindPassWordName(S)
S = theDataTrue[theDataTotal]
S = decodeZip(S)
Q = special_FindPassWordName(S)
end if
on special_FindPassWordName S
ZM = member("zip-mark").text
find = list()
repeat with x = 1 to ZM.length
find[x] = encodeZipNum(S, x)
end repeat
found = 0
repeat with y = 1 to theDataTotal
repeat with x = 1 to ZM.length
if find[x] = theDataTrue[y] then
S1 = decodeZip(theDataName[y])
s2 = decodeZip(theDataTrue[y])
s3 = S1.char[1..4]
N = integer(s3)
found = 1
end if
if found = 1 then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if found = 1 then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if found = 0 then
return EMPTY
S1 = S1.char[5..S1.length]
return S1
end if
on getFileKeyWord
return "Wise men make proverbs, but fools repeat them."
on encodeZip S
ZM = member("zip-mark").text
ct = random(ZM.length)
SS = ZM.char[ct]
repeat with x = 1 to S.length
N = charToNum(S.char[x])
if (N >= 32) and (N <= 126) then
ct = ct + 1
if ct > 94 then
ct = 1
end if
N = charToNum(S.char[x]) + zipCode[ct]
if N > 126 then
N = N - 94
end if
SS = SS & numToChar(N)
next repeat
end if
SS = SS & S.char[x]
end repeat
return SS
on decodeZip S
ZM = member("zip-mark").text
ct = 0
repeat with x = 1 to ZM.length
if S.char[1] = ZM.char[x] then
ct = x
end if
end repeat
repeat with x = 2 to S.length
N = charToNum(S.char[x])
if (N >= 32) and (N <= 126) then
ct = ct + 1
if ct > 94 then
ct = 1
end if
N = charToNum(S.char[x]) - zipCode[ct]
if N < 32 then
N = N + 94
end if
SS = SS & numToChar(N)
next repeat
end if
SS = SS & S.char[x]
end repeat
return SS
on encodeZipNum S, ct
ZM = member("zip-mark").text
SS = ZM.char[ct]
repeat with x = 1 to S.length
N = charToNum(S.char[x])
if (N >= 32) and (N <= 126) then
ct = ct + 1
if ct > 94 then
ct = 1
end if
N = charToNum(S.char[x]) + zipCode[ct]
if N > 126 then
N = N - 94
end if
SS = SS & numToChar(N)
next repeat
end if
SS = SS & S.char[x]
end repeat
return SS
on zipTest chunk
S1 = getFileKeyWord()
s2 = decodeZip(chunk.char[1..S1.length + 1])
if S1 <> s2 then
return 0
end if
return 1
on keyDown_Password
if poll_Quit_Keys() = 0 then
uniqueKey = charToNum(_key.key)
if uniqueKey <> 0 then
L = gatherKey.length
if uniqueKey = 8 then
S = gatherKey.char[1..L - 1]
gatherKey = EMPTY
hyphenKey = EMPTY
repeat with x = 1 to L - 1
gather_Password(x - 1, charToNum(S.char[x]))
end repeat
case L of
0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8:
if (uniqueKey >= 97) and (uniqueKey <= 122) then
uniqueKey = uniqueKey - 32
end if
if uniqueKey = 48 then
uniqueKey = 79
end if
if (uniqueKey >= 65) and (uniqueKey <= 90) then
gather_Password(L, uniqueKey)
end if
3, 4, 5:
if uniqueKey = 79 then
uniqueKey = 48
end if
if (uniqueKey >= 48) and (uniqueKey <= 57) then
gather_Password(L, uniqueKey)
end if
end case
end if
if hyphenKey.length = 0 then
end if
case gatherKey.length of
0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8:
_Password_Message("Type your Password Letters.")
3, 4, 5:
_Password_Message("Type your Password Numbers.")
end case
end if
uniqueKey = 0
end if
on gather_Password L, K
gatherKey = gatherKey & numToChar(K)
hyphenKey = hyphenKey & numToChar(K)
if (L = 2) or (L = 5) then
hyphenKey = hyphenKey & "-"
end if
on _Password_Matte b
sprite(9).setFlashProperty("matte", #visible, b)
on _Password_Field S
sprite(9).setVariable("thePasswordVar", S)
on _Password_Message S
sprite(9).setVariable("theMessageVar", S)
on _Password_Name S
sprite(9).setVariable("theNameVar", S)
on _Put_Start S
if _Start_Comments = 1 then
end if
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<label>Decoded Input</label>
<br />
<input id="encodeInput" />
<br /><br />
<button onClick="encodeText()">Encode</button>
<p id="encodeOutput"></p>
const encodeText = () => {
// Get name input text.
const input = document.getElementById('encodeInput').value;
// Return if input is empty.
if (input.length == 0) { return; }
// Encode string.
const encoded = encodeZip(input);
document.getElementById("encodeOutput").innerHTML = encoded;
// Define 'zip-code' and 'zip-mark' cast member data.
const zipCode = [37, 28, 52, 88, 65, 20, 92, 49, 67, 11, 5, 44, 2, 29, 3, 93, 60, 22, 69, 56, 35, 81, 83, 68, 24, 13, 31, 80, 26, 8, 85, 19, 94, 77, 90, 41, 66, 79, 58, 30, 17, 73, 34, 15, 75, 27, 91, 43, 50, 48, 25, 53, 23, 72, 55, 42, 82, 51, 39, 4, 32, 46, 36, 74, 33, 70, 1, 84, 59, 14, 38, 64, 7, 71, 16, 40, 57, 61, 10, 86, 63, 45, 78, 76, 47, 87, 54, 62, 89, 21, 12, 9, 6, 18];
const ZM = '*&^%$#@!?=({[/|\\]})+<>:;,.”’';
const encodeZip = (S) => {
// Get character at random.
let ct = Math.floor(Math.random() * ZM.length);
// Store character for later decoding.
let SS = ZM[ct];
// Loop through all input characters.
for (let x = 0; x < S.length; x++) {
// Get current character keycode.
let N = S[x].charCodeAt();
// Check if the current is a valid ASCII printable character.
if (N >= 32 && N <= 126) {
if (ct >= 94) { ct = 0; }
N = S[x].charCodeAt() + zipCode[ct];
if (N > 126) { N -= 94; }
SS += String.fromCharCode(N);
} // Invalid character, leave it as is.
else { SS += S[x]; }
} // Return final encoded string.
return SS;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<label>Select miscellaneous.txt</label>
<br /><br />
<input id="keygenInput" type="file" onchange="loadDataChunk()" />
const loadDataChunk = () => {
// Load encoded list of true believers.
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.readAsText(document.querySelector("input[type=file]").files[0], 'ascii');
reader.addEventListener('load', () => { readDataChunk(reader.result) }, false);
const readDataChunk = (miscellaneous) => {
const len = miscellaneous.length;
let N = decodeZip(miscellaneous.slice(0, 13));
const totalLong = parseInt(N);
N = decodeZip(miscellaneous.slice(13, 26));
const totalName = parseInt(N);
const theDataChunk = miscellaneous.slice(26, miscellaneous.length);
let chunkLong = decodeZip(theDataChunk.slice(0, totalLong));
let chunkName = theDataChunk.slice(totalLong, theDataChunk.length);
let pos = chunkLong.indexOf('|') + 1;
N = chunkLong.slice(0, pos - 1);
const theDataTotal = parseInt(N);
chunkLong = chunkLong.slice(pos, chunkLong.length);
let arrayLong = [];
for (let x = 0; x < theDataTotal; x++) {
pos = chunkLong.indexOf('|') + 1;
N = chunkLong.slice(0, pos - 1);
arrayLong[x] = parseInt(N);
chunkLong = chunkLong.slice(pos, chunkLong.length);
} let theData = '', theDataName = [], theDataTrue = [];
for (let x = 0; x < theDataTotal; x++) {
theDataName[x] = decodeZip(chunkName.slice(0, arrayLong[x]));
chunkName = chunkName.slice(arrayLong[x], chunkName.length);
theDataTrue[x] = decodeZip(chunkName.slice(0, 10));
chunkName = chunkName.slice(10, chunkName.length);
theData += `${theDataName[x].slice(0, 4)} ${theDataName[x].slice(4)} ${theDataTrue[x]}\n`;
} saveDataChunk(theData);
const saveDataChunk = (data) => {
// Create formatted output file.
const f = new Blob([data], { type: 'text/plain' });
// Create URL object for file storage.
const l = document.createElement('a');
l.href = URL.createObjectURL(f);
// Store file with all names and passwords. = 'miscellaneous.txt';;
// Remove URL object.
// Define 'zip-code' and 'zip-mark' cast member data.
const zipCode = [37, 28, 52, 88, 65, 20, 92, 49, 67, 11, 5, 44, 2, 29, 3, 93, 60, 22, 69, 56, 35, 81, 83, 68, 24, 13, 31, 80, 26, 8, 85, 19, 94, 77, 90, 41, 66, 79, 58, 30, 17, 73, 34, 15, 75, 27, 91, 43, 50, 48, 25, 53, 23, 72, 55, 42, 82, 51, 39, 4, 32, 46, 36, 74, 33, 70, 1, 84, 59, 14, 38, 64, 7, 71, 16, 40, 57, 61, 10, 86, 63, 45, 78, 76, 47, 87, 54, 62, 89, 21, 12, 9, 6, 18];
const ZM = '*&^%$#@!?=({[/|\\]})+<>:;,.”’';
const decodeZip = (S) => {
let ct = 0;
// Find random character used for encoding.
for (let x = 0; x < ZM.length; x++) {
if (S[0] == ZM[x]) { ct = x; }
} // Initialize empty decoded string.
let SS = '';
// Loop through all input characters.
for (let x = 1; x < S.length; x++) {
// Get current character keycode.
let N = S[x].charCodeAt();
// Check if the current is a valid ASCII printable character.
if (N >= 32 && N <= 126) {
if (ct >= 94) { ct = 0; }
N = S[x].charCodeAt() - zipCode[ct];
if (N < 32) { N += 94; }
SS += String.fromCharCode(N);
} // Invalid character, leave it as is.
else { SS += S[x]; }
} // Return final decoded string.
