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Created October 11, 2020 02:49
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#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
enum class order {
Ascending, Descending
template <typename DataType, size_t MaxSize, order Order = order::Descending>
class CircularBuffer {
using Type = CircularBuffer<DataType, MaxSize, Order>;
using Impl = std::array<DataType, MaxSize>;
Impl impl;
bool full = false;
size_t off = 0;
class Iterator {
const Type *parent;
size_t size, i;
Iterator() = default;
Iterator(const Type *_impl, size_t _size)
: parent(_impl)
, size(_size)
, i() { }
const DataType &operator*() const {
return parent->operator[](i);
bool operator!=(const Iterator &) const {
return i < size;
void operator++() {
void Push(const DataType &data) {
impl[off++] = data;
if (off >= MaxSize) {
full = true;
off = 0;
const DataType &operator[](const size_t idx) const {
if constexpr (Order == order::Descending) {
if (full) {
return impl[((off + MaxSize) - 1 - idx) % MaxSize];
} else {
return impl[off - 1 - idx];
} else {
if (full) {
return impl[(off + idx) % MaxSize];
} else {
return impl[idx];
size_t size() const {
return full ? MaxSize : off;
auto begin() const {
return Iterator(this, size());
auto end() const {
return Iterator();
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