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Audit Report - Key Finance

Audit Date 28/05/2023 - 31/05/2023
Auditor HollaDieWaldfee (@HollaWaldfee100)
Version 1 31/05/2023 Initial Report



The following smart contract audit report is based on the information and code provided by the client, and any findings or recommendations are made solely on the basis of this information. While the Auditor has exercised due care and skill in conducting the audit, it cannot be guaranteed that all issues have been identified and that there are no undiscovered errors or vulnerabilities in the code.

Furthermore, this report is not an endorsement or certification of the smart contract, and the Auditor does not assume any responsibility for any losses or damages that may result from the use of the smart contracts, either in their current form or in any modified version thereof.

About HollaDieWaldfee

HollaDieWaldfee is a top ranked Smart Contract Auditor doing audits on code4rena ( and Sherlock (, having ranked 1st in multiple contests.
On Sherlock he uses the handle "roguereddwarf" to compete in contests.
He can also be booked for conducting Private Audits.


Twitter: @HollaWaldfee100


The audit has been conducted in the "key-for-gmx" repository which is private.

The commit hash at the start of the audit was:

The final version of the contract has been pushed to the client's public repository ( at commit:

Files included in the audit:

/contracts/LinkedList.sol (added during the audit)

Severity Classification

Severity Impact: High Impact: Medium Impact: Low
Likelihood: High high high medium
Likelihood: Medium high medium low
Likelihood: Low medium low low

Impact - the technical, economic and reputation damage of a successful attack

Likelihood - the chance that a particular vulnerability is discovered and exploited

improvement: Findings in this category are recommended changes that are not related to security but can improve structure, usability and overall effectiveness of the protocol.


Severity Total Fixed Acknowledged Disputed Reported
high 0 0 0 0 0
medium 3 3 0 0 0
low 0 0 0 0 0
improvement 2 2 0 0 0
# Title Severity Status
1 Cancellation of order can be front-run such that user would close wrong order medium fixed
2 Orders at a given price are not processed in FIFO order medium fixed
3 Constant market properties are not suited for all intended trading pairs medium fixed
4 _getOrders function: restrict count to arr.length improvement fixed
5 _executeOrder function: break out of loop if condition is false improvement fixed


Medium Risk Findings (3)

1. Cancellation of order can be front-run such that user would close wrong order medium fixed

When an order is cancelled, the _cancelOrder function is called. A user needs to provide the _price of the order as well as the _orderId of the order when he calls the external cancelBidOrder or cancelAskOrder function.

The issue is that it is not guaranteed that the order that will be closed is the order with _orderId.

Due to other transactions being processed first, another order may end up in the position of the intended order with _orderId. Thereby the wrong order would be closed.

The root cause of this lies in the _cancelOrder function.


uint256 idx = orderIdToIndex[_orderId];
Order storage _order = orderMap[_price][idx];
require(_order.maker == msg.sender, 'Market: not order maker');
_removeOrder(orderMap[_price], orderIdToIndex, idx);

The _orderId is used to determine the index of the order to remove in the orderMap[_price] array.

It's possible that the order with _orderId is filled before it can be cancelled. Its index would not be deleted from orderMap[_price] and another order of the same msg.sender might now move to the same index.

Thereby orderMap[_price][idx] now contains the wrong order.

Due to front-running or just other transactions being processed first without evil intention, a user may close a wrong order.

Add a check in the _cancelOrder function that == _orderId.

In response to issue number 2, the order maps are now implemented as linked lists. As a result of the refactoring that has taken place, the issue now no longer exists. Either the intended order is cancelled or the transaction reverts.

2. Orders at a given price are not processed in FIFO order medium fixed

The orders at a given price are stored in an Order[] array and when an order is removed at any position in the array, the order at the last position is moved to the position that is now available:


Order memory _last = _orders[_orders.length - 1];
Order memory _removed = _orders[idx];
_orders[idx] = _last;
_orderIdToIndex[] = idx;

This means that orders are not processed in a FIFO fashion. Instead it is unpredictable in which sequence orders are processed.

The above described behavior breaks an important property of orderbook markets which is that orders that are created earlier are filled earlier.

If the Market reaches a certain amount of liquidity and trading volume it can become profitable to intentionally influence the sequence of orders to get one's order filled earlier.

This leads to a loss in the form of unfilled orders for less sophisticated users and in any case is an unreliable (i.e. unpredictable) order matching mechanism.

Move to a different data structure for managing orders that supports processing orders in a FIFO fashion.

The fix has been implemented over the range of multiple commits, starting at commit 266017b63dfab5315065ab154af8ac33a5112512 and ending at commit f1b164e737a58a523d77e09af27c43896ec63ff4.

The bidOrderMap and askOrderMap are no longer implemented as an array but as a Linked List (the "LinkedList.List" data structure has been implemented in the contracts/LinkedList.sol file).

