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Last active August 6, 2023 02:36
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Tetris in batch
@echo off
color 4F
title Tetris by
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
mode con: cols=32 lines=35
set "hashBar=############"
set "ESpace= "
set "LowestYFig=1"
set "HighestYFig=1"
set "BoardYHigh=18"
for /L %%i in (-19, 1, 18) do (
for /L %%y in (1, 1, 10) do (
set "X[%%y]Y[%%i]= "
set "CurrY=18"
set "CurrFig=0"
set "CurrFigRot=1"
for /L %%i in (1, 1, 4) do (
set "PosX%%i=0"
set "PosY%%i=0"
goto Menu
set Pos1_1=5 1 6 1 5 2 6 2
set "CurrFigPos=%Pos1_1%"
set LowestYFig=2
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=5
set RightXFig=6
goto :eof
set Pos2_1=5 1 4 2 5 2 6 2
set Pos2_2=5 1 5 2 6 2 5 3
set Pos2_3=4 1 5 1 6 1 5 2
set Pos2_4=5 1 4 2 5 2 5 3
set "CurrFigPos=!Pos2_%1!"
call :Figure_2_%1
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=2
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=4
set RightXFig=6
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=3
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=5
set RightXFig=6
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=2
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=4
set RightXFig=6
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=3
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=4
set RightXFig=5
goto :eof
set Pos3_1=4 1 4 2 5 2 6 2
set Pos3_2=5 1 6 1 5 2 5 3
set Pos3_3=4 1 5 1 6 1 6 2
set Pos3_4=5 1 5 2 4 3 5 3
set "CurrFigPos=!Pos3_%1!"
call :Figure_3_%1
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=2
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=4
set RightXFig=6
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=3
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=5
set RightXFig=6
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=2
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=4
set RightXFig=6
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=3
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=4
set RightXFig=5
goto :eof
set Pos4_1=6 1 4 2 5 2 6 2
set Pos4_2=5 1 5 2 5 3 6 3
set Pos4_3=4 1 5 1 6 1 4 2
set Pos4_4=4 1 5 1 5 2 5 3
set "CurrFigPos=!Pos4_%1!"
call :Figure_4_%1
goto :eof
echo 1
set LowestYFig=2
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=4
set RightXFig=6
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=3
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=5
set RightXFig=6
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=2
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=4
set RightXFig=6
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=3
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=4
set RightXFig=5
goto :eof
set Pos5_1=5 1 6 1 4 2 5 2
set Pos5_2=5 1 5 2 6 2 6 3
set Pos5_3=5 1 6 1 4 2 5 2
set Pos5_4=5 1 5 2 6 2 6 3
set "CurrFigPos=!Pos5_%1!"
call :Figure_5_%1
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=2
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=4
set RightXFig=6
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=3
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=5
set RightXFig=6
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=2
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=4
set RightXFig=6
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=3
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=5
set RightXFig=6
goto :eof
set Pos6_1=4 1 5 1 5 2 6 2
set Pos6_2=6 1 5 2 6 2 5 3
set Pos6_3=4 1 5 1 5 2 6 2
set Pos6_4=6 1 5 2 6 2 5 3
set "CurrFigPos=!Pos6_%1!"
call :Figure_6_%1
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=1
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=4
set RightXFig=6
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=3
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=5
set RightXFig=6
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=2
set HighestYFig=2
set LeftXFig=4
set RightXFig=6
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=3
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=5
set RightXFig=6
goto :eof
set Pos7_1=4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1
set Pos7_2=6 1 6 2 6 3 6 4
set Pos7_3=4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2
set Pos7_4=5 1 5 2 5 3 5 4
set CurrFigPos=!Pos7_%1!
