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Last active March 15, 2024 22:42
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Better Toggles for Unity UI (Down image, custom fade time, no deselect bug)
//Made by: HolyFot
//License: CC0 -
//Note: ToggleC scripts must be childs of ToggleGroupC
//Note: "TargetGraphic" is a separate child image.
//Version 1.1 (Fix warnings & selection bug)
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
public class ToggleC : MonoBehaviour, IPointerEnterHandler, IPointerExitHandler, IPointerClickHandler
[SerializeField] public ToggleTypeC toggleType;
[SerializeField] Image TargetGraphic = null;
[SerializeField] Sprite sprNormal = null;
[SerializeField] Sprite sprHighlighted = null;
[SerializeField] Sprite sprSelected = null;
[SerializeField] Sprite sprDown = null;
[SerializeField] Sprite sprDisabled = null;
[SerializeField] Color colorNormal = new Color(205f, 205f, 205f);
[SerializeField] Color colorHighlighted = Color.white;
[SerializeField] Color colorSelected = new Color(235f, 235f, 235f);
[SerializeField] Color colorDown = new Color(172f, 172f, 172f);
[SerializeField] Color colorDisabled = new Color(120f, 120f, 120f);
[SerializeField] public Animator animator = null;
[SerializeField] string animationNormal = "";
[SerializeField] string animationHighlighted = "";
[SerializeField] string animationSelected = "";
[SerializeField] string animationDown = "";
[SerializeField] string animationDisabled = "";
[SerializeField] public UnityEvent onSelect;
/*[HideInInspector]*/ public ToggleGroupC toggleGroup;
[SerializeField] public bool useFade = false;
[SerializeField] public float fadeTime = 0.25f;
[SerializeField] public bool isOn = false;
[SerializeField] public bool isDisabled = false;
private ToggleStateC lastState;
private Image currGraphic;
void Awake()
if (toggleGroup == null)
toggleGroup = this.GetComponentInParent<ToggleGroupC>();
if (toggleGroup != null)
currGraphic = this.GetComponent<Image>();
if (toggleType == ToggleTypeC.Color)
if (TargetGraphic != null)
TargetGraphic.color = Color.clear;
if (toggleType == ToggleTypeC.Animation)
if (animator == null)
animator = this.GetComponent<Animator>();
if (toggleType == ToggleTypeC.Sprite)
if (currGraphic == null)
currGraphic = this.GetComponent<Image>();
if (isDisabled)
FadeTo(ToggleStateC.Disabled, true);
if (isOn)
FadeTo(ToggleStateC.Selected, true);
FadeTo(ToggleStateC.Normal, true);
public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData)
if (isDisabled)
if (eventData.button != PointerEventData.InputButton.Left)
if (isOn && toggleGroup.allowToggleOff)
public void OnDeselect()
if (isDisabled)
public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData)
if (isDisabled)
if (lastState != ToggleStateC.Selected && lastState != ToggleStateC.Highlighted)
FadeTo(ToggleStateC.Highlighted, false);
private void FadeTo(ToggleStateC state, bool forceInstant)
if (toggleType == ToggleTypeC.Sprite)
if (TargetGraphic == null)
Debug.LogError("[ToggleC] TargetGraphic is not set!");
//Set Initial Sprites Before Fading
if (state == ToggleStateC.Down)
TargetGraphic.sprite = sprDown;
else if (state == ToggleStateC.Normal)
TargetGraphic.sprite = sprNormal;
else if (state == ToggleStateC.Highlighted)
TargetGraphic.sprite = sprHighlighted;
else if (state == ToggleStateC.Selected)
TargetGraphic.sprite = sprSelected;
else if (state == ToggleStateC.Disabled)
TargetGraphic.sprite = sprDisabled;
if (lastState == ToggleStateC.Down)
currGraphic.sprite = sprDown;
else if (lastState == ToggleStateC.Normal)
currGraphic.sprite = sprNormal;
else if (lastState == ToggleStateC.Highlighted)
currGraphic.sprite = sprHighlighted;
else if (lastState == ToggleStateC.Selected)
currGraphic.sprite = sprSelected;
else if (lastState == ToggleStateC.Disabled)
currGraphic.sprite = sprDisabled;
//Set Initial Alphas
SetImageAlpha(currGraphic, 1f);
SetImageAlpha(TargetGraphic, 0f);
//Fade Both
if (useFade && !forceInstant)
else //Instant
SetImageAlpha(TargetGraphic, 1f);
SetImageAlpha(currGraphic, 0f);
if (toggleType == ToggleTypeC.Color)