return SS;
0001 David Wood DAV526EUN
0002 Amanda Goodenough AMA653EUQ
0003 Jim Blinn JIM697UBV
0004 Herman Blinn HER530SRJ
0005 Peter Berger PET195VSY
0006 Shawn Reed SHA958QBL
0007 Butch Anton BUT506TFR
0008 Lynn Lanning LYN693IDJ
0009 Rebecca Goettsch REB893PWI
0010 Andrew Plotkin AND974VPR
0011 David Brain DAV983NYQ
0012 John Corrigan JOH239TGH
0013 Ronni DeLay RON750LFC
0014 Jon Alan Conrad JON152HJX
0015 James Larimore JAM409FSB
0016 Valerie McCadden VAL578GCV
0017 Jennifer Reeves JEN013APX
0018 Robert Young ROB673RPW
0019 Marc L. Allen MAR341FMB
0020 Britta McMorran BRI314PHX
0021 Philip Warburton PHI519ADP
0022 S. A. Manning SAM280UYF
0023 Brian Hobbs BRI326PZH
0024 Owen Strawn OWE829AQR
0025 Steven Riggins STE149SFA
0026 Peri Riggins PER418CNA
0027 John Rotenstein JOH057LVI
0028 Evan Holt EVA615DNS
0029 John Nardello JOH852TWK
0030 Joshua Allen JOS643FZK
0031 Tony Lee TON847TSF
0032 Kathy Tafel KAT583QRK
0033 David Bernat DAV195FHA
0034 Doc O'Leary DOC942HIM
0035 Jamie McCarthy JAM907WHA
0036 Michael Williams MIC724QMW
0037 Marianne Elliot MAR485ORX
0038 Charles Dugan CHA928AVE
0039 Aleen Stein ALE459KIJ
0040 Elizabeth Wilkinson ELI487SUD
0041 Marc Khadpe MAR672EVP
0042 Sarinee Achavanuntakul SAR069REA
0043 Jonas Söderström JON980GUQ
0044 Krister Laag KRI179MJS
0045 Susan Winters SUS473NGZ
0046 Gary Smith GAR759OLJ
0047 Joshua Hall JOS845EXL
0048 Mark Schaal MAR457AXU
0049 Marie Boeck MAR957UCN
0050 Jeff Bellinghausen JEF863ZOS
0051 Jane-Waring Wheeler JAN297YFG
0052 Marcy Thompson MAR258CYZ
0053 Daniel Scher DAN105TMA
0054 Ken Gruberman KEN504QEA
0055 Keith Stattenfield KEI492FNW
0056 Daniel Cristofani DAN462IQC
0057 Gunther Schmidl GUN793OPY
0058 Geoff Johns GEO570LJQ
0059 Brian Piazza BRI158YCA
0060 Denise & Kevin (Forkey) DEN719DOY
0061 Joakim Bentholm JOA684UJT
0062 Tom Colvin TOM964RVU
0063 Robert M. Camisa ROB297RYT
0064 David Ashworth DAV791WXA
0065 William “Machiavelli” Kline WIL970MCS
0066 Rosalind M. Green-Holmes ROS386GQR
0067 Matthew Diamond MAT350ELF
0068 Mary Hargrove MAR523VAZ
0069 Don Beck DON672MAY
0070 Rick Mathews RIC076XYH
0071 Mister Kitty MIS032XSD
0072 Jason McIntosh JAS591GIT
0073 Brian Allgeier BRI034ZUX
0074 Mark Cerny MAR324XTY
0075 Lesley Mathieson LES342PLZ
0076 Kenneth Marcus KEN704AMN
0077 Derek LeLash DER069OAB
0078 Theresa Sandifer THE160UKT
0079 Jeremy Leung JER630RXE
0080 Nicholas Zeltzer NIC387IEJ
0081 Jose Aparicio JOS019JEU
0082 David Lambert DAV803LKH
0083 Stonewall Ballard STO980HXP
0084 Mary Branscombe MAR658KSC
0085 Steven Marsh STE381DUH
0086 Peter Liu PET425OHE
0087 Jeffrey Briden JEF928BCK
0088 Joshua Scherr JOS025JVQ
0089 Melinda McLeod MEL478XOK
0090 Elonka Dunin ELO391IQX
0091 David Grenewetzki DAV657SIV
0092 Anne Uyehara ANN507CLG
0093 George Dundas GEO839RUT
0094 Glynn Kane GLY083NOJ
0095 David Pearson DAV359RCU
0096 Juanita Durkin JUA748VMN
0097 Allen Pinero ALL560EFC
0098 John Owens JOH786YXN
0099 Elaine Sweeney ELA023MIR
0100 Joshua Brandt JOS084ZCD
0101 David Graham DAV918PNZ
0102 John Trussell JOH483BRZ
0103 Ken Franklin KEN529DWP
0104 Tim Harrod TIM069VRK
0105 Jeremy Horwitz JER413PKR
0106 Scott Purdy SCO396EHY
0107 Paul Monheimer PAU965QBP
0108 David Jordan DAV048UFE
0109 Leland McCollough LEL243UQP
0110 Maggi Idzikowski MAG685PTB
0111 Sean Murphy SEA974UPI
0112 Michael J. Veloso MIC806CTN
0113 Ori Avtalion ORI285GFZ
0114 Cynthia Gary CYN179BQY
0115 Joshua Lawton JOS294ONU
0116 Rick Malavasic RIC508WCM
0117 Mickey Centofante MIC273WBQ
0118 Ryan Campbell RYA263GQE
0119 Greg Garrian GRE947VIO
0120 Jani Gröndahl JAN762NHE
0121 Ananth Kadambi ANA231MVR
0122 Matt Poush MAT204OUP
0123 Wendy Poush WEN413TOE
0124 George King GEO392GRC
0125 Mark Sedley MAR952LAN
0126 Philip Moyer PHI298NAU
0127 Victoria Harris VIC045ZAS
0128 Ryan “37” Beegle RYA937SGR
0129 Jonathan R. Woodworth JON984YOX
0130 Julie R. Levy JUL471DAL
0131 Alex N. Briggs ALE241JKA
0132 Chandra Malavasic CHA549CDG
0133 Walker White WAL609HSL
0134 Christina Schulman CHR705ASC
0135 Heather Champ HEA086FJM
0136 Eric Smith ERI496EAV
0137 Björn Holmgren BJR083AOY
0138 Denise McGee DEN592PVI
0139 Alison Gunn ALI243GJB
0140 Mordecei Myers MOR496WQD
0141 Luke Shipton LUK061UFP
0142 Billy Harris BIL389EAD
0143 Raphael See RAP208JYU
0144 Donnla Nic Gearailt DON972CSL
0145 Arthur Langereis ART372JRM
0146 Susan Sutherland SUS183DQT
0147 Robert Hammond ROB504POU
0148 Catherine O'Neil CAT673QWI
0149 Kevin O'Hare KEV596TVX
0150 Matthew Gilman MAT690TGQ
0151 Charles Gerlach CHA962WHU
0152 Anika J. Vilee ANI562DFT
0153 Tiest Vilee TIE975FPL
0154 Alison Scott ALI648YKQ
0155 David Weisberg DAV157MPJ
0156 Mike Richberg MIK856JCA
0157 DB Cooper DBC670SLF
0158 Craig Marciniak CRA437FXT
0159 Mayer Brenner MAY063KVW
0160 Ben Yackley BEN241UWO
0161 Bradley Higgins BRA793TUW
0162 Michael Miale MIC934KBX
0163 Edward Mekins EDW715YAF
0164 Jay Winter JAY098RPI
0165 Mark Howell MAR765QCJ
0166 Christopher J. Turner CHR387GKQ
0167 Erin Tatge ERI431CBR
0168 Molly Story MOL806WBL
0169 Brian Hauser BRI985RAM
0170 Jeff Mumford JEF536WDH
0171 Brent Ryder BRE680MCS
0172 David Shukan DAV965EVS
0173 Cilla (Priscilla Millichap) CIL283RNP
0174 Kelley Curry KEL621JTC
0175 David Briers DAV281SVC
0176 Tim Steinwachs TIM298ONE
0177 Michael Tsuk MIC681TZE
0178 John Knapp JOH273YHK
0179 Cynthia Bamford CYN067MDI
0180 Roger Hipp ROG629RTE
0181 C.J. DeSilvey CJD516GWT
0182 Jory Prum JOR983NUV
0183 Brad Jones BRA502NCZ
0184 Claes-Fredrik Mannby CLA391LWP
0185 Jim Moskowitz JIM490CWP
0186 Andrés Pérez-Bergquist AND316PIC
0187 Taro Ogawa TAR370VPS
0188 Jesse Henning JES751LBU
0189 Stefan Lindström STE650ZWG
0190 Patti McCullough PAT951RZB
0191 Brian D. Rogerson BRI978ZIK
0192 Neal McAuley NEA490JFC
0193 Douglas Dodd DOU601BSV
0194 Alexander Meyer ALE398XMH
0195 Benjamin Azose BEN183TGC
0196 Jon Azose JON904CZX
0197 Michael Fleischner MIC254DIS
0198 Steve Fuller STE271EOQ
0199 Kevin Smith KEV316MVB
0200 John Gee JOH397LAD
0201 Michael Cohen MIC526MDT
0202 Matthew Sheppard MAT974WZS
0203 Ben Weiss BEN036VCU
0204 George Warner GEO471QCR
0205 Marc Vos MAR126VNX
0206 Ralph Chatham RAL086YGR
0207 Ann Chatham Baun ANN281RUK
0208 John Ernest Chatham JOH381GEH
0209 Kim Kinsella KIM461JLS
0210 Ronin (Jeremy Ronnenberg) RON179SWJ
0211 Catherine Callahan CAT319MRX
0212 David Colli DAV703PTN
0213 Katherine Amos KAT907DRY
0214 Sheila Brain SHE576BPK
0215 Jeffrey Zurita JEF517URD
0216 Doris Zurita DOR615ATW
0217 Mark Blattel MAR374DAZ
0218 Jeffrey Hersh JEF728DPM
0219 Margaret Mitchell MAR908YPA
0220 Kath Stean KAT710XUJ
0221 Sherwin Pichardo SHE043VWS
0222 Paul Avers PAU273DPB
0223 Molly Tomlinson MOL540KXQ
0224 Timothy Hodson TIM201IWE
0225 Joy Bob (Katje Sabin) JOY680TGK
0226 Susan Hoover SUS639LUR
0227 Max (David Fedchenko) MAX901TFY
0228 David Clysdale DAV257WSB
0229 Daniel Auerbach DAN235LMT
0230 The Kirkby Brothers THE358SID
0231 Mark Stieffenhofer MAR527GRF
0232 Ed Pegg Jr. EDP462GXN
