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Last active August 6, 2017 22:45
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Issues related to the tutorial doc of apostrophe CMS

Setting up your environment

  • Workflow for OSX only. Confusing link for Linux users redirecting to deployment HOWTO.

Creating Your First Project

  • Sample do not exactly reflect pulled code

Editing Page Templates

  • We've already seen two modules that are extended in your test project's lib/modules folder, apostrophe-assets and apostrophe-pages"

    In fact, we've seen only apostrophe–pages

  • OuterLayout does not reflect current code

  • Still don't know what is assets folders

Pushing assets to the browser

  • This will push the file lib/modules/apostrophe-assets/public/css/site.js
  • Now we know what is the purpose of apostrophe-assets folder

Building Navigation

  • Not so obvious to know where put the "tab navigation", assuming outerLayout.html ? Seems YES.
  • Confusing usage of classes 'accordion', 'breadcrumbs', 'tabs'. Expected pre-defined decoration.
  • I wonder how to make dynamic urls like '/people/[personId]'

Custom widgets

  • Now I know ! I should create a custom widget for header navigation describe above. Maybe put this section before the "Navigation" one ?
  • I don't understand the mechanics and the why of "limiting joins" / filters
  • Still don't know why I should suffix -widgets ? There is other options ? Which ?
  • Ho yeah we attack public folder ! WHO ARE YOU ??? There is already some auto-generated files :s
  • Okay so lodash by default is cool ! Why version 3 ??

Reusable content with pieces

  • We could have configured the module entirely in app.js. But that leads to giant app.js files, so we don't recommend it. However, some developers feel it's a good place for high-level properties like extend that help give you a quick overview of what the module is and does.

    Ho right yes ! How ?

  • Doc Bug: I should add 'filtes.projection' thumbnail entry in app.js to see the thumbnail defined in people-widgets

  • /!\ BUG: In the widget, when I browse people, then, I edit one or some, I save choices, back to the 'widget configuration' popup -> Blank page, I can Cancel or Save. Expected: See the list of people updated

  • Don't understand why we configure widgets in app.js instead of the folder based index.js file ?

  • Can't we make a people folder with index.js includes subfolders widgets and pages instead of declaring all in app.js ?

  • Adding the people page, getting a warning about HEY DEVELOPER: the following types exist in your aposDocs collection, but are not managed by any module for people since everything works

  • Havn't see anymore explanations about templating, using "apostrophe-templates:layout.html" syntax to extend my loayout from apostrophe-templates/views/layout.html

  • Cannot see contextual property impacts on show.html page. | Got it ! It's in the page menu bottom left menu

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