call :Figure_7_%1
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=1
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=4
set RightXFig=7
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=4
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=5
set RightXFig=5
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=2
set HighestYFig=2
set LeftXFig=4
set RightXFig=7
goto :eof
set LowestYFig=4
set HighestYFig=1
set LeftXFig=5
set RightXFig=5
goto :eof
echo " _____ ___ _____ ___ ___ ___ "
echo "|_ _| __|_ _| _ \_ _/ __|"
echo " | | | _| | | | /| |\__ \"
echo " |_| |___| |_| |_|_\___|___/"
echo 1. Pradeti zaidima
echo 2. Rezultatai
echo 3. Isjungti
choice /N /C:123
if errorlevel 255 goto Menu
if errorlevel 3 goto TheEnd
if errorlevel 2 goto GameResults
if errorlevel 1 goto MainGame
if errorlevel 0 goto Menu
for /L %%i in (-19, 1, 18) do (
for /L %%y in (1, 1, 10) do (
set "X[%%y]Y[%%i]= "
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~VALDYMAS~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo A - Kaire D - Desinen
echo S - Zemyn R - Pasukti
echo Q - Pabaigti
echo ________________________________
echo Norint testi spauskite bet kuri klavisa
pause > nul
set "GamePoints=0"
set "CountNr=0"
call :ClearLine
call :GenerateFigure
call :DrawBoard
choice /N /C:ASDRQ /T 3 /D S
if errorlevel 255 goto MainGameOptions
if errorlevel 5 goto EndOfTheGame
if errorlevel 4 goto RotateFigure
if errorlevel 3 goto MoveRight
if errorlevel 2 goto MoveDown
if errorlevel 1 goto MoveLeft
if errorlevel 0 goto MainGameLoop
set ClearLineY=-1
set /a "HighestYFig1=%HighestYFig%-1"
for /L %%i in (!HighestYFig!, 1, 18) do (
set isLineFull=1
for /L %%a in (1, 1, 10) do (
if "!X[%%a]Y[%%i]!"=="%ESpace%" (
set isLineFull=0
if "!isLineFull!"=="1" (
set /a "GamePoints+=1"
for /L %%a in (1, 1, 10) do (
set "X[%%a]Y[%%i]=%ESpace%"
set LineFullTempNum=%%i
for /L %%a in (1, 1, %%i) do (
for /L %%b in (1, 1, 10) do (
set /a "LineFullTempNum1=!LineFullTempNum!-1"
call :LineFullMoveLine !LineFullTempNum1! !LineFullTempNum! %%b
set /a "LineFullTempNum-=1"
for /L %%i in (-5, 1, 0) do (
for /L %%y in (1, 1, 10) do (
set "X[%%y]Y[%%i]= "
goto :eof
set "X[%3]Y[%2]=!X[%3]Y[%1]!"
goto :eof
set GameOverState=0
set /a "RandNum=(%Random% %% 7) + 1"
set /a "RandNumRot=(%Random% %% 4) + 1"
set FigureNum=%RandNum%
set FigureRotNum=%RandNumRot%
call :Figure_%RandNum% %RandNumRot%
for /L %%i in (1, 1, 8) do (
set "TempFigPos%%i= "
call :isGameOver
if "%GameOverState%"=="1" (
goto EndOfTheGame
call :DrawFunc
goto :eof
for /L %%i in (4, 1, 7) do (
if "!X[%%i]Y[3]!"=="@" (
set "GameOverState=1"
for /L %%i in (1, 2, 8) do (
set b=%%i
set /a "c=%%i+1"
call :DrawFigure !b! !c!
goto :eof
for /F "tokens=%1,%2" %%G in ("%CurrFigPos%") do (
set X[%%G]Y[%%H]=@
goto :eof
for /L %%i in (1, 2, 8) do (
set TempNrRemove=%%i
set /a "TempNrRemove1=%%i+1"
call :RemoveFigure !TempNrRemove! !TempNrRemove1!