0233 David Bodycombe DAV564KRZ
0234 Martin Mathers MAR392EIR
0235 Deborah Levinson DEB693YQO
0236 Jill Sheeler-Shenk JIL239CDR
0237 Chien D'Arren D'Or CHI835HLO
0238 Ember Leo EMB836VYL
0239 Kevin McDonald KEV524QLA
0240 Tom Phoenix TOM835WCR
0241 Philip Chronakis PHI426OXY
0242 Craig Given CRA478ZQX
0243 Joe Cabrera JOE597PTL
0244 Bruno Crépeault BRU982UFW
0245 Mark Mathews MAR431LBZ
0246 Chris Nandor CHR832WEX
0247 Nataly Flores NAT038FPQ
0248 Karen Woys KAR120CNA
0249 Donna Mehnert DON758SKD
0250 Spencer Olson SPE837COH
0251 Ron Hunsinger RON748ESV
0252 Real Nobody (Erik Littell) REA728AFN
0253 Tenery Ascher TEN189QEZ
0254 Robert Chang ROB705CRF
0255 Ellen Caswell ELL358VLP
0256 Elaine Ashton ELA165YGA
0257 Thomas Huber THO207JBV
0258 Kathleen Rudden KAT824ITN
0259 Anthony Reeves ANT724HQW
0260 Adam Doppelt ADA172ASJ
0261 Matthew Auger MAT038XUC
0262 Terry Stewart TER631AJS
0263 Art Hilgart ART618NQR
0264 Patrick Cook PAT461NPX
0265 Kazumasa Tanabe KAZ308CKB
0266 John Lawton JOH126DOF
0267 Mamen González Arracó MAM352OWC
0268 Dan Amrich DAN095SOM
0269 Robin Hopkins ROB920ESR
0270 Brett Eisenberg BRE859KJP
0271 Owen Kern OWE479QHN
0272 Ralph Bisonic RAL261LBI
0273 Derek Levy DER507WEZ
0274 Jim McGowan JIM362XFY
0275 Robert Argent ROB543BRZ
0276 Daniel Spitzley DAN421YNU
0277 O'Feltzy (Katy O'Leary) OFE316WMY
0278 Shannon Donnelly SHA072OHC
0279 Chanan Berkovits CHA042PKY
0280 Phyllis Bliss PHY082VIH
0281 Susannah Crowder SUS058TJU
0282 Bob Linehan BOB907SMI
0283 Henk van Voorthuijsen HEN490FAX
0284 David Rager DAV923FTQ
0285 Dwayne Matheson DWA632ISL
0286 Majic12dog (Kareem Byrne) MAJ816CLT
0287 Rev. Russell J. Marsh REV142SEY
0288 Scott Stapleford SCO645NHB
0289 Wiz Morgan WIZ456UBR
0290 Joseph Kauffman JOS198AFG
0291 Janet Iwasa JAN715SYT
0292 Craig Mazin CRA235RQF
0293 Ginsu Yoon GIN402RDX
0294 Frances Fawcett FRA754MSE
0295 Marjolijn Verbunt MAR279MSH
0296 Andrew “Zoz” Brooks AND964XPN
0297 Stephen Sondheim STE627YEO
0298 Rebecca Harriss REB094AVF
0299 Kris Beaumont KRI083RZW
0300 Darren Rigby DAR245PKJ
0301 Jason Ryan JAS873RTW
0302 Maggie Stein MAG826WZN
0303 Dr. Simon Haynes DRS208QIZ
0304 Dirk Johnson DIR360TAE
0305 Erwin Mascardo ERW063LZO
0306 Leif Klokkevold LEI401XDR
0307 Kathleen Huddleston KAT745YNZ
0308 Andrew Leonard AND608CMK
0309 Gary Berkson GAR519CRZ
0310 Kaaren Talty KAA794ILO
0311 Ron Smalec RON834UBW
0312 Beth Roseman BET124LGH
0313 Sandrea Llorens SAN478IPY
0314 Deena Marshall DEE146KGR
0315 Breon Halling BRE158VFB
0316 Molley the Mage MOL709XEN
0317 Jim Moss JIM217URG
0318 Robert Fermier ROB763VXS
0319 Katherine Kissick KAT304GWL
0320 David Negvesky DAV069PVX
0321 Björn Fallenius BJR257JMR
0322 Jonathan Chaffer JON752GBJ
0323 Jennifer Overholt JEN340POR
0324 Homer Rankhorn HOM039TUA
0325 Raven Nevar RAV670DOH
0326 Chris Kohuch CHR804KZB
0327 Mary Jo DiBella MAR059IEB
0328 James Morgan JAM493LJA
0329 Robert Caldwell ROB419TOJ
0330 Marlene Close MAR195ETA
0331 John Hutzler JOH921RBI
0332 Gwen Baker GWE854TUN
0333 Don D. Schroeder DON405NHE
0334 Jonathan Reece JON306EGN
0335 Paul Pofandt PAU902JQB
0336 Gordon Mackenzie GOR853MUK
0337 Chris Franka CHR719QRP
0338 Daniel Lopez DAN365GKU
0339 Rob Williams ROB459SPH
0340 Fredrik Andréasson FRE580WAD
0341 Denise Allen DEN719YZS
0342 Ian Barland IAN248YJZ
0343 Neil Campbell NEI162SDP
0344 Andrew Keith Strauss AND496OFN
0345 Paula Cunningham PAU480JPM
0346 Shaun Barrow SHA239TUN
0347 Melanie Craft MEL410RIN
0348 Deann Burch DEA653VHO
0349 Maria Hjortängen MAR204AMQ
0350 Melanie Linkenback MEL459PER
0351 Mark Oliver MAR476GIB
0352 Alex K. Joshi ALE236JUF
0353 Peter Ricks PET381BXF
0354 Bryan Garnica BRY402ZOD
0355 Alfred Kan ALF546TDV
0356 Michael Hutzler MIC567USK
0357 Michael Knauer MIC078UIY
0358 Jennifer Daly JEN248WGK
0359 Anne Peck ANN432NEA
0360 Daniel Shoemaker DAN015LGH
0361 Myriah Griffeth MYR180ZWE
0362 Peter Duchemin PET570RWU
0363 John Zvaleko JOH954VGL
0364 Sean Leonard SEA490AZH
0365 Paulius Jakubenas PAU917TZR
0366 Michael Lewis MIC287GAT
0367 Amanda Hyatt AMA540VOR
0368 The Pattillo Family THE298OKG
0369 Bernard Boulanger BER459XSP
0370 Kenneth Goldstein KEN863CXP
0371 Peter Wieland PET537IDU
0372 The Livaks THE096LIK
0373 Erick Wong ERI024MUB
0374 John Boswell JOH190KQT
0375 Jim Beynon JIM129HJD
0376 Soren Klasson SOR346ZWU
0377 Scott Gellerman SCO831FWB
0378 Stephen Ashton STE914ZYC
0379 Steve Przybylski STE825JYX
0380 Andrew Musser AND819RLT
0381 David Donarumo DAV385OVQ
0382 Nuutti Kotivuori NUU485MNA
0383 Nuutti Kotivuori NUU273UOL
0384 Charles E. Leiserson, Jr. CHA564XKY
0385 Linda Lue Leiserson LIN065WKM
0386 Kurt Ostfeld KUR730JXF
0387 Peter Jaros PET821WQB
0388 Yasufumi Nerome YAS836FNR
0389 Jeff Bailey JEF961FLS
0390 Guy Maor GUY509LBN
0391 Patrick Carroll PAT291NBM
0392 Kim Rosman KIM684ORC
0393 Aaron Nascimento AAR865VAO
0394 Marie Cudney MAR340SME
0395 Jon Peterson JON359IWB
0396 Brian Dinsky BRI084HOG
0397 Ralph Kazer RAL687FIL
0398 Clara Kim CLA453NIQ
0399 Jennifer Close JEN801NZC
0400 Michael Hopkins MIC843JEY
0401 Sarah Balfour SAR378QXL
0402 Laura Smith LAU416PKC
0403 David Goldfarb DAV439FJL
0404 Caroline Fry CAR251FMN
0405 William Giammona WIL206ENX
0406 James Helton JAM492QBU
0407 Casimir Couvillion CAS618BUI
0408 Barbara Germann BAR753VRS
0409 Sean Li SEA594CNL
0410 Karen Harvey KAR941HPL
0411 David Lukkonen DAV328WBV
0412 Gregory Weston GRE950HXP
0413 Allison Eleazer ALL142FGX
0414 David Charlap DAV743JZR
0415 Jason Little JAS408PBU
0416 Joseph Provo JOS213FUS
0417 Trina Ray TRI680FXL
0418 Elwin Loomis ELW578UQT
0419 William White WIL153QVB
0420 Adam Lipkin ADA203PZM
0421 David D. Allatt DAV825NCO
0422 Ralene Bills RAL537SOZ
0423 Stacey Tappan STA283ESD
0424 David Cass DAV201NBR
0425 Nicholas Perry NIC123XHW
0426 Molly McEnerney MOL081UOD
0427 Baraka Jaden BAR263BZC
0428 Stephan Pfuetze STE742ONY
0429 Kyle Ries KYL045TJP
0430 Felicity Kusinitz FEL931CJF
0431 Terry Favazza TER859UAM
0432 Seen Lee SEE963XPJ
0433 Anne Gregg ANN170FKE
0434 Jean-Luc Dinsdale JEA936BQD
0435 Ian Liotta IAN839WIT
0436 Andrew Robinson AND198YTP
0437 Dan Hubbard DAN169QGZ
0438 Brian Minaji BRI423RYU
0439 Zach Meston ZAC701CUL
0440 Susanna Leng SUS138UHQ
0441 Angela Adkins ANG348CLX
0442 Scott Kim SCO546ROG
0443 Anne Wills ANN820EGJ
0444 Michael Garrison MIC251FPQ
0445 Snibor Eoj (Joe Robins) SNI174ITB
0446 Richard Joyrich RIC302ZOU
0447 Milton Fader MIL901SIU
0448 Robert Blakeman ROB924MET
0449 William Horton WIL836IZX
0450 Fordham Huffman FOR520VDR
0451 Heather Kamp HEA316MFT
0452 Scott Sawyer SCO049SJZ
0453 Suzette Woodbury SUZ453KQE
0454 Andrew Hatchell AND389MPF
0455 Lori Nelson LOR021KYT
0456 David Lamb DAV176AHX
0457 Chris Kennedy CHR298PQE
0458 James Dreier JAM938ZDG
0459 Erin Milligan-Milburn ERI240BQZ
0460 Michael Wong MIC804ETI
0461 Jeff Laing JEF638BMW
0462 Malcolm Hale MAL439OSX
0463 Matt Renner MAT635JGS
0464 Björn Eriksson BJR735HXF
0465 Leonard Assaly LEO604VHX
