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Last active December 24, 2019 07:23
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HMAC-CRC Solution
#!/usr/bin/env python
Utility fonction to convert from one form to an other
def to_bits(length, N):
return [int(i) for i in bin(N)[2:].zfill(length)]
def from_bits(N):
return int("".join(str(i) for i in N), 2)
def str_to_bits(s):
return [b for i in s for b in to_bits(8, ord(i))]
def bits_to_hex(b):
return hex(from_bits(b)).rstrip("L")
def to_xor_formula(val):
result = []
for i in val:
if i == 0:
return result
Those are the modified crc, xor and hmac fonction that will perform
their operation symbolically.
def crc(mesg):
mesg += CONST
shift = 0
while shift < len(mesg) - 64:
ov = mesg[shift]
for i in range(65):
if CRC_POLY[i].fields[0] == "1":
mesg[shift + i] = mesg[shift + i].xor(ov)
shift += 1
return mesg[-64:]
def xor(x, y):
return [g.xor(h) for (g, h) in zip(x, y)]
def hmac(h, key, mesg):
return h(xor(key, OUTER) + h(xor(key, INNER) + mesg))
Those are the original crc, xor and hmac function.
def crcn(mesg):
mesg += CONST
shift = 0
while shift < len(mesg) - 64:
if mesg[shift]:
for i in range(65):
mesg[shift + i] ^= CRC_POLY[i]
shift += 1
return mesg[-64:]
INNER = to_bits(8, 0x36) * 8
OUTER = to_bits(8, 0x5c) * 8
def xorn(x, y):
return [g ^ h for (g, h) in zip(x, y)]
def hmacn(h, key, mesg):
return h(xorn(key, OUTER) + h(xorn(key, INNER) + mesg))
Guassian matrix solver for XOR operation.
def solve(equation, result):
system = []
for i in range(64):
if "1" in equation[i].fields:
result[i] ^= 1
r = [0]*64
for k in range(64):
if "K" + str(k) in equation[i].fields:
r[k] = 1
for i in range(64):
good_row = -1
for j in range(i, 64):
if system[j][i] == 1:
good_row = j
if good_row == -1:
tmp = system[i]
system[i] = system[good_row]
system[good_row] = tmp
tmp = result[i]
result[i] = result[good_row]
result[good_row] = tmp
for j in range(64):
if i != j and system[j][i] == 1:
system[j] = xorn(system[j], system[i])
result[j] ^= result[i]
return result
Holds the symbolic result that's a series of XOR.
class XorFormula:
fields = []
def __init__(self, a):
self.fields = a
def xor(self, a):
c_field = self.fields[:]
for g in a.fields:
# When we add xor value, if the value is already present,
# they cancel each other (K0 ^ K0 ^ 1 == 1)
if g in c_field:
return XorFormula(c_field)
def __str__(self):
return " ^ ".join(self.fields)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
# We set the KEY to be 64 symbolics variables K0 up to K63.
KEY = []
for i in range(64):
KEY.append(XorFormula(["K" + str(i)]))
CRC_POLY = to_bits(65, (2**64) + 0xeff67c77d13835f7)
CONST = to_bits(64, 0xabaddeadbeef1dea)
INNER = to_bits(8, 0x36) * 8
OUTER = to_bits(8, 0x5c) * 8
PLAIN_1 = "zupe zecret"
# We need to transform the other existing input to be
# symbolic too.
INNER = to_xor_formula(INNER)
OUTER = to_xor_formula(OUTER)
CRC_POLY = to_xor_formula(CRC_POLY)
CONST = to_xor_formula(CONST)
PLAIN_1_V = to_xor_formula(str_to_bits(PLAIN_1))
PLAIN_2_V = to_xor_formula(str_to_bits(PLAIN_2))
# We perform the crc computation of PLAIN_1.
# Since the KEY was set as a series of symbolic
# variable, the result will be the a series of
# 64 equations that will have 0, 1, K0, K1, ...
# K63 as their components.
equation = hmac(crc, KEY, PLAIN_1_V)
result = to_bits(64, 0xa57d43a032feb286)
# We solve the equation system that we obtained with
# the result that was given in the problem. This
# will give us the value of the KEY.
KEY = solve(equation, result)
# We use this key to compute the HMAC-CRC of PLAIN_2
CRC_POLY = to_bits(65, (2**64) + 0xeff67c77d13835f7)
CONST = to_bits(64, 0xabaddeadbeef1dea)
INNER = to_bits(8, 0x36) * 8
OUTER = to_bits(8, 0x5c) * 8
# Print the final flag !
print "BKPCTF{" + bits_to_hex(hmacn(crcn, KEY, str_to_bits(PLAIN_2))) + "}"
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