goto :eof
for /F "tokens=%1,%2" %%G in ("%CurrFigPos%") do (
set "X[%%G]Y[%%H]=%ESpace%"
goto :eof
if "%CountNr%"=="5" goto MoveDown
set /a "CountNr=%CountNr%+1"
for /F "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %%2 in ("%CurrFigPos%") do (
set /a "TempFigPos1=%%2 + 1"
set "TempFigPos2=%%3"
set /a "TempFigPos3=%%4 + 1"
set "TempFigPos4=%%5"
set /a "TempFigPos5=%%6 + 1"
set "TempFigPos6=%%7"
set /a "TempFigPos7=%%8 + 1"
set "TempFigPos8=%%9"
set TempRightCurrFigPos=%TempFigPos1% %TempFigPos2% %TempFigPos3% %TempFigPos4% %TempFigPos5% %TempFigPos6% %TempFigPos7% %TempFigPos8%
call :canMoveRight
call :RemoveFunc
set /a "LeftXFig=%LeftXFig%+1"
set /a "RightXFig=%RightXFig%+1"
set CurrFigPos=%TempFigPos1% %TempFigPos2% %TempFigPos3% %TempFigPos4% %TempFigPos5% %TempFigPos6% %TempFigPos7% %TempFigPos8%
call :DrawFunc
goto MainGameOptions
set "isRightEmpty=1"
for /L %%i in (1, 2, 8) do (
set "isRightSide=0"
set "RightSideTemp1=%%i"
set /a "RightSideTemp2=%%i + 1"
call :isRightSideFunc !RightSideTemp1! !RightSideTemp2!
for /L %%i in (1, 2, 8) do (
set "TempNumMoveRight=%%i"
set /a "TempNumMoveRight1=%%i + 1"
call :canMoveRightisEmpty !TempNumMoveRight! !TempNumMoveRight1!
if '!isRightEmpty!'=='0' (
set "isSameFigRight=0"
call :isSameFigRightCheck
if "!isSameFigRight!"=="0" (
goto MainGameOptions
goto :eof
for /F "tokens=%1, %2" %%m in ("%TempRightCurrFigPos%") do (
if "%%m"=="11" (
goto MainGameOptions
for /F "tokens=%1,%2" %%o in ("%TempRightCurrFigPos%") do (
if "!X[%%o]Y[%%p]!"=="@" (
set "isRightEmpty=0"
set RightNotEmptyX=%%o
set RightNotEmptyY=%%p
goto :eof
goto :eof
for /L %%q in (1, 2, 8) do (
set "TempRightCheck1=%%q"
set /a "TempRightCheck2=%%q + 1"
call :isSameFigRightCheckFunc !TempRightCheck1! !TempRightCheck2!
goto :eof
for /F "tokens=%1, %2" %%r in ("%CurrFigPos%") do (
if "X[!RightNotEmptyX!]Y[!RightNotEmptyY!]"=="X[%%r]Y[%%s]" (
set "isSameFigRight=1"
goto :eof
goto :eof
set "CountNr=0"
for /F "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %%2 in ("%CurrFigPos%") do (
set "TempFigPos1=%%2"
set /a "TempFigPos2=%%3 + 1"
set "TempFigPos3=%%4"
set /a "TempFigPos4=%%5 + 1"
set "TempFigPos5=%%6"
set /a "TempFigPos6=%%7 + 1"
set "TempFigPos7=%%8"
set /a "TempFigPos8=%%9 + 1"
set TempFigPosVar=%TempFigPos1% %TempFigPos2% %TempFigPos3% %TempFigPos4% %TempFigPos5% %TempFigPos6% %TempFigPos7% %TempFigPos8%
set /a "LowestYFig+=1"
set /a "HighestYFig+=1"
call :canMoveDown
call :RemoveFunc
set CurrFigPos=%TempFigPos1% %TempFigPos2% %TempFigPos3% %TempFigPos4% %TempFigPos5% %TempFigPos6% %TempFigPos7% %TempFigPos8%
call :DrawFunc
goto MainGameOptions
set "isBottomNotEmptyCheck=0"
for /L %%i in (1, 2, 8) do (
set TempNrMoveDownCheck=%%i
set /a "TempNrMoveDownCheck1=%%i+1"
call :isBottomEmpty !TempNrMoveDownCheck! !TempNrMoveDownCheck1!