0466 Jeffrey Backes JEF912JYA
0467 Michael Hannemann MIC762HTN
0468 Hans Hansen HAN731YVI
0469 Robert Washburn ROB248UVM
0470 David Taggart DAV645QCG
0471 Bruce McKay BRU683KMG
0472 Suzie Scott SUZ891KBM
0473 Steve Murphy STE268UQY
0474 Mark Alexander MAR709KCJ
0475 Daniel West DAN617VGX
0476 Laura Lemay LAU210SEC
0477 Dan Carmack DAN701JPE
0478 Kenneth Murayama KEN542DMI
0479 Doug Bischoff DOU190ABT
0480 Joseph Topping JOS801DIE
0481 David Fell DAV385GRL
0482 Jeff Hassell JEF654EWF
0483 Robert Morris ROB817LXF
0484 David List DAV641WTM
0485 Andrea Tan AND390MVU
0486 James Virgin JAM073FKZ
0487 Chris Hwang CHR694BNY
0488 Michael Kushner MIC264ZDC
0489 Chris Koeberle CHR524PQA
0490 Lloyd Robinson LLO168PRU
0491 Lucas McClain LUC745WNQ
0492 Brian Anderson BRI850XKI
0493 Peggy Talley PEG514ECF
0494 Tom Vermilion TOM976TBX
0495 Carol Staman CAR738UAT
0496 Ben Furuta BEN498PER
0497 Ian Sinclair IAN851SWB
0498 Dale Lyles DAL587SVY
0499 Phil Cobley PHI596UHX
0500 Melanie Ponta MEL594WCK
0501 Elaine Sloan ELA475RVA
0502 Gary Fukasawa GAR165XWS
0503 Robert Kleehammer ROB860OAZ
0504 Thomas O'Neil THO602KWG
0505 David Hollinsworth DAV026EBP
0506 Meredith Anton MER958IPA
0507 David Nitzsche-Bell DAV732FUC
0508 Loren Finkelstein LOR432ROV
0509 Erin Flachsbart ERI854PTF
0510 Buell Hollister BUE417CAZ
0511 George Trapp GEO190SQV
0512 Troy Patience TRO239PTN
0513 Daniel Farnstrom DAN852SEH
0514 Andrita Durbin AND702MLI
0515 William P. Isham WIL358XDQ
0516 Dillon Bookout DIL091KQU
0517 Edwin Herman EDW309LPH
0518 Norman Rust NOR573IAM
0519 David Perryman DAV790QID
0520 Mike Schienle MIK627LTI
0521 Todd Clayton TOD204LSM
0522 Brent Kusuhara BRE108WHK
0523 Wesley Bishop WES695AMU
0524 Stephen Collins STE762SZG
0525 Adam R. Wood ADA978NHG
0526 Bryan Clair BRY079OHR
0527 Mark Gaddis MAR630NBM
0528 Daniel Harms DAN203JZB
0529 Virginia Smith VIR140STU
0530 Martin Russ MAR975KRC
0531 Albert Teich III ALB108NCL
0532 Cameron McDonald CAM654JEK
0533 Christopher Dakin CHR047TRN
0534 Alex Newman ALE742XAD
0535 Marsha Mumford MAR198PHS
0536 Andrew Emeny-Smith AND463SDX
0537 Lisa O'Donnell LIS852ELJ
0538 Stacey Becker STA537VFD
0539 Kevin Hoffman KEV058MHL
0540 Harris Bias HAR759RNO
0541 Christopher Gram CHR153SXY
0542 Helen Ma HEL641SWH
0543 Dan Fabulich DAN274TVN
0544 Eric Anderson ERI925KAQ
0545 Michael Trinder MIC569OTX
0546 Ryan Huber RYA238VTB
0547 Mischa Schweitzer MIS704LBS
0548 Tina Aspiala TIN831DXV
0549 Jeff Taylor JEF597LQP
0550 Mark Engelberg MAR854ZCB
0551 Marleen & Isabell MAR208PJN
0552 Lin Sims LIN402ZBW
0553 David Riordan DAV472CNB
0554 James R. Williams JAM593EXR
0555 Betty Trommler BET086PJR
0556 Jeremy Sadler JER794XEG
0557 Michael Pleier MIC351ZAK
0558 Patricia Peters PAT120SVM
0559 Chris McFarlane CHR329WEG
0560 Ryan Lafitte RYA763IUO
0561 Rickard Törnqvist RIC301TPF
0562 Lisa Sherer LIS830DAX
0563 Maivor Broström MAI148RZS
0564 Herb Mitschan HER795PJN
0565 Liz Waller LIZ796AKX
0566 Stephen Schmidt STE574OVC
0567 Bronwyn Lloyd BRO964LER
0568 Robert Smith ROB826GCQ
0569 Mary O'Donovan MAR103GKV
0570 Catharine Eastman CAT514WZT
0571 Paul Lambert PAU938XYP
0572 Amanda Thomas AMA023CNJ
0573 Martin Peel MAR043XLD
0574 Scott Leonard SCO539BIE
0575 Eric Dennis ERI715MNC
0576 Donald Williams DON403REL
0577 Carl de Visser CAR612COF
0578 Kristen McCowan KRI862JGQ
0579 Mike Temkin MIK428NZI
0580 Grant Holman GRA456TQI
0581 Scott “Peter” Waldspurger SCO869JHA
0582 Pauline Foy PAU276ZWS
0583 Mark Green MAR510GPL
0584 Jeffrey M. Glover JEF085TQV
0585 David Shepherd DAV150QBD
0586 Amy Chused AMY856NRC
0587 Louis Boyle LOU901CGW
0588 Jonathan Ford-King JON360LWY
0589 Daniel von Gertten DAN302SIO
0590 Philip Nestenborg PHI827XSH
0591 Sheila Scott SHE584NDG
0592 Liz Phipps LIZ530WZL
0593 Robert Magnesen ROB142CDB
0594 Eric Heine ERI457QNH
0595 Kate Asher Dobson KAT739NJG
0596 Ryan Gardner RYA549XJC
0597 Susan Meehan SUS371DSY
0598 Marcus Compton MAR714VOY
0599 Gary McConnell Jr. GAR573OPA
0600 Sheridan Gray SHE271HVQ
0601 My Pet Goat (Michael Stern) MYP862LRS
0602 Susan Gross SUS496CAY
0603 Callie Carroll CAL304NXT
0604 Michael Lee MIC423LUK
0605 Robert Mollitor ROB039NWX
0606 Curtis Walker CUR850KAF
0607 Jerry Heston JER791ZXN
0608 Moisés Solé MOI703UBJ
0609 Dave Coleman DAV837PYN
0610 Reed Knight REE790BOY
0611 Thomas Ockens THO413WRJ
0612 Wei-Hwa Huang WEI483AKY
0613 Darrin O'Neill DAR846IHX
0614 Michelle Peacock MIC180RDG
0615 Ellen Mookerjee ELL317BUZ
0616 Mark Abrams MAR408CEL
0617 Lydia Rivlin LYD845GJX
0618 Christina Welter CHR416UCI
0619 Minus van Baalen MIN802IMZ
0620 Andrew Schmidgall AND586KZI
0621 Michelle Leary MIC912LIO
0622 Gina Piellusch GIN148ZPA
0623 Mary McBride MAR948UCY
0624 Kevin Matheny KEV719BWV
0625 Huw Smithson HUW251VQL
0626 Michael Rios MIC862ZFC
0627 Keetgi Steinberg KEE832MFI
0628 Kyndra Schroer KYN675TSO
0629 Ray Lee RAY963EOA
0630 Sharon Keller SHA492HZX
0631 Antero Kuusi ANT092TGY
0632 Don Munsil DON314OAQ
0633 Troy Sutton TRO790HGB
0634 Paul Darlington PAU748AXF
0635 Bryan Hoover BRY287JLA
0636 Cornelius Padberg COR483FKY
0637 Pavel Curtis PAV710UOM
0638 George Collins GEO502WDP
0639 Andrew Johnson AND309JAZ
0640 Jeff Sensabaugh JEF846LDG
0641 J. Lee Baldwin JLE526MGS
0642 Jed Singer JED295OTF
0643 Judy Devore JUD139RJV
0644 Jennifer Sutton JEN430DIE
0645 Alice Brin Renken ALI429MHW
0646 Eric Suess ERI603HAD
0647 Gabriel Farris GAB270SEK
0648 Denise Wizzard DEN627TZJ
0649 Judy Schuler JUD807MHC
0650 André Marcoux AND318DTC
0651 Dennis Sustare DEN138WLM
0652 Gregory Young GRE593JMG
0653 Liza Wasser LIZ637TWF
0654 Emily Klokkevold EMI387KBL
0655 Simon Steinegger SIM397SNW
0656 Lisa Lake LIS439PUJ
0657 Sean Trowbridge SEA750DKS
0658 Judy Hartley JUD840TOX
0659 Rissa Veloso Salke RIS941GQR
0660 Miguel Cordoba MIG570RDP
0661 James McCoy JAM250YVI
0662 Daniel Cozza DAN710GBR
0663 Roe R. Adams, IV ROE531PEI
0664 Jack Heaney JAC693TGX
0665 Brian Potetz BRI702JSD
0666 Thomas E. Jenkins THO367EIG
0667 Anne Wilson ANN248DWX
0668 Jon Severson JON769IGP
0669 Erin Schulz ERI821DYG
0670 Sanjiv Sarwate SAN738DAT
0671 Michael Schüler MIC268MWI
0672 Marvin Schwartz MAR715ZIS
0673 Philip Hopbell PHI743CQF
0674 Rebecca Feld REB452OXM
0675 Jan Johnson JAN298LBE
0676 T.C. Edgecomb TCE295RDP
0677 Mary Kiang MAR984QMD
0678 Dick Shedd DIC459BKG
0679 Tyrone Wong TYR732LIG
0680 Noel-Marie Taylor NOE821BED
0681 Joanne Kreil JOA625CWE
0682 Andrew Bryant AND758MUZ
0683 Rei Nakazawa REI290GXD
0684 James Brekken JAM842VPG
0685 Jennifer Elliott JEN604UBQ
0686 Jessica Lehoczky JES109VIP
0687 Raymond Buso RAY982IKH
0688 Darryl Barton DAR796YUN
0689 Carol Barton CAR431GRF
0690 Michael Madsen MIC046TFR
0691 Marvin Thiel MAR825QZD
0692 Andrew Miller AND487HFR
0693 Andrew Lancaster AND234XBN
0694 Brett Sharman BRE934UWD
0695 Frank Pizzuto FRA230CIN
0696 Margy Kuntz MAR176JAX
0697 Eric Muhlheim ERI742OHQ
0698 Derrick Schneider DER126ZWB
0699 Benjamin Turner BEN045TOE
