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Created September 15, 2018 03:17
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Trie tree arbitrary instance
-- |A @'Trie' a b@ is a map with keys of type @[a]@ and values of type @b@.
data Trie a b = Fork (Maybe b) (Map a (Trie a b))
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance (Ord a, Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (Trie a b) where
arbitrary :: Gen (Trie a b)
arbitrary = sized $ \n -> if n == 0 -- We interpret the size n as maximum number of values
-- stored in the trie.
then return empty -- If the n == 0, the trie must be empty.
else do
mb <- arbitrary -- Chose a value for the empty key (or not).
let n' = maybe n (const $ n - 1) mb -- n' is the maximum number of additional elements.
as <- arbitrary :: Gen [a] -- Pick arbitrary key heads.
m <- resize n' $ f as -- resize to n' before picking an arbitrary Map.
return $ Fork mb m
f ::[a] -> Gen (Map a (Trie a b))
f [] = return M.empty
f (a : as) = sized $ \n -> do
t <- arbitrary -- Recursively pick an arbitrary sub-trie.
let n' = max 0 (n - length t) -- update the maximum number of additional elements.
m <- resize n' (f as) -- Pick the rest of the dictionary recursively.
return $ M.insert a t m
shrink :: Trie a b -> [Trie a b] -- We want to ensure that all shrinks of a valid trie are valid.
shrink (Fork mb m) =
let ms = [M.insert a t'' m | (a, t') <- M.toList m, t'' <- shrink t', not (null t'')]
-- Recursively shrink a sub-trie, but don't let it become empty.
++ [M.delete a m | a <- M.keys m]
-- Delete a sub-trie from the Map.
in case mb of
Nothing -> [Fork Nothing m' | m' <- ms] -- If no value is stored for the empty key, we just take what we got.
Just _ -> [Fork mb m' | m' <- ms] -- If there is a value, we can additionally delete that value.
++ [Fork Nothing m' | m' <- m : ms] -- In that case, we can optionally keep the Map as is.
-- | A QuickCheck generator for /@'valid'@/ tries.
genValidTrie :: forall a b. (Ord a, Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Gen (Trie a b)
genValidTrie = sized $ \n -> case n of
0 -> return empty
1 -> oneof
[ return empty
, arbitrary >>= \b -> return $ Fork (Just b) M.empty
_ -> do
mb <- arbitrary
let n' = maybe n (const $ n - 1) mb
as <- arbitrary :: Gen [a]
m <- resize n' $ f as
return $ Fork mb m
f ::[a] -> Gen (Map a (Trie a b))
f [] = return M.empty
f (a : as) = sized $ \n -> do
t <- genValidTrie
let l = length t
let n' = max 0 (n - l)
m <- resize n' (f as)
return $ if l == 0 then m else M.insert a t m
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