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Last active January 2, 2023 12:51
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import glob
import pathlib
import os
import os.path
import shutil
import sys
MCA_PATERN = 'r.*.*.mca'
WORLD_FOLDERS = [ 'entities', 'poi', 'region' ]
JSON_PATTERN = '*.dat'
PLAYERS_FOLDERS = [ 'playerdata' ]
def readArguments():
keep = sys.argv[1]
if not pathlib.Path(keep).is_absolute():
keep = pathlib.Path.home() / '.minecraft' / 'saves' / keep
add = sys.argv[2]
if not pathlib.Path(add).is_absolute():
add = pathlib.Path.home() / '.minecraft' / 'saves' / add
if len(sys.argv) > 3:
offsetPair = sys.argv[3].split(',')
offset = { 'x': int(offsetPair[0]), 'y': int(offsetPair[1]) }
offset = None
return keep, add, offset
def coordinates(name):
parts = name.split('.')
return {
'name': name,
'x': int(parts[1]),
'y': int(parts[2])}
def searchWorlds(path):
root = pathlib.Path(path)
# world = { name: glob.glob(f'{name}/{MCA_PATERN}', root_dir=root) for name in WORLD_FOLDERS }
world = { name: glob.glob(f'{name}/{MCA_PATERN}') for name in WORLD_FOLDERS }
coordinatedWorld = { name: [ coordinates(file) for file in world[name] ] for name in world }
return { 'path': path, 'world': coordinatedWorld, **areaShape(coordinatedWorld) }
def areaShape(world):
area = world[WORLD_FOLDERS[0]]
Xs = [ entry['x'] for entry in area ]
Ys = [ entry['y'] for entry in area ]
geometry = {
'entries': len(area),
'min': { 'x': min(Xs), 'y': min(Ys) },
'max': { 'x': max(Xs), 'y': max(Ys) },
'size': { 'x': max(Xs) - min(Xs) + 1, 'y': max(Ys) - min(Ys) + 1 } }
shape = [ [' '] * geometry['size']['x'] for i in range(geometry['size']['y']) ]
for entry in area:
shape[entry['y'] - geometry['min']['y']][entry['x'] - geometry['min']['x']] = 'X' if entry['x'] == 0 and entry['y'] == 0 else '#'
return { 'geometry': geometry, 'shape': shape }
def shapeString(world):
return '\n'.join([''.join(line) for line in world['shape']])
def copyWorldFiles(keep, add, offset):
print(f'Using offset x={offset["x"]} y={offset["y"]}')
for folder in add['world']:
for file in add['world'][folder]:
f'{keep["path"]}/{folder}/{movedFilename(file, offset)}')
def movedFilename(file, offset):
return f'r.{file["x"] + offset["x"]}.{file["y"] + offset["y"]}.mca'
def mergeWorlds(keep, add, offset=None):
worldKeep = searchWorlds(keep)
print(worldKeep['geometry']); print(shapeString(worldKeep))
worldAdd = searchWorlds(add)
print(worldAdd['geometry']); print(shapeString(worldAdd))
if offset is None:
offset = {
'x': worldKeep['geometry']['max']['x'] + 1 - worldAdd['geometry']['min']['x'],
'y': worldKeep['geometry']['min']['y'] - worldAdd['geometry']['min']['y'] }
copyWorldFiles(worldKeep, worldAdd, offset)
worldMerged = searchWorlds(keep)
print(worldMerged['geometry']); print(shapeString(worldMerged))
def searchPlayers(path):
root = pathlib.Path(path)
# players = glob.glob(f'{PLAYERS_FOLDERS[0]}/{JSON_PATTERN}', root_dir=root)
players = glob.glob(f'{PLAYERS_FOLDERS[0]}/{JSON_PATTERN}')
return { 'path': path, 'ids': [ playerFile.split('/')[1].split('.')[0] for playerFile in players ] }
def searchPlayerFiles(path, name):
root = pathlib.Path(path)
# players = glob.glob(f'{PLAYERS_FOLDERS[0]}/{JSON_PATTERN}', root_dir=root)
return glob.glob(f'**/{name}.*')
def copyPlayerFiles(keep, add):
for player in add['ids']:
if player in keep['ids']:
for file in searchPlayerFiles(add, player):
# shutil.copy2(
def mergePlayers(keep, add):
playersKeep = searchPlayers(keep)
playersAdd = searchPlayers(add)
copyPlayerFiles(playersKeep, playersAdd)
def main():
keep, add, offset = readArguments()
print(keep, add, offset)
mergeWorlds(keep, add, offset)
mergePlayers(keep, add)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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