0700 Rebecca Turner REB572PKJ
0701 Andre Tkacenko AND795VWG
0702 Barry Graime BAR129NWS
0703 Earl Slack EAR861KEV
0704 Trosilea Worthington TRO794PJG
0705 Allan Brussolo ALL745CTM
0706 Jim Sanborn JIM851CHR
0707 Alexander Kobulnicky ALE213GQL
0708 Maryka Ford MAR530PON
0709 David Slattery DAV961UPW
0710 John Knoerzer JOH216FMB
0711 Thomas Maufer THO257YEM
0712 Susan Molyneux SUS862FQM
0713 Mark Webb MAR879WLG
0714 Ray Spurlin RAY083LBO
0715 Rob Anderson ROB894ZEX
0716 John Valesano JOH214IGB
0717 Alan C.A. Hughes ALA741WGT
0718 Barbara Holland BAR975SGQ
0719 Gillian Faulkner GIL974SVN
0720 Lee Jekos LEE465DXJ
0721 Frank Easterbrook FRA259POK
0722 Tony Jacobs TON496FLA
0723 Dierdrey & Zwergin DIE697REG
0724 Fred Debold FRE250XOW
0725 Michelle Kleehammer MIC426LKA
0726 Dana Huyler DAN234GJU
0727 Mike Paterson MIK760NOP
0728 Jonathan Haas JON865RHC
0729 Deborah Mitchell DEB675RLV
0730 Catherine Hamaker CAT634HZN
0731 Andrew Ferraro AND591RVE
0732 Dave Frith DAV405IGF
0733 Mark Musante MAR985JYZ
0734 Russell Finn RUS715PNJ
0735 Moses Moore MOS631JXM
0736 Marc Majcher MAR678CFD
0737 Benjamin Waldrop BEN348EFR
0738 Kim Stewart KIM732BCY
0739 Pierre Doguin PIE089IJA
0740 James Prestwood JAM436MLR
0741 Geoff Booth GEO425ERX
0742 Leo Shklovskii LEO029TZA
0743 Jesse Munroe JES284CIX
0744 Pekka Telivuo PEK839UNZ
0745 John Smith JOH629KQX
0746 John Smith JOH680CMV
0747 Stefan Daniel Schwarz STE734CDI
0748 Robert LaRose ROB925USE
0749 Stephen Unger STE049WXO
0750 Kevin Waters KEV036RIS
0751 Martin Hoff MAR239KJW
0752 Robert Levermore ROB407BGA
0753 Michael Henderson MIC761ECS
0754 Andrea Henderson AND031MNB
0755 Narciso Jaramillo NAR710TML
0756 Daniel Price DAN905VYH
0757 Dave Conley DAV453COG
0758 Neil Pearce NEI450LRB
0759 Maria Lukashenko MAR410XBO
0760 Rob Mayoff ROB702TKZ
0761 Constance Halperin CON382ABZ
0762 Rose Sage Barone ROS725ZEK
0763 José Gabriel Queiró JOS862MBL
0764 Nathan Conner NAT509NWD
0765 Neil Hopper NEI160AUX
0766 Ross MacDonald ROS719XGF
0767 Bernard Bernstein BER590SCI
0768 Emma Crew EMM634DJH
0769 Deborah Green DEB950VAL
0770 Kathy Kegley KAT368NBM
0771 Karen Kinsel KAR567MCI
0772 Jacob Unwin JAC852DML
0773 Robert Whitfield ROB830NMT
0774 Guy Steele GUY452HUY
0775 Matthew Steele MAT862JYV
0776 Christodoulos Mitillos CHR463MGK
0777 Michael Lodico MIC075HCW
0778 Ulrika Steidler ULR791QUZ
0779 Robert Hopkins ROB320IYL
0780 Timothy Gueller TIM514YVE
0781 Anders Billeschou AND617TKG
0782 James Salsberg JAM672HYW
0783 Mark Ohashi MAR165CNH
0784 Bob Beckman BOB985YWM
0785 Donna Suarez DON860MQC
0786 Nicolas Ridley NIC152ZFS
0787 Senne de Jong SEN269YDK
0788 Abrey Myers ABR216OBV
0789 Thelma Minnich THE639TYR
0790 Carlos Masdeu Ávila CAR178JTU
0791 S. Ben Melhuish SBE395DOV
0792 Jeremy Douglass JER738PML
0793 Gail Terman GAI034YLD
0794 Dik T. Winter DIK016GYU
0795 Jaime Punishill JAI527IRY
0796 Elizabeth Fusina ELI768RVE
0797 Dylan R. E. Moonfire DYL286DLU
0798 Stuart Adler STU123TME
0799 Thomas Galanis THO836EXQ
0800 Kay W. Blanchard KAY540CLT
0801 James Seerden JAM401YCW
0802 Timothy Looney TIM612NAU
0803 Homer Hsu HOM417HVA
0804 Richard Johnson RIC580NHR
0805 Ray “NemesisCW” Chow RAY968FDO
0806 Toshihiko Shimizu TOS508VRP
0807 José Domingues JOS915LBI
0808 Jason Davis JAS620YZP
0809 Jami Kupperman JAM807ZRJ
0810 Johnathan Elton JOH901VFG
0811 Karen Ziv KAR856RUX
0812 Sandra Webb SAN782VXO
0813 Robert Gray ROB265OSK
0814 Javier Kohen JAV154ZVP
0815 Erik Oliver ERI498CXK
0816 David Johnson DAV675HLN
0817 Jaime Fernández Castro JAI791WJV
0818 Antti Vierikko ANT807SRI
0819 Silvia Burton SIL791CEH
0820 Daniel Lepage DAN637SQJ
0821 Miles Rucker MIL379OPU
0822 Jeanne Lejon JEA016RVE
0823 Joyce Conklin JOY194HPA
0824 Sharon Tobin SHA287VSA
0825 Penny Nymark PEN270KUX
0826 Matti Kjellberg MAT820GHC
0827 Terese Bruzzino TER825HPQ
0828 ConTreRhi Smith (Jamie Gegerson) CON615IFX
0829 Allan Matthews ALL403NDA
0830 Ian Carmichael IAN416FZO
0831 Dylan Carmichael DYL256CWM
0832 Ian Eldridge IAN630OYG
0833 Sam Barlow SAM768STY
0834 Wendy March WEN451NTU
0835 Robert Lagace ROB431OWE
0836 Oscar Garza OSC952EVB
0837 William Seligman WIL148FAE
0838 Sally Shaw SAL592KUV
0839 J.J. Abrams JJA836AKN
0840 Gavin Ward GAV035XWK
0841 Spencer Grey SPE915OYK
0842 Roberta Madalena ROB130XSE
0843 Nadine Viens NAD084YKI
0844 Jeanne Viens JEA923QGL
0845 Mare-Liis Balles MAR023ZNE
0846 Eliza Karpook ELI823BIE
0847 Frances Steele FRA306BSF
0848 William Britton WIL096JMI
0849 Stanley Kaufman STA648ULC
0850 Jeff Metzner JEF506EKV
0851 Kim McLeod KIM762HZB
0852 Pat Lee PAT256XFS
0853 Mark Wilson MAR375UKN
0854 Lindsey Dubb LIN976OAN
0855 Dr. Andrew Kay DRA058UOM
0856 Michael Mucha MIC728JZN
0857 Jeremy Miller JER801UHX
0858 Corey Cole COR219URK
0859 JoAnne Troy JOA318FMD
0860 Michael Northcott MIC479QEG
0861 Edward Floden EDW214IUO
0862 Joshua Gregory JOS304CGN
0863 Rob Bassett ROB704ZNW
0864 William Bradley WIL364TOR
0865 Cameron Owen CAM376MEK
0866 Linda Westerfield LIN827FNC
0867 Peter Rayner PET527BQC
0868 Paul Phillips PAU360IDW
0869 Dan Martinez DAN378GSZ
0870 John Davidson JOH653TOI
0871 Ken Liu KEN534VIY
0872 Kelly Tice KEL485ZTR
0873 Lucius Kwok LUC571VFO
0874 Andreas Dieckmann AND109JHE
0875 Lisa Paul LIS805LRT
0876 Warren Blyth WAR057KDN
0877 Fiona James FIO261EQT
0878 John Smith JOH539VXD
0879 Joyce & David JOY430GOX
0880 Leslie Wilson LES543YXC
0881 Merrill Boyce MER386TXG
0882 Christopher Allan Scott CHR318ALO
0883 Theron Trowbridge THE847ACG
0884 Matthew Dudevoir MAT316QXP
0885 Andrew “Animal” Thiel AND720JOF
0886 Benjamin Jacobs-Swearingen BEN879NQX
0887 Hans Hamburger HAN148RJY
0888 Richard Dutt RIC473UTH
0889 Michael Meckler MIC267TUN
0890 Donn E. Saint John DON214XSI
0891 Linda M. John LIN632LAD
0892 Andrew Vestal AND206YMX
0893 Douglas Olson DOU479OLV
0894 Diane Burgan DIA374HVD
0895 Eric Verhein ERI391FMR
0896 Sharan Volin SHA298YUT
0897 Andrew Macfarlane AND915WBN
0898 Garrett Greene GAR671NZI
0899 Elisabeth Stewart ELI540ZMB
0900 Seba Parish SEB980LTX
0901 Marshall Eisenberg MAR572EGY
0902 Reverend R. Bayldon REV027AXQ
0903 Thomas Idzikowski THO521UYA
0904 Larry Johnson LAR976UPC
0905 Carl Schaefer CAR275VDO
0906 Lisbeth Moilanen LIS736DAB
0907 Elizabeth Neilsen ELI326IWP
0908 Robert Clay ROB162BWQ
0909 Mark Guilbeault MAR124WQB
0910 Marisa Ong MAR490SEV
0911 Patricia Maxwell PAT170MWP
0912 Gregory Williams GRE349DTI
0913 Joakim Mårlöv JOA487USF
0914 Matthew Murray MAT270BXR
0915 Karl Holmes KAR321MOI
0916 Peter Lonergan PET860ZDM
0917 Maureen Lonergan MAU728DEG
0918 Darksbane (Scott Brashier) DAR179RKZ
0919 Lyell Rodieck LYE426ZLK
0920 Linda Fielding LIN982WHY
0921 Rebecca McKeown REB304WTC
0922 John Goodman JOH590CMB
0923 David Mascenik DAV953SBM
0924 Henry Smith HEN534ARP
0925 Judy Robinson JUD492YJX
0926 Alistair Chew ALI860TOV
0927 John Sherwood JOH708VXE
0928 Mariano Santander Navarro MAR180YZF
0929 Michael Tocci MIC562ZEQ
0930 Scott Swanson SCO850POH