if (useFade && !forceInstant) //Fade
Color currColor = currGraphic.color;
if (state == ToggleStateC.Normal)
StartCoroutine(FadeColor(currGraphic, currColor, colorNormal));
else if (state == ToggleStateC.Selected)
StartCoroutine(FadeColor(currGraphic, currColor, colorSelected));
else if (state == ToggleStateC.Disabled)
StartCoroutine(FadeColor(currGraphic, currColor, colorDisabled));
else if (state == ToggleStateC.Down)
StartCoroutine(FadeColor(currGraphic, currColor, colorDown));
else if (state == ToggleStateC.Highlighted)
StartCoroutine(FadeColor(currGraphic, currColor, colorHighlighted));
else //Instant
if (state == ToggleStateC.Normal)
currGraphic.color = colorNormal;
else if (state == ToggleStateC.Selected)
currGraphic.color = colorSelected;
else if (state == ToggleStateC.Disabled)
currGraphic.color = colorDisabled;
else if (state == ToggleStateC.Down)
currGraphic.color = colorDown;
else if (state == ToggleStateC.Highlighted)
currGraphic.color = colorHighlighted;
if (toggleType == ToggleTypeC.Animation)
if (animator == null)
Debug.LogError("[ToggleC] Animator is not set!");
if (state == ToggleStateC.Down)
else if (state == ToggleStateC.Normal)
else if (state == ToggleStateC.Highlighted)
else if (state == ToggleStateC.Selected)
else if (state == ToggleStateC.Disabled)
lastState = state;
private IEnumerator FadeColor(Image graphic, Color fromColor, Color toColor)
float timer = 0f;
while (timer < fadeTime)
timer += Time.deltaTime;
graphic.color = Color.Lerp(fromColor, toColor, timer / fadeTime);
yield return null;
private IEnumerator FadeOutImg(Image graphic)
float timer = 0f;
Color t = graphic.color;
float startAlpha = 1f; //t.a;
while (timer < fadeTime)
timer += Time.deltaTime;
float newA = Mathf.Lerp(startAlpha, 0f, timer / fadeTime);
graphic.color = new Color(t.r, t.g, t.b, newA);
yield return null;
private IEnumerator FadeInImg(Image graphic)
float timer = 0f;
Color t = graphic.color;
float startAlpha = 1f; //t.a;
while (timer < fadeTime)
timer += Time.deltaTime;
float newA = Mathf.Lerp(0f, startAlpha, timer / fadeTime);
graphic.color = new Color(t.r, t.g, t.b, newA);
yield return null;
private void SetImageAlpha(Image graphic, float alpha)
Color t = graphic.color;
graphic.color = new Color(t.r, t.g, t.b, alpha);
public void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData)
if (isDisabled)
if (!isOn)
FadeTo(ToggleStateC.Normal, false);
public void SetIsOn(bool value)
if (isDisabled)
isOn = value;
if (isOn)
if (toggleGroup != null)
FadeTo(ToggleStateC.Selected, false);
FadeTo(ToggleStateC.Normal, false);
public void SetDisabled(bool value)
isDisabled = value;
if (isDisabled)
isOn = false;
TargetGraphic.CrossFadeAlpha(0f, 0f, false);
FadeTo(ToggleStateC.Disabled, true);
FadeTo(ToggleStateC.Normal, true);
public enum ToggleTypeC
Sprite = 1,
Color = 2,
Animation = 3
public enum ToggleStateC
Normal = 1,
Selected = 2,
Highlighted = 3,
Down = 4,
Disabled = 5
//Made by: HolyFot
//License: CC0 -
//Note: ToggleC scripts must be childs of ToggleGroupC
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class ToggleGroupC : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] public ToggleC currToggle;
[SerializeField] public List<ToggleC> togglez;
[SerializeField] public bool allowToggleOff = false;
public void SetSelected(ToggleC temp)
for (int i = 0; i < togglez.Count; i++)
if (togglez[i] == temp)
currToggle = temp;
public void DeselectAll()
currToggle = null;
for (int i = 0; i < togglez.Count; i++)
public void AddToggle(ToggleC temp)
bool wasFound = false;
for (int i = 0; i < togglez.Count; i++)
if (togglez[i] == temp)
wasFound = true;
if (!wasFound)
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Great script! A few things

  1. The FadeInColor loop instantly exists, because it never yields inside the loop. Same with the other fades.
  2. The onSelect UnityEvent is a bit strange. It is not equivalent to the OnValueChanged that the Unity builtin toggle uses. Imo, you should add a OnValueChanged UnityEvent and have it trigger in SetIsOn. :)

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