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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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  • Save Hocdoc/42da3712d91ec976e39d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Cluster1 Node info
name: cluster1
transport_address: inet[]
version: 1.3.4
build: a70f3cc
http_address: inet[/]
settings: {
pidfile: /var/run/
path: {
conf: /etc/elasticsearch
data: /var/lib/elasticsearch
logs: /var/log/elasticsearch
work: /tmp/elasticsearch
home: /usr/share/elasticsearch
node: {
name: cluster1
cluster: {
name: elasticsearch
discovery: {
zen: {
ping: {
unicast: {
hosts: [
name: cluster1
index: {
merge: {
scheduler: {
max_thread_count: 1
config: /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
network: {
os: {
refresh_interval_in_millis: 1000
available_processors: 8
cpu: {
vendor: Intel
model: Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
mhz: 3401
total_cores: 8
total_sockets: 8
cores_per_socket: 16
cache_size_in_bytes: 8192
mem: {
total_in_bytes: 33423265792
swap: {
total_in_bytes: 34359734272
process: {
refresh_interval_in_millis: 1000
id: 21315
max_file_descriptors: 65535
mlockall: false
jvm: {
pid: 21315
version: 1.8.0
vm_name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
vm_version: 25.0-b70
vm_vendor: Oracle Corporation
start_time_in_millis: 1412844617749
mem: {
heap_init_in_bytes: 17179869184
heap_max_in_bytes: 17110138880
non_heap_init_in_bytes: 2555904
non_heap_max_in_bytes: 0
direct_max_in_bytes: 17110138880
gc_collectors: [
memory_pools: [
Code Cache
Compressed Class Space
Par Eden Space
Par Survivor Space
CMS Old Gen
thread_pool: {
percolate: {
type: fixed
min: 8
max: 8
queue_size: 1k
snapshot_data: {
type: scaling
min: 1
max: 5
keep_alive: 5m
queue_size: -1
bench: {
type: scaling
min: 1
max: 4
keep_alive: 5m
queue_size: -1
index: {
type: fixed
min: 8
max: 8
queue_size: 200
refresh: {
type: scaling
min: 1
max: 4
keep_alive: 5m
queue_size: -1
suggest: {
type: fixed
min: 8
max: 8
queue_size: 1k
generic: {
type: cached
keep_alive: 30s
queue_size: -1
warmer: {
type: scaling
min: 1
max: 4
keep_alive: 5m
queue_size: -1
search: {
type: fixed
min: 24
max: 24
queue_size: 1k
flush: {
type: scaling
min: 1
max: 4
keep_alive: 5m
queue_size: -1
optimize: {
type: fixed
min: 1
max: 1
queue_size: -1
management: {
type: scaling
min: 1
max: 5
keep_alive: 5m
queue_size: -1
get: {
type: fixed
min: 8
max: 8
queue_size: 1k
merge: {
type: scaling
min: 1
max: 4
keep_alive: 5m
queue_size: -1
bulk: {
type: fixed
min: 8
max: 8
queue_size: 50
snapshot: {
type: scaling
min: 1
max: 4
keep_alive: 5m
queue_size: -1
network: {
refresh_interval_in_millis: 5000
primary_interface: {
name: eth0
mac_address: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
transport: {
bound_address: inet[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9300]
publish_address: inet[]
http: {
bound_address: inet[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9200]
publish_address: inet[/]
max_content_length_in_bytes: 104857600
plugins: [
name: marvel
version: NA
description: Elasticsearch Management & Monitoring
url: /_plugin/marvel/
jvm: true
site: true
name: analysis-icu
version: 2.3.0
description: UTF related ICU analysis support
jvm: true
site: false
name: head
version: NA
description: No description found.
url: /_plugin/head/
jvm: false
site: true
name: kopf
version: 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT
description: kopf - simple web administration tool for ElasticSearch
url: /_plugin/kopf/
jvm: false
site: true
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