0931 Dave Ballowe DAV508JDO
0932 Gregory Mikolaski GRE896OVK
0933 Anthony Westbrook ANT785BLX
0934 Tommy Bell TOM146ECH
0935 Edward Struthers EDW753NUH
0936 Philip Sandifer PHI043EBP
0937 Linda Cree LIN641GRI
0938 John Quilhot JOH139EGR
0939 Katherine S. Nichols KAT795NOY
0940 Mark Hunter MAR953CJL
0941 John Franklin JOH056TYP
0942 Elaine Harger ELA826VDZ
0943 Julian Coles JUL073JQM
0944 Mark Laspe MAR259AMC
0945 Thomas Williams THO734KCJ
0946 John Burkardt JOH501HJP
0947 Joshua Root JOS189JDN
0948 Theo Clarke THE130ENS
0949 Sandy Norris SAN045QBK
0950 David Bryant DAV718TPH
0951 Mike Chamberlain MIK473ZRU
0952 Michael Dumas MIC517DCB
0953 Gilles Duchesne GIL486ONY
0954 Nicholas Carter NIC509KFD
0955 Nathan Rabe NAT685XNO
0956 Snake River BASE Jumping SNA264NER
0957 Phil & Hang (Phil Minchin) PHI495JXS
0958 Frank Skocilich FRA983HXJ
0959 Tommy Estridge TOM074ANP
0960 Tom Briant TOM850ZDR
0961 Paul St. Mark PAU138JMI
0962 Maria Renee Kim MAR156HSB
0963 Alexander Mendes ALE390YZW
0964 Marjorie Prager MAR752FDA
0965 Caroline Sue Perrine CAR380EBF
0966 Desi Lanni DES547BZS
0967 Alexander Freed ALE209JVG
0968 Frank Manning FRA108OYP
0969 Celia Bosco CEL869OBV
0970 Lisa MacDougald LIS625YXQ
0971 Michael Sylvia MIC827KTX
0972 Richard Smiley RIC083MQJ
0973 Catherine Linsell CAT954CPA
0974 Brett Rogers BRE526GEM
0975 Simon Watson SIM096FMD
0976 Kate de Kay Foster KAT795GHX
0977 Dan Wallace DAN148MPC
0978 Michael Lin MIC873QDH
0979 Ariel Hoffman ARI126QBM
0980 Jimmie Felt JIM670SGF
0981 Michael Casner MIC648KJG
0982 Tim Banta TIM241BHX
0983 Stephen Caron STE201UIA
0984 Alison Singer ALI143YEF
0985 Joseph Jillette JOS348ZPH
0986 James E. Van Verth JAM634LKE
0987 James M. Van Verth JAM683XSD
0988 Andrew Jermyn AND018OIF
0989 Terry Wilson TER384FAB
0990 Pierre Corbineau PIE570PKH
0991 Adam Newman ADA394WPK
0992 John Lunney JOH516EDL
0993 Harold Russell HAR153YEF
0994 Ray Kraesig RAY913QFD
0995 Audrey Pierce AUD196OZW
0996 Bryan Nagy BRY276ZHC
0997 Merle Zimmermann MER892HLE
0998 Kevin Scott KEV483PGA
0999 Doug Davlin DOU869SXR
1000 Michael Seay MIC538TXC
1001 Alicia Ramos ALI280YGN
1002 Gary Corday GAR360KWR
1003 Andrew Farrell AND852EYH
1004 Aaron Chang AAR702DFM
1005 Betsy LLosa BET671TCD
1006 James Craig JAM286JUB
1007 Nicolas Gold NIC961HKP
1008 Paul J. Smith PAU219QSY
1009 Julian Yap JUL092BKR
1010 Daniel Carpenter DAN279KUJ
1011 Timothy Bargh TIM032WBT
1012 William Frank WIL270GYW
1013 Larry Pellack LAR385ADK
1014 Mark Gould MAR019IWX
1015 Shari Todd SHA209YJW
1016 Wayne Walker WAY407SNQ
1017 Matthew Majewski MAT017RTA
1018 Scott Westerfield SCO493OIR
1019 Steve Westerfield STE875FVW
1020 'Ili Butterfield ILI567BIS
1021 Paul Mithra PAU860EDA
1022 Keith Hoskins KEI345DST
1023 Paul Fischer PAU254BAK
1024 Madeleine Aikenhead MAD308WVG
1025 Saverio Mercurio SAV263BMA
1026 Justin Carmical JUS527JKF
1027 Andrew Bradley AND396UEO
1028 Robert Washburne ROB479ITF
1029 Jereme Greenblott JER013YRO
1030 Stuart Feldhamer STU705SNO
1031 George Pratt GEO746UJN
1032 Darren Pierson DAR168UYN
1033 Elizabeth Holm ELI327EVT
1034 Tony Van TON098JUV
1035 Gerry Tremblay GER210WAK
1036 Casey McNamara CAS648AIC
1037 Adam Graham ADA208MHX
1038 SAL (Stephanie Lamm) SAL574ULJ
1039 Tom Dickson TOM148BTU
1040 Nick Abboud NIC051HVS
1041 Colin Boos COL894QGC
1042 Adam Strang ADA720UBN
1043 Stephen Getty STE619WJZ
1044 Lee Thimm LEE691CIR
1045 Charles Hargrove CHA534HPW
1046 William Harris WIL358EQT
1047 Peter Olafson PET435OCD
1048 Bonnie Holt BON314LSN
1049 Bengt-Göran Persson BEN394EXY
1050 Jennifer Barnes JEN125GAY
1051 Colin Ng COL340KPS
1052 Dave Brawn DAV364CHB
1053 Patrick Milvich PAT265HSA
1054 Jeff Powers JEF926CXL
1055 Dennis Powers DEN925SAZ
1056 Aaron Birrell AAR291AXN
1057 Thorlindur Thorolfsson THO571GQF
1058 Ben Kimmett BEN742FBR
1059 James Solomon JAM843BKI
1060 William Alba WIL305RPU
1061 Philip Elder PHI890YNR
1062 Kay Tegland KAY607HPL
1063 Bill Swift BIL093ATN
1064 Toshitaka Tachibana TOS025LCZ
1065 Ben Slater BEN506QAU
1066 Larry Kaplan LAR370WCT
1067 Phillip Lane PHI871WQU
1068 Julian Wolter JUL702KLJ
1069 Christian Hartleben CHR480AYE
1070 Kondo Hirotsugu KON761YIW
1071 Jill Sison JIL613FYI
1072 Daniel Watts DAN328SHN
1073 Tim Kirby TIM215XYK
1074 Joey McNelis JOE682DAS
1075 Susan North SUS401ZHV
1076 Her Geekness (Anne-Marie Concepcion) HER924MKI
1077 Riku Kanninen RIK760SXZ
1078 Nikki Mazero NIK023MFV
1079 James Moncier JAM813RFC
1080 J. Palin JPA432JXV
1081 Robert Durante ROB347RSL
1082 Harold van der Waaij HAR460GOP
1083 Phyllis Lee PHY701TQN
1084 Daniel Baldwin DAN829XAR
1085 Dominic Hulme DOM317JCR
1086 George Nakos GEO172PAN
1087 Scott Garrett SCO670IHL
1088 David Sharp DAV806KZC
1089 Darcy Oliver DAR715QYN
1090 David Russell DAV184ZIR
1091 Nick Helm NIC279UBY
1092 William Arasin WIL089OXS
1093 Jacqualine Dimmer JAC086KGV
1094 Christopher Roberts CHR615PWU
1095 Rita Hanley RIT592QHE
1096 Anita Graham ANI852NHM
1097 Pete Duisenberg PET607YME
1098 Mikko Kuusto MIK347ZGM
1099 Matthew Walker MAT718RGF
1100 Thomas Fisher THO615ZSC
1101 Hilary Wainwright HIL321YOQ
1102 Carole Veith CAR158EAX
1103 Ronald Belanger RON416JDV
1104 Trevor Mettam TRE731FKT
1105 Willow & Jeremy WIL576QGR
1106 Yura Karasik YUR129CXA
1107 Charles Groark CHA061FNI
1108 Andrew Nicholson AND954UJN
1109 Christopher Edwards CHR361TWV
1110 James Parker JAM392MLI
1111 Nick Fortescue NIC892GXW
1112 Lawrence Brenkus LAW145RLS
1113 Auban Willats AUB562AHG
1114 Robert Beckwith ROB364KIP
1115 Ian Korf IAN051URT
1116 Denis Corke DEN596CFB
1117 Raymond Small RAY162YLX
1118 Daniel Frink DAN982NBQ
1119 Gregory Tibbits GRE837SQJ
1120 Aaron Light AAR946NPK
1121 Keith Steiger KEI610IST
1122 Douglass Hetherly DOU087VUH
1123 Clayton Colwell CLA562CXR
1124 Rie Okamoto RIE756ACS
1125 Howard Shubs HOW807IZX
1126 Jesse Clark JES839GZE
1127 David Cogen DAV673WZL
1128 Dove Cogen DOV649SBF
1129 Markus Theelen MAR572IFE
1130 Denis Gahan DEN538HKT
1131 Chris van Eyck CHR827VCA
1132 Joan Skinner JOA928SUV
1133 Topher Morris TOP824VPT
1134 Rob Montanaro ROB068CEV
1135 John Cook JOH619JBQ
1136 J. P. Dowd JPD057BXP
1137 Sergiu Dumitriu SER814RQW
1138 Dave Cresswell DAV230ACG
1139 Jonathan Middleton JON628EPX
1140 Kat Black KAT381UGP
1141 Jasper Cook JAS647EQI
1142 Ken Furuya KEN153YDS
1143 Dan & Jane (Patrick Ingram) DAN108GOZ
1144 Marjorie McDonald MAR625WOL
1145 Daniel Peake DAN872IMP
1146 Eero Astala EER586QWM
1147 Suzi Gaskin SUZ352TJX
1148 Gaelan D'costa GAE762TYE
1149 John Balgenorth JOH495UAB
1150 Wayne Hill WAY467RTD
1151 Daryn Cash DAR345YZV
1152 Stefan Carey STE627UEY
1153 Daniel Dolenský DAN837UTA
1154 Chris Navta CHR064SRU
1155 Hilary Navta HIL539POK
1156 Jeff Carroll JEF831HXB
1157 Geoffrey Smith GEO802HMB
1158 Corine Schramke COR461KHV
1159 Joe Fusion JOE714CNO
1160 Dana Nuccitelli DAN504NRS
1161 Jason Shewchuk JAS067JXY
1162 Jess Judge JES359MEW
1163 Tracy Hadden Loh TRA130DBR
1164 Philip Brenner PHI892CYQ
