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Swift convenience wrapper for the userInfo values associated with a UIKeyboard notification
import UIKit
/// Wrapper for the NSNotification userInfo values associated with a keyboard notification.
/// It provides properties that retrieve userInfo dictionary values with these keys:
/// - UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey
/// - UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey
/// - UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey
/// - UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey
public struct KeyboardNotification {
let notification: NSNotification
let userInfo: NSDictionary
/// Initializer
/// :param: notification Keyboard-related notification
public init(_ notification: NSNotification) {
self.notification = notification
if let userInfo = notification.userInfo {
self.userInfo = userInfo
else {
self.userInfo = NSDictionary()
/// Start frame of the keyboard in screen coordinates
public var screenFrameBegin: CGRect {
if let value = userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? NSValue {
return value.CGRectValue()
else {
return CGRectZero
/// End frame of the keyboard in screen coordinates
public var screenFrameEnd: CGRect {
if let value = userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? NSValue {
return value.CGRectValue()
else {
return CGRectZero
/// Keyboard animation duration
public var animationDuration: Double {
if let number = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] as? NSNumber {
return number.doubleValue
else {
return 0.25
/// Keyboard animation curve
/// Note that the value returned by this method may not correspond to a
/// UIViewAnimationCurve enum value. For example, in iOS 7 and iOS 8,
/// this returns the value 7.
public var animationCurve: Int {
if let number = userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey] as? NSNumber {
return number.integerValue
return UIViewAnimationCurve.EaseInOut.rawValue
/// Start frame of the keyboard in coordinates of specified view
/// :param: view UIView to whose coordinate system the frame will be converted
/// :returns: frame rectangle in view's coordinate system
public func frameBeginForView(view: UIView) -> CGRect {
return view.convertRect(screenFrameBegin, fromView: view.window)
/// End frame of the keyboard in coordinates of specified view
/// :param: view UIView to whose coordinate system the frame will be converted
/// :returns: frame rectangle in view's coordinate system
public func frameEndForView(view: UIView) -> CGRect {
return view.convertRect(screenFrameEnd, fromView: view.window)
// Example of using KeyboardNotification to update an NSLayoutConstraint
import UIKit
final class ViewController: UIViewController {
// Outlet for a layout constraint that specifies distance from bottom of
// a subview to the bottom of the view.
// This constraint will be updated when the keyboard appears, disappears,
// or changes size.
@IBOutlet weak var bottomLayoutConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
selector: "keyboardWillChangeFrameNotification:",
name: UIKeyboardWillChangeFrameNotification,
object: nil)
override func viewDidDisappear(animated: Bool) {
func keyboardWillChangeFrameNotification(notification: NSNotification) {
let n = KeyboardNotification(notification)
let keyboardFrame = n.frameEndForView(self.view)
let animationDuration = n.animationDuration
let animationCurve = n.animationCurve
let viewFrame = self.view.frame
let newBottomOffset = viewFrame.maxY - keyboardFrame.minY
delay: 0,
options: UIViewAnimationOptions(rawValue: UInt(animationCurve << 16)),
animations: {
self.bottomLayoutConstraint.constant = newBottomOffset
completion: nil
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