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Last active September 21, 2023 07:58
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Audit Report - PartyDAO

Audit Date 09/13/2023 - 09/14/2023
Auditor HollaDieWaldfee (@HollaWaldfee100)
Version 1 09/14/2023 Initial Report
Version 2 09/20/2023 Mitigation Review



The following smart contract audit report is based on the information and code provided by the client, and any findings or recommendations are made solely on the basis of this information. While the Auditor has exercised due care and skill in conducting the audit, it cannot be guaranteed that all issues have been identified and that there are no undiscovered errors or vulnerabilities in the code.

Furthermore, this report is not an endorsement or certification of the smart contract, and the Auditor does not assume any responsibility for any losses or damages that may result from the use of the smart contracts, either in their current form or in any modified version thereof.

About HollaDieWaldfee

HollaDieWaldfee is a top ranked Smart Contract Auditor doing audits on code4rena ( and Sherlock (, having ranked 1st in multiple contests.
On Sherlock he uses the handle "roguereddwarf" to compete in contests.
He can also be booked for conducting Private Audits.


Twitter: @HollaWaldfee100


The scope of the audit is the following Pull Request in the client's GitHub repository: PartyDAO/party-protocol#282

Specifically, the Pull Request adds the ContributionRouter contract to the protocol which allows to charge a fee for crowdfund contributions.

The commit for the initial audit is 9b5f379c86ee6a02644cc8e5986a41eca655109d and the commit for the mitigation review is 2c36c3ffd0b0d14668fed7524b604d3a231541c0.

Severity Classification

Severity Impact: High Impact: Medium Impact: Low
Likelihood: High high high medium
Likelihood: Medium high medium low
Likelihood: Low medium low low

Impact - the technical, economic and reputation damage of a successful attack

Likelihood - the chance that a particular vulnerability is discovered and exploited

improvement: Findings in this category are recommended changes that are not related to security but can improve structure, usability and overall effectiveness of the protocol.


Severity Total Fixed Acknowledged Disputed Reported
high 1 1 0 0 0
medium 2 1 1 0 0
low 1 0 1 0 0
improvement 0 0 0 0 0
# Title Severity Status
1 Excess ETH is lost when maxTotalContributions is reached high fixed
2 OWNER can change feePerMint at any time to any value medium acknowledged
3 gateKeeper checks rely on msg.sender medium fixed
4 User making contribution on himself through ContributionRouter cannot set delegate low acknowledged


High Risk Findings (1)

1. Excess ETH is lost when maxTotalContributions is reached high fixed

It is not possible to know before making a contribution how much ETH the crowdfund can actually accept.

Both the InitialETHCrowdfund and ReraiseETHCrowdfund downstream call ETHCrowdfundBase._processContribution which makes a refund to msg.sender if maxTotalContributions is exceeded (Link).

The refund is then sent back to the ContributionRouter where the fallback function is executed again with empty calldata.

Thereby msg.value - feeAmount is sent to address(0) (Link).

In the context of this issue it's important to bring up another problem in the ETHCrowdfundBase contract which is not explicitly in scope of the current audit.

If a contribution is made via batchContributeFor (in InitialETHCrowdfund or ReraiseETHCrowdfund) by a user directly, even without the ContributionRouter, the crowdfund contract will call itself (Link). So msg.sender is actually the crowdfund contract. The crowdfund contract reverts when ETH is sent to it with empty calldata. This behavior leads to unexpected reverts and the batchContributeFor function cannot be used when a contribution would make totalContributions exceed maxTotalContributions.

This case can be triggered by accident or intentionially by an attacker (by front-running the user and moving the total contribution closer to maxTotalContributions).

The attacker would not profit from this attack but there is no way to recover the funds.
Together with the ease of the attack, this issue is of "High" severity.

As explained above, there are actually two issues that need to be addressed.

It's possible to implement a receive function that always reverts in the ContributionRouter.

Thereby a contribution that triggers a refund to the ContributionRouter would fail.

This still leaves a small griefing concern. A user that wants to exactly match maxTotalContributions could be front-run by a tiny contribution.
I consider the risk of this acceptable.

What remains though is the issue that if a contribution is made through InitialETHCrowdfund.batchContributeFor or ReraiseETHCrowdfund.batchContributeFor, msg.sender points to the crowdfund itself, not the ContributionRouter or the user which leads to unexpected reverts.

This is an architectural problem of the crowdfund contracts, not the ContributionRouter. How to fix this also depends on how issues 3 and 4 will be addressed.

Mitigation Review:
This issue has been fixed by implementing two different mitigations.

Firstly, the ContributionRouter now implements a receive function which always reverts (Link). Therefore a refund triggers the revert and there's no loss of funds anymore.

The second problem that batchContributorFor will cause the wrong msg.sender to be passed on has been addressed by refactoring the batchContributeFor functions in the InitialETHCrowdfund (Link), ReraiseETHCrowdfund (Link) and Crowdfund (Link) contracts.