1165 Chris Scherrer CHR891QTZ
1166 Puck & Loki (Alden Sliter) PUC297KBF
1167 Cal Jestice CAL307WKV
1168 Laurel Schultz LAU134DXQ
1169 William Nguyen WIL802OPQ
1170 Loki K (Jason Strayer) LOK938QDN
1171 Muffy (Jo Guthrie) MUF469OLH
1172 Richard Rowan RIC743HRF
1173 Ryan Shewchuk RYA846KFJ
1174 Paul Hunt PAU017WXH
1175 Christian Leonhard CHR219BNG
1176 William Carlin WIL425VZA
1177 Kristin Manning KRI951NAZ
1178 Shane Doak SHA524UEB
1179 Parke & Bill (Matthew Bostrom) PAR547LBE
1180 Rosella Alm ROS350BSU
1181 Mark Smithson MAR147LJO
1182 Elizabeth House ELI027WNV
1183 Cary Wheeler CAR137MDE
1184 Nancy Stover NAN530RKF
1185 Kirk House KIR589HTV
1186 Alitha Palich ALI915JOB
1187 Michael Kragh Pedersen MIC163YVK
1188 Mitch Jones MIT402UBK
1189 Ann Rosebrook ANN186AJE
1190 Rachel Jarvis RAC087DNP
1191 Roger Randall ROG378GPI
1192 Jon Azose JON853JTW
1193 David Goldsmith DAV348OIH
1194 Suellen Willson SUE598XQK
1195 Ronald Myers RON940FOV
1196 Shannon Pearcy SHA354HZS
1197 Lucas Wagner LUC934FUM
1198 Calisa & Albert CAL957UVL
1199 Ciaran Walsh CIA507IPR
1200 Marisa Ong MAR146KTR
1201 Jason Roberts JAS895GJC
1202 Todd S. Murchison TOD748ZME
1203 Adam Ashworth ADA657PER
1204 Richard Mayorgas RIC638ORY
1205 Marco Calcaterra MAR859GRC
1206 Robert Reeves ROB195IQY
1207 Nathaniel Donkin NAT254RNO
1208 Lars Marcussen LAR467JSX
1209 Lars Marcussen LAR125JTF
1210 Sarah Gandt SAR691WQB
1211 Lloyd Unruh LLO123EHO
1212 David Issac Frohman DAV107PUH
1213 Malte Rogacki MAL346IGH
1214 Sam Marcus SAM421WAT
1215 Brian Gartner BRI645GKQ
1216 Douglas Parker DOU269UZV
1217 Jerry & Carol JER524VJF
1218 Jeremy Bernstein JER584OSP
1219 Philip Grant PHI175ESB
1220 Kevin Ballard KEV957VCE
1221 Ruvim Breydo RUV639QZX
1222 John Corcoran JOH294ZHY
1223 Glenn VanDerWoude GLE910QTJ
1224 Andrew Bennett AND489TIB
1225 Karl Lund KAR679KBL
1226 Jane Pattison JAN236VDC
1227 Theo Clarke THE650FGA
1228 Larry Johnson LAR415OLS
1229 Robin Lake ROB860QYP
1230 Yan Zhang YAN182CXJ
1231 Simon Vinci SIM358PQA
1232 Robert Kaelin ROB769RDA
1233 David Robinson DAV507IYF
1234 Chris Farrell CHR924YQK
1235 Samantha Preuninger SAM438EFM
1236 Eric Prestemon ERI908GSW
1237 Martha Ennis MAR601GDX
1238 David Binnion DAV854OKV
1239 Nathan Carpenter NAT905BMX
1240 Wanlop Klongchuen WAN612IFG
1241 Jacob Skytte JAC463NCW
1242 Shari K. Murray SHA183KWV
1243 Nicholas Brady NIC386IHY
1244 James Williams JAM248DCI
1245 Charles M. Davis CHA640FLM
1246 Grim Reaper GRI182LYT
1247 Robin Swanson ROB603CUL
1248 Morgan Leecy MOR358DMY
1249 Samuel Dillon SAM406XPQ
1250 Lara Beneshan LAR095TBL
1251 Eric Finley ERI914GXM
1252 Linda Lipps Cervon LIN586HDY
1253 Pablo María Martínez Merino PAB439INJ
1254 Christopher Cotton CHR708DMU
1255 Karsten Lettow KAR540XWF
1256 Isaac Troll ISA915SNM
1257 Steve Jakab STE831LMB
1258 Peter Franzosa PET308OEI
1259 James Shepherd JAM802TMG
1260 Sheila Lonesome SHE274JVM
1261 Michael Tapley MIC542GDA
1262 Todd Hansberger TOD834CQZ
1263 Alik Widge ALI960FIK
1264 Bram Gruneir BRA164TPI
1265 Duncan Odom DUN729STM
1266 Loren Peace LOR846YOC
1267 David Kuntz DAV280AVT
1268 Sandra d'Apollonia SAN185TFM
1269 Martin Greggor MAR079BJS
1270 Zach Archer ZAC309MKE
1271 Sharon Yntema SHA652TOS
1272 Brodie Doornbusch BRO058YPC
1273 Karl J. Smith KAR315KOY
1274 Matthew Shedlick MAT927WDY
1275 Amy Arlin AMY502QZV
1276 Arno Birner ARN704GJC
1277 Tunk & LiLi (Kerry McAlonan) TUN504QZC
1278 Peter Harris PET503TLM
1279 Joachim Söderström JOA176NBF
1280 Bruce Price BRU918WEQ
1281 Jim Mahoney JIM634AEY
1282 Michael Rutman MIC764OPW
1283 William Storey WIL691NJA
1284 Mary Neale MAR850WBL
1285 Julian & Jonathan JUL683NUS
1286 Paul DeVe PAU527KSI
1287 Eddy Carroll EDD087BZP
1288 Thomas Gibbons THO458SXZ
1289 William Gordon WIL510BVN
1290 The Stuhlmillers THE091SDN
1291 Ken Tramadeo KEN372STO
1292 Alexandra Davis ALE967TOG
1293 Steven Payne STE456YDC
1294 Christian Parker CHR158SFK
1295 Darin Adler DAR549WNY
1296 M. Duff Howell MDU293POE
1297 Francis Pennarola FRA196FRG
1298 Scott A. Clausen SCO514QWT
1299 Brian McCloud BRI079EDM
1300 Erik Ceschia ERI214TCL
1301 Antoine “Swifty” Chaperon ANT379ZLJ
1302 Bob & Elsa BOB961XTA
1303 Geoffrey Reeves GEO219LMS
1304 John Cappello JOH701IUP
1305 Michael Farren MIC178GLD
1306 John Corrado JOH890KAR
1307 Lawrence Milask LAW024TDK
1308 Alan Binns ALA617DNF
1309 Fran Campbell FRA176SDW
1310 Sue White SUE890DAJ
1311 Joseph Lyons JOS631IJA
1312 Francis Crick FRA267VRT
1313 James Foley JAM615YOV
1314 Antoinette Adams ANT539YAO
1315 Chris Fernandes CHR430AYR
1316 Douglas Neumann DOU790ZBL
1317 Amy Roos AMY739RPV
1318 James Jardee-Borquist JAM261RLI
1319 Darren Kruger DAR679LTR
1320 Michael Keenan MIC879TIP
1321 Jeff Saxe JEF801GUE
1322 Lars Hagstrom LAR237VJU
1323 Jeff Dalgliesh JEF682RJY
1324 Robert Evangelista ROB859KUL
1325 Terry A. Sweeney TER820FEY
1326 Robert Dickau ROB415ZTI
1327 Roselyn Agosto ROS032JYD
1328 Paul Menzies PAU274CTG
1329 Joelle Key JOE870YGJ
1330 Patrick Delfert PAT045UXP
1331 Emily Mahoney EMI046RHL
1332 Amanda Quinton AMA326ZUX
1333 Lorna & Phil LOR806FLP
1334 Chris Ayotte CHR728VRW
1335 Chip Hayes CHI790PEL
1336 Jacob Palmer JAC321YSA
1337 Jez Fletcher JEZ809WNS
1338 Michael Everson MIC492TAU
1339 Andrew Hinds AND190JYM
1340 Linda & Brad (Auston Stewart) LIN793EXA
1341 Keith Lawrence KEI610XYO
1342 Marko Puumalainen MAR307MAL
1343 Harrison Reiser HAR521ROI
1344 John Cabot JOH920DBT
1345 Calisa Cole CAL843JCV
1346 Genny Ayers GEN618SDH
1347 Paul Kornman PAU079FXV
1348 Maurycy Zarzycki MAU062VOZ
1349 Bodie & Tootie (Cynelic Gast Music, LL) BOD748YUW
1350 Michael Matsumoto MIC791VCJ
1351 Brent Brotine BRE514BEJ
1352 Michael W. Hogan MIC054QLR
1353 Lizabeth VanDegrift LIZ438IWN
1354 Dave Axler DAV156IKL
1355 Leon Higley LEO064LCO
1356 Ray Mann RAY819GXV
1357 Jeremy 3 Cook JER246TRL
1358 Chia Xiao Ling CHI518NXF
1359 Josh Gordon JOS218OZJ
1360 Linda Eisenstein LIN750BNE
1361 Valerie Baker VAL657KOG
1362 B. Lenore Kaye BLE904WNS
1363 Wilderness Dan (Daniel Carpenter II) WIL961TJC
1364 Tim Perkins TIM318HGL
1365 Krispijn James Larrison KRI985ZNM
1366 Scott Tooker SCO841NSU
1367 Gordon Garb GOR085SNX
1368 Bradley Sawatzky BRA295ABD
1369 Patricia B. Pineau PAT519ZAO
1370 Alvin Croll ALV531KEI
1371 The Pust Family THE475RYL
1372 Dan Weintraub DAN430LKU
1373 Fang the Wonderdog (Kathleen Hotchkiss) FAN870EZU
1374 Nathan Gilbert NAT136GWV
1375 Vance Jacobs VAN805BRC
1376 Rafael Maslan RAF905ZDT
1377 Neerav Modi NEE425LKW
1378 Eric & Mallory ERI675BDW
1379 Carol Roemer CAR461HSQ
1380 David Chuhay DAV095WEA
1381 The Burrows THE570KNT
1382 Nicolas Aune NIC831RHC
1383 Paul Green PAU342BHX
1384 Gary Robidoux GAR156PQB
1385 Benjamin Blanding BEN295UVM
1386 Teemu Mäntylä TEE376XKH
1387 Lyle E. Morris LYL304UMX
1388 George Wozniak GEO318GVP
1389 The Sandovals THE582MFE
1390 Nick Darling NIC738HIE
1391 Matt Waldren MAT567DCS
1392 Robin Lake ROB298OZW
1393 Andrew Baldman AND951DVZ
