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Created July 1, 2020 20:49
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import sys
import re
import nxo64
def main(pattern, filename):
f = nxo64.load_nxo(open(filename, 'rb'))
target_text =
rows = eval('[' + open(pattern).read() + ']')
with open(filename + '-sdk-syms', 'wb') as f:
for value, size, regex, name in rows:
positions = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(regex, target_text)]
if len(positions) == 1:
f.write('%s 0x%X\n' % (name, 0x7100000000 + positions[0]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print 'usage: pattern.txt [nxo files...]'
print 'writes output to input filename + "-sdk-syms"'
for filename in sys.argv[2:]:
main(sys.argv[1], filename)
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