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Last active August 30, 2021 20:47
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Simple implementation of tavianator's branchless aabb->segment collision algo with SFML vectors
#include <cmath>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
struct AABB
sf::Vector2f origin;
sf::Vector2f size;
struct Segment
sf::Vector2f x0; //source
sf::Vector2f x1; //destination
sf::Vector2f n(){return x1 - x0;}; //direction
sf::Vector2f inverseDirection(){return {1 / n().x, 1 / n().y};};
bool intersection(AABB b, Segment r) {
double tx1 = (b.origin.x - r.x0.x) * r.inverseDirection().x;
double tx2 = ((b.origin.x + b.size.x) - r.x0.x) * r.inverseDirection().x;
double tmin = fmin(tx1, tx2);
double tmax = fmax(tx1, tx2);
double ty1 = (b.origin.y - r.x0.y) * r.inverseDirection().y;
double ty2 = ((b.origin.y + b.size.y) - r.x0.y) * r.inverseDirection().y;
tmin = fmax(tmin, fmin(ty1, ty2));
tmax = fmin(tmax, fmax(ty1, ty2));
return tmax >= tmin;
int main()
AABB r = {{100,100},{100,100}};
Segment s = {{50,50},{300,310}};
Segment nonIntersect = {{210,280},{210,290}};
puts(intersection(r, s)? "Yes" : "No");
puts(intersection(r, nonIntersect)? "Yes" : "No");
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