if '!isBottomNotEmptyCheck!'=='1' goto MainGameLoop
goto canMoveDown2
for /F "tokens=%1,%2" %%G in ("%TempFigPosVar%") do (
set isSameCoords=0
if '!X[%%G]Y[%%H]!'=='@' (
call :isCoordsSameFig
if '!isSameCoords!'=='0' (
set "isBottomNotEmptyCheck=1"
goto :eof
goto :eof
if '%LowestYFig%'=='18' (
call :RemoveFunc
set CurrFigPos=%TempFigPos1% %TempFigPos2% %TempFigPos3% %TempFigPos4% %TempFigPos5% %TempFigPos6% %TempFigPos7% %TempFigPos8%
call :DrawFunc
call :DrawBoard
goto :MainGameLoop
for /L %%i in (1, 2, 8) do (
set SameFigureChk1=%%i
set /a "SameFigureChk2=%%i+1"
call :SameFigureChk !SameFigureChk1! !SameFigureChk2!
goto :eof
for /F "tokens=%1,%2" %%O in ("%CurrFigPos%") do (
if "X[%%O]Y[%%P]"=="X[%%G]Y[%%H]" (
set "isSameCoords=1"
goto :eof
if "%CountNr%"=="5" goto MoveDown
set /a "CountNr=%CountNr%+1"
for /F "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %%2 in ("%CurrFigPos%") do (
set /a "TempFigPos1=%%2 - 1"
set "TempFigPos2=%%3"
set /a "TempFigPos3=%%4 - 1"
set "TempFigPos4=%%5"
set /a "TempFigPos5=%%6 - 1"
set "TempFigPos6=%%7"
set /a "TempFigPos7=%%8 - 1"
set "TempFigPos8=%%9"
set TempLeftCurrFigPos=%TempFigPos1% %TempFigPos2% %TempFigPos3% %TempFigPos4% %TempFigPos5% %TempFigPos6% %TempFigPos7% %TempFigPos8%
call :canMoveLeft
call :RemoveFunc
set /a "LeftXFig=%LeftXFig%-1"
set /a "RightXFig=%RightXFig%-1"
set CurrFigPos=%TempFigPos1% %TempFigPos2% %TempFigPos3% %TempFigPos4% %TempFigPos5% %TempFigPos6% %TempFigPos7% %TempFigPos8%
call :DrawFunc
goto MainGameOptions
set "isLeftEmpty=1"
for /L %%i in (1, 2, 8) do (
set "isLeftSide=0"
set "LeftSideTemp1=%%i"
set /a "LeftSideTemp2=%%i + 1"
call :isLeftSideFunc !LeftSideTemp1! !LeftSideTemp2!
for /L %%i in (1, 2, 8) do (
set "TempNumMoveLeft=%%i"
set /a "TempNumMoveLeft1=%%i + 1"
call :canMoveLeftisEmpty !TempNumMoveLeft! !TempNumMoveLeft1!
if '!isLeftEmpty!'=='0' (
set "isSameFigLeft=0"
call :isSameFigLeftCheck
if "!isSameFigLeft!"=="0" (
goto MainGameOptions
goto :eof
for /F "tokens=%1, %2" %%m in ("%TempLeftCurrFigPos%") do (
if "%%m"=="0" (
goto MainGameOptions
for /F "tokens=%1,%2" %%o in ("%TempLeftCurrFigPos%") do (
if "!X[%%o]Y[%%p]!"=="@" (
set "isLeftEmpty=0"
set LeftNotEmptyX=%%o
set LeftNotEmptyY=%%p
goto :eof
goto :eof
for /L %%q in (1, 2, 8) do (
set "TempLeftCheck1=%%q"
set /a "TempLeftCheck2=%%q + 1"
call :isSameFigLeftCheckFunc !TempLeftCheck1! !TempLeftCheck2!
