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HockeyInJune /
Last active January 4, 2021 19:29
wpdc demo
import sys
import json
import hmac
import urllib
import hashlib
import requests
username = '{YOUR-USERNAME}'
key = '{YOUR-API-KEY}'.encode()
HockeyInJune / Security
Last active April 12, 2020 14:52
Security Education

Accredited Universities

Full Online Courses

### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am HockeyInJune on github.
* I am hockeyinjune ( on keybase.
* I have a public key whose fingerprint is 7367 009A 5A4E 3C4B 1C91 BF13 4293 B2F2 4DEB 2526
To claim this, I am signing this object:
HockeyInJune / Exploitation
Created February 16, 2014 01:07
Here are the tutorials we ran in #tutorials on IRC for CSAW CTF 2013.
04:28 -!- mode/#tutorials [+m] by HockeyInJune
04:28 <~HockeyInJune> Okay, we'll be starting again in a second.
04:29 <~HockeyInJune> Exploitation 1 is next at 19 votes.
04:29 <~HockeyInJune> Let's do that one.
04:29 <~HockeyInJune> You'll need IDA Demo and a Text Editor.
04:29 <~HockeyInJune>
04:29 <~HockeyInJune>
04:31 <~HockeyInJune> Oh, isn't this a great song?
04:31 <~HockeyInJune> Alright, let's get started.
04:31 <~HockeyInJune> The times the are a-changin'