They now make use of internal calls which means that msg.sender does not change and remains the original caller of the crowdfund.

Medium Risk Findings (2)

2. OWNER can change feePerMint at any time to any value medium acknowledged

The fee that the ContributionRouter charges is determined by the feePerMint variable and can be set by the OWNER at any time to any value via the setFeePerMint function (Link).

This means that the user cannot be sure at the time of using the ContributionRouter what the fee amount is that will be charged.

The OWNER can either intentionally front-run the user and charge a higher fee on purpose which introduces a centralization risk or it might just happen by accident that a user uses the ContributionRouter at a time when the fee is increased.

Use a timelock for setting feePerMint.
A reasonable value would be one day.
Thereby when a user uses the ContributionRouter he can be sure of the fee he has to pay.

diff --git a/contracts/crowdfund/ContributionRouter.sol b/contracts/crowdfund/ContributionRouter.sol
index 109b9be..c70b5a9 100644
--- a/contracts/crowdfund/ContributionRouter.sol
+++ b/contracts/crowdfund/ContributionRouter.sol
@@ -20,10 +20,13 @@ contract ContributionRouter {
     /// @notice The amount of fees to pay to the DAO per mint.
     uint96 public feePerMint;
+    uint96 public pendingFeePerMint;
+    uint48 public timestampPendingFeePerMint;
     constructor(address owner, uint96 initialFeePerMint) {
         OWNER = owner;
         feePerMint = initialFeePerMint;
+        pendingFeePerMint = initialFeePerMint;
     modifier onlyOwner() {
@@ -33,10 +36,17 @@ contract ContributionRouter {
     /// @notice Set the fee per mint. Only the owner can call.
     /// @param newFeePerMint The new amount to set fee per mint to.
-    function setFeePerMint(uint96 newFeePerMint) external onlyOwner {
-        emit FeePerMintUpdated(feePerMint, newFeePerMint);
+    function setPendingFeePerMint(uint96 newPendingFeePerMint) external onlyOwner {
+        pendingFeePerMint = newPendingFeePerMint;
+        timestampPendingFeePerMint = uint48(block.timestamp);
+    }
-        feePerMint = newFeePerMint;
+    function setFeePerMint() external {
+        if (timestampPendingFeePerMint + 1 days < block.timestamp) {
+            uint96 _pendingFeePerMint = pendingFeePerMint;
+            emit FeePerMintUpdated(feePerMint, _pendingFeePerMint);
+            feePerMint = _pendingFeePerMint;
+        }
     /// @notice Claim fees from the contract. Only the owner can call.

Mitigation Review
This finding has been acknowledged.
The OWNER must be trusted to not suddenly increase the feePerMint.

3. gateKeeper checks rely on msg.sender medium fixed

This is essentially the same issue that I reported in a previous audit (Link) and can now be applied to a new situation.

The gateKeeper uses msg.sender for its check which is not the address of the user but the address of the ContributionRouter.

This is a known issue (Link) which has not been fixed yet.

The gateKeeper checks the wrong address which means that a user that should not be able to make contributions might be able to make contributions and vice versa (depending on how exactly the gateKeeper is set up).

Fixing this issue requires changes to components that are outside the scope of the current audit.
As this has not been fixed previously it is fair to assume that there won't be a fix this time.
Still I want to make it clear that there is this new instance of the issue.

Mitigation Review:
There are two different aspects to this fix.

One is that the batchContributeFor functions now make internal calls such that msg.sender is always the caller of the crowdfund contract.

In addition, the gatekeepr contracts (AllowListGatekeeper and TokenGateKeeper) now check whether the crowdfund was called by the ContributionRouter and in this case fetch the recent caller from ContributionRouter.

In between the ContributionRouter calling the crowdfund and the GateKeeper doing its check, there are no external calls which ensures that the caller cannot be changed via reentrancy to potentially mess with the GateKeeper check.

Low Risk Findings (1)

4. User making contribution to himself through ContributionRouter cannot set delegate low acknowledged

For all crowdfunds the delegate of a contributor can only be updated from a non-zero value by the contributor himself.

This is ensured by checking whether msg.sender == contributor in Crowdfund._setDelegate (Link) and ETHCrowdfundBase._processContribution (Link).

A user making a contribution through the ContributionRouter on behalf of himself might assume that he updates his delegate if he doesn't fully understand the intricacies of the actual code that is being executed.

I consider this a user error since, as opposed to issue 3, it is not clear here that the issue lies in the contract itself and requires a code change.

Similar to issue 1 and 3, the same problem occurs when batchContributeFor is called regardless of the ContributionRouter.

Provide clear documentation to the users of the ContributionRouter that they cannot update their delegate from a non-zero address.

Mitigation Review:
This finding has been acknowledged.
A user cannot update his delegate to a non-zero value if the contribution is made through the ContributionRouter.

The issue has been addressed with regards to the batchContributeFor functions by refactoring the functions such that they now make internal calls.

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