goto :eof
for /F "tokens=%1, %2" %%r in ("%CurrFigPos%") do (
if "X[!LeftNotEmptyX!]Y[!LeftNotEmptyY!]"=="X[%%r]Y[%%s]" (
set "isSameFigLeft=1"
goto :eof
goto :eof
set RealCurrFigPos=%CurrFigPos%
if "%FigureNum%"=="1" goto MainGameOptions
set /a "NewRotation=%FigureRotNum% + 1"
if %NewRotation% gtr 4 (
set /a "NewRotation=%NewRotation% %% 4"
set TempHighestYFig=%HighestYFig%
set TempLowestYFig=%LowestYFig%
set TempLeftXFig=%LeftXFig%
set TempRightXFig=%RightXFig%
call :Figure_%FigureNum% !NewRotation!
set /a "MoveDownAmount=!TempLowestYFig!-!LowestYFig!
set /a "MoveSideAmount=!TempLeftXFig!-!LeftXFig!"
for /F "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %%2 in ("%CurrFigPos%") do (
set /a "TempFigPos1=%%2 + !MoveSideAmount!"
set /a "TempFigPos2=%%3 + !MoveDownAmount!"
set /a "TempFigPos3=%%4 + !MoveSideAmount!"
set /a "TempFigPos4=%%5 + !MoveDownAmount!"
set /a "TempFigPos5=%%6 + !MoveSideAmount!"
set /a "TempFigPos6=%%7 + !MoveDownAmount!"
set /a "TempFigPos7=%%8 + !MoveSideAmount!"
set /a "TempFigPos8=%%9 + !MoveDownAmount!"
set CurrFigPos=%TempFigPos1% %TempFigPos2% %TempFigPos3% %TempFigPos4% %TempFigPos5% %TempFigPos6% %TempFigPos7% %TempFigPos8%
set OutOfBounds=0
for /L %%i in (1, 2, 8) do (
set TempRotateNum1=%%i
set /a "TempRotateNum2=%%i + 1"
call :OutOfBoundsFunc !TempRotateNum1! !TempRotateNum2!
if "!OutOfBounds!"=="1" (
set FigureRotNum=!NewRotation!
set CurrFigPos=!RealCurrFigPos!
call :AllSidesFindFunc
goto RotateFigure
set TempRotCurrFigPos=!CurrFigPos!
set canRotate=1
for /L %%i in (1, 2, 8) do (
set TempRotateNum1=%%i
set /a "TempRotateNum2=%%i+1"
call :RotateTokenCall !TempRotateNum1! !TempRotateNum2!
if "!canRotate!"=="0" (
set isSameFigRotate=0
for /L %%e in (1, 2, 8) do (
set TempRotateNum1=%%e
set /a "TempRotateNum2=%%e + 1"
call :RotateTokenCall2 !TempRotateNum1! !TempRotateNum2!
if "!isSameFigRotate!"=="0" (
set FigureRotNum=!NewRotation!
set CurrFigPos=!RealCurrFigPos!
call :AllSidesFindFunc
goto RotateFigure
set FigureRotNum=!NewRotation!
set /a "HighestYFig=!HighestYFig!+!MoveDownAmount!"
set /a "LowestYFig=!LowestYFig!+!MoveDownAmount!"
call :AllSidesFindFunc
set CurrFigPos=!RealCurrFigPos!
call :RemoveFunc
set CurrFigPos=!TempRotCurrFigPos!
