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Last active December 29, 2022 12:33
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  • Save Hiweus/2b2853193b8a627db705f42f7d523c44 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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const camelToSnakeCase = str => str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, letter => `_${letter.toLowerCase()}`);
function mapFieldsToStorageName(name) {
const map = new Map()
map.set('userId', 'owner_id')
return map.get(name) ?? camelToSnakeCase(name)
function generateQuery(tableName, filters, ordering, options) {
const values = []
let where = ""
for(const camelCaseId in filters) {
const snakeCaseId = mapFieldsToStorageName(camelCaseId)
const operations = filters[camelCaseId]
for(const {value, operation} of operations) {
if(where.length > 0) {
where += " AND "
if(operation === 'in') {
const repeated = '?, '.repeat(value.length - 1) + '?'
where += `${snakeCaseId} ${operation} (${repeated})`
} else {
where += `${snakeCaseId} ${operation ?? '='} ?`
where = (where.length > 0 ? 'WHERE ' : '') + where
let orderBy = ""
for(const camelCaseId in ordering) {
const snakeCaseId = mapFieldsToStorageName(camelCaseId)
const direction = ordering[camelCaseId] ?? 'asc'
if(orderBy.length > 0) {
orderBy += ", "
orderBy += `${snakeCaseId} ${direction}`
if(orderBy.length > 0) {
orderBy = `ORDER BY ${orderBy}`
let limitQuery = ""
if(options.limit) {
limitQuery = `LIMIT ${options.limit}`
const sql = `select * from ${tableName} ${where} ${orderBy} ${limitQuery}`.trim()
return [sql, values]
const query = generateQuery('invoices', {
vehicleId: [{ operation: '=', value: '12' }, { operation: '!=', value: '76' }],
startedAt: [{ operation: '>', value: new Date() }, { operation: '<', value: new Date() }],
userId: [{ operation: 'in', value: [1, 2, 3, 4]}]
}, {
vehicleId: 'asc',
startedDate: 'desc',
userId: 'desc'
}, {
limit: 100
'select * from invoices WHERE vehicle_id = ? AND vehicle_id != ? AND started_at > ? AND started_at < ? AND owner_id in (?, ?, ?, ?) ORDER BY vehicle_id asc, started_date desc, owner_id desc LIMIT 100',
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