3. Constant market properties are not suited for all intended trading pairs medium fixed

The Market is supposed to work with GMX/GMXKey, GMX/esGMXKey and GMX/MPKey trading pairs and it defines the following constants:


uint256 public constant TICK_TO_UNIT = 100; // tick size: 0.01
uint256 public constant FEE = 100; // 1%
uint256 public constant FEE_BASE = 10000;
uint256 public constant MAX_PRICE_COUNT = 200;
uint256 public constant MAX_ORDER_COUNT = 100;
uint256 public constant MAX_PRICE = 200; // 2.00
uint256 public constant MIN_AMOUNT = 1e18;

These constants are not suited for all trading pairs. They only work for the GMX/GMXKey trading pair.

Assume the trading pair is GMX/MPKey. The price of MPKey is currently ~$6 ( and the price of GMX is ~$55 (

Therefore the fair price of 1 MPKey should be around ~0.1 GMX.

With the above parameters there would only be 10 prices to trade at in between zero and the fair market price (0.01, 0.02, ..., 0.10).

Clearly this does not allow for a liquid and efficient market to arise.

The constants defined in the Market do not support all three intended trading pairs.

I recommend to set the constants in the constructor of the contract such that they can be adapted to the specific pair that is traded in the Market. Care must be taken such as to not introduce additional vulnerabilities by setting these parameters.

The recommended fix has been implemented in commit e6b92725a1b6d8e4502318ac6d6d50b96b4a6344.
The tick_size and max_price variables can now be configured per instance of the Market.

Improvement Findings (2)

4. _getOrders function: restrict count to arr.length improvement fixed

The _getOrders view function can be improved.

If the count parameter is greater than arr.length, there would be empty elements in the returned orderBookInfo array.


function _getOrders(bool _bidAsk, uint256 count) private view returns (OrderBookInfo[] memory orderBookInfo) {
    SortedArrays.SortedArray storage priceSorted = _bidAsk ? bidPriceSorted : askPriceSorted;
    mapping(uint256 => Order[]) storage orderMap = _bidAsk ? bidOrderMap : askOrderMap;
    uint256[] memory arr = priceSorted.array;

    orderBookInfo = new OrderBookInfo[](count);
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        uint256 price = arr[i];
        Order[] memory _orders = orderMap[price];
        uint256 amount = 0;
        for (uint256 j = 0; j < _orders.length; j++) {
            if (!_orders[j].cancelled) amount += _getRemainingAmount(_orders[j]);
        orderBookInfo[i] = OrderBookInfo(price, amount, _bidAsk);
        if (i == arr.length - 1) break;

I recommend to set count = arr.length if count > arr.length.

The recommendation has been implemented in commit 334c292de0e4f632d8dd543b86bf33278943dc43.
Now the length of the returned orderBookInfo array is capped at count. Also the function has been renamed to _getOrderBookInfo.

5. _executeOrder function: break out of loop if condition is false improvement fixed

The _executeOrder function iterates over all prices in the arr array, which is not necessary since the prices are ordered.


function _executeOrder(uint256 _price, uint256 _amount, uint256 _loop, bool _bidAsk) private {
    require(_amount >= MIN_AMOUNT, 'Market: order with too small amount');

    SortedArrays.SortedArray storage priceSorted = _bidAsk ? askPriceSorted : bidPriceSorted;
    mapping(uint256 => Order[]) storage orderMap = _bidAsk ? askOrderMap : bidOrderMap;
    uint256[] memory arr = priceSorted.array;

    for (uint256 i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        if ((_bidAsk && arr[i] <= _price) || (!_bidAsk && arr[i] >= _price)) {
            Order[] storage _orders = orderMap[arr[i]];
            (_amount, _loop) = _matchOrders(_orders, _amount, _loop, _bidAsk);
            if (_loop == 0) return;
            if (_amount == 0) return;

    _makeOrder(_price, _amount, _bidAsk);

For the "bid" side the prices are ordered descending and for the "ask" side they are ordered ascending. Therefore we know that if the ((_bidAsk && arr[i] <= _price) || (!_bidAsk && arr[i] >= _price)) condition fails we can safely break out of the for loop because there will be no other prices to match orders at.

The recommendation has been implemented in commit 45d0934c010c33425814bc650f9920139b08f85a. Now there is an "else" case which breaks out of the loop.

for (uint256 i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    if ((_bidAsk && arr[i] <= _price) || (!_bidAsk && arr[i] >= _price)) {
        Order[] storage _orders = orderMap[arr[i]];
        (_amount, _loop) = _matchOrders(_orders, _price, _amount, _loop, _bidAsk);
        if (_amount == 0) return;
        if (_loop == 0) return;
    } else {
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