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Created August 31, 2018 08:50
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{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Reddit where
import Control.Monad (forM_, join)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Test.QuickCheck
data Category =
| Animal
| Funny
| Math
| Science
| Haskell
| Barbados
| Video
| News
deriving (Eq, Show, Enum)
data Article = Article
{ aId :: !Integer
, aTitle :: !Text
, aAuthor :: !User
, aDescription :: !Text
, aCategory :: !Category
, aComments :: ![Comment]
, aTotalPoint :: !Int
, aTotalResponse :: !Int
} deriving Show
data Comment = Comment
{ cId :: !Integer
, cAuthor :: !User
, cParentId :: !(Maybe Integer)
, cPoint :: !Int
, cDescription :: !Text
, cResponse :: ![Comment]
} deriving Show
data User = User
{ userId :: !Integer
, userName :: !Text
} deriving Show
instance Arbitrary Text where
arbitrary = fromString <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary User where
arbitrary = do
userName <- elements ["Hiroto", "Ikuma", "Anna"]
userId <- choose (1, 10000000)
pure User {..}
instance Arbitrary Comment where
arbitrary = do
cId <- arbitrary
cParentId <- arbitrary
cAuthor <- arbitrary
cPoint <- choose (1, 100)
cDescription <- arbitrary
-- Problem!!
listLen <- choose (0,2)
cResponse <- vectorOf listLen arbitrary
pure Comment {..}
instance Arbitrary Article where
arbitrary = do
aId <- arbitrary
aTitle <- elements [ "Fishing with dolphins", "Fruits on genoside"
               , "Franklin??", "Haskell in Barbados"]
aAuthor <- arbitrary
aDescription <- arbitrary
aCategory <- elements [Internet .. News]
aComments <- arbitrary
let aTotalPoint = sum $ map sumPoint aComments
aTotalResponse = length aComments + sum (map sumResponse aComments)
pure Article {..}
sumPoint :: Comment -> Int
sumPoint Comment{..} =
if null cResponse
then cPoint
else cPoint + sum (map sumPoint cResponse)
sumResponse :: Comment -> Int
sumResponse Comment{..} =
if null cResponse
then 0
else length cResponse + sum (map sumResponse cResponse)
sumPointAndResponse :: Comment -> (Int, Int)
sumPointAndResponse comment =
let totalPoint = sumPoint comment
totalResponse = sumResponse comment
in (totalPoint, totalResponse)
sumPointArticle :: Article -> Int
sumPointArticle Article{..} = sum $ map sumPoint aComments
sumResponseArticle :: Article -> Int
sumResponseArticle Article{..} = length aComments + sum (map sumResponse aComments)
findCommentById :: Integer -> Article -> Maybe Comment
findCommentById commentId Article{..} = join $ safeHead $ map (findComment commentId) aComments
findComment :: Integer -> Comment -> Maybe Comment
findComment comId comment@Comment{..}
| comId == cId = Just comment
| null cResponse =
join $ safeHead $ map (findComment comId) cResponse
| otherwise = Nothing
isCommentAvailable :: Integer -> Article -> Bool
isCommentAvailable commentId article = isJust $ findCommentById commentId article
safeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a
safeHead xs
| null xs = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ head xs
runSumComment :: Int -> IO ()
runSumComment num = do
randomComments <- generate $ vectorOf num (arbitrary :: Gen Comment)
let accComments = map sumPointAndResponse randomComments
forM_ accComments (\(point, response) ->
putStrLn $ "The total point is: " <> show point <> ", # of responses " <> show response)
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