1394 Irven M Holt, Jr. IRV849FVZ
1395 Nick Taylor NIC368IXP
1396 Clyde Kanehiro CLY639YTZ
1397 Kenneth Moodie KEN769TSR
1398 Kirsten Howard KIR735GHK
1399 Melody Evans MEL842FEK
1400 Isandré de Namaspamoos ISA160FKN
1401 Paul S. Craigie PAU158PKB
1402 Jonathan Duffer JON508AUN
1403 Heidi Canner HEI298OLX
1404 Selma R. Canner SEL091ILV
1405 Barbara Finlay BAR867XJV
1406 Brad James BRA123EUR
1407 Keith Hively KEI048OKJ
1408 NLR Butlers NLR943UKJ
1409 Michael Arton MIC604QEI
1410 Aaron Paolini AAR378YKH
1411 Peter O'Brien PET256XKG
1412 Jean Marie Bois JEA916LEO
1413 Mary Weigly MAR073CFL
1414 Rohan Bruckshaw ROH501FPI
1415 Mark Tushnet MAR840TFD
1416 Jeff Gyllen JEF381BQY
1417 Evan Seehausen EVA903SDZ
1418 Dusan Kostic DUS192JIR
1419 Edward Szewczyk EDW078RYQ
1420 Stuart Milam STU638GBE
1421 Dmitry Yampolsky DMI583OAX
1422 Richard Stamp RIC842BRF
1423 Joseph Moreland JOS326HAF
1424 William Byers WIL130RXO
1425 Zucky (Wanderer Com Inc.) ZUC127WYM
1426 Sean O'Neill SEA246VUB
1427 Ted Carson TED594TLJ
1428 Stephen Cerasoli STE698THL
1429 Jeremy Bent JER278IMW
1430 Samuel Leachman SAM012JOF
1431 Janet Moursund JAN209DNS
1432 Mike Brennan MIK136PBJ
1433 Barbara McErlane BAR146BOM
1434 Barb's Slave (Colin Ng) BAR650ROJ
1435 Shane Messer SHA576LTZ
1436 Bart Hanlon BAR413UIN
1437 James Lawrence JAM927ECK
1438 Ernst Mulder ERN037MWR
1439 The Volquinds THE961UCB
1440 David Moore DAV726FIS
1441 Eveline Frei EVE053YCT
1442 Kyle Asay KYL057RTO
1443 Keith Bogart KEI410EDG
1444 The Connells THE631AUF
1445 Holly Black HOL275YIZ
1446 Gale Vigfusson GAL025WAV
1447 Jesse McGatha JES240JWM
1448 John Andrews JOH916UMV
1449 Justin Travers JUS594NKT
1450 Craig Steffen CRA105SHK
1451 Ciarán Bohane CIA176POM
1452 Max Kazer MAX876TAO
1453 Dick Ivy DIC157EFZ
1454 Pamela Porter PAM057JDK
1455 Jeff Halter JEF408PXU
1456 Lisa Ives LIS384JWC
1457 Brian Dibbins BRI607UNG
1458 Teri K. Pettit TER931TON
1459 Örjan Vallin RJA953ATK
1460 Saundra Foderick SAU036KJZ
1461 Emily Prenner EMI189EVT
1462 Linda Hawkins LIN451XPZ
1463 Howard Deshong HOW319UIW
1464 Candace Vogler CAN234UEY
1465 Sean Gugler SEA932HSX
1466 Lawrence Brenkus LAW879NKY
1467 McConkey Clan MCC625LEN
1468 Rainsford (Curious Games) RAI274NFP
1469 Kevin Jones KEV392JSH
1470 Celia Hall CEL598DUQ
1471 Francois Lalande FRA873CSP
1472 Katharyn O'Steen KAT301PBT
1473 Mike Harms MIK405URQ
1474 Steve Wiggins STE732RSA
1475 The Schepers THE465VJT
1476 Chuck Fouquette CHU407CNJ
1477 Doomspark (Geoffrey Avalon) DOO935WBE
1478 Wesley May WES104XDG
1479 Aneel Nazareth ANE153SVF
1480 Pavel Holec PAV271JTH
1481 Chris Kasten CHR923LYT
1482 Marie Towns MAR594TVG
1483 Edward Szewczyk EDW236OXD
1484 Joseph Giannuzzi JOS589XID
1485 Amanda Nichols AMA483CXZ
1486 Graham Gales GRA641UJH
1487 William Jones WIL302GKH
1488 Robert Deans ROB758SLW
1489 Benoît Leduc BEN231RUL
1490 James Mead JAM746GYC
1491 Stuart Ashen STU790ZWD
1492 Vanessa Buemi VAN709EZO
1493 Lenore May LEN980EAN
1494 Gail Hansen GAI584JSG
1495 Chauncey Douglas CHA509ASW
1496 Richard Harper RIC705GEU
1497 Nico de Poel NIC580SDU
1498 Nicole Buxhoeveden NIC810WMA
1499 The Lind Family THE902LVB
1500 Damien Poussier DAM543FAK
1501 John Batchelder JOH604VTA
1502 Kateyina Skotalova KAT976MPJ
1503 John Wilkinson JOH045PON
1504 Scott Percival SCO056QAP
1505 Karin Foster KAR640LPR
1506 Joel Northwall JOE358NAO
1507 Richard Buck RIC193MUJ
1508 Nancy Paul NAN649ANJ
1509 Jason Turner-Maier JAS189CGX
1510 William Whalen WIL079UJT
1511 Alexander Heard ALE435OQE
1512 Velvet Hutson VEL852UCE
1513 Christine Anderson CHR047IZN
1514 Rebecca Macintosh REB274KLM
1515 Paul Remis PAU910XRK
1516 Richard Boehm RIC278UOL
1517 Stan Kruger STA275NST
1518 Loretta Franklin LOR592UWY
1519 Stephen L. Fletcher STE417DHF
1520 Michael Kane MIC417FAH
1521 David Mason DAV328DWH
1522 Lorre Vaughn LOR827CKZ
1523 Andrew Ryder AND150MJA
1524 Scott McKie SCO359MEP
1525 Michael Carlson MIC196SYC
1526 Joshua Paley JOS670BPA
1527 Gail Forr GAI076MCW
1528 Rob Baird ROB316OBK
1529 Christopher Hill CHR283QGB
1530 Beverly Winterbottom BEV869QYT
1531 Stan Lipstadt STA428QAF
1532 Jefferson Ng JEF763LMI
1533 Jonathan Lippard JON527EIZ
1534 Kalle-Petteri Mäenpää KAL201GWI
1535 Margo Lake MAR156WCT
1536 Paul Asher PAU365POV
1537 Darren Prevost DAR812AYU
1538 David Kahn DAV956EJH
1539 Dennis Osborne DEN281LBC
1540 Paul Mithra PAU589JAH
1541 Jani Mithra JAN031FLZ
1542 Sara Mithra SAR965YMN
1543 Joel Azose JOE815TGP
1544 Aaron Azose AAR728MLA
1545 Al Azose ALA648LVS
1546 Jonathan Raven JON972AXE
1547 Jim Follette JIM397EWY
1548 Sophie Huet SOP673DOV
1549 Kenster Rosenberry KEN260HXI
1550 Sidney Sparks SID206IMK
1551 Patrick Kurts PAT716KNJ
1552 Robert Henderson ROB537AGB
1553 Keith Kaisershot KEI132RME
1554 Sanna Linsefors SAN098OTM
1555 Jonathan Beeler JON206RJI
1556 Chris & Kendra CHR286AYW
1557 Ladd Van Tol LAD042ZSO
1558 Marie McKenna MAR160NKT
1559 Cameron Armstrong CAM284CQW
1560 Joe Kugelman JOE471ALP
1561 Jonathan Mann JON245IBP
1562 Russell Lim RUS684RDG
1563 Julie Richter JUL854OEK
1564 Emily Deere EMI830FQM
1565 Ari Gass ARI256BRL
1566 Mark Radosevich MAR206GWH
1567 Yuriy Melkov YUR526YUI
1568 Rebekah Clower REB328MDL
1569 Phaedre Sassano PHA375YHP
1570 James Crouch JAM762JNP
1571 JB Segal JBS036AJD
1572 Philip Tan PHI386SZB
1573 Lars-Ove Karlsson LAR987SBA
1574 Peter DeWolf PET824KNW
1575 Kevin Lash KEV670MPN
1576 Greg Collins GRE214AFP
1577 Shane – Just Adventure SHA253HTA
1578 Richard Moss - RIC870OGZ
1579 John Starkweather JOH957KQM
1580 Benjamin Smith BEN143FWP
1581 Marion Bates MAR823MOR
1582 Alex Negvesky ALE073GIQ
1583 John Boscardin JOH538CJX
1584 Chris Proctor CHR814EYO
1585 Robert Carpenter ROB162XDM
1586 Jonathan Casper JON372KHI
1587 Leigh Hadlum LEI678JKN
1588 Sam Graefe SAM305QED
1589 Tim Riley TIM570OPH
1590 Edward Karuna EDW379MZJ
1591 Stephen Blessing STE397QCZ
1592 Gitte Kjaer GIT591QJG
1593 John Kasiborski JOH429RKI
1594 Seth Cohen SET637YLE
1595 Diane King DIA850TUQ
1596 Heath Sias HEA674UVD
1597 Stig Remnes STI659SID
1598 Tack Kuntz TAC864FOG
1599 Devin Riley DEV283IDH
1600 Peter Sarrett PET693RFL
1601 Matthew Van Wormer MAT835BKE
1602 Patrick Ross PAT790HOL
1603 Andrew Dormanen AND739ZSP
1604 Richard McDowell RIC587HNS
1605 Karen Hall KAR908LZK
1606 Dave Taylor DAV984QFD
1607 John Davis JOH052QJA
1608 Ivan Eldor Nielsen IVA289XIB
1609 Louis Pillet LOU152QYJ
1610 Sans Malice (Christopher Kaskoun) SAN069VWP
1611 Grace Kelso GRA156SJP
1612 Jeffrey Lampert JEF019ESL
1613 Alexander Harby ALE657QYS
1614 Michael Walsh MIC186XNB
1615 Naomi Bell NAO378MHX
1616 Andrew Fry AND541YFG
1617 Charles Dearolf CHA206HKJ
1618 Marc Destefano MAR594CMY
1619 Jeff Freeman JEF017CFI
1620 Ari Benbasat ARI938UCK
1621 Marc Cellucci MAR091YBW
1622 Robert Strauss ROB638FPC
1623 Roger Blackman ROG087CAV
1624 Kenneth Levin KEN621QJS
1625 Stephanie Paige STE935FSZ
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