call :DrawFunc
goto MainGameOptions
for /f "tokens=%1,%2" %%k in ("%CurrFigPos%") do (
if %%k LSS 1 (
set OutOfBounds=1
if %%k GTR 10 (
set OutOfBounds=1
goto :eof
goto :eof
set Max1=0
set Min1=11
set High1=19
set Low1=0
for /L %%i in (1, 2, 8) do (
set TempPosNum1=%%i
set /a "TempPosNum2=%%i + 1"
call :mostLeftXFig !TempPosNum1! !TempPosNum2!
call :mostRightXFig !TempPosNum1! !TempPosNum2!
call :LowestYFunc !TempPosNum1! !TempPosNum2!
call :HighestYFunc !TempPosNum1! !TempPosNum2!
goto :eof
for /F "tokens=%1,%2" %%k in ("%CurrFigPos%") do (
if %%k LSS !Min1! (
set Min1=%%k
set LeftXFig=%%k
goto :eof
goto :eof
for /F "tokens=%1,%2" %%k in ("%CurrFigPos%") do (
if %%k GTR !Max1! (
set Max1=%%k
set RightXFig=%%k
goto :eof
goto :eof
for /F "tokens=%1,%2" %%k in ("%CurrFigPos%") do (
if %%l GTR !Low1! (
set Low1=%%l
set LowestYFig=%%l
goto :eof
goto :eof
for /F "tokens=%1,%2" %%k in ("%CurrFigPos%") do (
if %%l LSS !High1! (
set High1=%%l
set HighestYFig=%%l
goto :eof
goto :eof
for /F "tokens=%1,%2" %%w in ("%CurrFigPos%") do (
if "!X[%%w]Y[%%x]!"=="@" (
set "RotateCoords=X[%%w]Y[%%x]"
set "canRotate=0"
goto :eof
goto :eof
for /F "tokens=%1,%2" %%w in ("%RealCurrFigPos%") do (
if "X[%%w]Y[%%x]"=="!RotateCoords!" (
set "isSameFigRotate=1"
goto :eof
goto :eof
goto :eof
for /L %%i in (1, 1, 18) do (
for /L %%y in (1, 1, 10) do (
set "X[%%y]Y[%%i]= "
echo ~~~~~~~~ZAIDIMO PABAIGA~~~~~~~~
echo Ar issaugoti Jusu rezultata?
echo T arba N
choice /N /C:TN
if errorlevel 255 goto EndOfTheGame
if errorlevel 2 goto Menu
if errorlevel 1 goto SaveResults
if errorlevel 0 goto EndOfTheGame
echo Iveskite savo varda:
set /p PlayerName=
if [%PlayerName%]==[] (
echo Blogai ivestas vardas
goto SaveResultsName
echo %GamePoints% -- %PlayerName%
echo %GamePoints% -- %PlayerName% >> Results.txt
goto Menu
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~REZULTATAI~~~~~~~~~~~
echo 1 - Parodyti rezultatus
echo 2 - Istrinti rezultatus
echo 3 - Grizti i Menu
choice /N /C:123
if errorlevel 255 goto GameResults
if errorlevel 3 goto Menu
if errorlevel 2 goto DelResults
if errorlevel 1 goto DrawResults
if errorlevel 0 goto GameResults
del Results.txt
goto GameResults
if exist Results.txt (
type Results.txt
echo Norint testi spauskite bet kuri klavisa.
pause > nul
goto GameResusltsChoice
echo Rezultatu nera
echo Norint testi spauskite bet kuri klavisa.
pause > nul
goto GameResusltsChoice
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo %hashBar%
for /L %%a in (1, 1, 18) do (
for /L %%b in (1, 1, 10) do (
set "Pos%%b=!X[%%b]Y[%%a]!"
echo #!Pos1!!Pos2!!Pos3!!Pos4!!Pos5!!Pos6!!Pos7!!Pos8!!Pos9!!Pos10!#
echo %hashBar%
echo Tasku skaicius - %GamePoints%
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
goto :Eof
goto :eof
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