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Created March 25, 2021 17:48
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Basic Example of implementing a ping command using the CommandHandler
package me.hopedev.testproj;
import me.hopedev.commandhandler.CommandBuilder;
import org.javacord.api.DiscordApi;
import org.javacord.api.DiscordApiBuilder;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// init javacord
DiscordApi api = new DiscordApiBuilder().setToken("token").login().join();
CommandBuilder builder = new CommandBuilder("!", api);
// add !ping
builder.addCommand("ping", new PingCommand(), "Gets the ping of the bot", "!ping");
package me.hopedev.testproj;
import me.hopedev.commandhandler.Command;
import me.hopedev.commandhandler.CommandData;
import me.hopedev.commandhandler.CommandExecutor;
import org.javacord.api.entity.message.Message;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class PingCommand implements CommandExecutor {
public void execute(CommandData data, ArrayList<Command> commands) {
long ping1, ping2, ms;
ping1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
Message message = data.getChannel().sendMessage("Ping..").join();
ping2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
ms = ping2-ping1;
message.edit("Pong! `"+ms+"ms`");
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